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# Te Puku Porohita Nui
! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/itsreallythatbad.jpg)
! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/telegram/c81238387627b4bfd3dcd60f56d41626.jpg)
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## Kohia Te Kapahaka
| 🖹 | 🖼 |
| --- | --- |
| "Te Maapapa Nui" ko [Cloudflare Inc.] (https://www.cloudflare.com/), te [U.S. kamupene] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloudflare). Kei te whakarato [CDN] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Content_delivery_network) (ratonga tuku ihirangi), ratonga [DDoS] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DDoS_mitigation), [Ipurangi haumarutanga] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_security), ka tohatoha [DNS] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain_Name_System) (ratonga ingoa rohe). | ! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/cloudflaredearuser.jpg) |
| Ko Cloudflare te [ao] (https://almanac.httparchive.org/en/2019/cdn) [nui] (https://w3techs.com/technologies/history_overview/proxy) Takawaenga MITM ([reiti takawaenga] (https) : //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reverse_proxy)). Kei a Cloudflare [neke atu i te 80% o te maakete CDN] (https://w3techs.com/technologies/history_overview/proxy) ka tohatoha me te maha o nga kaiwhakamahi (cloudflare_users /) e tupu haere ana i ia ra. Kei te mahi a Cloudflare [etahi atu waka hokohoko] (https://wp-rocket.me/blog/cloudflare-use-not/) i te [Twitter] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twitter), [Amazon] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amazon_(company)), [Apple] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_Inc.), [Instagram] (https: //en.wikipedia) .org / wiki / Instagram), [Bing] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bing_ (search_engine)) & [Wikipedia] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia) i huihuia. Kei te toha a Cloudflare [mahere koreutu] (https://www.cloudflare.com/plans/) he maha nga taangata e whakamahi ana hei utu o te whakarite tika i o raatau kaitohu. I hokohoko atu ratau ki a [tūmataiti] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Privacy) mo te waatea. | ! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/cfmarketshare.jpg) |
| Kei waenganui i a koe a Cloudflare me te kaihautu tukutuku, e rite ana ki te [roopu roopu rohe] (https://www.cbp.gov/careers/bpa). Kāore e taea e koe te hono atu ki tō ūnga i kōwhiri. Kei te hono atu koe ki Cloudflare me ana korero katoa kei te hoatuhia me te tuku mai i runga i te rere. | ! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/border_patrol.jpg) |
| I tukuna e te kaiwhakahaere kaiwhakahaere paetukutuku te kaihoko - Cloudflare - ki te whakatau [ko wai ka uru atu) (https://web.archive.org/web/https://gitlab.com/iblech/tor-appeal/issues/1) "_web property_" me te tautuhi "_restricted area_". | ! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/usershoulddecide.jpg) |
| Tirohia te ahua tika. Ka whakaaro koe me te poraka Cloudflare _only_ [nga tangata kino] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_hat_ (computer_security)). Ka whakaaro koe ko _MPflare te ipurangi i nga wa katoa (kaua e haere ki raro (https://twitter.com/bengoldacre/status/1146058200887648258)) _. Ka whakaaro koe ko nga putunga peke me nga [crawler] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_crawler) ka taea te tohu i to paetukutuku_. | ! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/howcfwork.jpg) |
| Heoi (kaore e tika ana] (PEOPLE.md) ahakoa. Kei te aukati te Cloudflare i nga tangata harakore kaore he take. Ka taea e Cloudflare te heke. Ka piki a Cloudflare nga kaupapa whaimana. | ! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/cfdowncfcom.jpg) |
| He rite ki tetahi [ratonga manaaki] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_hosting_service), kaore a Cloudflare i tino. Ka kite koe i tenei mata [ahakoa te mahi pai te takawaenga] (PEOPLE.md). | ! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/cfdown2019.jpg) |
| Ki tou whakaaro he 100% [ake te wa] a Cloudflare (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uptime)? [Kuhi koe] (PEOPLE.md) e hia nga wa o Cloudflare [heke iho] (https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/major-part-web-offline-cloudflare-suffers-outage). Mena ka heke iho a Cloudflare kaore e taea e to kaihoko te uru ki to paetukutuku. | ! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/cloudflareinternalerror.jpg) <br>! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor /media/branch/master/image/cloudflareoutage-2020.jpg) |
| I kiia tenei mo te korero mo te [Great Firewall of China] (https://www.comparitech.com/privacy-security-tools/blockedinchina/) e mahi nei i tetahi mahi rite ki [te tātari i te tini tangata) (PEOPLE.md ) mai i te kitenga i nga ihirangi paetukutuku (ara, ko nga tangata katoa i [mainland China] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China) me nga tangata kei waho) ahakoa i te wa ano kaore te hunga kaore i pa ki te kite i tetahi paetukutuku rereke, he paetukutuku koreutu o [censorship] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_censorship) penei i te ahua o ["tank man"] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tank_Man) me te hitori o [ "Kei te tohetohe te Tiananmen Square"] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1989_Tiananmen_Square_protests#Censorship_in_China). | ! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/cloudflarechina.jpg) |
| Kei a Cloudflare te mana nui (http://digdeep4orxw6psc33yxa2dgmuycj74zi6334xhxjlgppw6odvkzkiad.onion/ghost/mozilla.html). Ko te tikanga, ka whakahaerehia e raatau nga mea kua kitea e te kaiwhakamahi mutunga. Kaore koe e arai i te tirotiro i te paetukutuku na Cloudflare. | ! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/onemorestep.jpg) |
| Ka taea te whakamahi Cloudflare hei tātai. | ! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/accdenied.jpg) |
| Kaore e taea e koe te tiro ki te paetukutuku kapua e pa ana ki te whakamahi koe i te karetao iti ka whakaaro pea a Cloudflare he pota (na te mea kaore i wero te nuinga o te hunga e whakamahi ana). | ! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/cfublock.jpg) |
| Kaore e taea e koe te tuku i tenei "tirotiro tirotiro" tirotiro me te kore e whakahoahoa i te Javascript. He ururua tenei mo te rima (neke atu ranei) hēkona o to koiora ora. | ! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/omsjsck.jpg) |
| Cloudflare hoki [aunoa] (https://twitter.com/itsybitsydots/status/1212691131508477952) [poraka] (PEOPLE.md) nga piripiri / piripiri whaimana pēnei i a Google, Yandex, Yacy, me nga [API kiritaki] (PEOPLE.md) . Cloudflare kei te kaha te aro turuki (te tirotiro) (PEOPLE.md) "paiho i te kapua" a te hapori me te whakaaro kia pakaru nga pika rangahau tika. | ! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/cftestgoogle.jpg) |
| Ma te Cloudflare e aukati i te tini o nga tangata whai hononga ipurangi ngoikore ki te uru atu ki nga pae tukutuku i muri mai (hei tauira, i muri pea ratou i muri atu i te 7+ paparanga o te NAT, te whakaputa ranei i te IP kotahi, hei tauira mo te Wifi) te kore e whakaoti i nga ahua maha o nga CAPTCHA. I etahi waa, [10 ki te 30 meneti pea ki te makona a Google] (https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/23840). | ! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/googlerecaptcha.jpg) |
| I te tau 2020 ka huri a Cloudflare mai i [Google's Recaptcha] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recaptcha) ki te [hCaptcha] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HCaptcha) hei ta Google. utu] (https://professionalhackers.in/cloudflare-dumps-recaptcha-as-google-intends-to-charge-for-its-use/) mo tona whakamahinga. I kii a Cloudflare ki a koe kei te manaakitia e koe to maatauranga (["ka awhina i te whakatau i tetahi awangawanga ki a koe") (https://blog.cloudflare.com/moving-from-recaptcha-to-hcaptcha/)) engari he tuturu tenei. Kei runga katoa nga putea. "[hCaptcha] (https://www.hcaptcha.com/) ka taea e nga paetukutuku te whiwhi moni ki te whakahaere i tenei tono i te wa e aukati ana i nga pini me etahi atu momo whakatoi": Mai i te tirohanga a te kaiwhakamahi, kaore tenei e rereke. Ka raru koe ki te whakaoti. | ! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/fedup_fucking_hcaptcha.jpg) |
| He maha nga taangata me nga punaha e aukati ana e Cloudflare [i ia ra] (PEOPLE.md). | ! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/omsnote.jpg) |
| Cloudflare [ka tarea te tini o nga tangata] (PEOPLE.md) puta noa i te ao. Tirohia te raarangi ka whakaaro mehemea he pai te tango a Cloudflare ki to papaanga mo to wheako kaiwhakamahi. | ! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/omsstream.jpg) |
| He aha te kaupapa o te ipurangi ki te kore e taea e koe te mahi i taau e hiahia ana? Te nuinga o te hunga ka toro ki to paetukutuku ka rapua etahi atu wharangi ki te kore e utaina he wharangi paetukutuku. Kaore pea koe e arai i nga manuhiri, engari ko te paerewa taunoa a Cloudflare he mea tino nui hei aukati i nga taangata maha. | ! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/omsdroid.jpg) <br>! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor /media/branch/master/image/omsappl.jpg) |
| Kaore he huarahi hei whakaoti i te captcha me te kore whakauruhia o te Javascript me nga Kuki. Kei te whakamahi a Cloudflare i a ratou (PEOPLE.md) ki te whakarite i tetahi waitohu tirotiro hei [tautuhi] (https://cryptome.org/2016/07/cloudflare-de-anons-tor.htm) [koe] (PEOPLE.md ). Me mohio e Cloudflare to tuakiri ki te whakatau mehemea he waatea koe ki te tirotiro tonu i te papaanga. | ! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/cferr1010bsig.jpg) |
| [Kaiwhakamahi Tor] (https://www.torproject.org/) me [kaiwhakamahi VPN] (https://airvpn.org/topic/23090-cloudflare-often-bans-my-ip-address/) [pārurenga] (https://blog.torproject.org/trouble-cloudflare) o Cloudflare. Kei te whakamahia nga rongoinga e rua e te nuinga o te hunga kaore e taea te utu ki te ipurangi koreutu e tika ana ki o raatau whenua / hinonga / kaupapahere whatunga ranei e hiahia ana ki te taapiri i tetahi taapiri hei tiaki i o raatau kaupapa here. Kei te whakaekea a Cloudflare i aua iwi ra, e turaki ana ia ratou ki te whakakore i a ratau otinga tuuturu. | ! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/banvpn2.jpg) |
| Mena kaore koe i whakamatau i a Tor tae noa ki tenei wa, ka akiaki matou ki a koe kia [tango Tor Browser] (https://www.torproject.org/) ka toro atu ki o paetukutuku paetukutuku pai. (tohutohu: Kaua e whakauru ki to paetukutuku putea peeke i te wharangi paetukutuku a te kawanatanga, ma te haki ranei i to putea. [Whakamahia te VPN] (https://www.vpngate.net/en/) mo aua paetukutuku._) | ! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/banvpn.jpg) |
| Ka hiahia pea koe ki te kii "_Tia te ture! He kaimahi kino Tor! Tor he kino! _". Kaore. Ka mohio pea koe mo te Tor mai i te pouaka whakaata, e kii ana Ka taea te whakamahi i te Tor ki te tirotiro [darknet] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darknet) me nga puutu hokohoko, raau taero, o [chid porn] ranei (https: // en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_sexual_abuse_material). Ahakoa ko te tauākī i runga ake he pono he maha nga paetukutuku hokohoko i reira ka taea e koe te hoko i nga taonga penei, ka kitea ano hoki aua pae i runga i te ringarati. | ! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/whousetor.jpg) |
| Tor _was_ [whakawhanakehia e te Ope Taua o Amerika] (https://www.nrl.navy.mil/itd/chacs/dingledine-tor-second-generation-onion-router), engari ko te Tor o nāianei i whakawhanakehia e te [kaupapa Tor] https://www.torproject.org/). He maha nga iwi me nga whakahaere [e whakamahi ana i a Tor] (https://blog.torproject.org/tor-misused-criminals) tae atu ki o hoa hoa ake. Na, ki te kei te whakamahi koe i Cloudflare i runga i to paetukutuku kei te aukati koe i te tangata _real_. Ka ngaro koe i te whanaungatanga me te mahi pakihi. | ! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/iusetor_alith.jpg) |
| A ko ta raatau ratonga DNS, [] (, kei te tātari hoki i nga kaiwhakamahi mai i te toro ki te paetukutuku ma te hoki mai (teka) (https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ tikiti / 32915) Wāhitau IP [nona na Cloudflare] (https://www.reddit.com/r/CloudFlare/comments/hiqm4u/no_cloudflare_website_is_loading/), IP localhost pēnei i "127.0.0.x", me hoki noa mai he mea. . | ! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/cferr1016.jpg) <br>! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor /media/branch/master/image/cferr1016sp.jpg) |
| Cloudflare DNS hoki [break] (https://twitter.com/bowranger/status/1213031783576428550) [ipurangi] (https://twitter.com/jb510/status/1212521533907668992) [software] (https://twitter.com / No_Style / mana / 1201525422795710466) [mai] (https://twitter.com/daemuth/status/1187758306535903233) [atamai] (https://twitter.com/gregortorrence/status/1183102089439805441) [taupānga] (https: / /www.reddit.com/r/CloudFlare/comments/gmfm4i/us_bank_website_is_not_in_cloudflare_dns/) [ki te kēmu rorohiko na runga i ta ratau whakautu DNS rūpahu] (PEOPLE.md). Cloudflare DNS [kaore e taea te tono] (PEOPLE.md) etahi paetukutuku peeke. | ! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/cfdnsprob.jpg) <br>! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor /media/branch/master/image/dnsfailtest.jpg) |
| Kei konei pea koe e whakaaro ana, - "_ _ Kaore au e whakamahi ana i a Tor me VPN ranei, he aha au e manukanuka ai?" manaaki_ "| ! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/annoyed.jpg) |
| Mena ka toro atu koe ki te paetukutuku ka whakamahi i te Cloudflare, kei te korero koe i nga korero ehara i te rangatira paetukutuku anake engari ko Cloudflare_ hoki. Koinei te mahi a te [takawaenga o muri] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reverse_proxy) te mahi. | ! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/prism_gfe.jpg) |
| Kaore e taea te [tātari] (https://blog.cloudflare.com/the-csam-scanning-tool/) me te kore e [tango i nga rerenga TLS] (https://github.com/nym-zone/block_cloudflare_mitm_fx/issues/ 15 # issuecomment-354773389). | ! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/cfhelp204144518.jpg) |
| Kei te mohio a Cloudflare i o raraunga katoa penei i te kupuhipa mata. | ! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/cfhelpforum.jpg) |
| [Cloudbeed] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloudbleed) ka tupu i tetahi wa. | ! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/cfbloghtmledit.jpg) |
| Ko te HTTPS a Cloudflare kaore he mutunga ki te mutunga. | ! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/sniff2.gif) |
| Kei te tino hiahia koe ki te whakapuaki i o raraunga ki a Cloudflare, me te tari ano-3-reta? | ! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/cfstrengthdata.jpg) |
| Ko te korero a te kaiwhakamahi Ipurangi he "hua" e hiahia ana te kawanatanga me nga kamupene hangarau nui ki te hoko. | ! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/federalinterest.jpg) |
| Ko te US [Tari Haumaru Whenua) (https://www.dhs.gov/) i kii: <br> <br> "Kei a koe etahi whakaaro e whai hua ana koe? raraunga? " | ! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/dhssaid.jpg) |
| Ka tukuna hoki e Cloudflare te ratonga _FREE_ VPN i tapaina ko "[Cloudflare Warp] (https://blog.cloudflare.com/1111-warp-better-vpn/)". Mena ka whakamahia e koe, ko to rorohiko atamai katoa ([ko to rorohiko ranei) (https://techniapps.com/2019/09/26/download-cloudflare-warp-vpn-for-pc-windows-10-mac/)) hononga ka tukuna ki nga tūmau Cloudflare. Ka taea e Cloudflare te mohio ki te paetukutuku i panuitia e koe, he aha te korero i tukuna e koe, i korero koe, me etahi atu mea e tuku ana koe i nga korero katoa (https://github.com/privacytoolsIO/privacytools.io/ take / 374 # issuecomment-478686469) to Cloudflare. Mena ki te whakaaro koe "_E haehae ana koe? Ka maungia te Cloudflare._" me mohio koe me pehea te [VPN mahi] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VPN). | ! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/howvpnwork.jpg) |
| I kii a Cloudflare i ta ratou ratonga VPN te whakarite i to ipurangi (tere) (https://www.wired.com/story/cloudflare-says-new-vpn-service-wont-slow-you-down/). Engari ko VPN te hono i to hononga ipurangi _slower_ nui atu i to [your] (https://twitter.com/ExYakuza/status/1182317536089526273) [iana] (https://twitter.com/waddling/status/1177615384616325120) [hononga] (https: //techcrunch.com/2019/04/01/cloudflares-warp-is-a-vpn-that-might-actually-make-your-mobile-connection-better/). | ! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/notfastervpn.jpg) |
| Akene ka mohio pea koe mo te [PRISM] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PRISM_ (surveillance_program)). He tika me tuku atu e AT&T ki a [NSA] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Security_Agency) ki te kape i nga raraunga ipurangi katoa (https://www.cnet.com/news/at-t-lets- nsa-huna-me-tirotiro-i-maama-te-tirohanga-te-wawaotanga-nga ripoata /) mo te tirotiro. | ! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/prismattnsa.jpg) |
| Me ki atu kei te mahi koe i te NSA, kei te hiahia koe ki te ipurangi ipurangi a motu. E mohio ana koe ko te nuinga o ratou e whakawhirinaki ana ki a Cloudflare] (https://twitter.com/search?q = iCloudflare&f=live) me te whakamahi - kotahi noa te tomokanga - hei whakauru i to raatau hononga hononga kamupene ([SSH] (https: //blog.cloudflare.com/public-keys-are-not-enough-for-ssh-security/)/ubreRDPetau(https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-access-now-supports-rdp/ )), paetukutuku whaiaro, paetukutuku korerorero, paetukutuku hui, paetukutuku peeke, paetukutuku inihua, search engine, paetukutuku muna-mema noa, paetukutuku hokohoko, [hokohoko] (https://www.cloudflare.com/case-studies/shopify- mana-te-nui-hoko-te-hokohoko-wiki-o-te-tau /), paetukutuku ataata, paetukutuku NSFW, me te paetukutuku he ture. Kei te mohio ano koe kei te whakamahi i te ratonga DNS a Cloudflare ("_1.1.1.1_") me te ratonga VPN ("_Cloudflare Warp_") mo te "_Secure! Tere atu! _" Wheako Ipurangi. Ko te whakakotahi i a raatau me te Wāhitau IP a te kaiwhakamahi, kaitirotiro [maihao maihao] (https://github.com/VeNoMouS/cloudscraper/issues/209#issuecomment-624853689), ka whai hua nga pihikete me te RAY-ID ki te hanga i te kōtaha tuuturu a te hunga whai hua | ! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/edw_snow.jpg) |
| Kei te hiahia koe ki a raatau raraunga. [He aha taau e mahi ai] (https://www.reddit.com/r/privacy/comments/1gb0pa/how_prism_actually_works_1520_att_fiber_optic/)? | ! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/nsaslide_prismcorp.gif) |
### Ko te Cloudflare he honeypot.
! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/honeypot.gif)
### He honi kore ma te katoa. _Some_ aho piri.
! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/iminurtls.jpg)
### Kaua e whakamahi i Cloudflare.
! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/shadycloudflare.jpg)
### Whakatika i te ipurangi.
! ["Ko te Cloudflare ehara i te whiringa."] (Image / cfisnotanoption.jpg)
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# # Tēnā haere tonu ki te whārangi e whai ake nei: "[Cloudflare Ethics] (README_ethics.md)"
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<summary> _click me_
# # Raraunga & He Korero Hou
Ko tenei kohinga te raarangi o nga paetukutuku e tu ana i muri o "_Whakaahua Nui", ka aukati i nga kaiwhakamahi Tor me etahi atu CDN.
** Raraunga **
* [Cloudflare Inc.] (Cloudflare_inc /)
* [Kaiwhakamahi Cloudflare] (Cloudflare_users /)
* [Nga Huarahi Panui] (Cloudflare_users / rohe /)
* [Kaiwhakamahi KORE-Cloudflare] (not_cloudflare /)
* [Kaiwhakamahi anti-Tor] (anti-tor_users /)
! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/goodorbad.jpg)
** He Panui Panui **
* [Putanga poto o README] (README_short.md) na [Robin Wils] (https://linuxrocks.online/@RMW) `DRAFT`
* Ka paatai pea koe ki te aha he maha nga ahua o tenei README.md. I runga ake i te putanga poto he iti ake nga ahua.
* [Ko te nuinga ka paanui ki te 20-28% o nga kupu kei te whaarangi] (https://movableink.com/blog/29-incredible-stats-that-prove-the-power-of-visual-marketing/).
* [Kupu Āwhina] (mituka_catalog.md) `DRAFT`
* [Te Paapapa Nui] (article.txt) na [Mr. Jeff Cliff] (https://shitposter.club/users/jeffcliff)
* Tangohia he: PDF [konei] (pdf / 2019-The_Great_Cloudwall.pdf), ePUB [i konei] (pdf / 2019-Jeff_Cliff_The_Great_Cloudwall.epub)
* Ko te eBook taketake (ePUB) i mukua e te 'BookRix GmbH` na te whiu o te mana pupuri o CC0 material`
* He manawanui? Ka taea e koe te koha ki a ia mo etahi bitcoin: `13khrZAh59WkaWWFuT9hFVG6j6og6gdf4w` ([Ko te utu hei utu (http://qhtn4w2q36dojls2.onion/payment.html))
* Te whatunga Whakautu - [Kaute a Villages.io] (https://villages.io/profiles/themusicgod1/)
* [Ko te tohu Paewhiri e whakaatu ana i te hononga SSL ki whakapumau w MITM-ed] (https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=831835) e Anonymous
* [Aukati i Te Pouaka Whakauru Ake a te Ao Ake) (https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/24351) na nym-rohe
* I mau kino te tikiti i te waa.
* Kua whakakorea e te [Kaupapa Tor] (https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/anti-censorship-team/2020-May/000098.html). Tirohia [kete 34175] (https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/34175).
* Whakamutunga [tīkiti putunga 24351] (https://web.archive.org/web/20200301013104/https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/24351)
* [Raru ki te Cloudflare] (https://github.com/privacytoolsIO/privacytools.io/issues/374#issuecomment-460077544) na libBletchley
* I whakamahia e ratou a Cloudflare i nga wa o mua. [Taapiri] (https://github.com/privacytools/privacytools.io/pull/1205) CF-tor engari [kua tangohia] (https://github.com/privacytools/privacytools.io/pull/1804).
* [Mataarataki Cloudflare] (http://www.crimeflare.org:82/)
* [Tohenga me nga tautohetohe] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloudflare#Criticism_and_controversies) na Wikipedia
* [Ko tetahi atu ra tohu whenua i te pakanga ki te whakahaere, ki te whakahaumau i te ipurangi.] (Https://www.reddit.com/r/privacy/comments/b8dptl/another_landmark_day_in_the_war_to_control/) na TheGoldenGoose8888
* [He ngoikore o te whakawhirinaki ki te ratonga kotahi anake) (https://twitter.com/w3Nicolas/status/1134529316904153089) ([DO ko CF] (https://www.digwebinterface.com/?hostnames=ns1.digitalocean.com % 0D% 0Ans2.digitalocean.com% 0D% 0Ans3.digitalocean.com% 0D% 0Awww.digitalocean.com & momo = A & ns = whakatauira & kaiwhakamahiesolver = & nameservers =))
! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/watcloudflare.jpg)
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<summary> _click me_
## Ka taea e koe te mahi?
* Panuihia [ta maatau raarangi mahi e tohutohutia ana) (aha-to-do.md) ka tohatoha ki o hoa.
* Panuihia te reo [o era atu kaiwhakamahi] (PEOPLE.md) ka tuhia o whakaaro.
* Rapua tetahi mea ki [Ansero] (https://ansero.wodferndripvpe6ib4uz4rtngrnzichnirgn7t5x64gxcyroopbhsuqd.onion/) ([clearnet] (https://ansero.eu.org/)) ranei [Searxes / Ss]] .onion /) ([clearnet] (https://searxes.eu.org/)).
* Whakahoutia te raarangi rohe: [Raarangi tohutohu] (parent.md).
* Tāpirihia te Kapahaka me te kaupapa e pa ana ki te [hitori] (HISTORY.md).
* Whakamātauria & tuhia te [Tool / Script] (taputapu /).
* Anei etahi ko [PDF / ePUB] (pdf /) hei panui.
--- ---
### Mo te kaute rūpahu
E mohio ana te Crimeflare e pa ana ki te puta o nga kaute raupaparata e whakatuu ana i a maatau ara mana, ara ko Twitter, Facebook, Patreon, OpenCollective, Villages etc.
** Kaore rawa matou e tono ki to imeera.
Kaore rawa matou e tono ki to ingoa.
Kaore rawa matou e tono ki to tuakiri.
Kaore rawa matou e patai ki to waahi.
Kaore rawa matou e tono ki to takoha.
Kaore rawa matou e patai ki to arotake.
Kaore rawa matou e tono kia whai koe i runga i nga mahi pāpori.
Kaore rawa matou e tono ki o rorohiko pāpori. **
--- ---
! [WTF] (image / wtfcf.jpg)
! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/omsirl.jpg)
! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/whydoihavetosolveacaptcha.jpg)
! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/fixthedamn.jpg)
! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/imnotarobot.jpg)
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! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/twe_lb.jpg)
! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/twe_dz.jpg)
! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/twe_jb.jpg)
! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/twe_ial.jpg)
! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/twe_eptg.jpg)
! [He aha taau e mahi ai hei aukati i te CF?] (Https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/stopcf.jpg)
! [] (https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/peopledonotthink.jpg)