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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Android.App;
using Android.Content;
using Android.Graphics;
using Android.OS;
using Android.Provider;
using Android.Runtime;
using Android.Views;
using Android.Views.Accessibility;
using Android.Widget;
using Bit.App.Resources;
using Bit.Core;
namespace Bit.Droid.Accessibility
public static class AccessibilityHelpers
public static Credentials LastCredentials = null;
public static string SystemUiPackage = "";
public static string BitwardenTag = "bw_access";
public static bool IsAutofillTileAdded = false;
public static bool IsAccessibilityBroadcastReady = false;
// Be sure to keep these entries sorted alphabetically
public static Dictionary<string, Browser> SupportedBrowsers => new List<Browser>
new Browser("acr.browser.barebones", "search"),
new Browser("acr.browser.lightning", "search"),
new Browser("", "url"),
new Browser("", "url"),
new Browser("", "url_bar"),
new Browser("com.brave.browser", "url_bar"),
new Browser("com.brave.browser_beta", "url_bar"),
new Browser("", "url_bar"),
new Browser("", "url_bar"),
new Browser("", "url_bar"),
new Browser("", "omnibarTextInput"),
new Browser("", "url_bar"),
new Browser("", "addressbar_url"),
new Browser("", "search_field"),
new Browser("", "url_bar"),
new Browser("", "url_bar"),
new Browser("", "title"),
new Browser("com.jerky.browser2", "enterUrl"),
new Browser("com.kiwibrowser.browser", "url_bar"),
new Browser("com.ksmobile.cb", "address_bar_edit_text"),
new Browser("com.linkbubble.playstore", "url_text"),
new Browser("", "url_bar"),
new Browser("", "address_editor_with_progress"),
new Browser("", "address_editor_with_progress"),
new Browser("com.naver.whale", "url_bar"),
new Browser("com.nubelacorp.javelin", "enterUrl"),
new Browser("com.opera.browser", "url_field"),
new Browser("com.opera.browser.beta", "url_field"),
new Browser("", "url_field"),
new Browser("com.opera.touch", "addressbarEdit"),
new Browser("com.qwant.liberty", "url_bar_title"),
new Browser("", "location_bar_edit_text"),
new Browser("", "location_bar_edit_text"),
new Browser("com.vivaldi.browser", "url_bar"),
new Browser("com.vivaldi.browser.snapshot", "url_bar"),
new Browser("com.vivaldi.browser.sopranos", "url_bar"),
new Browser("", "bro_omnibar_address_title_text,bro_omnibox_collapsed_title",
(s) => s.Split(new char[]{' ', ' '}).FirstOrDefault()), // 0 = Regular Space, 1 = No-break space (00A0)
new Browser("", "url_text"),
new Browser("", "url_text"),
new Browser("", "url_text"),
new Browser("", "aw"),
new Browser("mobi.mgeek.TunnyBrowser", "title"),
new Browser("org.adblockplus.browser", "url_bar_title"),
new Browser("org.bromite.bromite", "url_bar"),
new Browser("", "url_bar"),
new Browser("org.codeaurora.swe.browser", "url_bar"),
new Browser("org.iron.srware", "url_bar"),
new Browser("org.mozilla.fenix", "mozac_browser_toolbar_url_view"),
new Browser("org.mozilla.fenix.nightly", "mozac_browser_toolbar_url_view"),
new Browser("org.mozilla.fennec_aurora", "url_bar_title"),
new Browser("org.mozilla.fennec_fdroid", "url_bar_title"),
new Browser("org.mozilla.firefox", "url_bar_title"),
new Browser("org.mozilla.firefox_beta", "url_bar_title"),
new Browser("org.mozilla.focus", "display_url"),
new Browser("org.mozilla.klar", "display_url"),
new Browser("org.mozilla.reference.browser", "mozac_browser_toolbar_url_view"),
}.ToDictionary(n => n.PackageName);
// Known packages to skip
public static HashSet<string> FilteredPackageNames => new HashSet<string>
public static void PrintTestData(AccessibilityNodeInfo root, AccessibilityEvent e)
var testNodes = GetWindowNodes(root, e, n => n.ViewIdResourceName != null && n.Text != null, false);
var testNodesData = testNodes.Select(n => new { id = n.ViewIdResourceName, text = n.Text });
foreach (var node in testNodesData)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Node: {0} = {1}",, node.text);
public static string GetUri(AccessibilityNodeInfo root)
var uri = string.Concat(Constants.AndroidAppProtocol, root.PackageName);
if (SupportedBrowsers.ContainsKey(root.PackageName))
var browser = SupportedBrowsers[root.PackageName];
AccessibilityNodeInfo addressNode = null;
foreach (var uriViewId in browser.UriViewId.Split(","))
addressNode = root.FindAccessibilityNodeInfosByViewId(
if (addressNode != null)
if (addressNode != null)
uri = ExtractUri(uri, addressNode, browser);
// Return null to prevent overwriting notification pendingIntent uri with browser packageName
// (we login to pages, not browsers)
return null;
return uri;
private static string ExtractUri(string uri, AccessibilityNodeInfo addressNode, Browser browser)
if (addressNode?.Text == null)
return uri;
if (addressNode.Text == null)
return uri;
uri = browser.GetUriFunction(addressNode.Text)?.Trim();
if (uri != null && uri.Contains("."))
var hasHttpProtocol = uri.StartsWith("http://") || uri.StartsWith("https://");
if (!hasHttpProtocol && uri.Contains("."))
if (Uri.TryCreate("http://" + uri, UriKind.Absolute, out var uri2))
return string.Concat("http://", uri);
if (Uri.TryCreate(uri, UriKind.Absolute, out var uri3))
return uri;
return uri;
/// <summary>
/// Check to make sure it is ok to autofill still on the current screen
/// </summary>
public static bool NeedToAutofill(Credentials credentials, string currentUriString)
if (credentials == null)
return false;
if (Uri.TryCreate(credentials.LastUri, UriKind.Absolute, out Uri lastUri) &&
Uri.TryCreate(currentUriString, UriKind.Absolute, out Uri currentUri))
return lastUri.Host == currentUri.Host;
return false;
public static bool EditText(AccessibilityNodeInfo n)
return n?.ClassName?.Contains("EditText") ?? false;
public static void FillCredentials(AccessibilityNodeInfo usernameNode,
IEnumerable<AccessibilityNodeInfo> passwordNodes)
FillEditText(usernameNode, LastCredentials?.Username);
foreach (var n in passwordNodes)
FillEditText(n, LastCredentials?.Password);
public static void FillEditText(AccessibilityNodeInfo editTextNode, string value)
if (editTextNode == null || value == null)
var bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.PutString(AccessibilityNodeInfo.ActionArgumentSetTextCharsequence, value);
editTextNode.PerformAction(Android.Views.Accessibility.Action.SetText, bundle);
public static NodeList GetWindowNodes(AccessibilityNodeInfo n, AccessibilityEvent e,
Func<AccessibilityNodeInfo, bool> condition, bool disposeIfUnused, NodeList nodes = null,
int recursionDepth = 0)
if (nodes == null)
nodes = new NodeList();
var dispose = disposeIfUnused;
if (n != null && recursionDepth < 100)
var add = n.WindowId == e.WindowId &&
!(n.ViewIdResourceName?.StartsWith(SystemUiPackage) ?? false) &&
if (add)
dispose = false;
for (var i = 0; i < n.ChildCount; i++)
var childNode = n.GetChild(i);
if (childNode == null)
else if (i > 100)
Android.Util.Log.Info(BitwardenTag, "Too many child iterations.");
else if (childNode.GetHashCode() == n.GetHashCode())
Android.Util.Log.Info(BitwardenTag, "Child node is the same as parent for some reason.");
GetWindowNodes(childNode, e, condition, true, nodes, recursionDepth++);
if (dispose)
return nodes;
public static void GetNodesAndFill(AccessibilityNodeInfo root, AccessibilityEvent e,
IEnumerable<AccessibilityNodeInfo> passwordNodes)
var allEditTexts = GetWindowNodes(root, e, n => EditText(n), false);
var usernameEditText = GetUsernameEditTextIfPasswordExists(allEditTexts);
FillCredentials(usernameEditText, passwordNodes);
usernameEditText = null;
public static AccessibilityNodeInfo GetUsernameEditTextIfPasswordExists(
IEnumerable<AccessibilityNodeInfo> allEditTexts)
AccessibilityNodeInfo previousEditText = null;
foreach (var editText in allEditTexts)
if (editText.Password)
return previousEditText;
previousEditText = editText;
return null;
public static bool IsUsernameEditText(AccessibilityNodeInfo root, AccessibilityEvent e)
var allEditTexts = GetWindowNodes(root, e, n => EditText(n), false);
var usernameEditText = GetUsernameEditTextIfPasswordExists(allEditTexts);
var isUsernameEditText = false;
if (usernameEditText != null)
isUsernameEditText = IsSameNode(usernameEditText, e.Source);
return isUsernameEditText;
public static bool IsSameNode(AccessibilityNodeInfo node1, AccessibilityNodeInfo node2)
if (node1 != null && node2 != null)
return node1.Equals(node2) || node1.GetHashCode() == node2.GetHashCode();
return false;
public static bool OverlayPermitted()
if (Build.VERSION.SdkInt >= BuildVersionCodes.M)
if (Settings.CanDrawOverlays(Application.Context))
return true;
var appOpsMgr = (AppOpsManager)Application.Context.GetSystemService(Context.AppOpsService);
var mode = appOpsMgr.CheckOpNoThrow("android:system_alert_window", Process.MyUid(),
if (mode == AppOpsManagerMode.Allowed || mode == AppOpsManagerMode.Ignored)
return true;
var wm = Application.Context.GetSystemService(Context.WindowService)
if (wm == null)
return false;
var testView = new View(Application.Context);
var layoutParams = GetOverlayLayoutParams();
wm.AddView(testView, layoutParams);
return true;
catch { }
return false;
// older android versions are always true
return true;
public static LinearLayout GetOverlayView(Context context)
var inflater = (LayoutInflater)context.GetSystemService(Context.LayoutInflaterService);
var view = (LinearLayout)inflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.autofill_listitem, null);
var text1 = (TextView)view.FindViewById(Resource.Id.text1);
var text2 = (TextView)view.FindViewById(Resource.Id.text2);
var icon = (ImageView)view.FindViewById(Resource.Id.icon);
text1.Text = AppResources.AutofillWithBitwarden;
text2.Text = AppResources.GoToMyVault;
return view;
public static WindowManagerLayoutParams GetOverlayLayoutParams()
WindowManagerTypes windowManagerType;
if (Build.VERSION.SdkInt >= BuildVersionCodes.O)
windowManagerType = WindowManagerTypes.ApplicationOverlay;
windowManagerType = WindowManagerTypes.Phone;
var layoutParams = new WindowManagerLayoutParams(
WindowManagerFlags.NotFocusable | WindowManagerFlags.NotTouchModal,
layoutParams.Gravity = GravityFlags.Top | GravityFlags.Left;
return layoutParams;
public static Point GetOverlayAnchorPosition(AccessibilityService service, AccessibilityNodeInfo anchorView,
int overlayViewHeight, bool isOverlayAboveAnchor)
var anchorViewRect = new Rect();
var anchorViewX = anchorViewRect.Left;
var anchorViewY = isOverlayAboveAnchor ? anchorViewRect.Top : anchorViewRect.Bottom;
if (isOverlayAboveAnchor)
anchorViewY -= overlayViewHeight;
anchorViewY -= GetStatusBarHeight(service);
return new Point(anchorViewX, anchorViewY);
public static Point GetOverlayAnchorPosition(AccessibilityService service, AccessibilityNodeInfo anchorNode,
AccessibilityNodeInfo root, IEnumerable<AccessibilityWindowInfo> windows, int overlayViewHeight,
bool isOverlayAboveAnchor)
Point point = null;
if (anchorNode != null)
// Update node's info since this is still a reference from an older event
if (!anchorNode.VisibleToUser)
return new Point(-1, -1);
if (!anchorNode.Focused)
return null;
// node.VisibleToUser doesn't always give us exactly what we want, so attempt to tighten up the range
// of visibility
var inputMethodHeight = 0;
if (windows != null)
if (IsStatusBarExpanded(windows))
return new Point(-1, -1);
inputMethodHeight = GetInputMethodHeight(windows);
var minY = 0;
var rootNodeHeight = GetNodeHeight(root);
if (rootNodeHeight == -1)
return null;
var maxY = rootNodeHeight - GetNavigationBarHeight(service) - GetStatusBarHeight(service) -
point = GetOverlayAnchorPosition(service, anchorNode, overlayViewHeight, isOverlayAboveAnchor);
if (point.Y < minY)
if (isOverlayAboveAnchor)
// view nearing bounds, anchor to bottom
point.X = -1;
point.Y = 0;
// view out of bounds, hide overlay
point.X = -1;
point.Y = -1;
else if (point.Y > (maxY - overlayViewHeight))
if (isOverlayAboveAnchor)
// view out of bounds, hide overlay
point.X = -1;
point.Y = -1;
// view nearing bounds, anchor to top
point.X = 0;
point.Y = -1;
else if (isOverlayAboveAnchor && point.Y < (maxY - (overlayViewHeight * 2) - GetNodeHeight(anchorNode)))
// This else block forces the overlay to return to bottom alignment as soon as space is available
// below the anchor view. Removing this will change the behavior to wait until there isn't enough
// space above the anchor view before returning to bottom alignment.
point.X = -1;
point.Y = 0;
return point;
public static bool IsStatusBarExpanded(IEnumerable<AccessibilityWindowInfo> windows)
if (windows != null && windows.Any())
var isSystemWindowsOnly = true;
foreach (var window in windows)
if (window.Type != AccessibilityWindowType.System)
isSystemWindowsOnly = false;
return isSystemWindowsOnly;
return false;
public static int GetInputMethodHeight(IEnumerable<AccessibilityWindowInfo> windows)
var inputMethodWindowHeight = 0;
if (windows != null)
foreach (var window in windows)
if (window.Type == AccessibilityWindowType.InputMethod)
var windowRect = new Rect();
inputMethodWindowHeight = windowRect.Height();
return inputMethodWindowHeight;
public static bool IsAutofillServicePromptVisible(IEnumerable<AccessibilityWindowInfo> windows)
return windows?.Any(w => w.Title?.ToLower().Contains("autofill") ?? false) ?? false;
public static int GetNodeHeight(AccessibilityNodeInfo node)
if (node == null)
return -1;
var nodeRect = new Rect();
var nodeRectHeight = nodeRect.Height();
return nodeRectHeight;
private static int GetStatusBarHeight(AccessibilityService service)
return GetSystemResourceDimenPx(service, "status_bar_height");
private static int GetNavigationBarHeight(AccessibilityService service)
return GetSystemResourceDimenPx(service, "navigation_bar_height");
private static int GetSystemResourceDimenPx(AccessibilityService service, string resName)
var resourceId = service.Resources.GetIdentifier(resName, "dimen", "android");
if (resourceId > 0)
return service.Resources.GetDimensionPixelSize(resourceId);
return 0;