using System; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Bit.Core.Abstractions; using Bit.Core.Enums; using Bit.Core.Models; using Bit.Core.Models.View; using Xamarin.Forms; namespace Bit.App.Services { public abstract class BaseWatchDeviceService : IWatchDeviceService { private readonly ICipherService _cipherService; private readonly IEnvironmentService _environmentService; private readonly IStateService _stateService; private readonly IVaultTimeoutService _vaultTimeoutService; protected BaseWatchDeviceService(ICipherService cipherService, IEnvironmentService environmentService, IStateService stateService, IVaultTimeoutService vaultTimeoutService) { _cipherService = cipherService; _environmentService = environmentService; _stateService = stateService; _vaultTimeoutService = vaultTimeoutService; } public abstract bool IsConnected { get; } protected abstract bool CanSendData { get; } protected abstract bool IsSupported { get; } public async Task SyncDataToWatchAsync() { if (!IsSupported) { return; } var shouldConnect = await _stateService.GetShouldConnectToWatchAsync(); if (shouldConnect && !IsConnected) { ConnectToWatch(); } if (!CanSendData) { return; } var userData = await _stateService.GetActiveUserCustomDataAsync(a => a?.Profile is null ? null : new WatchDTO.UserDataDto { Id = a.Profile.UserId, Name = a.Profile.Name, Email = a.Profile.Email }); var state = await GetStateAsync(userData?.Id, shouldConnect); if (state != WatchState.Valid) { await SendDataToWatchAsync(new WatchDTO(state)); return; } var ciphersWithTotp = await _cipherService.GetAllDecryptedAsync(c => c.DeletedDate == null && c.Login?.Totp != null); if (!ciphersWithTotp.Any()) { await SendDataToWatchAsync(new WatchDTO(WatchState.Need2FAItem)); return; } var watchDto = new WatchDTO(state) { Ciphers = ciphersWithTotp.Select(c => new SimpleCipherView(c)).ToList(), UserData = userData, EnvironmentData = new WatchDTO.EnvironmentUrlDataDto { Base = _environmentService.BaseUrl, Icons = _environmentService.IconsUrl } //SettingsData = new WatchDTO.SettingsDataDto //{ // VaultTimeoutInMinutes = await _vaultTimeoutService.GetVaultTimeout(userData?.Id), // VaultTimeoutAction = await _stateService.GetVaultTimeoutActionAsync(userData?.Id) ?? VaultTimeoutAction.Lock //} }; await SendDataToWatchAsync(watchDto); } private async Task GetStateAsync(string userId, bool shouldConnectToWatch) { if (await _stateService.GetLastUserShouldConnectToWatchAsync() && (userId is null || !await _stateService.IsAuthenticatedAsync())) { // if the last user had "Connect to Watch" enabled and there's no user authenticated return WatchState.NeedLogin; } if (!shouldConnectToWatch) { return WatchState.NeedSetup; } //if (await _vaultTimeoutService.IsLockedAsync() || // await _vaultTimeoutService.ShouldLockAsync()) //{ // return WatchState.NeedUnlock; //} if (!await _stateService.CanAccessPremiumAsync(userId)) { return WatchState.NeedPremium; } return WatchState.Valid; } public async Task SetShouldConnectToWatchAsync(bool shouldConnectToWatch) { await _stateService.SetShouldConnectToWatchAsync(shouldConnectToWatch); await SyncDataToWatchAsync(); } protected abstract Task SendDataToWatchAsync(WatchDTO watchDto); protected abstract void ConnectToWatch(); } }