using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using Android.Content; using Android.Service.Autofill; using Android.Widget; using System.Linq; using Android.App; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Android.App.Slices; using Android.Graphics; using Android.Graphics.Drawables; using Android.OS; using Android.Runtime; using Android.Widget.Inline; using Bit.App.Resources; using Bit.Core.Enums; using Android.Views.Autofill; using AndroidX.AutoFill.Inline; using AndroidX.AutoFill.Inline.V1; using Bit.Core.Abstractions; using SaveFlags = Android.Service.Autofill.SaveFlags; namespace Bit.Droid.Autofill { public static class AutofillHelpers { private static int _pendingIntentId = 0; // These browsers work natively with the Autofill Framework // // Be sure: // - to keep these entries sorted alphabetically and // // - ... to keep this list in sync with values in AccessibilityHelpers.SupportedBrowsers [Section A], too. public static HashSet TrustedBrowsers = new HashSet { "", "org.mozilla.focus", "org.mozilla.klar", }; // These browsers work using the compatibility shim for the Autofill Framework // // Be sure: // - to keep these entries sorted alphabetically, // - to keep this list in sync with values in Resources/xml/autofillservice.xml, and // // - ... to keep this list in sync with values in AccessibilityHelpers.SupportedBrowsers [Section A], too. public static HashSet CompatBrowsers = new HashSet { "alook.browser", "", "", "", "", "", "", "com.brave.browser", "com.brave.browser_beta", "com.brave.browser_default", "com.brave.browser_dev", "com.brave.browser_nightly", "", "", "", "", "", "", "com.jamal2367.styx", "com.kiwibrowser.browser", "", "com.mmbox.browser", "com.mmbox.xbrowser", "", "com.naver.whale", "com.opera.browser", "com.opera.browser.beta", "", "", "com.opera.touch", "com.qwant.liberty", "", "", "", "com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard", "com.vivaldi.browser", "com.vivaldi.browser.snapshot", "com.vivaldi.browser.sopranos", "", "com.z28j.feel", "", "", "", "io.github.forkmaintainers.iceraven", "mark.via", "", "", "", "net.slions.fulguris.full.playstore", "net.slions.fulguris.full.playstore.debug", "org.adblockplus.browser", "org.adblockplus.browser.beta", "org.bromite.bromite", "org.bromite.chromium", "", "org.codeaurora.swe.browser", "org.gnu.icecat", "org.mozilla.fenix", "org.mozilla.fenix.nightly", "org.mozilla.fennec_aurora", "org.mozilla.fennec_fdroid", "org.mozilla.firefox", "org.mozilla.firefox_beta", "org.mozilla.reference.browser", "org.mozilla.rocket", "org.torproject.torbrowser", "org.torproject.torbrowser_alpha", "org.ungoogled.chromium.extensions.stable", "org.ungoogled.chromium.stable", }; // The URLs are blacklisted from autofilling public static HashSet BlacklistedUris = new HashSet { "androidapp://android", "androidapp://", "androidapp://com.x8bit.bitwarden", "androidapp://com.oneplus.applocker", }; public static async Task> GetFillItemsAsync(Parser parser, ICipherService cipherService) { if (parser.FieldCollection.FillableForLogin) { var ciphers = await cipherService.GetAllDecryptedByUrlAsync(parser.Uri); if (ciphers.Item1.Any() || ciphers.Item2.Any()) { var allCiphers = ciphers.Item1.ToList(); allCiphers.AddRange(ciphers.Item2.ToList()); return allCiphers.Select(c => new FilledItem(c)).ToList(); } } else if (parser.FieldCollection.FillableForCard) { var ciphers = await cipherService.GetAllDecryptedAsync(); return ciphers.Where(c => c.Type == CipherType.Card).Select(c => new FilledItem(c)).ToList(); } return new List(); } public static FillResponse BuildFillResponse(Parser parser, List items, bool locked, bool inlineAutofillEnabled, FillRequest fillRequest = null) { // Acquire inline presentation specs on Android 11+ IList inlinePresentationSpecs = null; var inlinePresentationSpecsCount = 0; var inlineMaxSuggestedCount = 0; if (inlineAutofillEnabled && fillRequest != null && (int)Build.VERSION.SdkInt >= 30) { var inlineSuggestionsRequest = fillRequest.InlineSuggestionsRequest; inlineMaxSuggestedCount = inlineSuggestionsRequest?.MaxSuggestionCount ?? 0; inlinePresentationSpecs = inlineSuggestionsRequest?.InlinePresentationSpecs; inlinePresentationSpecsCount = inlinePresentationSpecs?.Count ?? 0; } // Build response var responseBuilder = new FillResponse.Builder(); if (items != null && items.Count > 0) { var maxItems = items.Count; if (inlineMaxSuggestedCount > 0) { // -1 to adjust for 'open vault' option maxItems = Math.Min(maxItems, inlineMaxSuggestedCount - 1); } for (int i = 0; i < maxItems; i++) { InlinePresentationSpec inlinePresentationSpec = null; if (inlinePresentationSpecs != null) { if (i < inlinePresentationSpecsCount) { inlinePresentationSpec = inlinePresentationSpecs[i]; } else { // If the max suggestion count is larger than the number of specs in the list, then // the last spec is used for the remainder of the suggestions inlinePresentationSpec = inlinePresentationSpecs[inlinePresentationSpecsCount - 1]; } } var dataset = BuildDataset(parser.ApplicationContext, parser.FieldCollection, items[i], inlinePresentationSpec); if (dataset != null) { responseBuilder.AddDataset(dataset); } } } responseBuilder.AddDataset(BuildVaultDataset(parser.ApplicationContext, parser.FieldCollection, parser.Uri, locked, inlinePresentationSpecs)); AddSaveInfo(parser, fillRequest, responseBuilder, parser.FieldCollection); responseBuilder.SetIgnoredIds(parser.FieldCollection.IgnoreAutofillIds.ToArray()); return responseBuilder.Build(); } public static Dataset BuildDataset(Context context, FieldCollection fields, FilledItem filledItem, InlinePresentationSpec inlinePresentationSpec = null) { var overlayPresentation = BuildOverlayPresentation( filledItem.Name, filledItem.Subtitle, filledItem.Icon, context); var inlinePresentation = BuildInlinePresentation( inlinePresentationSpec, filledItem.Name, filledItem.Subtitle, filledItem.Icon, null, context); var datasetBuilder = new Dataset.Builder(overlayPresentation); if (inlinePresentation != null) { datasetBuilder.SetInlinePresentation(inlinePresentation); } if (filledItem.ApplyToFields(fields, datasetBuilder)) { return datasetBuilder.Build(); } return null; } public static Dataset BuildVaultDataset(Context context, FieldCollection fields, string uri, bool locked, IList inlinePresentationSpecs = null) { var intent = new Intent(context, typeof(MainActivity)); intent.PutExtra("autofillFramework", true); if (fields.FillableForLogin) { intent.PutExtra("autofillFrameworkFillType", (int)CipherType.Login); } else if (fields.FillableForCard) { intent.PutExtra("autofillFrameworkFillType", (int)CipherType.Card); } else if (fields.FillableForIdentity) { intent.PutExtra("autofillFrameworkFillType", (int)CipherType.Identity); } else { return null; } intent.PutExtra("autofillFrameworkUri", uri); var pendingIntent = PendingIntent.GetActivity(context, ++_pendingIntentId, intent, PendingIntentFlags.CancelCurrent); var overlayPresentation = BuildOverlayPresentation( AppResources.AutofillWithBitwarden, locked ? AppResources.VaultIsLocked : AppResources.GoToMyVault, Resource.Drawable.icon, context); var inlinePresentation = BuildInlinePresentation( inlinePresentationSpecs?.Last(), AppResources.Bitwarden, locked ? AppResources.VaultIsLocked : AppResources.MyVault, Resource.Drawable.icon, pendingIntent, context); var datasetBuilder = new Dataset.Builder(overlayPresentation); if (inlinePresentation != null) { datasetBuilder.SetInlinePresentation(inlinePresentation); } datasetBuilder.SetAuthentication(pendingIntent?.IntentSender); // Dataset must have a value set. We will reset this in the main activity when the real item is chosen. foreach (var autofillId in fields.AutofillIds) { datasetBuilder.SetValue(autofillId, AutofillValue.ForText("PLACEHOLDER")); } return datasetBuilder.Build(); } public static RemoteViews BuildOverlayPresentation(string text, string subtext, int iconId, Context context) { var packageName = context.PackageName; var view = new RemoteViews(packageName, Resource.Layout.autofill_listitem); view.SetTextViewText(Resource.Id.text1, text); view.SetTextViewText(Resource.Id.text2, subtext); view.SetImageViewResource(Resource.Id.icon, iconId); return view; } public static InlinePresentation BuildInlinePresentation(InlinePresentationSpec inlinePresentationSpec, string text, string subtext, int iconId, PendingIntent pendingIntent, Context context) { if ((int)Build.VERSION.SdkInt < 30 || inlinePresentationSpec == null) { return null; } if (pendingIntent == null) { // InlinePresentation requires nonNull pending intent (even though we only utilize one for the // "my vault" presentation) so we're including an empty one here pendingIntent = PendingIntent.GetService(context, 0, new Intent(), PendingIntentFlags.OneShot | PendingIntentFlags.UpdateCurrent); } var slice = CreateInlinePresentationSlice( inlinePresentationSpec, text, subtext, iconId, "Autofill option", pendingIntent, context); if (slice != null) { return new InlinePresentation(slice, inlinePresentationSpec, false); } return null; } private static Slice CreateInlinePresentationSlice( InlinePresentationSpec inlinePresentationSpec, string text, string subtext, int iconId, string contentDescription, PendingIntent pendingIntent, Context context) { var imeStyle = inlinePresentationSpec.Style; if (!UiVersions.GetVersions(imeStyle).Contains(UiVersions.InlineUiVersion1)) { return null; } var contentBuilder = InlineSuggestionUi.NewContentBuilder(pendingIntent) .SetContentDescription(contentDescription); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text)) { contentBuilder.SetTitle(text); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(subtext)) { contentBuilder.SetSubtitle(subtext); } if (iconId > 0) { var icon = Icon.CreateWithResource(context, iconId); if (icon != null) { if (iconId == Resource.Drawable.icon) { // Don't tint our logo icon.SetTintBlendMode(BlendMode.Dst); } contentBuilder.SetStartIcon(icon); } } return contentBuilder.Build().JavaCast()?.Slice; } public static void AddSaveInfo(Parser parser, FillRequest fillRequest, FillResponse.Builder responseBuilder, FieldCollection fields) { // Docs state that password fields cannot be reliably saved in Compat mode since they will show as // masked values. bool? compatRequest = null; if (Build.VERSION.SdkInt >= BuildVersionCodes.Q && fillRequest != null) { // Attempt to automatically establish compat request mode on Android 10+ compatRequest = (fillRequest.Flags | FillRequest.FlagCompatibilityModeRequest) == fillRequest.Flags; } var compatBrowser = compatRequest ?? CompatBrowsers.Contains(parser.PackageName); if (compatBrowser && fields.SaveType == SaveDataType.Password) { return; } var requiredIds = fields.GetRequiredSaveFields(); if (fields.SaveType == SaveDataType.Generic || requiredIds.Length == 0) { return; } var saveBuilder = new SaveInfo.Builder(fields.SaveType, requiredIds); var optionalIds = fields.GetOptionalSaveIds(); if (optionalIds.Length > 0) { saveBuilder.SetOptionalIds(optionalIds); } if (compatBrowser) { saveBuilder.SetFlags(SaveFlags.SaveOnAllViewsInvisible); } responseBuilder.SetSaveInfo(saveBuilder.Build()); } } }