using Bit.App.Abstractions; using Bit.App.Models; using Bit.App.Pages; using Bit.Core.Resources.Localization; using Bit.App.Services; using Bit.App.Utilities; using Bit.App.Utilities.AccountManagement; using Bit.Core; using Bit.Core.Abstractions; using Bit.Core.Enums; using Bit.Core.Models.Data; using Bit.Core.Models.Domain; using Bit.Core.Models.Response; using Bit.Core.Pages; using Bit.Core.Services; using Bit.Core.Utilities; using Bit.Core.Utilities.Fido2; [assembly: XamlCompilation(XamlCompilationOptions.Compile)] namespace Bit.App { public partial class App : Application, IAccountsManagerHost { public const string POP_ALL_AND_GO_TO_TAB_GENERATOR_MESSAGE = "popAllAndGoToTabGenerator"; public const string POP_ALL_AND_GO_TO_TAB_MYVAULT_MESSAGE = "popAllAndGoToTabMyVault"; public const string POP_ALL_AND_GO_TO_TAB_SEND_MESSAGE = "popAllAndGoToTabSend"; public const string POP_ALL_AND_GO_TO_AUTOFILL_CIPHERS_MESSAGE = "popAllAndGoToAutofillCiphers"; private readonly IBroadcasterService _broadcasterService; private readonly IMessagingService _messagingService; private readonly IStateService _stateService; private readonly IVaultTimeoutService _vaultTimeoutService; private readonly ISyncService _syncService; private readonly IAuthService _authService; private readonly IDeviceActionService _deviceActionService; private readonly IFileService _fileService; private readonly IAccountsManager _accountsManager; private readonly IPushNotificationService _pushNotificationService; private readonly IConfigService _configService; private readonly ILogger _logger; #if ANDROID private LazyResolve _fido2MakeCredentialConfirmationUserInterface = new LazyResolve(); #endif private static bool _isResumed; // these variables are static because the app is launching new activities on notification click, creating new instances of App. private static bool _pendingCheckPasswordlessLoginRequests; private static object _processingLoginRequestLock = new object(); // [MAUI-Migration] Workaround to avoid issue on Android where trying to show the LockPage when the app is resuming or in background breaks the app. // This queue keeps those actions so that when the app has resumed they can still be executed. // Links: and private readonly Queue _onResumeActions = new Queue(); #if ANDROID /* * ** Workaround for our Android crashes when trying to use Autofill ** * * This workaround works by managing the "Window Creation" ourselves. * - If we get an AutofillExternalActivity we just create a "dummy" window/navigation page so that the activity can run without crashing. (no visible UI is needed) * - If we get an FromAutofillFramework/Uri/Otp/CreateSend special Option request we create an Autofill Window * - For everything else we use the default "mainWindow" */ public new static Page MainPage { get { return CurrentWindow?.Page; } set { if (CurrentWindow != null) { CurrentWindow.Page = value; } } } /// /// Find the Current Active Window. There should only be one at any point in Android /// public static ResumeWindow CurrentWindow { get { return Application.Current?.Windows.OfType().FirstOrDefault(w => w.IsActive); } } /// /// Allows setting Options from MainActivity before base.OnCreate /// Note 1: This is only be used by Android due to way it's Lifecycle works /// Note 2: This method does not replace existing Options in App.xaml.cs if it exists already. /// It only updates properties in Options related with Autofill/CreateSend/etc.. /// /// Options created in Android MainActivity.cs public void SetAndroidOptions(AppOptions appOptions) { if (Options == null) { Options = appOptions ?? new AppOptions(); } else if(appOptions != null) { Options.Uri = appOptions.Uri; Options.MyVaultTile = appOptions.MyVaultTile; Options.GeneratorTile = appOptions.GeneratorTile; Options.FromAutofillFramework = appOptions.FromAutofillFramework; Options.FromFido2Framework = appOptions.FromFido2Framework; Options.Fido2CredentialAction = appOptions.Fido2CredentialAction; Options.CreateSend = appOptions.CreateSend; Options.HasUnlockedInThisTransaction = appOptions.HasUnlockedInThisTransaction; } } protected override Window CreateWindow(IActivationState activationState) { //When executing from AutofillExternalActivity we don't have "Options" so we need to filter "manually" //In the AutofillExternalActivity we don't need to show any Page, so we just create a "dummy" Window with a NavigationPage to avoid crashing. if (activationState != null && activationState.State.TryGetValue("autofillFramework", out string autofillFramework) && autofillFramework == "true" && activationState.State.ContainsKey("autofillFrameworkCipherId")) { return new Window(new NavigationPage()); //No actual page needed. Only used for auto-filling the fields directly (externally) } //When executing from CredentialProviderSelectionActivity we don't have "Options" so we need to filter "manually" //In the CredentialProviderSelectionActivity we don't need to show any Page, so we just create a "dummy" Window with a NavigationPage to avoid crashing. if (activationState != null && activationState.State.ContainsKey("CREDENTIAL_DATA") && activationState.State.ContainsKey("credentialProviderCipherId")) { return new Window(new NavigationPage()); //No actual page needed. Only used for auto-filling the fields directly (externally) } _isResumed = true; return new ResumeWindow(new NavigationPage(new AndroidNavigationRedirectPage(Options))); } #else //iOS doesn't use the CreateWindow override used in Android so we just set the Application.Current.MainPage directly public new static Page MainPage { get { return Application.Current?.MainPage; } set { if (Application.Current != null) { Application.Current.MainPage = value; } } } #endif public App() : this(null) { } public App(AppOptions appOptions) { Options = appOptions ?? new AppOptions(); if (Options.IosExtension) { Current = this; return; } _broadcasterService = ServiceContainer.Resolve("broadcasterService"); _messagingService = ServiceContainer.Resolve("messagingService"); _stateService = ServiceContainer.Resolve("stateService"); _vaultTimeoutService = ServiceContainer.Resolve("vaultTimeoutService"); _syncService = ServiceContainer.Resolve("syncService"); _authService = ServiceContainer.Resolve("authService"); _deviceActionService = ServiceContainer.Resolve("deviceActionService"); _fileService = ServiceContainer.Resolve(); _accountsManager = ServiceContainer.Resolve("accountsManager"); _pushNotificationService = ServiceContainer.Resolve(); _configService = ServiceContainer.Resolve(); _logger = ServiceContainer.Resolve(); _accountsManager.Init(() => Options, this); _broadcasterService.Subscribe(nameof(App), BroadcastServiceMessageCallbackAsync); Bootstrap(); } private async void BroadcastServiceMessageCallbackAsync(Message message) { try { ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull(message); if (message.Command == "showDialog") { var details = message.Data as DialogDetails; ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull(details); var confirmed = true; var confirmText = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(details.ConfirmText) ? AppResources.Ok : details.ConfirmText; await MainThread.InvokeOnMainThreadAsync(ShowDialogAction); async Task ShowDialogAction() { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(details.CancelText)) { ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull(MainPage); confirmed = await MainPage.DisplayAlert(details.Title, details.Text, confirmText, details.CancelText); } else { await _deviceActionService.DisplayAlertAsync(details.Title, details.Text, confirmText); } _messagingService.Send("showDialogResolve", new Tuple(details.DialogId, confirmed)); } } #if IOS else if (message.Command == AppHelpers.RESUMED_MESSAGE_COMMAND) { ResumedAsync().FireAndForget(); } else if (message.Command == "slept") { await SleptAsync(); } #endif else if (message.Command == "migrated") { await Task.Delay(1000); await _accountsManager.NavigateOnAccountChangeAsync(); } else if (message.Command == POP_ALL_AND_GO_TO_TAB_GENERATOR_MESSAGE || message.Command == POP_ALL_AND_GO_TO_TAB_MYVAULT_MESSAGE || message.Command == POP_ALL_AND_GO_TO_TAB_SEND_MESSAGE || message.Command == POP_ALL_AND_GO_TO_AUTOFILL_CIPHERS_MESSAGE || message.Command == DeepLinkContext.NEW_OTP_MESSAGE) { if (message.Command == DeepLinkContext.NEW_OTP_MESSAGE) { Options.OtpData = new OtpData((string)message.Data); } await MainThread.InvokeOnMainThreadAsync(ExecuteNavigationAction); async Task ExecuteNavigationAction() { if (MainPage is TabsPage tabsPage) { ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull(tabsPage.Navigation); ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull(tabsPage.Navigation.ModalStack); while (tabsPage.Navigation.ModalStack.Count > 0) { await tabsPage.Navigation.PopModalAsync(false); } if (message.Command == POP_ALL_AND_GO_TO_AUTOFILL_CIPHERS_MESSAGE) { MainPage = new NavigationPage(new CipherSelectionPage(Options)); } else if (message.Command == POP_ALL_AND_GO_TO_TAB_MYVAULT_MESSAGE) { Options.MyVaultTile = false; tabsPage.ResetToVaultPage(); } else if (message.Command == POP_ALL_AND_GO_TO_TAB_GENERATOR_MESSAGE) { Options.GeneratorTile = false; tabsPage.ResetToGeneratorPage(); } else if (message.Command == POP_ALL_AND_GO_TO_TAB_SEND_MESSAGE) { tabsPage.ResetToSendPage(); } else if (message.Command == DeepLinkContext.NEW_OTP_MESSAGE) { tabsPage.ResetToVaultPage(); ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull(tabsPage.Navigation); await tabsPage.Navigation.PushModalAsync(new NavigationPage(new CipherSelectionPage(Options))); } } } } else if (message.Command == Constants.CredentialNavigateToAutofillCipherMessageCommand && message.Data is Fido2ConfirmNewCredentialParams createParams) { ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull(MainPage); ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull(Options); await MainThread.InvokeOnMainThreadAsync(NavigateToCipherSelectionPageAction); void NavigateToCipherSelectionPageAction() { Options.Uri = createParams.RpId; Options.SaveUsername = createParams.UserName; Options.SaveName = createParams.CredentialName; MainPage = new NavigationPage(new CipherSelectionPage(Options)); } } else if (message.Command == "convertAccountToKeyConnector") { ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull(MainPage); await MainThread.InvokeOnMainThreadAsync(NavigateToRemoveMasterPasswordPageAction); async Task NavigateToRemoveMasterPasswordPageAction() { await MainPage.Navigation.PushModalAsync( new NavigationPage(new RemoveMasterPasswordPage())); } } else if (message.Command == Constants.ForceUpdatePassword) { ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull(MainPage); await MainThread.InvokeOnMainThreadAsync(NavigateToUpdateTempPasswordPageAction); async Task NavigateToUpdateTempPasswordPageAction() { await MainPage.Navigation.PushModalAsync( new NavigationPage(new UpdateTempPasswordPage())); } } else if (message.Command == Constants.ForceSetPassword) { ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull(MainPage); await MainThread.InvokeOnMainThreadAsync(NavigateToSetPasswordPageAction); void NavigateToSetPasswordPageAction() { MainPage.Navigation.PushModalAsync( new NavigationPage(new SetPasswordPage(orgIdentifier: (string)message.Data))); } } else if (message.Command == "syncCompleted") { await _configService.GetAsync(true); } else if (message.Command == Constants.PasswordlessLoginRequestKey || message.Command == "unlocked" || message.Command == AccountsManagerMessageCommands.ACCOUNT_SWITCH_COMPLETED) { #if ANDROID if (message.Command == AccountsManagerMessageCommands.ACCOUNT_SWITCH_COMPLETED && _fido2MakeCredentialConfirmationUserInterface.Value.IsConfirmingNewCredential) { _fido2MakeCredentialConfirmationUserInterface.Value.OnConfirmationException(new AccountSwitchedException()); } #endif lock (_processingLoginRequestLock) { // lock doesn't allow for async execution CheckPasswordlessLoginRequestsAsync().Wait(); } } else if (message.Command == Constants.NavigateToMessageCommand && message.Data is NavigationTarget navigationTarget) { await MainThread.InvokeOnMainThreadAsync(() => { Navigate(navigationTarget, null); }); } } catch (Exception ex) { LoggerHelper.LogEvenIfCantBeResolved(ex); } } private async Task CheckPasswordlessLoginRequestsAsync() { if (!_isResumed) { _pendingCheckPasswordlessLoginRequests = true; return; } _pendingCheckPasswordlessLoginRequests = false; if (await _vaultTimeoutService.IsLockedAsync()) { return; } var notification = await _stateService.GetPasswordlessLoginNotificationAsync(); if (notification == null) { return; } if (await CheckShouldSwitchActiveUserAsync(notification)) { return; } // Delay to wait for the vault page to appear await Task.Delay(2000); // if there is a request modal opened ignore all incoming requests if (MainPage.Navigation.ModalStack.Any(p => p is NavigationPage navPage && navPage.CurrentPage is LoginPasswordlessPage)) { return; } var loginRequestData = await _authService.GetPasswordlessLoginRequestByIdAsync(notification.Id); var page = new LoginPasswordlessPage(new LoginPasswordlessDetails() { PubKey = loginRequestData.PublicKey, Id = loginRequestData.Id, IpAddress = loginRequestData.RequestIpAddress, Email = await _stateService.GetEmailAsync(), FingerprintPhrase = loginRequestData.FingerprintPhrase, RequestDate = loginRequestData.CreationDate, DeviceType = loginRequestData.RequestDeviceType, Origin = loginRequestData.Origin }); await _stateService.SetPasswordlessLoginNotificationAsync(null); _pushNotificationService.DismissLocalNotification(Constants.PasswordlessNotificationId); if (!loginRequestData.IsExpired) { await MainThread.InvokeOnMainThreadAsync(() => MainPage.Navigation.PushModalAsync(new NavigationPage(page))); } } private async Task CheckShouldSwitchActiveUserAsync(PasswordlessRequestNotification notification) { var activeUserId = await _stateService.GetActiveUserIdAsync(); if (notification.UserId == activeUserId) { return false; } var notificationUserEmail = await _stateService.GetEmailAsync(notification.UserId); MainThread.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async () => { try { var result = await _deviceActionService.DisplayAlertAsync(AppResources.LogInRequested, string.Format(AppResources.LoginAttemptFromXDoYouWantToSwitchToThisAccount, notificationUserEmail), AppResources.Cancel, AppResources.Ok); if (result == AppResources.Ok) { await _stateService.SetActiveUserAsync(notification.UserId); _messagingService.Send(AccountsManagerMessageCommands.SWITCHED_ACCOUNT); } } catch (Exception ex) { LoggerHelper.LogEvenIfCantBeResolved(ex); } }); return true; } public AppOptions Options { get; private set; } protected override async void OnStart() { try { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("XF App: OnStart"); _isResumed = true; await ClearCacheIfNeededAsync(); Prime(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Options.Uri)) { var updated = await AppHelpers.PerformUpdateTasksAsync(_syncService, _deviceActionService, _stateService); if (!updated) { SyncIfNeeded(); } } if (_pendingCheckPasswordlessLoginRequests) { _messagingService.Send(Constants.PasswordlessLoginRequestKey); } #if ANDROID await _vaultTimeoutService.CheckVaultTimeoutAsync(); // Reset delay on every start _vaultTimeoutService.DelayLockAndLogoutMs = null; #endif await _configService.GetAsync(); _messagingService.Send("startEventTimer"); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger?.Exception(ex); throw; } } #if ANDROID protected override async void OnSleep() #else protected override void OnSleep() #endif { try { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("XF App: OnSleep"); _isResumed = false; #if ANDROID var isLocked = await _vaultTimeoutService.IsLockedAsync(); if (!isLocked) { await _stateService.SetLastActiveTimeAsync(_deviceActionService.GetActiveTime()); } if (!SetTabsPageFromAutofill(isLocked)) { ClearAutofillUri(); } await SleptAsync(); #endif } catch (Exception ex) { _logger?.Exception(ex); throw; } } protected override void OnResume() { try { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("XF App: OnResume"); _isResumed = true; if (_pendingCheckPasswordlessLoginRequests) { _messagingService.Send(Constants.PasswordlessLoginRequestKey); } #if ANDROID ResumedAsync().FireAndForget(); #endif } catch (Exception ex) { _logger?.Exception(ex); throw; } } private async Task SleptAsync() { await _vaultTimeoutService.CheckVaultTimeoutAsync(); await ClearSensitiveFieldsAsync(); _messagingService.Send("stopEventTimer"); } private async Task ResumedAsync() { await _stateService.CheckExtensionActiveUserAndSwitchIfNeededAsync(); await _vaultTimeoutService.CheckVaultTimeoutAsync(); await ClearSensitiveFieldsAsync(); _messagingService.Send("startEventTimer"); await UpdateThemeAsync(); await ClearCacheIfNeededAsync(); Prime(); SyncIfNeeded(); if (MainPage is NavigationPage navPage && navPage.CurrentPage is LockPage lockPage) { await lockPage.PromptBiometricAfterResumeAsync(); } // [MAUI-Migration] Workaround to avoid issue on Android where trying to show the LockPage when the app is resuming or in background breaks the app. // Currently we keep those actions in a queue until the app has resumed and execute them here. // Links: and await Task.Delay(50); //Small delay that is part of the workaround and ensures the app is ready to set "MainPage" while (_onResumeActions.TryDequeue(out var action)) { MainThread.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(action); } } public async Task UpdateThemeAsync() { await MainThread.InvokeOnMainThreadAsync(() => { ThemeManager.SetTheme(Resources); _messagingService.Send(ThemeManager.UPDATED_THEME_MESSAGE_KEY); }); } private async Task ClearSensitiveFieldsAsync() { await MainThread.InvokeOnMainThreadAsync(() => { _messagingService.Send(Constants.ClearSensitiveFields); }); } private void SetCulture() { // Calendars are removed by linker. ref new System.Globalization.ThaiBuddhistCalendar(); new System.Globalization.HijriCalendar(); new System.Globalization.UmAlQuraCalendar(); } private async Task ClearCacheIfNeededAsync() { var lastClear = await _stateService.GetLastFileCacheClearAsync(); if ((DateTime.UtcNow - lastClear.GetValueOrDefault(DateTime.MinValue)).TotalDays >= 1) { var task = Task.Run(() => _fileService.ClearCacheAsync()); } } private void ClearAutofillUri() { if (DeviceInfo.Platform == DevicePlatform.Android && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Options.Uri)) { Options.Uri = null; } } private bool SetTabsPageFromAutofill(bool isLocked) { if (DeviceInfo.Platform == DevicePlatform.Android && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Options.Uri) && !Options.FromAutofillFramework) { Task.Run(() => { MainThread.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { try { Options.Uri = null; if (isLocked) { App.MainPage = new NavigationPage(new LockPage()); } else { App.MainPage = new TabsPage(); } } catch (Exception ex) { LoggerHelper.LogEvenIfCantBeResolved(ex); throw; } }); }); return true; } return false; } private void Prime() { Task.Run(() => { var word = EEFLongWordList.Instance.List[1]; var parsedDomain = DomainName.TryParse("", out var domainName); }); } private void Bootstrap() { InitializeComponent(); SetCulture(); ThemeManager.SetTheme(Resources); RequestedThemeChanged += (s, a) => { UpdateThemeAsync().FireAndForget(); }; _isResumed = true; #if IOS //We only set the MainPage here for iOS. Android is using the CreateWindow override for the initial page. App.MainPage = new NavigationPage(new HomePage(Options)); #endif _accountsManager.NavigateOnAccountChangeAsync().FireAndForget(); ServiceContainer.Resolve("platformUtilsService").Init(); } private void SyncIfNeeded() { if (Microsoft.Maui.Networking.Connectivity.NetworkAccess == Microsoft.Maui.Networking.NetworkAccess.None) { return; } Task.Run(async () => { try { var lastSync = await _syncService.GetLastSyncAsync(); if (lastSync == null || ((DateTime.UtcNow - lastSync) > TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30))) { await Task.Delay(1000); await _syncService.FullSyncAsync(false); } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Exception(ex); } }); } public async Task SetPreviousPageInfoAsync() { PreviousPageInfo lastPageBeforeLock = null; if (MainPage is TabbedPage tabbedPage && tabbedPage.Navigation.ModalStack.Count > 0) { var topPage = tabbedPage.Navigation.ModalStack[tabbedPage.Navigation.ModalStack.Count - 1]; if (topPage is NavigationPage navPage) { if (navPage.CurrentPage is CipherDetailsPage cipherDetailsPage) { lastPageBeforeLock = new PreviousPageInfo { Page = "view", CipherId = cipherDetailsPage.ViewModel.CipherId }; } else if (navPage.CurrentPage is CipherAddEditPage cipherAddEditPage && cipherAddEditPage.ViewModel.EditMode) { lastPageBeforeLock = new PreviousPageInfo { Page = "edit", CipherId = cipherAddEditPage.ViewModel.CipherId }; } } } await _stateService.SetPreviousPageInfoAsync(lastPageBeforeLock); } public void Navigate(NavigationTarget navTarget, INavigationParams navParams) { // [MAUI-Migration] Workaround to avoid issue on Android where trying to show the LockPage when the app is resuming or in background breaks the app. // If we are in background we add the Navigation Actions to a queue to execute when the app resumes. // Links: and #if ANDROID if (_fido2MakeCredentialConfirmationUserInterface != null && _fido2MakeCredentialConfirmationUserInterface.Value.IsConfirmingNewCredential) { // if it's creating passkey // and we have an active pending TaskCompletionSource // then we let the Fido2 Authenticator flow manage the navigation to avoid issues // like duplicated navigation to lock page. return; } if (!_isResumed) { _onResumeActions.Enqueue(() => NavigateImpl(navTarget, navParams)); return; } #endif NavigateImpl(navTarget, navParams); } private void NavigateImpl(NavigationTarget navTarget, INavigationParams navParams) { switch (navTarget) { case NavigationTarget.HomeLogin: App.MainPage = new NavigationPage(new HomePage(Options)); break; case NavigationTarget.Login: if (navParams is LoginNavigationParams loginParams) { App.MainPage = new NavigationPage(new LoginPage(loginParams.Email, Options)); } break; case NavigationTarget.Lock: if (navParams is LockNavigationParams lockParams) { App.MainPage = new NavigationPage(new LockPage(Options, lockParams.AutoPromptBiometric)); } else { App.MainPage = new NavigationPage(new LockPage(Options)); } break; case NavigationTarget.Home: App.MainPage = new TabsPage(Options); break; case NavigationTarget.AddEditCipher: App.MainPage = new NavigationPage(new CipherAddEditPage(appOptions: Options)); break; case NavigationTarget.AutofillCiphers: case NavigationTarget.OtpCipherSelection: App.MainPage = new NavigationPage(new CipherSelectionPage(Options)); break; case NavigationTarget.SendAddEdit: App.MainPage = new NavigationPage(new SendAddEditPage(Options)); break; } } } }