Commit Graph

300 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Federico Maccaroni 39a34bd8c4
[PM-3349] [PM-3350] MAUI Migration Initial (#2806)
* PM-3349 PM-3350 MAUI Migration Initial

* PM-3349 PM-3350 MAUI Migration fix nullable exception bindings and AsyncCommand canExecute null exception

* PM-3349 PM-3350 MAUI Migration fix nullable bindings and fallbacks

* PM-3349: Android
Added CustomTabbedPageHandler for Android to handle the tab "reselection" for PopToRoot.
Commented support for Windows in App.csproj
Disabled Interpreter on Android to avoid very slow app in Debug (during Login for example)
Added some null checks that were causing crashes (on GeneratorPageVM and PickerVM)
Minor TabsPage cleanup

* TabBarEffect removed and it's behavior is now taken care of by CustomTabbedPageHandler

* PM-3349 PM-3350 Add null checks on CipherDetailsPageVM to avoid crash opening Secure Notes.

* PM-3349 PM-3350 MAUI Migration Start iOS extensions

* Changes to solution to hopefully fix Config Mappings

* PM-3349 Removed Deploy from iOS.Autofill to allow running Android
Changed MainApplication SpecialFolder.Personal to SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData

* PM-3350 MAUI Migration Fix iOS Autofill extension

* PM-3349 Changed UseMauiApp init so that Android Handlers still get added

* PM-3349 Implemented HybridWebViewHandler for Android which enables 2nd factor auth flows
Ensured CustomTabbedPageHandler had it's DisconnectHandler called
Some minor code upgrades of older obsolete Xamarin Forms code.

* PM-3349 Implemented HybridWebViewHandler for iOS

* hardcoded AccountViewCell Avatar image to 40x40 to avoid current iOS/Android bugs where they fill much larger space.

* PM-3349 PM-3350
Added (migrated) CustomNavigationHandler (which should partially fix the AvatarIcon in the NavBar in iOS)
Added (migrated) CustomContentPageHandler (which should mostly place the AvatarIcon in the navBar in the correct place for iOS)
Added Task.Delay (workaround) to allow the Avatar to load in iOS on the LoginPage
Added workaround for iOS bug with the toolbar size (more info in comment in AvatarImageSource.cs)
Went through the AccountViewCell MAUI-Migration comments. (and deleted/added more comments as needed)
Migrated some Device calls to DeviceInfo and MainThread
Added (migrated) CustomTabbedHandler (for managing the iOS TabBar)

* PM-3349 Replaced the FabShadowEffect with the new MAUI Shadow to fix the buggy shadows on the Android Fab Button.

* PM-3349 ToolbarHandler created for setting text on Android go back buttons.

* PM-3350 Migrated the CustomViewCellRenderer for iOS

* PM-3350 Removed ButtonHandlerMappings and some other code related with fonts as MAUI is taking care of Accessibility and no custom code should be needed
Migrated SelectableLabelRenderer to Handler
Cleaned LabelHandlerMappings and added logic to migrate the CustomLabelRenderer

* Enabled argon2Id for iOS

* PM-3349
Added Argon libraries for Android
minor change to gitignore so that the Argon x86 lib is not ignored on the Android platform

* PM-3350 Migrated some Device to DeviceInfo and added temporary workaround with some comments to be able to see the Generated Password on iOS

* PM-3350 Added some missing images in iOS

* PM-3349 PRM-3350 Replaced XZing with Camera.MAUI for QRCodes

* Checked some [MAUI-Migration] and deleted when it's working as intended.
SearchBarHandlerMapping: IME options working as intended
SliderHandlerMappings: The MAUI "replacement" for Color.Default seems to be White so the old use case doesn't seem to be needed anymore.

* PM-3350 Checked some [MAUI-Migration] and changed as needed.
TimePickerHandlerMappings: Remove old code for forcing the Wheel. After testing without it wheel picker is still used so this code shouldn't be needed anymore.
AppDelegate.ContinueUserActivity: Uncommented and changed the iOS ContinueUserActivity. It needs to call Platform.ContinueUserActivity according with Xamarin Essentials migration docs.

* PM-3349 Fixed white tint color not appearing on images added as MAU IImage SVG
PM-3349 PM-3350 Fix for Avatar text not adjusting to white/black color correctly

* PM-3350 Removed MAUI Splash Screen. Fixed iOS Privacy Screen logo (hardcoded image to avoid it getting cropped)

* PM-3350 Quick workaround to allow 2nd factor auth to not get stuck in iOS in modals.
Updated some older "Device" code to the newer MAUI code.

* PM-3350 Removed duplicate reference to LaunchScreen.storyboard

* PM-3349 PM-3350 Minor change to HomePage to set fixed Image height otherwise it takes more space than it did in the old Xamarin Forms app.
Added HIdeSoftInputOnTapped on several pages (the ones with Entry controls) to allow hiding the keyboard when tapping "outside" of it. (just like we did in Xamarin Forms app)

* PM-3350 Added Scrollview on HomePage so that the "Create account" button can be accessed in smaller devices like iPhone SE.

* PM-3349 Added Handler that enables the ExtendedDatePicker to get IsFocused events in Android. This is a workaround for fixing the current bug where it's not possible to select the "current day" in the expiration date of a Send.
Fix for TimePicker not displaying default Time Value
Updated some "Device" code to the new MAUI "DeviceInfo"

* PM-3349 PM-3350 Migrated IconLabelButton Frames to Borders to fix issue with TapGestureRecognizer in Android
Also fixed some minor "styles" for normal Button and IconLabelButton (both Android and iOS)

* PM-3349 Fix for TabGestureRecognizer not working inside the StackLayout area of IconLabelButton

* PM-3349 Fix for Android buttons having all letters in Caps

* PM-3349 PM-3350 Started using OnNavigatedTo/From instead of On(Dis)Appearing for LoginPage and LoginSSOPage to avoid the "Modal loading" issues in iOS
Also had to add IsInitialized logic to these pages because OnNavigatedTo can be called twice in some scenario.
Some minor migrations of Device to DeviceInfo was also done

* PM-3350 Fixed iOS extensions (iOS.Extension and iOS.ShareExtension)  to load and commented argon2id from debug configuration until we have the .a compiled again with the new platform/arch

* PM-3350 Added configurations for Release mode (no FDroid yet)

* PM-3349 PM-3350 Migrated remaining AutomationProperties to SemanticProperties.
All 'IsInAccessibleTree="True"' were deleted.
'IsInAccessibleTree="False"' were kept and stayed in code.

* PM-3349 PM-3350 Changed binding set for CipherViewCell so it updates accordingly

* PM-3349 PM-3350 Changed AccountViewCell and its binding to be directly against the ViewModel

* PM-3349 Fix for HTML Label on Android. Color hex doesn't need to be cropped anymore.

* PM-3350 Fix for colored html text on iOS

* PM-3349 PM-3350 Added the partial MAUI Community Toolkit implementation for TouchEffect. This is a temporary solution until they finalize this and add it to their nuget package.
This allows implementing the LongPressCommand in AccountSwitchingOverlay and also have the "Ripple effect" animation when touching an item in Android

* PM-3349 PM-3350 Changed SendViewCell and its binding to be directly against the ViewModel

* PM-3350 Fixed iOS Share extension lazy views loading and an issue with the avatar loading. Also discovered issue with TapGestureRecognizer not working on MAUI Embedding

* PM-3350 Fixed iOS Extensions navigation to several pages and improved avoiding duplicate calls to OnNavigatedTo

* PM-3350 Updated PCL Crypto to latest alpha version to fix "Dll not found NCrypt" issue

* PM-3350 Removed workaround for iOS issue with Avatar icon as it's now fixed in latest .Net8 release.

* PM-3349 PM-3350 Removed AsyncCommand "wrapper" and added AsyncRelayCommand directly in all ViewModels that were using the other one.

* PM-3350 Added watchOS app to main project and fixed some csproj conditions for runtime identifiers on iOS.

* PM-3350 Fixed/Updated all MAUI-Migration TODOs

* PM-3350 Fixed account toolbar item and TitleView on SendAddOnlyPage, also removed comments on AvatarImageSource given the workaround is not needed anymore to draw the image successfully.

* PM-3350 Updated AppCenter package to latest version 5.0.3 and updated some things into MAUI style

* PM-3350 Added workaround for iOS Avatar icon again.

* PM-3349 Added workaround for Android to avoid issues with setting MainPage when app is in background. They are now kept on a Queue to be executed after the app has resumed.
Updated some things on App.xaml.cs to the new MAUI style

* PM-3349 PM-3350 Fixed issue where creating an account with weak/exposed password would get stuck after the Captcha (if a captcha is shown)
Changed App.xaml.cs NavigateImpl to be private

* PM-3349 Started to configure build.yml for MAUI Android

* PM-3349 build.yml update paths for MAUI Android

* PM-3349 build.yml commented verify format and just set qa as variant on MAUI Android for faster checks on CI

* PM-3349 PM-3350 build.cake updated paths

* PM-3349 build.yml updated env helpers variables and set specific csproj to build on Android so not to build iOS extensions

* PM-3349 build.yml add Android "prod" variant

* PM-3350 build.yml updated iOS build and ignore Android build to try the CI faster

* PM-3350 build.yml changed nuget restore for dotnet restore on iOS build to fix issue on restoring due to msbuild

* PM-3350 build.yml Upgraded iOS build to run on macos-13 image which has XCode 15, and set the XCode 15 version as currently the default one is 14.x

* PM-3350 build.yml try to fix ILLINK warnings and changed image to be macos-13-arm64 to see if the build is faster

* PM-3350 build.yml changed image back to be macos-13 to see if the build is faster

* PM-3350 Added Document.Build.props to disable trimming on publish

* PM-3350 build.yml disable trimming on publish so it's faster

* PM-3350 added linkskip for iOS csprojs

* PM-3350 iOS projs disable linking and set Newstandkit as weak framework

* Update build.yml disabling iOS job to avoid long running process of publish until we can fix that

* PM-3349 PM-3350 Workaround to fix issues with text getting cropped/truncated when a Label has both Multiline and LinebreakMode set

* PM-3349 build.yml enabled android build workflow

* PM-3349 build.yml configured FDROID job for MAUI

* PM-3350 iOS extensions TapGestureRecognizer try Window workaround

* PM-3350 iOS applied workaround on the iOS Autofill and Share extension to maui embed the navigation page with its content page in the Window

* PM-3349 PM-3350 Added workaround for More Options to work on Search and Groupings Page
Updated some code to MAUI Style also

* PM-3349 PM-3350 Added the ability for users to press "Continue" button as a fallback when using the Yubikey if the "SubmitCommand" doesn't trigger automatically.

* PM-3349 PM-3350 Fix for text getting cut/truncated in both account switcher and ciphers/search lists
Issue is due to MAUI but can be avoided by using slightly different layout

* PM-3350 iOS updated CFBundlerShortVersionString to latest one 2023.10.1

* PM-3350 fix build.yml Bitwarden.ipa AppStore exported file

* PM-3350 build.yml added step to validate app for submitting into App Store and have better logs of it

* PM-3350 build.yml Added several fixes like not using MtouchUseLLVM on the iOS builds to fix they taking forever to build and some changes on the automation CI to do a debug build for the moment

* PM-3350 Improved MTouch linking and extra args on iOS related csprojs

* PM-3349 PM-3350 Added MAUI label on self-host settings and on about settings to differentiate from XF app

* PM-3349 PM-3350 build.yml uncommented jobs so we have a more complete workflow

* PM-3349 PM-3350 Minor change: removed unneeded HorizontalTextAlignment from Label.

* PM-3349 Replaced CrossCurrentActivity plugin with MAUI internal CurrentActivity

* PM-3350 Fix iOS extensions navigation and Window/RootViewController handling for TapGestureRecognizer to work

* PM-3350 Cleared left ClipLogger from the iOS extensions debug logging.

* PM-3349 PM-3350 Refactored cipher bindings to have a simpler approach reusing a new CipherItemViewModel to avoid unwanted issues in the app

* PM-3349 Added base structure for avoiding Android Autofill crash. This workaround works but it's not complete as it can't handle the entire workflow when showing CipherSelectionPAge (like checking if it should show LockPage)

* PM-3350 Bumped iOS version

* PM-3350 Changed linker to use default mode given that "Full" is presenting some problems as the linker is stripping things it shouldn't and we're trying to solve it. So for now we will use the mode "Link SDK assemblies only" so QA can test.

* PM-3349 Fix for app crashing on Android when Dark mode is enabled
Removed unused button style for android

* Proof of concept for having multiple window in Android for autofill support and navigating with the help of an Extended splash page.

* PM-3350 Fix crash on Release by adding Interpreter on iOS and also adding System.Security.Cryptography to be ignored by the linker

* PM-3350 Apply Cryptography TrimmerRootAssembly only to iOS

* PM-3350 Updated Plugin.Fingerprint so biometrics work

* Update .github/workflows/build.yml setup-xcode commit hash

Co-authored-by: Vince Grassia <>

* PM-3349 PM-3350 Enabled argon2id and fixed one issue with the Uris when getting the icon image

* PM-3349 Upgraded Android targetSdkVersion to 34

* minor change (public to private fields)

* minor improvemments on autofill-redirect

* PM-3349 Commented the Deploy step for Android job given that we're using the hotfix-rc branch for testing iOS on TestFlight

* PM-3349 Uncommented the Deploy step for Android job

* PM-3349 Ensure "_isResumed=true" is set on App.xaml.cs:Bootstrap

* Reusing App.xaml.cs Navigation for the Android RedirectPage
Some other cleanup and changes

* Improved autofill workaround to better handle switching between windows.

* PM-3349 minor fix to add space in HomePage between the region picker labels.

* Added some comments and improvemments.

* PM-3349 Added Window events unsubscription of events. Also changed code to avoid potentially having multiple autofillwindow

* PM-3349 Minor ui fix (space between buttons in delete account page)

* initial commit of android credential provider service (wip)

* Revert "initial commit of android credential provider service (wip)"

This reverts commit 6011b63958.

* PM-3350 Fix for Delete Account buttons on iOS

* PM-3349 PM-3350 Changed search icon used in app to avoid issue with icon size on iOS

* PM-3349 Added custom window so that we can always get the current Active Window. This is used to support the Android Autofil and multi-window scenarios.

* PM-3349 Fix for icon and text spacing in some list items

* PM-3349 Minor aligment improvemment for region selection in HomePage

* PM-3349 Changed the "track color" for the Android switch so that the color is different from the "thumb"

* PM-3350 Updated version to 2024.1.0 on iOS

* PM-3349 Fix Picker selection style by doing a custom PickerHandler for Android which uses SetSingleChoiceItems(...) to provide with the appropriate UI

* PM-3350 Updated MauiVersion to 8.0.4-nightly.* to have the TapGestureRecognizer fix applied. This is done on the Directory.Build.props so we don't have to change it on every csproj. Also removed the workaround of TapGestureHack and fix the Show environment picker to work on the extensions as well.

* PM-3350 Added nuget.config so we add the nuget package source for MAUI Nightly builds

* Bump main iOS version

* PM-3350 Removed "iOS" old folder project that has been moved into the MAUI Single app project.

* PM-3350 Improved code safety adding a lot of try...catch and logging throughout the app. Also made the invoking on main thread safer on several places of the app. Additionally, on the GroupingsPageViewModel changed the code removing the old Xamarin hack and just using Replace directly instead of Clearing first to see if that fixes the crash we're having sometimes on the app.

* PM-3350 PM-3349 Updated Unit Test projects to NET 8.0 and fixed it to work with Core project reference. Also fixed a test that was breaking due to CIpherKey creation being wrong. Added "UT" as a constant to add when building/running Core.Test project so we have something on the context that tells us that is for a UT. With this I had to remove FFImageLoading on UT context because it doesn't support NET 8.0

* PM-3350 PM-3349 Updated Readme with MAUI and main branch

* PM-3350 PM-3349 Enable running Core tests

* PM-3350 Fix build.yml format

* PM-3349 Fix navigation when coming from autofill with Accessibility Services enabled. The user was getting into Home page instead of where they were, with this workaround the app navigates as if the account has been switched, leaving the user as closely as possible to where they were, basically on the first screen for the current state of the user.

* PM-3350 PM-3349 Added property to Directory.Build.props to enable Unit Testing globally so Test runners work

* Improve TOTP scan performance on Android

* Move Android camera/scan changes to xaml

* PM-3350 Testing UseInterpreter false on CI build

* PM-3350 Enabled back UseInterpreter on iOS Release given that it crashes on startup without it.

* PM-3349 PM-3350 Improved code safety with try...catch, better invoke on main thread and better null handling.

* PM-3349 PM-3350 Updated XCode version on build.yml to 15.1

* PM-3350 Removed TapGesture Window MAUI hack from iOS.Extension and iOS.ShareExtension

* PM-3350 Fixed CancellationTokenSource proper disposal

* PM-3350 Fix Avatar toolbar icon on extensions to load properly and to take advantage of using directly SkiaSharp to do the native conversion to UIImage. Also improved the toolbar item so that size is set appropriately.

* PM-3349 PM-3350 Fix external link icon

* PM-3350 Added new style to prevent spell check and text prediction

* Fix merge from main

* PM-3350 Commented event collection upload on the timer and when sending the app to background to see if that prevents the app from crashing on release mode.

* PM-3350 Added check for state migration version before trying to migrate LiteDB values into Prefs when there's no need to and that may be inducing crashes on backgrounded iOS apps.

* PM-3350 Try to disable Interpreter to have better crash knowledge. This time testing if avoiding loading the argon2id lib we're able to not use the interpreter.

* PM-5928 Fix circle animation to be shown on verification codes list on each item

* PM-3350 Go back to use Interpreter and added some Directory.Build.props to easily change Codesign properties and also include/exclude iOS extensions / WatchOS from the build.

* PM-3350 Enabled iOS extensions and WatchOS app to be included based on the Directory.Build.props

* PM-3350 Go back to include argon2id and interpreter

* Removing error/loading placeholders of icons on the cells to see if that is causing the background crash on iOS; so we can test this in TestFlight

* [PM-5910] Workaround for for sliding elements in Duo 2FA flow (#2967)

* workaround for sliding elements in duo 2fa flow

* restrict workaround to Android

* restrict workaround to Android

* Revert "restrict workaround to Android"

This reverts commit c2753d5dc4.

* Revert "restrict workaround to Android"

This reverts commit 69688cfb98.

* PM-5902 fix for account switcher not dismissing when tapping outside (#2974)

* PM-3350 Fix iossimulator-x64 argon2id load so we can test on simulators and also made easier to maintain loading the argon2id library on the iOS projects by setting a general Directory.Build.props that is shared.

* PM-5903 Changed App.xaml.cs SetOption to only update the needed properties instead of replacing the existing Options object which would cause the AccountSwitcher button bug (#2973)

* [PM-5896] Fix MAUI iOS Background crash due to lock files on suspension (#2969)

* PM-5896 Fix background crash on iOS due to lock files when app gets suspended. Changed loading and error placeholders of the CachedImage to not be used and use default icon of IconLabel instead changing visibility.

* PM-5896 Changed methods to be protected so that they don't get removed by the linker.

* PM-5896 Added stub class and references to it so to have stronger references to Icon_Success and Icon_Error so the linker doesn't remove them.

* PM-3349 Removed commented code from build.yml regarding FDroid that is not needed anymore.

* PM-6077 Separated Android and iOS HybridWebViewHandler so that it can be used on iOS.Core (#2983)

* [PM-5907] Fix for incorrect TOTP white text color on label when using light theme on iOS (#2982)

* PM-5907 workaround for incorrect textcolor when programmatically changing text on Entry

* Update src/Core/Pages/Vault/CipherAddEditPage.xaml.cs

Co-authored-by: Federico Maccaroni <>


Co-authored-by: Federico Maccaroni <>

* [PM-5906] Fix for incorrect Send MaxAccess white text color on label when using light theme on iOS (#2981)

* PM-5906 workaround for incorrect textcolor when programmatically changing text on Entry

* Update src/Core/Pages/Send/SendAddEditPage.xaml.cs

Co-authored-by: Federico Maccaroni <>


Co-authored-by: Federico Maccaroni <>

* PM-3349 PM-3350 Fixed Unit tests because of referencing FFImageLoading when it's not possible


Co-authored-by: Dinis Vieira <>
Co-authored-by: Vince Grassia <>
Co-authored-by: mpbw2 <>
2024-02-08 16:05:26 -03:00
Federico Maccaroni e97a37222a
[PM-2658] Settings Reorganization feature (#2702)
* [PM-2658] Settings Reorganization Init (#2697)

* PM-2658 Started settings reorganization (settings main + vault + about)

* PM-2658 Added settings controls based on templates and implemented OtherSettingsPage

* PM-2658 Fix format

* [PM-3512] Settings Appearance (#2703)

* PM-3512 Implemented new Appearance Settings

* PM-3512 Fix format

* [PM-3510] Implement Account Security Settings view (#2714)

* PM-3510 Implemented Security settings view

* PM-3510 Fix format

* PM-3510 Added empty placeholder to pending login requests and also improved a11y on security settings view.

* PM-3511 Implemented autofill settings view (#2735)

* [PM-3695] Add Connect to Watch to Other settings (#2736)

* PM-3511 Implemented autofill settings view

* PM-3695 Add Connect to watch setting to other settings view

* [PM-3693] Clear old Settings approach (#2737)

* PM-3511 Implemented autofill settings view

* PM-3693 Remove old Settings approach

* PM-3845 Fix default dark theme description verbiage (#2759)

* PM-3839 Fix allow screen capture and submit crash logs to init their state when the page appears (#2760)

* PM-3834 Fix dialogs strings on settings (#2758)

* [PM-3834] Fix import items link (#2782)

* PM-3834 Fix import items link

* PM-3834 Fix import items link, removed old link.

* [PM-4092] Fix vault timeout policies on new Settings (#2796)

* PM-4092 Fix vault timeout policy on settings for disabling controls and reset timeout when surpassing maximum

* PM-4092 Removed testing hardcoding of policy data
2023-09-27 16:26:12 -03:00
mpbw2 6f7100ae4f
lib updates (#2696) 2023-08-16 12:48:54 -04:00
Federico Maccaroni dd52ff0dcc
[PM-2320] Improve Android block Auto-fill URIs (#2616)
* PM-2320 Added new view for block autofill URIs on Android

* PM-2320 Fix formatting

* PM-2320 Improved validations on block autofill uris

* PM-2320 Improved autofill block uris placeholder colors on different themes
2023-07-18 11:25:38 -03:00
ifernandezdiaz 72e67bd6f2
[PM-2691] Adding AutomationIDs for Vault Page sections (#2580)
* Adding IDs for Vault Page sections

* Removing extra spaces

* Adding Matt's comments

* Fixing Filters Id bug

* Adding Fede's suggestions

* Fixing Settings Ids issues

* Fixing AutomationIds issues with RecyclerViews + implementing AutomationId helper class

* Adding Fede's suggestion

* Adding latest Fede's suggestions
2023-06-29 15:37:08 -03:00
mp-bw f24b82f345
Dependency Updates (#2517) 2023-05-11 11:13:30 -04:00
Federico Maccaroni 9f8307a4ff
[EC-770] Implement MessagePack on Watch sync (#2264)
* EC-770 Started implementing MessagePack for the iPhone -> Watch communication

* EC-770 Removed Pods and installed MessagePack through SPM

* EC-770 Implemented MessagePack + Lzfse compression when syncing iPhone -> Watch

* EC-770 Added MessagePack as submodule and updated the build to checkout the submodule as well. Also added MessagePack files as reference in the watch project

* EC-770 Updated build

Updated build.yml to checkout submodules on iOS
2023-03-09 15:45:51 -03:00
André Bispo d61bc4b5c1
[SG-460] Master Password security checks (mobile) (#2312)
* [SG-886] MasterPassword Strength Indicator (#2238)

* [SG-886] Add password strength indicator control

* [SG-570] Add weak password dialog check

* [SG-886] rename enum password strength

* [SG-886] Change control scale

* [SG-886] Move calculate user inputs to IPasswordGenerationService, refactor.

* [SG-886] Move formatted string to xaml. Move minimum chars to constant

* [SG-886] String to enum converter

* [SG-886] PR fixes. Code refactor control

* [SG-886] Update UI on OS theme change.

* [SG-886] Move colors to view

* [SG-886] Fixed password strength validation

* [SG-564][SG-565] Check Exposed Password (#2239)

* [SG-886] Add password strength indicator control

* [SG-570] Add weak password dialog check

* [SG-886] rename enum password strength

* [SG-564] [SG-565] Add check for exposed password and show dialog

* code format

* [SG-886] Change control scale

* [SG-886] Move calculate user inputs to IPasswordGenerationService, refactor.

* [SG-886] Move formatted string to xaml. Move minimum chars to constant

* [SG-886] String to enum converter

* [SG-886] Remove import

* [SG-886] Update UI on OS theme change.

* [SG-886] Move colors to view

* [SG-886] Fixed password strength validation
2023-01-20 13:38:31 +00:00
André Bispo 9ae269dd57
[SG-174] Login with Device Request - Mobile (#2167)
* [SG-174] Add new login request services to Api

* [SG-174] Fix typo

* [SG-174] Enable login with device button.

* [SG-174] Add new login request page and viewmodel

* [SG-174] Add new text resources

* [SG-174] Add new RSA Decrypt method with string param

* [SG-174] Change create login request method

* [SG-174] Add new method to auth service to login passwordless

* [SG-174] Refactor login helper method to work with passwordless

* [SG-174] Fix service registration

* [SG-174] Update token request to support passwordless

* [SG-174] Update Api service with passwordless methods

* [SG-174] Fix App csproj references

* [SG-174] Remove unnecessary argument

* [SG-174] dotnet format

* [SG-174] Fixed iOS Extensions

* [SG-174] Change Command to ICommand

* [SG-174] Change Gesture Recognizer to Command

* [SG-174] Fix close action

* [SG-174] Code format

* [SG-174] Fix android frame shadow bug

* [SG-174] PR fixes
2022-11-09 16:25:48 +00:00
André Bispo b9b9c2e5ff
[SG-166] Two Step Login - Feature Branch (#2157)
* [SG-166] Update fonts to have necessary icons

* [SG-166] Add new custom view to hold a button with a font icon and a label.

* [SG-166] Two Step login flow - Mobile (#2153)

* [SG-166] Add UI elements to Home and Login pages. Change VMs to function with new UI. Add new string resources.

* [SG-166] Pass email parameter from Home to Login page.

* [SG-166] Pass email to password hint page.

* [SG-166] Remove remembered email from account switching.

* [SG-166] Add GetKnownDevice endpoint to ApiService

* [SG-166] Fix GetKnownDevice string uri

* [SG-166] Add Renderer for IconLabel control. Add RemoveFontPadding bool property.

* [SG-166] include IconLabelRenderer in Android csproj file

* [SG-166] Add new control. Add styles for the control.

* [SG-166] Add verification to start login if email is remembered

* [SG-166] Pass default email to hint page

* [SG-166] Login with device button only shows if it is a known device.

* [SG-166] Change Remember Email to Remember me. Change Check to Switch control.

* [SG-166] Add command to button for SSO Login

* Revert "[SG-166] Update fonts to have necessary icons"

This reverts commit 472b541cef.

* [SG-166] Remove IconLabel Android renderer. Add RemoveFontPadding effect.

* [SG-166] Update font with new device and suitcase icon

* [SG-166] Fix RemoveFontPadding effect

* [SG-166] Remove unused property in IconLabel

* [SG-166] Fix formatting on IconLabelButton.xaml

* [SG-166] Update padding effect to IconLabel

* [SG-166] Add control variable to run code once on create

* [SG-166] Add email validation before continue

* [SG-166] Refactor icons

* [SG-166] Update iOS Extension font

* [SG-166] Remove HomePage login btn step

* [SG-166] Make clickable area smaller

* [SG-166] Fix hint filled by default

* [SG-166] Fix IconButton font issue

* [SG-166] Fix iOS extension

* [SG-166] Move style to Base instead of platforms

* [SG-166] Fix layout for IconLabelButton

* [SG-166] Switched EventHandler for Command

* [SG-166] Removed event handler

* [SG-166] Fix LoginPage layout options

* [SG-166] Fix extensions Login null email

* [SG-166] Move remembered email logic to viewmodel

* [SG-166] Protect method and show dialog in case of error

* [SG-166] Rename of GetKnownDevice api method

* [SG-166] rename text resource key name

* [SG-166] Add close button to iOS extension

* [SG-166] Switch event handlers for commands

* [SG-166] Change commands UI thread invocation.

* [SG-166] Remove Login with device button from the UI

* [SG-166] Fixed appOptions and close button on iOS Extensions
2022-10-28 23:10:41 +01:00
mp-bw 9631988fc2
remove duplicate/older community toolkit dependency (#2107) 2022-09-30 15:44:18 -03:00
André Bispo f9a32e4abc
Passwordless feature branch PR (#2100)
* [SG-471] Passwordless device login screen (#2017)

* [SSG-471] Added UI for the device login request response.

* [SG-471] Added text resources and arguments to Page.

* [SG-471] Added properties to speed up page bindings

* [SG-471] Added mock services. Added Accept/reject command binding, navigation and toast messages.

* [SG-471] fixed code styling with dotnet-format

* [SG-471] Fixed back button placement. PR fixes.

* [SG-471] Added new Origin parameter to the page.

* [SG-471] PR Fixes

* [SG-471] PR fixes

* [SG-471] PR Fix: added FireAndForget.

* [SG-471] Moved fire and forget to run on ui thread task.

* [SG-381] Passwordless - Add setting to Mobile (#2037)

* [SG-381] Added settings option to approve passwordless login request. If user has notifications disabled, prompt to go to settings and enable them.

* [SG-381] Update settings pop up texts.

* [SG-381] Added new method to get notifications state on device settings. Added userId to property saved on device to differentiate value between users.

* [SG-381] Added text for the popup on selection.

* [SG-381] PR Fixes

* [SG-408] Implement passwordless api methods (#2055)

* [SG-408] Update notification model.

* [SG-408] removed duplicated resource

* [SG-408] Added implementation to Api Service of new passwordless methods.

* removed qa endpoints

* [SG-408] Changed auth methods implementation, added method call to viewmodel.

* [SG-408] ran code format

* [SG-408] PR fixes

* [SG-472] Add configuration for new notification type (#2056)

* [SG-472] Added methods to present local notification to the user. Configured new notification type for passwordless logins

* [SG-472] Updated code to new api service changes.

* [SG-472] ran dotnet format

* [SG-472] PR Fixes.

* [SG-472] PR Fixes

* [SG-169] End-to-end testing refactor. (#2073)

* [SG-169] Passwordless demo change requests (#2079)

* [SG-169] End-to-end testing refactor.

* [SG-169] Fixed labels. Changed color of Fingerprint phrase. Waited for app to be in foreground to launch passwordless modal to fix Android issues.

* [SG-169] Anchored buttons to the bottom of the screen.

* [SG-169] Changed device type from enum to string.

* [SG-169] PR fixes

* [SG-169] PR fixes

* [SG-169] Added comment on static variable
2022-09-26 18:27:57 +01:00
mp-bw 7f9dfd3dae
Updated libs to latest stable (#2092)
* updated libs to latest stable

* testing rollback of test dependencies

* testing xunit restore

* bump all test libs except xunit

* remove AndroidX.Migration package
2022-09-22 11:17:17 -04:00
Federico Maccaroni b7048de2a1
[EC-528] Refactor Custom Fields into separate components (#1662)
* Refactored CustomFields to stop using RepeaterView and use BindableLayout and divided the different types on different files and added a factory to create them

* Fix formatting
2022-09-09 15:58:11 -03:00
aj-rosado 8ec6545bbc
[PS-1116] Improved network error handling (#2007)
* PS-1116 Improved network error handling on ViewPageViewModel and AddEditPageViewModel

* PS-1116 Renamed ViewPage and AddEditPage pages to a more explicit name.
Refactored CheckPassword from the CipherPages to a single Base class.

* PS-1116 Updated variables relative to the AddEditPage and ViewPage refactor to CipherAddEditPage and CipherDetailPage

* Renamed CipherDetailPage to CipherDetailsPage

* Code improvement

* PS-1116 Improved code formatting

* PS-1116 Improved formatting

* PS-1116 Improved code formatting
2022-07-27 17:46:56 +01:00
Federico Maccaroni 292908f53f
[EC-259] Added Account Switching to Share extension on iOS (#1971)
* EC-259 Added Account switching on share extension on iOS, also improved performance for this and exception handling

* EC-259 code formatting

* EC-259 Added account switching to Share extension Send view

* EC-259 Fixed navigation on share extension when a forms page is already presented

* EC-259 Fix send text UI update when going from the iOS extension

* EC-259 Improved DateTimeViewModel with helper property to easily setup date and time at the same time and applied on usage
2022-07-12 14:12:23 -03:00
mp-bw 388ad4e840
lib updates (#1949) 2022-06-10 12:24:02 -04:00
Federico Maccaroni fba407f3b6
SG-210 Account Switching in Autofill (iOS) (#1909)
* SG-210 Set up account switching on Autofill iOS

* SG-210 Fix refresh after sync on autofill ciphers, also added account switching on lock view on autofill. Also fix possible crash when scrolling when no items were displayed and also fixed navigation when login in on an automatically logged out account.

* SG-210 Added reference on iOS.Core project

* Fix formatting on AccountManager

* SG-210 Fix background color for dark theme
2022-06-08 14:24:01 -03:00
André Filipe da Silva Bispo 22c746543a
PS-518 - Add setting to block AppCenter / Analytics - Mobile (#1905)
* PS-518 - Add setting to block AppCenter / Analytics - Mobile
- Added another entry into Settings page under the Others section
- Added prompt to ask user to enable / disable Crash Reports
- Added compilation tags to remove if the build is FDroid 

* PS-518 Add setting to block AppCenter / Analytics - Mobile
- Reduced FDroid compilation tags throughout the code
- Added Init, Enable and State methods to Logger
- Simplified SettingsPageViewModel Enable/Disable code

* PS-518 Add setting to block AppCenter / Analytics - Mobile
- Appcenter references were removed from App project, 
- Removed FDroid build.yml code that was deleting Appcenter packages from App.csproj

Co-authored-by: André Bispo <>
2022-05-18 17:59:19 +01:00
mp-bw ab6dde4a11
update XF and revert old workarounds (#1885) 2022-04-21 21:29:47 -04:00
Matt Portune 79a76c4638
Support for lock/logout/remove accounts from account list (#1826)
* Support for lock/logout/remove accounts via long-press

* establish and set listview height before showing

* undo modification
2022-03-07 12:28:06 -05:00
Matt Portune 2e8824ce05
Account Switching (#1807)
* Account Switching (#1720)

* Account switching


* wip

* wip

* updates to send test logic

* fixed Send tests

* fixes for theme handling on account switching and re-adding existing account

* switch fixes

* fixes

* fixes

* cleanup

* vault timeout fixes

* account list status enhancements

* logout fixes and token handling improvements

* merge latest (#1727)

* remove duplicate dependency

* fix for initial login token storage paradox (#1730)

* Fix avatar color update toolbar item issue on iOS for account switching (#1735)

* Updated account switching menu UI (#1733)

* updated account switching menu UI

* additional changes

* add key suffix to constant

* GetFirstLetters method tweaks

* Fix crash on account switching when logging out when having more than user at a time (#1740)

* single account migration to multi-account on app update (#1741)

* Account Switching Tap to dismiss (#1743)

* Added tap to dismiss on the Account switching overlay and improved a bit the code

* Fix account switching overlay background transparent on the proper place

* Fixed transparent background and the shadow on the account switching overlay

* Fix iOS top space on Account switching list overlay after modal (#1746)

* Fix top space added to Account switching list overlay after closing modal

* Fix top space added to Account switching list overlay after closing modal on lock, login and home views just in case we add modals in the future there as well

* Usability: dismiss account list on certain events (#1748)

* dismiss account list on certain events

* use new FireAndForget method for back button logic

* Create and use Account Switching overlay control (#1753)

* Added Account switching overlay control and its own ViewModel and refactored accordingly

* Fix account switching Accounts list binding update

* Implemented dismiss account switching overlay when changing tabs and when selecting the same tab. Also updated the deprecated listener on CustomTabbedRenderer on Android (#1755)

* Overriden Equals on AvatarImageSource so it doesn't get set multiple times when it's the same image thus producing blinking on tab chaged (#1756)

* Usability improvements for logout on vault timeout (#1781)

* accountswitching fixes (#1784)

* Fix for invalid PIN lock state when switching accounts (#1792)

* fix for pin lock flow

* named tuple values and updated async

* clear send service cache on account switch (#1796)

* Global theme and account removal (#1793)

* Global theme and account removal

* remove redundant call to hide account list overlay

* cleanup and additional tweaks

* add try/catch to remove account dialog flow

Co-authored-by: Federico Maccaroni <>
2022-02-23 12:40:17 -05:00
Federico Maccaroni 4e7ceaf5b5
Account Deletion on SSO with CME (#1721)
* WIP Added Verification Code page and a verification flow helper to coordinate things

* Improved Verification Code page verification flow helper and fix some issues, also added flag ApiService to choose whether to logout on Unanuthorized

* Improved Verification Code page UI/UX verification flow helper and fix some issues and made some cleanups

* Fix spelling
2022-01-24 13:25:46 -03:00
Federico Maccaroni b8c1107c94
Fixed long secure notes edition scrolling when focused issue (#1257) (#1601)
* Fixed long secure notes edition scrolling when focused issue (#1257)

* Improved fix long secure notes edition scrolling when focused issue to not use a new editor custom renderer but an effect (#1257)

* Fixed long editor, on text and notes on send when scrolling when focused issue (#1257)
2021-10-25 16:28:45 -03:00
Matt Portune 8d23bc89e8
Update XF to remove AndroidX dependency hack (#1544)
* update forms and other libs

* change async pattern
2021-09-23 13:11:51 -04:00
Matt Portune 93e2c0df7c
keep app version at 2.11.1 for now (#1471) 2021-07-21 14:03:38 -04:00
Matt Portune 8d07397a59
Revert "lib updates and app version bump (#1468)" (#1469)
This reverts commit 15d44b873b.
2021-07-20 16:21:41 -04:00
Matt Portune 15d44b873b
lib updates and app version bump (#1468)
* lib updates and app version bump

* added explicit androidx core dependency
2021-07-20 12:57:01 -04:00
Matt Portune 1d4e742d66
Forms update with CollectionView conversion (#1374)
* Forms update with CollectionView conversion

* updates

* removed unnecessary import
2021-05-13 14:36:20 -04:00
Matt Portune 2f6e1ff477
lib updates (#1381)
* lib updates

* included csv and biometric lib
2021-05-13 14:15:26 -04:00
Matt Portune a18e59a28a
Send feature for mobile (#1256)
* Send feature for mobile

* added fallback for KdfIterations

* additional property exclusions for tests

* support encryptedFileData as byte array comparison in SendServiceTests

* formatting

* requested changes

* additional changes

* change position of send service registration to match declaration order
2021-02-10 19:50:10 -05:00
Matt Portune c71deb5051
Enhanced autofill settings (#1150)
* enhanced autofill settings

* cleanup
2020-11-17 09:37:57 -05:00
Matt Portune 3cbe932248
Additional support for system theme setting (#1124)
* first pass with iOS 13+ support

* tweaks for ios pre-13

* Added Android support for dark/light splash & detection with default theme

* update cipher cell text color on system theme change (android)
2020-10-20 15:26:25 -04:00
Matt Portune f1419a75f6
Added SSO flows and functionality (#1047)
* SSO login flow for pre-existing user and no 2FA

* 2FA progress

* 2FA support

* Added SSO flows and functionality

* Handle webauthenticator cancellation gracefully

* updates & bugfixes

* Added state validation to web auth response handling

* SSO auth, account registration, and environment settings support for iOS extensions

* Added SSO prevalidation to auth process

* prevalidation now hitting identity service base url

* additional error handling

* Requested changes

* fixed case
2020-09-03 12:30:40 -04:00
Matt Portune da661c229c
Lib updates (#889)
* lib updates

* updated libs
2020-05-07 17:03:13 -04:00
Matt Portune b2abcda111
Fix for talkback slider control (#828) 2020-04-10 13:30:02 -04:00
Matt Portune 4ce4288f68
Updated dependencies (#820) 2020-04-03 17:17:24 -04:00
Matt Portune 4d3d8b643a
Conversion of HockeyApp to AppCenter for crash reporting (#810)
* Conversion of HockeyApp to AppCenter for crash reporting

* Corrected older-style nuget package definition
2020-04-02 09:02:38 -04:00
Matt Portune 145482ea30
Project lib updates and migration (#789)
* Replace 3rd party FAB lib with our own code

* merged

* merged





* Updated LiteDB

* Update ZXing libs to 2.4.1

* Missing semicolon

* rename fab style to btn-fab

* Revert project guid modified by VSmac
2020-03-20 17:54:23 -04:00
Matt Portune 33df456cfd
In-app vault export support (#729)
* First pass at vault export UI

* Password validation via cryptoService

* Export service framework

* support for constructing json export data

* Support for constructing csv export data

* Cleanup and simplification

* Completion of vault export feature

* Formatting and simplification

* Use dialog instead of toast for invalid master password entry
2020-02-14 16:10:58 -05:00
Kyle Spearrin 4e51517ddb update libs 2019-12-16 09:14:54 -05:00
Kyle Spearrin d308f1ca3b update libs and to xamarin forms 4 2019-10-30 08:27:40 -04:00
Kyle Spearrin 3c7920b84c XF 3.6 update 2019-09-30 20:33:54 -04:00
Kyle Spearrin c2c73d5460 autofill pages for ios 2019-07-02 13:15:00 -04:00
Kyle Spearrin 8eec0c22d7 nord theme 2019-06-05 11:36:58 -04:00
Kyle Spearrin 237d31be28 add resx for other languages 2019-06-03 23:46:09 -04:00
Kyle Spearrin c27e44a7d2 autofill service page 2019-06-03 12:19:42 -04:00
Kyle Spearrin 22f16ea514 accessibility settings page 2019-06-03 12:05:18 -04:00
Kyle Spearrin 18c2c1433b stub black theme 2019-06-01 23:42:42 -04:00
Kyle Spearrin d70de04816 stub out options page 2019-05-29 09:08:47 -04:00