
1579 lines
62 KiB
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New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Microsoft ResX Schema
Version 2.0
The primary goals of this format is to allow a simple XML format
that is mostly human readable. The generation and parsing of the
various data types are done through the TypeConverter classes
associated with the data types.
... headers & schema ...
<resheader name="resmimetype">text/microsoft-resx</resheader>
<resheader name="version">2.0</resheader>
<resheader name="reader">System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, ...</resheader>
<resheader name="writer">System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, ...</resheader>
<data name="Name1"><value>this is my long string</value><comment>this is a comment</comment></data>
<data name="Color1" type="System.Drawing.Color, System.Drawing">Blue</data>
<data name="Bitmap1" mimetype="application/">
<value>[base64 mime encoded serialized .NET Framework object]</value>
<data name="Icon1" type="System.Drawing.Icon, System.Drawing" mimetype="application/">
<value>[base64 mime encoded string representing a byte array form of the .NET Framework object]</value>
<comment>This is a comment</comment>
There are any number of "resheader" rows that contain simple
name/value pairs.
Each data row contains a name, and value. The row also contains a
type or mimetype. Type corresponds to a .NET class that support
text/value conversion through the TypeConverter architecture.
Classes that don't support this are serialized and stored with the
mimetype set.
The mimetype is used for serialized objects, and tells the
ResXResourceReader how to depersist the object. This is currently not
extensible. For a given mimetype the value must be set accordingly:
Note - application/ is the format
that the ResXResourceWriter will generate, however the reader can
read any of the formats listed below.
mimetype: application/
value : The object must be serialized with
: System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter
: and then encoded with base64 encoding.
mimetype: application/
value : The object must be serialized with
: System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap.SoapFormatter
: and then encoded with base64 encoding.
mimetype: application/
value : The object must be serialized into a byte array
: using a System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter
: and then encoded with base64 encoding.
<xsd:schema xmlns="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata" id="root">
<xsd:import namespace=""/>
<xsd:element name="root" msdata:IsDataSet="true">
<xsd:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xsd:element name="metadata">
<xsd:element name="value" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:attribute name="name" use="required" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:attribute name="type" type="xsd:string"/>
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<xsd:attribute ref="xml:space"/>
<xsd:element name="assembly">
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<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string"/>
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<xsd:element name="comment" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" msdata:Ordinal="2"/>
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="required" msdata:Ordinal="1"/>
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<xsd:attribute ref="xml:space"/>
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<xsd:element name="value" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" msdata:Ordinal="1"/>
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="required"/>
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<resheader name="version">
<resheader name="reader">
<value>System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089</value>
<resheader name="writer">
<value>System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089</value>
<data name="About" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Add" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Add/create a new entity (verb).</comment>
<data name="AddFolder" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="AddItem" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>The title for the add item page.</comment>
<data name="AnErrorHasOccurred" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Alert title when something goes wrong.</comment>
<data name="Back" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Navigate back to the previous screen.</comment>
<data name="Bitwarden" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>App name. Shouldn't ever change.</comment>
<data name="Cancel" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Cancel an operation.</comment>
<data name="Copy" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Copy some value to your clipboard.</comment>
<data name="CopyPassword" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>The button text that allows a user to copy the login's password to their clipboard.</comment>
<data name="CopyUsername" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>The button text that allows a user to copy the login's username to their clipboard.</comment>
<data name="Credits" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Title for page that we use to give credit to resources that we use.</comment>
<data name="Delete" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Delete an entity (verb).</comment>
<data name="Deleting" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Message shown when interacting with the server</comment>
<data name="DoYouReallyWantToDelete" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Confirmation alert message when deleteing something.</comment>
<data name="Edit" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="EditFolder" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Email" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Short label for an email address.</comment>
<data name="EmailAddress" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Full label for a email address.</comment>
<data name="EmailUs" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="EmailUsDescription" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="EnterPIN" xml:space="preserve">
<value>請輸入 PIN 碼。</value>
<data name="Favorites" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Title for your favorite items in the vault.</comment>
<data name="FileBugReport" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bug 回報</value>
<data name="FileBugReportDescription" xml:space="preserve">
<value>在我們的 GitHub 儲存庫中新增問題。</value>
<data name="FingerprintDirection" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Folder" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Label for a folder.</comment>
<data name="FolderCreated" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="FolderDeleted" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="FolderNone" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Items that have no folder specified go in this special "catch-all" folder.</comment>
<data name="Folders" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="FolderUpdated" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="GoToWebsite" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>The button text that allows user to launch the website to their web browser.</comment>
<data name="HelpAndFeedback" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Hide" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Hide a secret value that is currently shown (password).</comment>
<data name="InternetConnectionRequiredMessage" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Description message for the alert when internet connection is required to continue.</comment>
<data name="InternetConnectionRequiredTitle" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Title for the alert when internet connection is required to continue.</comment>
<data name="InvalidMasterPassword" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="InvalidPIN" xml:space="preserve">
<value>PIN 不正確,請重試。</value>
<data name="Launch" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>The button text that allows user to launch the website to their web browser.</comment>
<data name="LogIn" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>The login button text (verb).</comment>
<data name="LogInNoun" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Title for login page. (noun)</comment>
<data name="LogOut" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>The log out button text (verb).</comment>
<data name="LogoutConfirmation" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="MasterPassword" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Label for a master password.</comment>
<data name="More" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Text to define that there are more options things to see.</comment>
<data name="MyVault" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>The title for the vault page.</comment>
<data name="Name" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Label for an entity name.</comment>
<data name="No" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Notes" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Label for notes.</comment>
<data name="Ok" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Password" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Label for a password.</comment>
<data name="Save" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Button text for a save operation (verb).</comment>
<data name="Saving" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Message shown when interacting with the server</comment>
<data name="Settings" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>The title for the settings page.</comment>
<data name="Show" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Reveal a hidden value (password).</comment>
<data name="ItemDeleted" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Confirmation message after successfully deleting a login.</comment>
<data name="Submit" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Sync" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>The title for the sync page.</comment>
<data name="ThankYou" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Tools" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>The title for the tools page.</comment>
<data name="URI" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Label for a uri/url.</comment>
<data name="UseFingerprintToUnlock" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Username" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Label for a username.</comment>
<data name="ValidationFieldRequired" xml:space="preserve">
<value>必須填入 {0} 。</value>
<comment>Validation message for when a form field is left blank and is required to be entered.</comment>
<data name="ValueHasBeenCopied" xml:space="preserve">
<value>{0} 已複製。</value>
<comment>Confirmation message after suceessfully copying a value to the clipboard.</comment>
<data name="VerifyFingerprint" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="VerifyMasterPassword" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="VerifyPIN" xml:space="preserve">
<value>驗證 PIN 碼</value>
<data name="Version" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="View" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="VisitOurWebsite" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="VisitOurWebsiteDescription" xml:space="preserve">
<value>瀏覽我們的網站以取得協助、了解新消息、傳送電子郵件給我們或瀏覽更多使用 Bitwarden 的秘訣。</value>
<data name="Website" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Label for a website.</comment>
<data name="Yes" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Account" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="AccountCreated" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="AddAnItem" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="AppExtension" xml:space="preserve">
<value>App 小工具</value>
<data name="AutofillAccessibilityDescription" xml:space="preserve">
<value>使用 Bitwarden 協助工具服務在應用程式和網站中自動填入您的登入資料。</value>
<data name="AutofillService" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="AvoidAmbiguousCharacters" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="BitwardenAppExtension" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bitwarden App 小工具</value>
<data name="BitwardenAppExtensionAlert2" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bitwarden App 小工具是新增登入資訊到密碼庫的最簡單方法。請至「設定」頁面了解更多關於 Bitwarden App 小工具的使用資訊。</value>
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="BitwardenAppExtensionDescription" xml:space="preserve">
<value>在 Safari 和其他應用程式中使用 Bitwarden 自動填入登入資料。</value>
<data name="BitwardenAutofillService" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bitwarden 自動填入服務</value>
<data name="BitwardenAutofillAccessibilityServiceDescription" xml:space="preserve">
<value>使用 Bitwarden 無障礙服務自動填入您的登入資料。</value>
<data name="ChangeEmail" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ChangeEmailConfirmation" xml:space="preserve">
<value>您可以在 bitwarden 網頁版變更電子郵件地址。現在前往?</value>
<data name="ChangeMasterPassword" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ChangePasswordConfirmation" xml:space="preserve">
<value>您可以在 bitwarden 網頁版密碼庫變更主密碼。現在前往?</value>
<data name="Close" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Continue" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="CreateAccount" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="CreatingAccount" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Message shown when interacting with the server</comment>
<data name="EditItem" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="EnableAutomaticSyncing" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="EnterEmailForHint" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ExntesionReenable" xml:space="preserve">
<value>重新啟動 App 小工具</value>
<data name="ExtensionAlmostDone" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ExtensionEnable" xml:space="preserve">
<value>啟用 App 小工具</value>
<data name="ExtensionInSafari" xml:space="preserve">
<value>在 Safari 中的分享功能尋找 Bitwarden 圖示(提示:在最底行的最右邊)。</value>
<comment>Safari is the name of apple's web browser</comment>
<data name="ExtensionInstantAccess" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ExtensionReady" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ExtensionSetup" xml:space="preserve">
<value>現在可以在 Safari、Chrome 以及其他支援的程式中方便地存取您的登入資料了。</value>
<data name="ExtensionSetup2" xml:space="preserve">
<value>在 Safari 或 Chrome 中的分享功能尋找 Bitwarden 圖示(提示:在最底行的最右邊)。</value>
<data name="ExtensionTapIcon" xml:space="preserve">
<value>在選單中按一下 Bitwarden 圖示啟動小工具。</value>
<data name="ExtensionTurnOn" xml:space="preserve">
<value>要在 Safari 或其他程式開啟 Bitwarden ,請在最底行的最右邊按 "更多" 圖示。</value>
<data name="Favorite" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Fingerprint" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="GeneratePassword" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="GetPasswordHint" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ImportItems" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ImportItemsConfirmation" xml:space="preserve">
<value>您可以在 bitwarden 網頁版批次匯入登入資料。現在前往?</value>
<data name="ImportItemsDescription" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="LastSync" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Length" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Lock" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="LockOption15Minutes" xml:space="preserve">
<value>15 分鐘</value>
<data name="LockOption1Hour" xml:space="preserve">
<value>1 小時</value>
<data name="LockOption1Minute" xml:space="preserve">
<value>1 分鐘</value>
<data name="LockOption4Hours" xml:space="preserve">
<value>4 小時</value>
<data name="LockOptionImmediately" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="LockOptions" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="LoggingIn" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Message shown when interacting with the server</comment>
<data name="LoginOrCreateNewAccount" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Manage" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="MasterPasswordConfirmationValMessage" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="MasterPasswordDescription" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="MasterPasswordHint" xml:space="preserve">
<value>主密碼提示 (選用)</value>
<data name="MasterPasswordHintDescription" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="MasterPasswordLengthValMessage" xml:space="preserve">
<value>主密碼需要至少 8 個字元。</value>
<data name="MinNumbers" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Minimum numeric characters for password generator settings</comment>
<data name="MinSpecial" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Minimum special characters for password generator settings</comment>
<data name="MoreSettings" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="MustLogInMainApp" xml:space="preserve">
<value>您必須先登入 Bitwarden 才可使用小工具。</value>
<data name="Never" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="NewItemCreated" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="NoFavorites" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="NoItems" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="NoItemsTap" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="NoUsernamePasswordConfigured" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="OkGotIt" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Confirmation, like "Ok, I understand it"</comment>
<data name="OptionDefaults" xml:space="preserve">
<value>選項預設值是由 Bitwarden 中的密碼產生器設定的。</value>
<data name="Options" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Other" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="PasswordGenerated" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="PasswordGenerator" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="PasswordHint" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="PasswordHintAlert" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="PasswordOverrideAlert" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="PushNotificationAlert" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bitwarden 使用推送通知來自動同步您的密碼庫。為了確保同步順暢,稍後系統將詢問您是否會開啟通知,請選擇“是”。</value>
<comment>Push notifications for apple products</comment>
<data name="RateTheApp" xml:space="preserve">
<value>為 Bitwarden 評分</value>
<data name="RateTheAppDescription" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="RegeneratePassword" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="RetypeMasterPassword" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="SearchVault" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Security" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Select" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="SetPIN" xml:space="preserve">
<value>設定 PIN 碼</value>
<data name="SetPINDirection" xml:space="preserve">
<value>輸入一個 4 位數 PIN 碼作為程式密碼。</value>
<data name="ItemInformation" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ItemUpdated" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Submitting" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Message shown when interacting with the server</comment>
<data name="Syncing" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Message shown when interacting with the server</comment>
<data name="SyncingComplete" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="SyncingFailed" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="SyncVaultNow" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="TouchID" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Touch ID</value>
<comment>What Apple calls their fingerprint reader.</comment>
<data name="TwoStepLogin" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="TwoStepLoginConfirmation" xml:space="preserve">
<value>兩步驟登入需要您登入時輸入一個由驗證碼程式產生的安全碼,為您的帳戶增加一層保障。兩步驟登入可以在 bitwarden 網頁版啟用。現在前往?</value>
<data name="UnlockWith" xml:space="preserve">
<value>用 {0} 解鎖</value>
<data name="UnlockWithPIN" xml:space="preserve">
<value>用 PIN 碼解鎖</value>
<data name="Validating" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Message shown when interacting with the server</comment>
<data name="VerificationCode" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ViewItem" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="WebVault" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bitwarden 網頁版密碼庫</value>
<data name="Lost2FAApp" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Items" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Screen title</comment>
<data name="ExtensionActivated" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Icons" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Translations" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ItemsForUri" xml:space="preserve">
<value>{0} 的項目</value>
<comment>This is used for the autofill service. ex. "Logins for"</comment>
<data name="NoItemsForUri" xml:space="preserve">
<value>您的密碼庫中沒有 {0} 的登入資料。</value>
<comment>This is used for the autofill service. ex. "There are no items in your vault for".</comment>
<data name="BitwardenAutofillServiceNotification" xml:space="preserve">
<value>當您看見 Bitwarden 的自動填入通知時,可以點選它以啟用自動填入服務。</value>
<data name="BitwardenAutofillServiceNotificationContent" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="BitwardenAutofillServiceOpenAccessibilitySettings" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="BitwardenAutofillServiceStep1" xml:space="preserve">
<value>1. 在 Android 的協助工具設定中,按一下服務中的 "Bitwarden" 。</value>
<data name="BitwardenAutofillServiceStep2" xml:space="preserve">
<value>2. 按一下開關,再按“確定”。</value>
<data name="Disabled" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Enabled" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Status" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="BitwardenAutofillServiceAlert2" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#513) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:56:55 +02:00
<value>Bitwarden 自動填入服務是新增登入資料的最簡單方法。請到 “設定” 頁面了解更多使用 Bitwarden 自動填入服務的方法 。</value>
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="Autofill" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="AutofillOrView" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="BitwardenAutofillServiceMatchConfirm" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="MatchingItems" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="PossibleMatchingItems" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Search" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="BitwardenAutofillServiceSearch" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ShareVault" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="AutofillPasswordField" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="AutofillPasswordFieldDescription" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="AutofillPersistNotification" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="AutofillPersistNotificationDescription" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="AutofillAlways" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="AutofillAlwaysDescription" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="CannotOpenApp" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Message shown when trying to launch an app that does not exist on the user's device.</comment>
<data name="AuthenticatorAppTitle" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>For 2FA</comment>
<data name="EnterVerificationCodeApp" xml:space="preserve">
<value>輸入驗證器應用程式提供的 6 位數驗證碼。</value>
<comment>For 2FA</comment>
<data name="EnterVerificationCodeEmail" xml:space="preserve">
<value>輸入已傳送至電子郵件地址 {0} 的 6 位數驗證碼。</value>
<comment>For 2FA</comment>
<data name="LoginUnavailable" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>For 2FA whenever there are no available providers on this device.</comment>
<data name="NoTwoStepAvailable" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="RecoveryCodeTitle" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>For 2FA</comment>
<data name="RememberMe" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Remember my two-step login</comment>
<data name="SendVerificationCodeAgain" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>For 2FA</comment>
<data name="TwoStepLoginOptions" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="UseAnotherTwoStepMethod" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="VerificationEmailNotSent" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>For 2FA</comment>
<data name="VerificationEmailSent" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>For 2FA</comment>
<data name="YubiKeyInstruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>將您的 YubiKey NEO 緊貼於裝置後, 或者將 YubiKey 插入您裝置的 USB 連接埠, 按下按鈕後繼續。</value>
<data name="YubiKeyTitle" xml:space="preserve">
<value>YubiKey 安全金鑰</value>
<comment>"YubiKey" is the product name and should not be translated.</comment>
<data name="AddNewAttachment" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Attachments" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="UnableToDownloadFile" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="UnableToOpenFile" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Downloading" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Message shown when downloading a file</comment>
<data name="AttachmentLargeWarning" xml:space="preserve">
<value>這個附件大小為 {0} 。確定要下載到您的裝置嗎?</value>
<comment>The placeholder will show the file size of the attachment. Ex "25 MB"</comment>
<data name="AuthenticatorKey" xml:space="preserve">
<value>驗證器金鑰 (TOTP)</value>
<data name="VerificationCodeTotp" xml:space="preserve">
<value>驗證碼 (TOTP)</value>
<comment>Totp code label</comment>
<data name="AuthenticatorKeyAdded" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="AuthenticatorKeyReadError" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="CameraInstructionBottom" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="CameraInstructionTop" xml:space="preserve">
<value>將相機對準 QR code 。</value>
<data name="ScanQrTitle" xml:space="preserve">
<value>掃描 QR Code</value>
<data name="Camera" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Photos" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="CopyTotp" xml:space="preserve">
<value>複製 TOTP</value>
<data name="DisableAutoTotpCopyDescription" xml:space="preserve">
<value>如果您的登入資料已有驗證器金鑰TOTP 驗證碼會在您自動輸入時自動複製到您的剪貼簿。</value>
<data name="DisableAutoTotpCopy" xml:space="preserve">
<value>禁止自動複製 TOTP</value>
<data name="PremiumRequired" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="AttachementAdded" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="AttachmentDeleted" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ChooseFile" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="File" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="NoFileChosen" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="NoAttachments" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="FileSource" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="FeatureUnavailable" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="MaxFileSize" xml:space="preserve">
<value>最大檔案大小為 100MB。</value>
<data name="UpdateKey" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="LearnMore" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ApiUrl" xml:space="preserve">
<value>API 伺服器 URL</value>
<data name="CustomEnvironment" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="CustomEnvironmentFooter" xml:space="preserve">
<value>適用於進階使用者。您可以單獨指定各個服務的基礎 URL。</value>
<data name="EnvironmentSaved" xml:space="preserve">
<value>環境 URL 已儲存。</value>
<data name="FormattedIncorrectly" xml:space="preserve">
<value>{0} 的格式不正確。</value>
<comment>Validation error when something is not formatted correctly, such as a URL or email address.</comment>
<data name="IdentityUrl" xml:space="preserve">
<value>身分伺服器 URL</value>
<comment>"Identity" refers to an identity server. See more context here</comment>
<data name="SelfHostedEnvironment" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="SelfHostedEnvironmentFooter" xml:space="preserve">
<value>指定自己設定、託管的 bitwarden 環境之基礎 URL。</value>
<data name="ServerUrl" xml:space="preserve">
<value>伺服器 URL</value>
<data name="WebVaultUrl" xml:space="preserve">
<value>網頁版密碼庫伺服器 URL</value>
<data name="BitwardenAutofillServiceNotificationContentOld" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="CustomFields" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="CopyNumber" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="CopySecurityCode" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Number" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="SecurityCode" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="TypeCard" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="TypeIdentity" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="TypeLogin" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="TypeSecureNote" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Address1" xml:space="preserve">
<value>地址 1</value>
<data name="Address2" xml:space="preserve">
<value>地址 2</value>
<data name="Address3" xml:space="preserve">
<value>地址 3</value>
<data name="April" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="August" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Brand" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="CardholderName" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="CityTown" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Company" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Country" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="December" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Dr" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ExpirationMonth" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ExpirationYear" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="February" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="FirstName" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="January" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="July" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="June" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="LastName" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="LicenseNumber" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="March" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="May" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="MiddleName" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Mr" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Mrs" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Ms" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="November" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="October" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="PassportNumber" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Phone" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="September" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="SSN" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="StateProvince" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Title" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ZipPostalCode" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Address" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Expiration" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="DisableWebsiteIcons" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="DisableWebsiteIconsDescription" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="IconsUrl" xml:space="preserve">
<value>圖示伺服器 URL</value>
<data name="AutofillWithBitwarden" xml:space="preserve">
<value>使用 Bitwarden 自動填入</value>
<data name="VaultIsLocked" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="GoToMyVault" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Collections" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="NoItemsCollection" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="NoItemsFolder" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="AutofillAccessibilityService" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="AutofillServiceDescription" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bitwarden 自動填入服務使用 Android 自動填入框架來幫助您將登入資料、信用卡和身分資訊填入至裝置上的其他應用程式中。</value>
<data name="BitwardenAutofillServiceDescription" xml:space="preserve">
<value>使用 Bitwarden 自動填入服務 ,幫您在網頁和應用程式中自動填入登入資料。</value>
<data name="BitwardenAutofillServiceOpenAutofillSettings" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="FaceID" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Face ID</value>
<comment>What Apple calls their facial recognition reader.</comment>
<data name="FaceIDDirection" xml:space="preserve">
<value>使用 Face ID 進行驗證</value>
<data name="UseFaceIDToUnlock" xml:space="preserve">
<value>使用 Face ID 解鎖</value>
<data name="VerifyFaceID" xml:space="preserve">
<value>驗證 Face ID</value>
<data name="WindowsHello" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Windows Hello</value>
<data name="BitwardenAutofillGoToSettings" xml:space="preserve">
<value>我們無法為您自動開啟 Android 自動填入設定選單。您可以手動造訪 Android 設定 &gt; 系統 &gt; 語言與輸入設定 &gt; 進階 &gt; 自動填入服務 到達自動填入設定。</value>
<data name="CustomFieldName" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="FieldTypeBoolean" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="FieldTypeHidden" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="FieldTypeText" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="NewCustomField" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="SelectTypeField" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Remove" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="NewUri" xml:space="preserve">
<value>新增 URI</value>
<data name="URIPosition" xml:space="preserve">
<value>URI {0}</value>
<comment>Label for a uri/url with position. i.e. URI 1, URI 2, etc</comment>
<data name="BaseDomain" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Default" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Exact" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Host" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>A URL's host value. For example, the host of is ''.</comment>
<data name="RegEx" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>A programming term, also known as 'RegEx'.</comment>
<data name="StartsWith" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="URIMatchDetection" xml:space="preserve">
<value>URL 一致性偵測</value>
<data name="MatchDetection" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>URI match detection for auto-fill.</comment>
<data name="YesAndSave" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="AutofillAndSave" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Organization" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>An entity of multiple related people (ex. a team or business organization).</comment>
<data name="HoldYubikeyNearTop" xml:space="preserve">
<value>將您的 Yubikey 靠近裝置的頂端。</value>
<data name="TryAgain" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="YubiKeyInstructionIos" xml:space="preserve">
<value>要繼續的話,請將您的 YubiKey NEO 靠在裝置的背面。</value>
<data name="BitwardenAutofillAccessibilityServiceDescription2" xml:space="preserve">
<value>當應用程式不支援標準的自動填入服務時, 協助工具服務或許能夠幫助使用。</value>
<data name="DatePasswordUpdated" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>ex. Date this password was updated</comment>
<data name="DateUpdated" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>ex. Date this item was updated</comment>
<data name="AutofillActivated" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="MustLogInMainAppAutofill" xml:space="preserve">
<value>您必須先登入 Bitwarden 應用程式,才可以使用自動填入功能。</value>
<data name="AutofillSetup" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="AutofillSetup2" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="BitwardenAutofillDescription" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="AutofillTurnOn" xml:space="preserve">
<value>請按照以下步驟開啟 Bitwarden 自動填入功能:</value>
<data name="AutofillTurnOn1" xml:space="preserve">
<value>1. 前往 iOS 的“設定”應用程式</value>
<data name="AutofillTurnOn2" xml:space="preserve">
<value>2. 點選 "密碼和帳戶"</value>
<data name="AutofillTurnOn3" xml:space="preserve">
<value>3. 點選 "自動填入密碼"</value>
<data name="AutofillTurnOn4" xml:space="preserve">
<value>4. 開啟自動填入功能</value>
<data name="AutofillTurnOn5" xml:space="preserve">
<value>5. 選擇 "Bitwarden"</value>
<data name="PasswordAutofill" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="BitwardenAutofillAlert2" xml:space="preserve">
<value>使用 Bitwarden 自動填入密碼小工具是新增登入資訊到密碼庫的最簡單方法。請至「設定」頁面了解更多關於 Bitwarden 自動填入密碼小工具的使用資訊。</value>
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="InvalidEmail" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#512) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:08:37 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="Cards" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#512) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:08:37 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="Identities" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#512) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:08:37 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="Logins" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#512) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:08:37 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="SecureNotes" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#512) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:08:37 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="AllItems" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#512) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:08:37 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="URIs" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Plural form of a URI</comment>
<data name="CheckingPassword" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#513) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:56:55 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<comment>A loading message when doing an exposed password check.</comment>
<data name="CheckPassword" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#513) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:56:55 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="PasswordExposed" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#513) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:56:55 +02:00
<value>此密碼已外洩了 {0} 次,應立即變更密碼。</value>
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="PasswordSafe" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#513) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:56:55 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="IdentityName" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#512) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:08:37 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="Value" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#512) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:08:37 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="PasswordHistory" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#512) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:08:37 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
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New Crowdin translations (#512) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:08:37 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="NoPasswordsToList" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="NoItemsToList" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#512) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:08:37 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="SearchCollection" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#512) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:08:37 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="SearchFolder" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#512) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:08:37 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="SearchType" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#512) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:08:37 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="Type" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#512) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:08:37 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="MoveDown" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#513) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:56:55 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="MoveUp" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#513) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:56:55 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="Miscellaneous" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#513) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:56:55 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="Ownership" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#512) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:08:37 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="WhoOwnsThisItem" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#513) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:56:55 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="NoCollectionsToList" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#513) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:56:55 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="ItemShared" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#513) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:56:55 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="SelectOneCollection" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="Share" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#512) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:08:37 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
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New Crowdin translations (#512) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:08:37 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
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New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
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New Crowdin translations (#513) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:56:55 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="NumberOfWords" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#513) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:56:55 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="Passphrase" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#513) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:56:55 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
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New Crowdin translations (#512) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:08:37 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="Clear" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#512) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:08:37 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<comment>To clear something out. example: To clear browser history.</comment>
<data name="Generator" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#512) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:08:37 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<comment>Short for "Password Generator"</comment>
<data name="NoFoldersToList" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#513) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:56:55 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="FingerprintPhrase" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#513) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:56:55 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<comment>A 'fingerprint phrase' is a unique word phrase (similar to a passphrase) that a user can use to authenticate their public key with another user, for the purposes of sharing.</comment>
<data name="YourAccountsFingerprint" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#513) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:56:55 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<comment>A 'fingerprint phrase' is a unique word phrase (similar to a passphrase) that a user can use to authenticate their public key with another user, for the purposes of sharing.</comment>
<data name="ShareVaultConfirmation" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#513) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:56:55 +02:00
<value>Bitwarden 允許您使用組織帳戶與他人共享您的密碼庫。您想造訪 網站以了解更多內容嗎?</value>
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="ExportVault" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#513) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:56:55 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="LockNow" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#512) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:08:37 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="PIN" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#512) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:08:37 +02:00
<value>PIN 碼</value>
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="Unlock" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#512) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:08:37 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="LockOption30Minutes" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#512) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:08:37 +02:00
<value>30 分鐘</value>
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="LockOption5Minutes" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#512) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:08:37 +02:00
<value>5 分鐘</value>
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="SetPINDescription" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#513) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:56:55 +02:00
<value>設定您用來解鎖 Bitwarden 的 PIN 碼。您的 PIN 設定將在您完全結束本應用程式時被重設。</value>
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="LoggedInAsOn" xml:space="preserve">
<value>已在 {1} 以 {0} 身份登入。</value>
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<comment>ex: Logged in as on</comment>
<data name="VaultLockedMasterPassword" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#513) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:56:55 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="VaultLockedPIN" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#513) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:56:55 +02:00
<value>密碼庫已鎖定。驗證 PIN 碼以繼續。</value>
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="Dark" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#512) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:08:37 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<comment>A dark color</comment>
<data name="Light" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#512) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:08:37 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<comment>A light color</comment>
<data name="FiveMinutes" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#512) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:08:37 +02:00
<value>5 分鐘</value>
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="OneMinute" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#512) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:08:37 +02:00
<value>1 分鐘</value>
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="TenSeconds" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#512) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:08:37 +02:00
<value>10 秒鐘</value>
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="ThirtySeconds" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#512) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:08:37 +02:00
<value>30 秒鐘</value>
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="TwentySeconds" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#512) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:08:37 +02:00
<value>20 秒鐘</value>
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="TwoMinutes" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#512) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:08:37 +02:00
<value>2 分鐘</value>
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="ClearClipboard" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#512) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:08:37 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<comment>Clipboard is the operating system thing where you copy/paste data to on your device.</comment>
<data name="ClearClipboardDescription" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#513) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:56:55 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<comment>Clipboard is the operating system thing where you copy/paste data to on your device.</comment>
<data name="DefaultUriMatchDetection" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#513) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:56:55 +02:00
<value>預設的 URI 一致性偵測方式</value>
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<comment>Default URI match detection for auto-fill.</comment>
<data name="DefaultUriMatchDetectionDescription" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#513) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:56:55 +02:00
<value>選擇在自動填入密碼等動作時的 URI 一致性偵測方式。</value>
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="Theme" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#512) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:08:37 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<comment>Color theme</comment>
<data name="ThemeDescription" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#513) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:56:55 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="RestartIsRequired" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#513) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:56:55 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<comment>Referring to restarting the application.</comment>
<data name="Restarting" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#513) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:56:55 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="CopyNotes" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#513) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:56:55 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="Exit" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#512) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:08:37 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="ExitConfirmation" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#513) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:56:55 +02:00
<value>您確定要結束 Bitwarden 嗎?</value>
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="PINRequireMasterPasswordRestart" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="Black" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#513) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:56:55 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<comment>The color black</comment>
<data name="BlacklistedUris" xml:space="preserve">
<value>黑名單 URI</value>
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="BlacklistedUrisDescription" xml:space="preserve">
<value>被加到黑名單的網址將不提供自動填入。應用程式列表必須以逗號分隔。範例「, androidapp://」。</value>
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="DisableSavePrompt" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#513) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:56:55 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="DisableSavePromptDescription" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
<data name="LockOptionOnRestart" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#513) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-06-04 16:56:55 +02:00
<data name="AutofillServiceNotEnabled" xml:space="preserve">
<value>「自動填入」使其他網站及 App 能更簡單地安全存取您的 Bitwarden 密碼庫。看起來您尚未啟用 Bitwarden 的自動填入服務。請在「設定」畫面啟用 Bitwarden 的自動填入。</value>
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#553) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai)
2019-07-03 21:15:21 +02:00
<data name="ThemeAppliedOnRestart" xml:space="preserve">
<value>App 重新啟動之後,您的主題變更將會被套用。</value>
New Crowdin translations (#553) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai)
2019-07-03 21:15:21 +02:00
<data name="Capitalize" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#553) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai)
2019-07-03 21:15:21 +02:00
<comment>ex. Uppercase the first character of a word.</comment>
<data name="IncludeNumber" xml:space="preserve">
New Crowdin translations (#553) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai)
2019-07-03 21:15:21 +02:00
New Crowdin translations (#565) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian)
2019-07-22 20:53:12 +02:00
<data name="Download" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Shared" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ToggleVisibility" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Toggle Visiblity</value>
New Crowdin translations (#510) * New translations AppResources.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations AppResources.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Korean) * New translations AppResources.resx (Korean) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Japanese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Japanese) * New translations copy.resx (Italian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Italian) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations AppResources.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hungarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hungarian) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Norwegian Bokmal) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Slovak) * New translations AppResources.resx (Slovak) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Russian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Russian) * New translations copy.resx (Romanian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Romanian) * New translations copy.resx (Persian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Portuguese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Portuguese) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Polish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Polish) * New translations copy.resx (Hindi) * New translations copy.resx (Indonesian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations AppResources.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Croatian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Croatian) * New translations copy.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations AppResources.resx (Danish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Chinese Simplified) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Catalan) * New translations AppResources.resx (Catalan) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Bulgarian) * New translations copy.resx (Afrikaans) * New translations copy.resx (Czech) * New translations copy.resx (Chinese Traditional) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Hebrew) * New translations copy.resx (Danish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (German) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (French) * New translations AppResources.resx (French) * New translations copy.resx (Finnish) * New translations copy.resx (German) * New translations AppResources.resx (Finnish) * New translations AppResources.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (Dutch) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations copy.resx (English, United Kingdom) * New translations AppResources.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Estonian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations AppResources.resx (Vietnamese) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations AppResources.resx (Ukrainian) * New translations copy.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Turkish) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Thai) * New translations AppResources.resx (Thai) * New translations copy.resx (Swedish) * New translations AppResources.resx (Swedish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Spanish) * New translations copy.resx (Vietnamese)
2019-06-04 15:49:42 +02:00