mirror of https://github.com/derogab/ITAvsCOVIDbot synced 2025-02-11 09:00:37 +01:00

429 lines
13 KiB

import os
import logging
import imgkit
import secrets
import schedule
import time
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from telegram import InputMediaPhoto
from telegram.ext import Updater
from telegram.ext import CommandHandler
from pymongo import MongoClient
import io
from datetime import datetime as dt, timedelta as td
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import requests
import warnings
# Constants
DATA_URL = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/italia/covid19-opendata-vaccini/master/dati/somministrazioni-vaccini" \
HIT = ITALIAN_POPULATION / 100 * 80 # We need 80% of population vaccined for herd immunity
# Exclude warnings
# Init environment variables
# Init logging
logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)
# Get telegram token
telegram_bot_token = os.environ.get('TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN')
# Check telegram token
if telegram_bot_token is None:
print('No telegram token.')
# Init telegram bot
updater = Updater(token=telegram_bot_token, use_context=True)
# Get mongodb auth
mongodb_user = os.environ.get('MONGODB_USER')
mongodb_pass = os.environ.get('MONGODB_PASS')
# Check mongodb auth
if mongodb_user is None or mongodb_pass is None:
print('No mongodb auth.')
mongodb_uri = 'mongodb://' + mongodb_user + ':' + mongodb_pass + '@db:27017'
# Init mongodb database
client = MongoClient(mongodb_uri)
# Get bot database
db = client['bot']
# Function to generate images from templates
def generate(df, target, template):
# Get data from df
totalVaccines = sum(df[target])
lastWeekData = df.loc[df.index > df.index[-1] - td(days=7)]
vaccinesPerDayAverage = sum(lastWeekData[target]) / 7
remainingDays = (HIT - totalVaccines) / vaccinesPerDayAverage
hitDate = df.index[-1] + td(days=remainingDays)
first_or_second = 'Seconda Dose' if target == 'seconda_dose' else 'Prima Dose' if target == 'prima_dose' else 'Totale'
# Generate plot
plt.xlabel("Ultima settimana")
plt.bar(lastWeekData.index, height=lastWeekData[target])
# Trendline
z = np.polyfit(range(0, 7), lastWeekData[target], 2)
p = np.poly1d(z)
plt.plot(lastWeekData.index, p(range(0, 7)), "r--")
# Secret 4 filenames
sf = secrets.token_hex(16)
# Generate plot filename
plot_filename = 'plot_' + sf + '.png'
# Create plot image/png
plt.savefig('out/' + plot_filename, dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')
# Flush the plot
# Generate tmp webpage/html filename
webpage_filename = 'tmp_' + sf + '.html'
# Generate template
with open(template, 'r+') as f:
with open('out/' + webpage_filename, 'w+') as wf:
for line in f.read().splitlines():
if "<!-- totalVaccinations -->" in line:
line = f"{totalVaccines}"
elif "<!-- typeVaccinations -->" in line:
line = f"{first_or_second}"
elif "<!-- totalVaccinationsPerc -->" in line:
line = f"{str(round(totalVaccines / ITALIAN_POPULATION * 100, 2)).replace('.', ',')}%"
elif "<!-- totalVaccinationsLastWeek -->" in line:
line = f"{int(vaccinesPerDayAverage*7)}"
elif "<!-- vaccinesPerDay -->" in line:
line = f"{int(vaccinesPerDayAverage)}"
elif "<!-- hitDate -->" in line:
line = f"{hitDate.strftime('%d/%m/%Y')}"
elif "<!-- hitHour -->" in line:
line = f"{hitDate.strftime('%H:%M:%S')}"
elif "<!-- daysRemaining -->" in line:
line = f"{int(remainingDays)}"
elif "plot.png" in line:
line = line.replace('plot.png', plot_filename)
wf.write("\n" + line)
# Generate plot filename
results_filename = 'results_' + sf + '.png'
# Set imgkit options
options = {'enable-local-file-access': None}
# Create results image/png
imgkit.from_file('out/' + webpage_filename, 'out/' + results_filename, options=options)
# Return out data
return {
'plot': 'out/' + plot_filename,
'results': 'out/' + results_filename,
'webpage': 'out/' + webpage_filename
# Function to get data
def download():
# Download from open data
r = requests.get(DATA_URL)
# Create dataframe from data
df = pd.read_csv(
# Set date as index
df.index = pd.to_datetime(
# Sort value based on date
# Delete sum data if already exists
df = df[df["area"] != "ITA"]
# Set target counters to numeric
df["prima_dose"] = pd.to_numeric(df["prima_dose"])
df["seconda_dose"] = pd.to_numeric(df["seconda_dose"])
# Group by day and sum counters
df_first = df.groupby(['data_somministrazione'])['prima_dose'].sum().reset_index()
df_second = df.groupby(['data_somministrazione'])['seconda_dose'].sum().reset_index()
# Re-set date as ID in new dataframe
df_first = df_first.set_index('data_somministrazione')
df_second = df_second.set_index('data_somministrazione')
# If there are current day data...
if dt.now() - df_first.index[-1] < td(days=1):
df_first = df_first[:-1] # Ignore the current day because it's often incomplete
if dt.now() - df_second.index[-1] < td(days=1):
df_second = df_second[:-1] # Ignore the current day because it's often incomplete
# Generata images
intro = generate(df_second, 'seconda_dose', 'assets/templates/intro.html')
plot1 = generate(df_first, 'prima_dose', 'assets/templates/plot.html')
plot2 = generate(df_second, 'seconda_dose', 'assets/templates/plot.html')
return intro, plot1, plot2
# Help command
def help(update, context):
# Help msg
help_msg = "_Lista dei comandi_ \n\n"
help_msg += "/start - Avvia il bot \n"
help_msg += "/get - Ricevi i dati aggiornati \n"
help_msg += "/news ON/OFF - Attiva o Disattiva le notifiche giornaliere \n"
help_msg += "/help - Messaggio di aiuto \n"
help_msg += "/info - Informazioni su questo bot \n"
help_msg += "/stop - Disattiva il bot \n"
# Send welcome message
context.bot.send_message(chat_id=update.effective_chat.id, text=help_msg, parse_mode='Markdown')
# Info command
def info(update, context):
# Info msg
info_msg = "_Informazioni utili sul bot_\n\n"
info_msg += "Il bot è stato sviluppato da @derogab e il [codice sorgente](https://github.com/derogab/ITAvsCOVIDbot) è pubblicamente disponibile su Github. \n\n"
info_msg += "I dati mostrati sono scaricati dagli [Open Data ufficiali](https://github.com/italia/covid19-opendata-vaccini) sui vaccini in Italia. \n\n"
info_msg += "I grafici sono automaticamente generati mediante il codice della [repository pubblica](https://github.com/MarcoBuster/quanto-manca) di @MarcoBuster. \n\n"
# Send welcome message
context.bot.send_message(chat_id=update.effective_chat.id, text=info_msg, parse_mode='Markdown', disable_web_page_preview=True)
# Start command
def start(update, context):
global db
# Insert user to db
myquery = {
"_id": update.effective_chat.id
newvalues = {
"$set": {
"_id": update.effective_chat.id,
"username": update.effective_chat.username,
"first_name": update.effective_chat.first_name,
"last_name": update.effective_chat.last_name,
"active": True,
"news": True
db.users.update_one(myquery, newvalues, upsert=True)
# welcome msg
welcome_msg = "Benvenuto su 🇮🇹 *ITA vs. COVID* 🦠 !\n\n"
welcome_msg += "Il bot che ti aggiorna sulla battaglia contro il Covid in Italia."
# Send welcome message
context.bot.send_message(chat_id=update.effective_chat.id, text=welcome_msg, parse_mode='Markdown')
# Send help message
help(update, context)
# Send help message
info(update, context)
# Stop command
def stop(update, context):
global db
# Set active = false on db
myquery = {
"_id": update.effective_chat.id
newvalues = {
"$set": {
"active": False
db.users.update_one(myquery, newvalues, upsert=True)
# stop msg
stop_msg = "Il bot è stato spento.\n\n"
stop_msg += "Quando vorrai riavviarlo ti basterà cliccare su /start"
# Send welcome message
context.bot.send_message(chat_id=update.effective_chat.id, text=stop_msg, parse_mode='Markdown')
# News command
def news(update, context):
global db
msg = update.message.text
news = msg.replace('/news', '').strip().lower()
if news == "on":
to_set = True
set_msg = "Le notifiche giornaliere sono state correttamente abiitate.\n\n"
set_msg += "Riceverai i dati sul progresso della battaglia contro il Covid in Italia ogni giorno alle 18:00."
elif news == "off":
to_set = False
set_msg = "Le notifiche giornaliere sono state correttamente disabilitate."
# Invalid param msg
invalid_param_msg = "Il parametro inserito è errato. \n\n"
invalid_param_msg += "/news ON - Per attivare le notifiche giornaliere\n"
invalid_param_msg += "/news OFF - Per disattivare le notifiche giornaliere\n\n"
# Send message
context.bot.send_message(chat_id=update.effective_chat.id, text=invalid_param_msg, parse_mode='Markdown')
# Exit
# Set news on db
myquery = {
"_id": update.effective_chat.id
newvalues = {
"$set": {
"news": to_set
db.users.update_one(myquery, newvalues, upsert=True)
# Send welcome message
context.bot.send_message(chat_id=update.effective_chat.id, text=set_msg, parse_mode='Markdown')
# Get data
def get(update, context):
# Download data
intro, plot1, plot2 = download()
# Send photos
p1 = open(intro['results'], 'rb')
p2 = open(plot1['results'], 'rb')
p3 = open(plot2['results'], 'rb')
p1 = InputMediaPhoto(media=p1)
p2 = InputMediaPhoto(media=p2)
p3 = InputMediaPhoto(media=p3)
context.bot.send_media_group(chat_id=update.effective_chat.id, media=[p1, p2, p3])
# Remove tmp files
for data in [intro, plot1, plot2]:
# Cron job
def job():
global db
# Job running...
print('Job running...')
# Download data
intro, plot1, plot2 = download()
# Get active user with daily news
users = db.users.find({
"active": True,
"news": True
# Counters
news_sent_counter = 0
news_fail_counter = 0
# Send news to all active user
for user in users:
# Send photos
p1 = open(intro['results'], 'rb')
p2 = open(plot1['results'], 'rb')
p3 = open(plot2['results'], 'rb')
p1 = InputMediaPhoto(media=p1)
p2 = InputMediaPhoto(media=p2)
p3 = InputMediaPhoto(media=p3)
updater.bot.send_media_group(chat_id=user['_id'], media=[p1, p2, p3])
# Count news successfully sent
news_sent_counter = news_sent_counter + 1
# Log
print('[JOB] Message successfully sent to ', user['_id'])
# Count news fail
news_fail_counter = news_fail_counter + 1
# Error on sending
print('[JOB] Failed to send to ', user['_id'])
# Log results
print("[JOB] Results: {sent} messages sent, {fail} messages failed.".format(sent=news_sent_counter, fail=news_fail_counter))
# Remove tmp files
for data in [intro, plot1, plot2]:
# Telegram dispatcher
dispatcher = updater.dispatcher
# Add /help command
start_handler = CommandHandler('help', help)
# Add /info command
start_handler = CommandHandler('info', info)
# Add /start command
start_handler = CommandHandler('start', start)
# Add /stop command
start_handler = CommandHandler('stop', stop)
# Add /get command
start_handler = CommandHandler('get', get)
# Add /news command
start_handler = CommandHandler('news', news)
# Setup cron
# Start bot
# Run schedule and check bot
while True:
if not updater.running:
# Bot is down.
exit() # and auto restart