const IPTVChecker = require('iptv-checker') const { program } = require('commander') const ProgressBar = require('progress') const parser = require('./helpers/parser') const utils = require('./helpers/utils') const log = require('./helpers/log') program .usage('[OPTIONS]...') .option('-d, --debug', 'Enable debug mode') .option('-c, --country <country>', 'Comma-separated list of country codes', '') .option('-e, --exclude <exclude>', 'Comma-separated list of country codes to be excluded', '') .option('--timeout <timeout>', 'Set timeout for each request', 5000) .parse(process.argv) let bar const config = program.opts() const ignoreStatus = ['Geo-blocked', 'Not 24/7', 'Offline'] const checker = new IPTVChecker({ timeout: config.timeout }) async function main() { log.start() if (config.debug) log.print(`Debug mode enabled\n`) let playlists = parser.parseIndex() playlists = utils.filterPlaylists(playlists,, config.exclude) for (const playlist of playlists) { await parser .parsePlaylist(playlist.url) .then(checkPlaylist) .then(p => } log.finish() } async function checkPlaylist(playlist) { if (!config.debug) { bar = new ProgressBar(`Checking '${playlist.url}': [:bar] :current/:total (:percent) `, { total: playlist.channels.length }) } const channels = [] const total = playlist.channels.length for (const [index, channel] of playlist.channels.entries()) { const skipChannel = channel.status && => i.toLowerCase()).includes(channel.status.toLowerCase()) if (skipChannel) { channels.push(channel) } else { const result = await checker.checkStream( if ( result.status.ok || result.status.reason.includes('timed out') || result.status.reason.includes('access denied') || result.status.reason.includes('not one of 40{0,1,3,4}') ) { channels.push(channel) } else { if (config.debug) log.print(`ERR: ${channel.url} (${result.status.reason})\n`) } } if (!config.debug) bar.tick() } if (playlist.channels.length !== channels.length) { log.print(`File '${playlist.url}' has been updated\n`) playlist.channels = channels playlist.updated = true } return playlist } main()