* 番薯 TV
* Changed the name to 番薯衛星電視台, to match the one on the official website.
* 立法院
* (Neither of the channels is broadcasting anything but all streams exist. Might be temporary so I didn't remove anything.)
* 緯來精采
* Added 台 (station) to the name because that's how it appears everywhere, including the logo.
* Added Mandarin Chinese language.
* 緯來體育台
* Added category.
* Added Mandarin Chinese language.
* TVBS新聞台
* Removed first link, not working.
* Added Mandarin Chinese language.
* TVBS歡樂台
* Added Mandarin Chinese language.
* 三立新聞台
* Replaced link with multi-quality playlist link.
* Added Mandarin Chinese language.
* 公視三台
* Changed name to 公視3台, official site, logo, etc., show 3 in Arabic numerals
* Added Mandarin Chinese language.
* 原住民族電視台
* Replaced link with multi-quality playlist link.
* Added Mandarin Chinese language.
* 台灣藝術台
* Removed, not working.
* 台視財經台
* Added Mandarin Chinese language.
* 唯心電視
* Removed duplicate link (stream link already included in the playlist).
* Added Mandarin Chinese language.
* 壹電視新聞台
* Added Mandarin Chinese language.
* 大愛一台
* Removed, not working.
* 希望電視台
* Replaced link with multi-quality playlist link.
* Added Mandarin Chinese language.
* 新唐人亞太台
* Removed just a video segment, not a live stream.
* 民視新聞台
* Removed two duplicated links, one with IP address instead of domain, one with http instead of https. All three links seem to point to the same stream.
* Added Mandarin Chinese language.
* GOOD TV channels
* Continued cleanup
* GOOD TV CH4 國度報導 — removed, link doesn't work, page on official website shows a video segment, not a live stream.
Channel additions (34):
- Agro Canal
- Canal 24 horas TV Brusque
- Canal do Boi
- Santa Cecilia TV
- SICtv
- TV Ambiental
- TV Arapuan
- TV Arroba
- TV Carioca
- TV Cidade Oeste
- TV Comunitária do Rio de Janeiro
- TV Galega Blumenau
- TV Grande Natal
- TV Guará
- TV Interlagos
- TV Mackenzie
- TV Mar Maceió
- TV Metrópole
- TV Natal
- TV Nova Nordeste
- TV Rede Gospel
- TV Serra Dourada
- TV Terceiro Anjo
- TV Tropical
- TV Universal
- TV Universitária Uberlândia
- TVCI Paranaguá
- TVE Bahia
- TVU Recife
- Viva Web TV
- Web TV Santana
Channel remove:
- Terê TV (Portugal)
Logo added:
- TV Senado
* CNEX Taiwan
* Appended "(Backup)" to one of the links' titles.
* CYC世新綜合
* Fixed logo URL, domain wasn't covered by SSL certificate, most programs wouldn't connect.
* GOOD TV channels
* Added "Mandarin Chinese" and "Min Nan Chinese" languages where appropriate.
* Replaced the general logo with the image used to identify the channels on their website (most of these channels are online only).
* BBC World News
* Returned link that was removed to the list. It's working perfectly fine, in fact is HD and has great speed, one of the best streams in this list. Probably the one I watch most often.
* BBC World News (Backup) [This is the 2nd "BBC World News (Backup)" on this list, the only one after one of the links was removed.]
* Changed to "BBC News". tvg-id/name and logo are correct, name is wrong, this the national BBC News channel, not the international BBC World News channel. Both channels share a large part of their content but even when broadcasting the same content you can see the logo is different.