* 鳳凰資訊HD
* Changed name to 鳳凰衛視資訊台, the full name of the channel.
* Added Mandarin Chinese language
* Added category
* (This stream isn't working for me now but it was before. It may be a temporary issue or a bad stream.)
* 鳳凰資訊HD1
* Removed. Not a live stream just a segment.
* 鳳凰香港高清
* Removed. Not a live stream just a segment.
* 香港開電視
* Added Yue Chinese language.
* 鳳凰中文HD
* Removed link. Not a live stream, only one segment.
* 鳳凰衛視
* Changed the name to 鳳凰衛視中文台 (Phoenix Chinese Channel), it seems to be specifically this channel.
* Added Mandarin Chinese language.
* Moved logo URL from tvg-name to the correct attribute.
* 鳳凰衛視電影台
* Removed logo URL from tvg-name.
* Changed the logo into the one for this specific channel, not the network.
* Added category.
* 鳳凰衛視香港台
* Removed broken link.
* Thrill
* Removed "Referer=". It isn't needed and, besides, this format should only work on Kodi.
* 新唐人亞太
* Removed link. 亞太台 is the Taiwanese channel of 新唐人電視臺 New Tang Dynasty Television. It's already on the Taiwan list.
* 明珠台
* Removed all links, couldn't get any to play, it only loads forever. Also, this is an English language channel.
* 星空衛視
* Added Mandarin Chinese language.
* Added Category.
* 有線18台
* Removed. Not working, loads for ever.
* 有線新聞台
* Corrected category.
* Added Yue Chinese language.
* 有線綜合娛樂台
* Replaced individual stream with multi-quality playlist.
* Added Yue Chinese language.
* 港台電視31
* Added Yue Chinese language.
* 港台電視32
* Added Yue Chinese language.
* Corrected category
* 港台電視33
* Removed link, it's not working. This channel will be shut down this year and the stream is already down.
* 無線翡翠台
* Added logo.
* Added Yue Chinese language.
* 翡翠台
* Removed all links, neither was working.
* Remaining link should be 普通話翡翠台 Mandarin Jade but video seems corrupted, there is no sound so I can't be sure.
* 陽光衛視
* Removed link. Not working.
* 香港衛視
* Removed one non-working link.
* Added Mandarin Chinese language.