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# this is the default theme for tinmop, feel free to customize it
# according to your taste , and do not forget to share! :)
# Note:
# valid color are specified using RGB triplets as #RRGGBB or color names
# valid color names are:
# - red
# - green
# - yellow
# - blue
# - magenta
# - cyan
# - white
# valid attributes are:
# - bold
# - italic
# - underline
# - blink
announcements.icon = "📣"
announcements.separator = "∴ ∴ ∴"
left-arrow = "←"
# The text that starts the title section of a window
window.title.left.stopper.value = "╼▌"
# The text that end the title section of a window
window.title.right.stopper.value = "▐╾"
# default background color of terminal
main-window.background = black
# default foreground color (text) of terminal
main-window.foreground = white
# shown when a message was transmitted in encrypted form
crypted.mark.value = " 🔏👌"
# the string to be drawn instead of actual character when input password
password-echo-character = "•"
# the character used to draw the vote's horizontal histogram
# note: keeps it one character wide
vote-vertical-bar = "⯀"
# the symbol to represent a directory (used when a local tree is explored)
directory-symbol = "🗀"
# quick help window style
quick-help.header.foreground = black
quick-help.header.background = cyan
quick-help.header.attribute = bold
# help dialog style
help-dialog.background = black
help-dialog.foreground = cyan
# info dialog style
info-dialog.background = white
info-dialog.foreground = black
# error dialog style
error-dialog.background = red
error-dialog.foreground = yellow
# input dialog style
input-dialog.background = blue
input-dialog.foreground = white
# this color specifies the style for form of the dialog
input-dialog.input.foreground = black
input-dialog.input.background = #aaaaaa
# this color specify the style for active form of the dialog
input-dialog.input.selected.foreground = black
input-dialog.input.selected.background = white
# the notify window shows useful information to the user
notify-window.background = #0219A2
notify-window.foreground = #55D67C
notify-window.life = 2
notify-window.width = 1/6
# centered notification window
# notify-window.position.x = 7/16
# notify-window.position.y = 1/2
# top right corner notification window
# notify-window.position.x = -1/6
# notify-window.position.y = 0
# top left corner notification window
# notify-window.position.x = 0
# notify-window.position.y = 0
# bottom left corner notification window
notify-window.position.x = 0
notify-window.position.y = -0.13
# a window shows this text in the top left corner to indicate that it
# has focus
window.focus.mark.value = "📌"
window.focus.mark.foreground = white
window.focus.mark.background = black
# this specify style for the thread window
thread-window.background = black
thread-window.foreground = blue
# the modeline window is a small section on the very bottom of the
# thread window that shows some information about the threads see
# below.
thread-window.modeline.background = blue
thread-window.modeline.foreground = yellow
# shown as a prefix for mentions in the modeline
thread-window.modeline.notification-icon.value = "🔔"
# this variable customize the information that the modeline will
# shows, values prefixed with a '%' will be expanded, allowe values to
# be expanded are:
# - %A announcements notification
# - %m mentions count
# - %u user account
# - %s server connected to
# - %k current timeline
# - %f current folder
# - %r number of read messages in this timeline/folder
# - %r number of total messages in this timeline/folder
# - %tags in selected messages (if any)
# - %% a percent sign
thread-window.modeline.value = "%A %m %u@%s ◈ %k %r/%t ◈ folder: %f ◈ tags: %h"
# this is the only width you have to specify as the others windows
# just fills the void left by this one
thread-window.width = 5/6
thread-window.height = 1/4
# colors for selected messages in thread window
thread-window.message.selected.background = cyan
thread-window.message.selected.foreground = black
#thread-window.message.selected.attribute = bold
# colors for messages marked for deletion in thread window
thread-window.message.deleted.background = red
thread-window.message.deleted.foreground = white
thread-window.message.deleted.attribute = bold
# colors for already read messages in thread window
thread-window.message.read.background = black
thread-window.message.read.foreground = #aaaaaa
thread-window.message.read.attribute = italic
# colors for new (not read) messages in thread window
thread-window.message.unread.background = black
thread-window.message.unread.foreground = cyan
#thread-window.message.unread.attribute = bold
# text to signal that you favourited this message
thread-window.message.favourite.value = "★"
# color of the text that signals that you favourited this message
thread-window.message.favourite.foreground = yellow
# text to signal that this message is marked as sensible
thread-window.message.sensitive.value = "⚠"
# color of the text that signals that this message is marked as sensible
thread-window.message.sensitive.foreground = blue
# text that signals that you boosted this message
thread-window.message.boosted.value = "♻"
# color of the text that signals that you boosted this message
thread-window.message.boosted.foreground = cyan
# text to signal that this message is the root (on the server) of the
# thread
thread-window.message.root.value = "↓ "
# color of the text that signals that this message is the root (on the server)
# of the thread
thread-window.message.root.foreground = blue
# the messages are organized in trees
# color of the branch of the tree (the segments that connect messages)
thread-window.tree.branch.foreground = red
# color of the arrow in the tree that points to a single message
thread-window.tree.arrow.foreground = magenta
# color of the subject of the message (AKA sensitive text) for a
# message
thread-window.tree.data.foreground = white
# color of the subject of the message (AKA sensitive text) for
# message with no replies
thread-window.tree.data-leaf.foreground = white
# color of the subject of the message (AKA sensitive text) for
# message with no parents
thread-window.tree.root.foreground = yellow
# arrow that point to a message
thread-window.tree.arrow.value = "🞂"
# segment that connect a message with no replies to the tree
thread-window.tree.leaf.value = "╰"
# segment that connect a message with replies to the tree
thread-window.tree.branch.value = "├"
# segment that push to the left a message subject
thread-window.tree.spacer.value = "─"
# vertical segment that connect tree branches
thread-window.tree.vertical-line.value = "│"
# a message shows the composition date, specify the format:
# values starting with '%' will be expanded, allowed values are:
# - %hour 0-23
# - %min
# - %second
# - %month numeric month
# - %year
# - %day day of the month
# - %weekday 0 to 7 (note: 0 is Sunday)
# - %short-weekday Sun to Mon
# - %long-weekday Sunday to Monday
# - %long-month January to December
# - %short-month Jan to Dec
# - %% a percent sign
thread-window.date-format.value = "%year %short-month %day %hour:%min"
# the windows that shows tags subscriptions
tags-window.height = 1/2
tags-window.background = black
tags-window.foreground = #67998B
# the colors for currently selected tags
tags-window.input.selected.background = black
tags-window.input.selected.foreground = #71AF8C
# tags shows a little histogram (note that some servers do not provide
# this information) for number of messages posted every day that
# contains this tag
tags-window.histogram.foreground = yellow
# test to indicate that this tags got new messages
tags-window.new-message.mark.value = " 📬"
# this is the window that shows active conversation (a conversation is
# active until the user chooses to ignore it)
conversations-window.background = black
conversations-window.foreground = #B48B21
# the colors for currently selected conversation
conversations-window.input.selected.background = #4B0301
conversations-window.input.selected.foreground = #B27DE5
#colors for count of read messages for conversation
#conversations-window.read.background = black
#conversations-window.read.foreground = blue
#colors for count of unreaded messages for conversation
conversations-window.unread.background = black
conversations-window.unread.foreground = red
# this is the message that shows available keybindings
keybindings-window.background = black
keybindings-window.foreground = #E2BE6F
keybindings-window.height = 1/2
# see configuration for tree in thread window above
keybindings-window.tree.branch.foreground = red
keybindings-window.tree.arrow.foreground = magenta
keybindings-window.tree.root.foreground = #ffff00
keybindings-window.tree.data.foreground = white
keybindings-window.tree.data-leaf.foreground = cyan
keybindings-window.tree.arrow.value = "🞂"
keybindings-window.tree.leaf.value = "╰"
keybindings-window.tree.branch.value = "├"
keybindings-window.tree.spacer.value = "─"
keybindings-window.tree.vertical-line.value = "│"
# autocomplete window
suggestions-window.background = blue
suggestions-window.foreground = yellow
suggestions-window.selected.foreground = black
suggestions-window.selected.background = #ffa100
suggestions-window.height = 1/4
# the directive belows configure the window at the very bottom of the
# screen that user uses to give command to the program, also is used
# to shows some input errors or other information
command-window.background = black
command-window.foreground = white
# text to separate keybindig added so far by the user
command-window.command-separator.value = " → "
# colors of the separator above
command-window.command-separator.foreground = yellow
command-window.command-separator.background = black
# color for error message shown in command window
command-window.error.message.background = black
command-window.error.message.foreground = red
command-window.error.message.attribute = bold
# color for info message shown in command window
command-window.info.message.foreground = yellow
command-window.info.message.background = black
command-window.info.message.attribute = bold
# this is the window that show the content of a message
message-window.background = black
message-window.foreground = #c9c0c0
# a marker on the right side of the window to show the position of the
# message is visualized in respect of the message lines length (similar
# to scrollbar in GUI)
message-window.line-position-mark.foreground = white
message-window.line-position-mark.background = black
# the text for the marker above
message-window.line-position-mark.value = "⧫"
# the date format for message
# values starting with '%' will be expanded, allowed values are:
# - %hour 0-23
# - %min
# - %second
# - %month numeric month
# - %year
# - %day day of the month
# - %weekday 0 to 7 (note: 0 is Sunday)
# - %short-weekday Sun to Mon
# - %long-weekday Sunday to Monday
# - %long-month January to December
# - %short-month Jan to Dec
# - %% a percent sign
message-window.date-format.value = "%year %short-month %day %hour:%min"
message-window.attachment-header.prefix.value = "~%──── "
message-window.attachment-header.postfix.value = " ────~%"
message-window.account.locked.mark.value = " 🔒"
message-window.account.unlocked.mark.value = " 🔓"
# the string for the header of attachments in a message, if not
# specified a default is chosen by the software.
# message-window.attachment-header.value = " attachment "
# below the text printed for toot's visibility level: public,
# unlisted, private or direct
message-window.visibility.public = "🌐"
message-window.visibility.unlisted = "🔓"
message-window.visibility.private = "🔒"
message-window.visibility.direct = "📧"
message-window.quote.prefix = "🞂 "
message-window.bullet.prefix = "• "
# this is the window that allow to browse the attachments of a message
open-attach-window.background = black
open-attach-window.foreground = #67998B
# the colors of selected attachment
open-attach-window.input.selected.background = black
open-attach-window.input.selected.foreground = #71AF8C
# this is the window that allow to browse the links of a message
open-message-link-window.background = black
open-message-link-window.foreground = #FEB200
# the colors of selected link
open-message-link-window.input.selected.background = black
open-message-link-window.input.selected.foreground = #FF00FF
# gemini browser
# absolute address for a search engine used in tinmop (both TUI and GUI)
gemini.search-engine.uri = "gemini://kennedy.gemi.dev/search"
gemini.downloading.animation = "⠇ ⠋ ⠙ ⠸ ⠴ ⠦"
gemini.favicon = "🌍"
#gemini.link.background = white
gemini.link.foreground = magenta
gemini.link.attribute = bold
gemini.link.scheme.gemini.prefix = "→♊ "
gemini.link.scheme.other.prefix = "→ "
gemini.link.scheme.http.prefix = "→🕸 "
gemini.quote.prefix = "🞂 "
gemini.bullet.prefix = "• "
gemini.h1.prefix = "🞓 "
gemini.h2.prefix = "🞐 "
gemini.h3.prefix = "🞎 "
gemini.preformatted-text.foreground = #fed700
# this is the window that allow to browse the gemini streams
open-gemini-stream-window.background = black
open-gemini-stream-window.foreground = #FEB200
# the colors of selected stream
open-gemini-stream-window.input.selected.background = black
open-gemini-stream-window.input.selected.foreground = #FFB200
# window for managing gemini certificate
gemini-certificates-window.background = black
gemini-certificates-window.foreground = cyan
gemini-certificates-window.input.selected.background = cyan
gemini-certificates-window.input.selected.foreground = black
gemini-certificates-window.link.foreground = yellow
gemini-certificates-window.creation-time.foreground = green
gemini-certificates-window.access-time.foreground = green
# window for managing gempub library
gempub-library-window.background = black
gempub-library-window.foreground = yellow
gempub-library-window.input.selected.background = yellow
gempub-library-window.input.selected.foreground = black
gempub-library-window.input.unselected.background = black
gempub-library-window.input.unselected.foreground = red
# chats
#chat list window
chats-list-window.background = black
chats-list-window.foreground = red
# the colors for currently selected chat
chats-list-window.input.selected.background = yellow
chats-list-window.input.selected.foreground = black
# actual chat window
chat-window.date-format.value = "[%hour:%min]"
# gemlog subscriptions
gemini-subscription-window.background = black
gemini-subscription-window.foreground = cyan
gemini-subscription-window.input.selected.background = cyan
gemini-subscription-window.input.selected.foreground = black
gemini-subscription-window.uri.foreground = #ffac00
gemini-subscription-window.count.foreground = #ffac00
# gemini text table of contents window
gemini-toc-window.height = 1
gemini-toc-window.background = black
gemini-toc-window.foreground = #67998B
# the colors for currently selected tags
gemini-toc-window.input.selected.background = black
gemini-toc-window.input.selected.foreground = #71AF8C
gemini-toc-window.padding = "⋅"
# file explorer
# this is the message that shows an hierarchical filesystem
file-explorer.background = black
file-explorer.foreground = #E2BE6F
file-explorer.height = 1/2
# see configuration for tree in thread window above
file-explorer.tree.branch.foreground = red
file-explorer.tree.arrow.foreground = magenta
file-explorer.tree.root.foreground = #ffff00
file-explorer.tree.data.foreground = white
file-explorer.tree.data-leaf.foreground = cyan
file-explorer.tree.arrow.value = "🞂"
file-explorer.tree.leaf.value = "╰"
file-explorer.tree.branch.value = "├"
file-explorer.tree.spacer.value = "─"
file-explorer.tree.vertical-line.value = "│"
# this is the window that show the content of a gopher response
gopher-window.background = black
gopher-window.foreground = #c9c0c0
gopher-window.line.prefix.uri = "🕸 "
gopher-window.line.prefix.directory = "🗀 "
gopher-window.line.prefix.unknown = "❌"
gopher-window.line.prefix.binary-file = "⁽¹⁰¹⁾ "
gopher-window.line.prefix.text-file = "🖹 "
gopher-window.line.prefix.image-file = "🖼 "
gopher-window.line.prefix.gif-file = "🖼 "
gopher-window.line.prefix.search = "🔎 "
gopher-window.line.prefix.foreground = cyan
gopher-window.line.prefix.attribute = bold
#emphasize text wrapped in asterisk *like this*
emphasize-text = yes