mirror of https://codeberg.org/cage/tinmop/ synced 2025-02-01 04:26:47 +01:00
cage 9e7966f697 - input dialog reurn :canceled if the user pressed the 'cancel' button;
- fixed an infinite loop when the user chose to cancel saving the URI to autorize the client.
2023-02-11 21:01:58 +01:00

826 lines
33 KiB
Common Lisp

;; tinmop: an humble gemini and pleroma client
;; Copyright (C) 2020 cage
;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
(in-package :windows)
(defclass key-config-holder ()
:initform nil
:initarg :key-config
:accessor key-config)))
(defclass tree-holder ()
:initform ()
:initarg :tree-color-map
:accessor tree-color-map)
:initform ">"
:initarg :render-arrow-value
:accessor render-arrow-value)
:initform "-"
:initarg :render-leaf-value
:accessor render-leaf-value)
:initform "+"
:initarg :render-branch-value
:accessor render-branch-value)
:initform "-"
:initarg :render-spacer-value
:accessor render-spacer-value)
:initform "|"
:initarg :render-vertical-line-value
:accessor render-vertical-line-value)))
(defun refresh-config-color-map (window config-win-key)
(assert window)
(assert config-win-key)
(with-accessors ((tree-color-map tree-color-map)) window
(setf tree-color-map
(swconf:make-tree-colormap config-win-key))))
(defun refresh-config-tree-rendering-values (window config-win-key)
(with-accessors ((render-arrow-value render-arrow-value)
(render-leaf-value render-leaf-value)
(render-branch-value render-branch-value)
(render-spacer-value render-spacer-value)
(render-vertical-line-value render-vertical-line-value)) window
(multiple-value-bind (arrow leaf branch spacer vertical-line)
(swconf:tree-config-rendering-values config-win-key)
(setf render-arrow-value arrow
render-leaf-value leaf
render-branch-value branch
render-spacer-value spacer
render-vertical-line-value vertical-line))))
(defmethod refresh-config :after ((object tree-holder))
(with-accessors ((key-config key-config)) object
(refresh-config-color-map object key-config)
(refresh-config-tree-rendering-values object key-config)))
(defparameter *window-stack* (make-instance 'stack))
(defclass wrapper-window (m-tree key-config-holder)
:initform nil
:initarg :croatoan-window
:accessor croatoan-window
:documentation "The lowlevel (ncurses) window")
:initform nil
:initarg :keybindings
:accessor keybindings
:documentation "The keymap associated to this window")
:initform nil
:initarg :modal
:reader modalp
:writer (setf modalp)))
(:documentation "This is the parent of all the windows in this program"))
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((object wrapper-window) &key &allow-other-keys)
(stack-push *window-stack* object)
(win-show object))
(defmethod print-object ((object wrapper-window) stream)
(print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t :identity t)))
(defmacro with-croatoan-window ((slot window) &body body)
`(with-accessors ((,slot croatoan-window)) ,window
(define-constant +min-shown-win-height+ 3 :test #'=)
(define-constant +min-shown-win-width+ 3 :test #'=)
(defmacro when-window-shown ((window &key
(min-valid-height +min-shown-win-height+)
(min-valid-width +min-shown-win-width+))
&body body)
(with-gensyms (height width)
`(when ,window
(let ((,height (if (window-uses-border-p ,window)
(win-height-no-border ,window)
(win-height ,window)))
(,width (if (window-uses-border-p ,window)
(win-width-no-border ,window)
(win-width ,window))))
(when (and (win-shown-p ,window)
(>= ,height ,min-valid-height)
(>= ,width ,min-valid-width))
(defun win-clear (window &key (redraw nil))
"Clear window content"
(c:clear (croatoan-window window) :target :window :redraw redraw))
(defmacro gen-simple-win->croatoan-specialized-wrapper (fn-name &optional (prefix nil))
"Generate micro wrapper for simple curses library function (window
height, position and so on)"
(with-gensyms (window inner)
`(defun ,(format-fn-symbol t "~@[~a-~]~a" prefix fn-name) (,window)
(with-croatoan-window (,inner ,window)
(,(format-fn-symbol 'c "~a" fn-name) ,inner)))))
(gen-simple-win->croatoan-specialized-wrapper width win)
(gen-simple-win->croatoan-specialized-wrapper height win)
(gen-simple-win->croatoan-specialized-wrapper box win)
(gen-simple-win->croatoan-specialized-wrapper bgcolor win)
(gen-simple-win->croatoan-specialized-wrapper fgcolor win)
(gen-simple-win->croatoan-specialized-wrapper refresh win)
(gen-simple-win->croatoan-specialized-wrapper touch win)
(defun menu-select (window &key (force-show-cursor t))
(with-croatoan-window (croatoan-window window)
(when force-show-cursor
(c:edit croatoan-window)
(when force-show-cursor
(win-close window))))
(defun win-visible-p (win)
(with-croatoan-window (croatoan-window win)
(c:visiblep croatoan-window)))
(defun win-close (window)
(with-croatoan-window (croatoan-window window)
(stack-remove-element *window-stack* window)
(close croatoan-window)))
(defun maybe-close-window (win)
"close `win' if it is a wrapper-window"
(and win
(typep win 'wrapper-window)
(win-close win)))
(defun win-raise-to-top (window)
(stack-raise-to-top *window-stack* window))
(defun win-width-no-border (win)
(- (win-width win)
(defun win-height-no-border (win)
(- (win-height win)
(defun win-x (win)
(with-croatoan-window (inner-window win)
(second (c:widget-position inner-window))))
(defun win-y (win)
(with-croatoan-window (inner-window win)
(first (c:widget-position inner-window))))
(defmacro with-window-width ((win w) &body body)
`(let ((,w (win-width ,win)))
(defmacro with-window-height ((win h) &body body)
`(let ((,h (win-height ,win)))
(defmacro with-window-sizes ((win w h) &body body)
`(with-window-width (,win ,w)
(with-window-height (,win ,h)
(defun calc-center-on-window-width (win message)
(with-window-width (win w)
(let ((win-center (truncate (/ w 2)))
(message-center (truncate (/ (length message) 2))))
(- win-center message-center))))
(defun calc-bottom-of-window-height (win &key (has-border-p nil))
(with-window-height (win h)
(if has-border-p
(- h 2)
(- h 1))))
(defun win-move-cursor (window x y &key relative)
"Wrapper of croatoan:move-window"
(with-croatoan-window (inner window)
(c:move inner y x :relative relative)))
(defun win-move-cursor-direction (window direction &optional (n 1))
"Wrapper for croatoan:move-direction"
(with-croatoan-window (inner window)
(c:move-direction inner direction n)))
(defun win-move (window x y &key relative)
"Wrapper for croatoan:move-window"
(with-croatoan-window (inner window)
(c:move-window inner y x :relative relative)))
(defun win-resize (window width height)
"Wrapper for croatoan:resize"
(with-croatoan-window (inner window)
(c:resize inner height width)))
(defun win-show (window)
"Show a window (must be stacked, see croatoan)"
(with-croatoan-window (inner window)
(setf (c:visiblep inner) t)))
(defun win-hide (window)
"Hide a window (must be stacked, see croatoan)"
(with-croatoan-window (inner window)
(setf (c:visiblep inner) nil)))
(defun win-shown-p (window)
"Show a window (must be stacked, see croatoan)"
(with-croatoan-window (inner window)
(c:visiblep inner)))
(defun win-set-background (window bg)
"Set window background
- window an instance of 'wrapper-window';
- bg the returns value of 'tui-utils:make-win-background'"
(with-croatoan-window (inner window)
(setf (c:background inner) bg)))
(defgeneric print-text (object text x y &key &allow-other-keys)
(:documentation "Print text on object (usually a window)"))
(defgeneric refresh-config (object)
(:documentation "This function will reload the configuration (from
files) and reshape/redraw `object' accordly"))
(defgeneric calculate (object dt)
(:documentation "Do something as dt time passed"))
(defgeneric draw (object)
(:documentation "Draw object"))
(defgeneric aabb (object))
(defmethod refresh-config (object)
(defmethod refresh-config ((object null))
(defmethod print-text ((object wrapper-window) (text string) x y
(attributes nil)
(fgcolor nil)
(bgcolor nil)
(print-text object
(make-tui-string text
:attributes attributes
:fgcolor fgcolor
:bgcolor bgcolor)
x y))
(defmethod print-text ((object wrapper-window) (text c:complex-string) x y
&key &allow-other-keys)
(c:add (croatoan-window object) text :x x :y y))
(defmethod print-text ((object wrapper-window) (text character) x y
(attributes nil)
(fgcolor nil)
(bgcolor nil)
(c:add (croatoan-window object)
(string text)
:x x
:y y
:attributes attributes
:bgcolor bgcolor
:fgcolor fgcolor))
(defmethod print-text ((object wrapper-window) (text list) x y &key &allow-other-keys)
for block in text
with current-x = x do
(c:add (croatoan-window object)
:x current-x
:y y)
(incf current-x (text-length block)))
(defmethod print-text ((object wrapper-window) text x y &key &allow-other-keys)
(print-text object (to-s text) x y))
(defmethod calculate (object dt)
(declare (ignore object dt))
(defmethod calculate ((object null) dt)
(declare (ignore object dt))
(defmethod draw (object)
(declare (ignore object))
(defmethod draw ((object null))
(declare (ignore object))
(defmethod aabb ((object wrapper-window))
(let ((x (win-x object))
(y (win-y object))
(w (win-width object))
(h (win-height object)))
(2d-utils:make-iaabb2 x y (1- (+ x w)) (1- (+ y h)))))
(defun remove-intersecting-window (&key (discarded-window-type '()))
(labels ((copy-subwindows-stack ()
(let ((copy '()))
(do-stack-element (w *window-stack*)
(when (and (win-visible-p w)
(not (find-if (lambda (a) (typep w a))
(push w copy)))
(%remove-intersecting-window (&optional
(windows (copy-subwindows-stack))
(checked '()))
(if (null windows)
(let* ((probe-window (first windows))
(aabb-probe (aabb probe-window)))
(setf windows (remove probe-window windows))
(loop for i in windows do
(let ((aabb (aabb i)))
(when (2d-utils:iaabb2-intersect-p aabb-probe aabb)
(setf windows (remove i windows)))))
(%remove-intersecting-window windows (push probe-window checked))))))
(let ((visible-windows (%remove-intersecting-window)))
(sort visible-windows
(lambda (a b)
(if (= (win-y a) (win-y b))
(< (win-x a) (win-x b))
(< (win-y a) (win-y b))))))))
(defun calculate-all (dt)
(do-stack-element (window *window-stack*)
(when (win-visible-p window)
(win-touch window)
(c:mark-for-refresh (croatoan-window window)))
(calculate window dt))
(defun draw-all (&key (clear t))
(let ((to-be-drawn (remove-intersecting-window)))
(loop for window in to-be-drawn do
(when (win-visible-p window)
(when clear
(win-clear window))
(draw window)))))
(defun refresh-config-all ()
(if command-line:*gemini-full-screen-mode*
(refresh-config *main-window*)
(refresh-config *gemini-toc-window*)
(refresh-config *thread-window*)
(refresh-config *message-window*)
(refresh-config *tags-window*)
(refresh-config *conversations-window*)
(refresh-config *command-window*)
(refresh-config *send-message-window*)
(refresh-config *chats-list-window*)
(refresh-config *open-message-link-window*))
(refresh-config *main-window*)
(refresh-config *thread-window*)
(refresh-config *message-window*)
(refresh-config *tags-window*)
(refresh-config *conversations-window*)
(refresh-config *command-window*)
(refresh-config *send-message-window*)
(refresh-config *chats-list-window*)
(refresh-config *gemini-toc-window*)
(refresh-config *open-message-link-window*))))
(defun cursor-show ()
(setf (c:cursor-visible-p (croatoan-window *main-window*)) t))
(defun cursor-hide ()
(setf (c:cursor-visible-p (croatoan-window *main-window*)) nil))
(defun refresh-config-colors (window conf-key)
(let ((bg (swconf:win-bg conf-key))
(fg (swconf:win-fg conf-key)))
(with-croatoan-window (croatoan-window window)
(setf (c:background croatoan-window) (tui:make-win-background bg))
(setf (c:bgcolor croatoan-window) bg)
(setf (c:fgcolor croatoan-window) fg))
(defun refresh-config-sizes (window conf-key)
(let ((raw-height (swconf:win-height conf-key))
(raw-width (swconf:win-width conf-key)))
(with-croatoan-window (croatoan-window window)
(c:resize croatoan-window
(main-window:parse-subwin-h raw-height)
(main-window:parse-subwin-w raw-width))
(defun add-flush-left-text (window message y-start
(bgcolor nil)
(fgcolor nil)
(attributes nil)
(process-line-fn #'identity)
(has-border-p nil)
(padding 1))
"Add fitted lines generated from `message' to `window' starting from row `y-start'.
Note that the window will expand its height to accomodate the text.
`process-line-fn` is a function (default #'identity) that is applied
to each line of processed text (not the original message),
`has-border-p` if non nil will pust padding in the windth of the text
to take into account the border. You can add extra padding with
`padding' (default: 1)."
(let* ((actual-y-start (if has-border-p
(1+ y-start)
(actual-x (if has-border-p
(1+ padding)
(width (if has-border-p
(- (win-width window) padding 2)
(- (win-width window) padding)))
(words (text-utils:split-words message))
(message-lines (text-utils:flush-left-mono-text words width))
(height-lines (length message-lines))
(actual-window-h (calc-bottom-of-window-height window
:has-border-p has-border-p))
(expand-height-p (> height-lines
(when expand-height-p
(win-resize window
(win-width window)
(+ (win-height window)
(- height-lines
for line in message-lines
for y from actual-y-start do
(print-text window
(funcall process-line-fn line)
:bgcolor bgcolor
:fgcolor fgcolor
:attributes attributes))))
(defun make-blocking-message-dialog (screen parent title message-lines bg fg)
"Make a dialog that block all other threads, `message-lines' is a
list of strings (the text lines)."
(let* ((low-level-window (make-blocking-croatoan-window))
(window (make-instance 'wrapper-window
:parent parent
:croatoan-window low-level-window))
(win-w (max (+ 4 (length title))
(+ 2 (tui:find-max-line-width message-lines))))
(win-h (+ 2 (length message-lines)))
(x (truncate (- (/ (win-width screen) 2)
(/ win-w 2))))
(y (truncate (- (/ (win-height screen) 2)
(/ win-h 2)))))
(setf (c:background low-level-window) (tui:make-win-background bg))
(setf (c:bgcolor low-level-window) bg)
(setf (c:fgcolor low-level-window) fg)
(win-resize window win-w win-h)
(win-move window x y)
(win-box window)
(print-text window title 2 0)
for line in message-lines
for y from 1 do
(print-text window line 1 y))
(win-refresh window)
(c:get-char low-level-window)
(win-close window)))
(defun make-dialog (parent title message style
&optional (buttons nil)
(append-ok-button t))
(let* ((lines (text-utils:split-lines message))
(actual-buttons (if append-ok-button
(append (list +menu-button-ok+)
(message (join-with-strings lines (format nil "~%")))
(dialog-window (make-instance 'c-dlg:msgbox
:parent parent
:stacked nil
:center t
:message message
:input-blocking t
:style style
:wrap-message t
:enable-function-keys t
:title title
:buttons actual-buttons)))
(make-instance 'wrapper-window
:croatoan-window dialog-window)))
(defun make-simple-dialog-style (fg bg)
`(:foreground (:fgcolor ,fg :bgcolor ,bg)
:background (:fgcolor ,fg :bgcolor ,bg)
:title (:fgcolor ,fg :bgcolor ,bg)
c:label (:foreground (:fgcolor ,fg :bgcolor ,bg))
c:button (:border (:fgcolor ,bg)
:foreground (:fgcolor ,fg)
:selected-border (:fgcolor ,fg)
:selected-background (:bgcolor ,bg))))
(defun make-error-message-dialog (parent title message
(buttons nil)
(append-ok-button t))
(let* ((bg (swconf:win-bg swconf:+key-error-dialog+))
(fg (swconf:win-fg swconf:+key-error-dialog+))
(style (make-simple-dialog-style fg bg)))
(make-dialog parent title message style buttons append-ok-button)))
(defun make-info-message-dialog (parent title message
(buttons nil)
(append-ok-button t))
(let* ((bg (swconf:win-bg swconf:+key-info-dialog+))
(fg (swconf:win-fg swconf:+key-info-dialog+))
(style (make-simple-dialog-style fg bg)))
(make-dialog parent title message style buttons append-ok-button)))
(defun make-simple-style (foreground background
selected-foreground selected-background)
"Croatoan (ncurses) use a style to apply colors on a windows and its
content, this function generate a styele object (a plist) suitable for
the library."
(list :foreground
(list :fgcolor foreground :bgcolor background)
(list :fgcolor foreground :bgcolor background)
(list :fgcolor selected-foreground :bgcolor selected-background)
(list :fgcolor selected-foreground :bgcolor selected-background)))
(defun style-class->list (style)
(make-simple-style (swconf:input-foreground style)
(swconf:input-background style)
(swconf:selected-foreground style)
(swconf:selected-background style)))
(defun make-input-dialog (screen parent message)
"A dialog window with a single input field, returns the input
inserted by the user"
(with-croatoan-window (screen-low-level screen)
(let* ((theme-style (swconf:form-style swconf:+key-input-dialog+))
(style-form (style-class->list theme-style))
(fg (swconf:foreground theme-style))
(bg (swconf:background theme-style))
(window-width (truncate (/ (win-width parent)
(window-height (truncate (/ (win-height parent)
(field-width (- window-width 4))
(window-position (list (truncate (- (/ (win-height parent) 2)
(/ window-height 2)))
(truncate (- (/ (win-width parent) 2)
(/ window-width 2)))))
(button-cancel (make-instance 'c:button
:name :b-cancel
:title (_ "Cancel")
:callback 'c:cancel
:position (list (truncate (1+ (* window-height
(button-accept (make-instance 'c:button
:name :b-accept
:title (_ "OK")
:callback 'c:accept
:position (list (truncate (* window-height 3/4))
(field (make-instance 'c:field
:position (list (truncate (* window-height 1/2))
:width field-width))
(low-level-window (make-instance 'c:form-window
:stacked nil
:input-blocking t
:width window-width
:height window-height
:position window-position
:insert-mode t
:border t
:elements (list field
:style (list 'field style-form
'button style-form
'label style-form)))
(window (make-instance 'wrapper-window
:croatoan-window low-level-window)))
(win-set-background window (make-win-background bg :color-fg fg))
(add-flush-left-text window message 2 :has-border-p t)
(win-refresh window)
(setf (c:cursor-visible-p screen-low-level) t)
(let ((res (croatoan:edit low-level-window)))
(setf (c:cursor-visible-p screen-low-level) nil)
(win-close window)
(if (null res)
(c:value field))))))
(defun make-checklist-dialog (screen parent title options)
(with-croatoan-window (screen-low-level screen)
(let* ((theme-style (swconf:form-style swconf:+key-input-dialog+))
(fg (swconf:foreground theme-style))
(bg (swconf:background theme-style))
(window-width (truncate (/ (win-width parent)
(window-height (truncate (/ (win-height parent)
(window-position (list (truncate (- (/ (win-height parent) 2)
(/ window-height 2)))
(truncate (- (/ (win-width parent) 2)
(/ window-width 2)))))
(button-cancel (make-instance 'button
:name :b-cancel
:title (_ "Cancel")
:position (list (truncate (1+ (* window-height
(button-accept (make-instance 'button
:name :b-accept
:title (_ "OK")
:position (list (truncate (* window-height 3/4))
(low-level-window (make-instance 'menu-window
:width window-width
:height window-height
:items options
:position window-position
:title title
:border t
:input-blocking t
:enable-function-keys t
:menu-type :checklist
:color-pair (list fg bg)))
(window (make-instance 'wrapper-window
:croatoan-window low-level-window)))
(win-set-background window (make-win-background bg :color-fg fg))
(win-refresh window)
(setf (c:callback button-accept) 'accept)
(setf (c:callback button-cancel) 'cancel)
(setf (c:cursor-visible-p screen-low-level) t)
(let ((results (c:select low-level-window)))
(win-close window)
(win-clear screen)
(and results
(mapcar #'c:value results))))))
(defclass focus-marked-window ()
:initform nil
:initarg :in-focus
:reader in-focus-p
:writer (setf in-focus)
:documentation "Sets check if this windows got focus")
:initform "*"
:initarg :focus-mark
:accessor focus-mark
:documentation "the visual text to mark the focused window"))
(:documentation "This is a window that can be marked visually when gets focus"))
(defmethod refresh-config :after ((object focus-marked-window))
(multiple-value-bind (bg fg value)
(setf (focus-mark object)
(make-tui-string value :fgcolor fg :bgcolor bg))))
(definline draw-focus-mark (window)
(with-accessors ((in-focus-p in-focus-p)
(focus-mark focus-mark)) window
(when (in-focus-p window)
(print-text window focus-mark 0 0))))
(defmethod draw :after ((object focus-marked-window))
(draw-focus-mark object))
(defclass border-window ()
:initform nil
:initarg :uses-border-p
:reader uses-border-p))
(:documentation "This is a window that has a border."))
(defun window-uses-border-p (window)
(and window
(typep window 'border-window)
(uses-border-p window)))
(defgeneric usable-window-width (object))
(defmethod usable-window-width ((object border-window))
(if (uses-border-p object)
(win-width-no-border object)
(win-width object)))
(defmethod draw :after ((object border-window))
(when (uses-border-p object)
(win-box object)))
(defclass title-window ()
:initform ""
:initarg :title
:accessor title
:documentation "The actual title")
:initform 3
:initarg :title-padding-left
:accessor title-padding-left
:documentation "left padding text for title")
:initform ""
:initarg :left-stopper
:accessor left-stopper
:documentation "The text before the actual title")
:initform ""
:initarg :right-stopper
:accessor right-stopper
:documentation "The text after the actual title"))
(:documentation "This is a window that dplays a title
---border--- left-stopper title-padding-left right-stopper ---border---"))
(defmethod refresh-config :after ((object title-window))
(multiple-value-bind (left-mark right-mark padding)
(with-accessors ((left-stopper left-stopper)
(right-stopper right-stopper)
(title-padding-left title-padding-left)) object
(setf title-padding-left padding)
(setf left-stopper left-mark)
(setf right-stopper right-mark)))
(defun ellipsize-title (window title)
(with-accessors ((left-stopper left-stopper)
(right-stopper right-stopper)
(title-padding-left title-padding-left)) window
(let ((clean-title (ellipsize (trim-blanks title)
(truncate (- (win-width window)
(length left-stopper)
(length right-stopper)
(defmethod draw :after ((object title-window))
(with-accessors ((left-stopper left-stopper)
(right-stopper right-stopper)
(title-padding-left title-padding-left)
(title title)) object
(print-text object left-stopper title-padding-left 0)
(print-text object (ellipsize-title object title) nil nil)
(print-text object right-stopper nil nil)))
(defun adjust-win-vertical-positioning-if-gemini-fullscreen (window)
(when command-line:*gemini-full-screen-mode*
(with-croatoan-window (croatoan-window window)
(let* ((reference-window *gemini-toc-window*)
(width (- (win-width *main-window*)
(win-width reference-window)))
(x (win-width reference-window)))
(c:resize croatoan-window (win-height window) width)
(win-move window x (win-y window))))))