;; tinmop: an humble gemini and pleroma client ;; Copyright (C) 2020 cage ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . (in-package :tui-utils) (defun make-win-background (color-bg &key (color-fg nil) (char #\Space)) "Makes an object suitable as background for a window using `color-bg' as background color, `color-fg' as foreground color (default to `color-bg') and character `char'." (croatoan:make-background color-bg :color-fg color-fg :char char)) (defun make-croatoan-window (&rest keys) (apply #'make-instance 'window (append (list :stacked nil :input-blocking nil) keys))) (defun make-blocking-croatoan-window (&rest keys) (apply #'make-instance 'window (append (list :stacked nil :input-blocking t) keys))) (defun make-screen () (make-instance 'screen :input-buffering nil :process-control-chars nil :enable-newline-translation t :input-blocking nil :input-echoing nil :enable-function-keys t :enable-scrolling nil :insert-mode nil :enable-colors t :use-terminal-colors nil :cursor-visible nil :stacked nil)) (defun make-tui-char (char &key (attributes nil) (fgcolor nil) (bgcolor nil)) (make-instance 'complex-char :simple-char char :attributes attributes :fgcolor fgcolor :bgcolor bgcolor)) (defun make-tui-string (string &key (attributes nil) (fgcolor nil) (bgcolor nil)) (make-instance 'complex-string :string string :attributes attributes :fgcolor fgcolor :bgcolor bgcolor)) (defmethod string-empty-p ((s complex-char)) (null (simple-char s))) (defmethod string-empty-p ((s complex-string)) (or (misc:vector-empty-p (complex-char-array s)) (every #'string-empty-p (complex-char-array s)))) (defmacro tui-format ((control-string &rest args) &key (attributes nil) (fgcolor nil) (bgcolor nil)) `(make-tui-string (apply #'format nil ,control-string ,@args) :attributes ,attributes :fgcolor ,fgcolor :bgcolor ,bgcolor)) (defun complex-string-length (complex-string) "Returns the length (in characters units) of a complex string passed as argument `complex-string'." (length (complex-char-array complex-string))) (defun decode-key-event (event) (cond ((characterp event) (key-to-string event)) ((symbolp event) (symbol-name event)) (t (error (_ "Unknown event ~a") event)))) (defun colorize-tree-element (color-map annotated-element) "Colormap is an alist like: (:branch . branch-color) (:arrow . arrow-color) (:data . data-color) (:data-leaf . leaf-color) (:data-root . root-color)" (let ((semantic-value (annotated-text-symbol annotated-element)) (value (annotated-text-value annotated-element))) (make-tui-string value :fgcolor (cdr (assoc semantic-value color-map))))) (defun colorize-tree-line (annotated-line color-map) (let ((res-line ())) (loop for block in annotated-line do (push (colorize-tree-element color-map block) res-line)) (setf res-line (reverse res-line)) res-line)) (defun text-length (text) (text-width text)) (defun find-max-line-width (lines) (assert lines) (reduce #'max (mapcar #'text-length lines))) (defmethod (setf bgcolor) ((object complex-string) new-bg) (loop for xchar across (complex-char-array object) do (setf (bgcolor xchar) new-bg))) (defmethod (setf fgcolor) ((object complex-string) new-fg) (loop for xchar across (complex-char-array object) do (setf (fgcolor xchar) new-fg))) (defun ncat-complex-string (a b) "Destructively concatenate the `complex-string' `a' and `b'" (croatoan:nconcat-complex-string a b)) (defgeneric to-tui-string (object &key &allow-other-keys)) (defmethod to-tui-string ((object string) &key &allow-other-keys) (make-tui-string object)) (defgeneric cat-complex-string (a b &key color-attributes-contagion) (:documentation "Return a new `complex-string' that is the results of concatenating `a' and 'b'. If `color-attributes-contagion' is non nil `b' will inherit all the attributes and color of a.")) (defmethod cat-complex-string ((a complex-string) (b sequence) &key (color-attributes-contagion t)) "Return a complex string that is the results of concatenating of `a' (a `complex-string') and `b' (a string) If `color-attributes-contagion' is non nil `b' will inherit all the attributes and color of a." (croatoan:concat-complex-string a b :color-attributes-contagion color-attributes-contagion)) (defmethod cat-complex-string ((a sequence) (b complex-string) &key (color-attributes-contagion t)) "Return a complex string that is the results of concatenating of `a' (a string) and `b' (a `complex-string') If `color-attributes-contagion' is non nil `b' will inherit all the attributes and color of a." (croatoan:concat-complex-string a b :color-attributes-contagion color-attributes-contagion)) (defmethod cat-complex-string ((a complex-string) (b complex-string) &key (color-attributes-contagion nil)) "Return a complex string that is the results of concatenating of `a' and `b': two `complex-string'. If `color-attributes-contagion' is non nil `b' will inherit all the attributes and color of a." (croatoan:concat-complex-string a b :color-attributes-contagion color-attributes-contagion)) (defalias cat-tui-string #'cat-complex-string) (defun tui-char->char (complex-char) (simple-char complex-char)) (defun tui-string->chars-string (tui-string) "Convert a `tui-string' to a `string'." (croatoan:complex-string->chars-string tui-string)) (defun tui-string-subseq (string start end) (croatoan:text-slice string start end)) (defgeneric text-ellipsis (object len &key truncate-string) (:documentation "If `object''s length is bigger than `len', cut the last characters out. Also replaces the last n characters (where n is the length of `truncate-string') of the shortened string with `truncate-string'. It defaults to \"…\", but can be nil or the empty string.")) (defmethod text-ellipsis ((object string) len &key (truncate-string "…")) (ellipsize object len :truncate-string truncate-string)) (defmethod text-ellipsis ((object complex-string) len &key (truncate-string "…")) (croatoan:text-ellipsize object len :truncate-string truncate-string)) (defgeneric right-pad-text (object total-size &key padding-char) (:documentation "Prepend a number of copies of `padding-char' to `object' so that the latter has a length equals to `total-size'")) (defmethod right-pad-text ((object string) (total-size number) &key (padding-char #\Space)) (assert (> total-size 0)) (croatoan:text-right-pad object total-size :padding-char padding-char)) (defmethod right-pad-text ((object complex-string) (total-size number) &key (padding-char #\Space)) (assert (> total-size 0)) (croatoan:text-right-pad object total-size :padding-char padding-char)) (defun text->tui-attribute (text) (if (null text) text (progn (assert (member text '("reverse" "bold" "underline" "italic" "blink" "dim" "invis") :test #'string-equal)) (list (make-keyword (string-upcase text)))))) (defun assemble-attributes (&optional (reverse nil) (bold nil) (underline nil) (italic nil) (blink nil) (dim nil) (invis nil)) (if (every #'null (list reverse bold underline italic blink dim invis)) nil (macrolet ((gen-push (&rest vars) `(progn ,@(loop for var in vars collect `(when ,var (push ,(make-keyword var) attributes-list)))))) (let ((attributes-list ())) (gen-push reverse bold underline italic blink dim invis) attributes-list)))) (defmacro gen-single-attributes-functions (&rest names) (let ((template-attrs (misc:make-fresh-list (length names) nil))) `(progn ,@(loop for name in names for set-on from 0 collect `(defun ,(misc:format-fn-symbol t "attribute-~a" name) () ,(let ((attrs (copy-list template-attrs))) (setf (elt attrs set-on) t) `(assemble-attributes ,@attrs))))))) (gen-single-attributes-functions reverse bold underline italic blink dim invisible) (defun combine-attributes (&rest attributes) (reduce #'misc:lcat attributes)) (defgeneric colorize-line (line regexp &key &allow-other-keys)) (defmethod colorize-line ((line string) (regexp swconf:color-re-assign) &key &allow-other-keys) (colorize-line line (swconf:re regexp) :fgcolor (or (swconf:color-name regexp) (swconf:color-value regexp)) :attributes (swconf:attributes regexp))) (defmethod colorize-line ((line list) (regexp swconf:color-re-assign) &key &allow-other-keys) (colorize-line line (swconf:re regexp) :fgcolor (or (swconf:color-name regexp) (swconf:color-value regexp)) :attributes (swconf:attributes regexp))) (defmethod colorize-line ((line string) regexp &key (fgcolor nil) (bgcolor nil) (attributes nil) (return-as-list-p t)) (colorize-line line (create-scanner regexp) :fgcolor fgcolor :bgcolor bgcolor :attributes attributes :return-as-list-p return-as-list-p)) (defmethod colorize-line ((line string) (regexp function) &key (fgcolor nil) (bgcolor nil) (attributes nil) (return-as-list-p t)) (let ((res ()) (scanner regexp)) (labels ((append-to-res (data) (reversef res) (push data res) (setf res (reverse res))) (re-split (data) (when (string-not-empty-p data) (multiple-value-bind (start-re end-re) (scan scanner data) (if (null start-re) (append-to-res data) (let* ((pre (subseq data 0 start-re)) (datum (subseq data start-re end-re)) (datum-colorized (make-tui-string datum :attributes attributes :bgcolor bgcolor :fgcolor fgcolor)) (post (subseq data end-re))) (when (string-not-empty-p pre) (append-to-res pre)) (append-to-res datum-colorized) (re-split post))))))) (re-split line) (if return-as-list-p res (colorized-line->tui-string res))))) (defmethod colorize-line ((line complex-string) regexp &key &allow-other-keys) (declare (ignore regexp)) line) (defmethod colorize-line ((line list) regexp &key (fgcolor nil) (bgcolor nil) (attributes nil) (return-as-list-p t)) (let ((res (flatten (loop for i in line collect (colorize-line i regexp :fgcolor fgcolor :bgcolor bgcolor :attributes attributes))))) (if return-as-list-p res (colorized-line->tui-string res)))) (defgeneric colorized-line->tui-string (line &key &allow-other-keys)) (defmethod colorized-line->tui-string ((line string) &key (attributes nil) (fgcolor nil) (bgcolor nil)) (make-tui-string line :attributes attributes :fgcolor fgcolor :bgcolor bgcolor)) (defmethod colorized-line->tui-string ((line complex-string) &key &allow-other-keys) line) (defmethod colorized-line->tui-string ((line list) &key &allow-other-keys) "Line is a list of simple or complex strings" (reduce (lambda (a b) (cat-complex-string a b :color-attributes-contagion nil)) line :initial-value (make-tui-string ""))) (defgeneric apply-coloring (from to)) (defmethod apply-coloring ((from complex-string) (to string)) (with-accessors ((complex-char-array-from complex-char-array)) from (let* ((res (make-tui-string to)) (length-diff (- (length to) (text-length from))) (last-char-from (last-elt complex-char-array-from)) (last-char-fg (fgcolor last-char-from)) (last-char-bg (bgcolor last-char-from)) (last-char-attr (attributes last-char-from))) (with-accessors ((complex-char-array-to complex-char-array)) res (loop for from-char across complex-char-array-from for to-char across complex-char-array-to do (setf (attributes to-char) (attributes from-char)) (setf (fgcolor to-char) (fgcolor from-char)) (setf (bgcolor to-char) (bgcolor from-char))) (when (> length-diff 0) (loop for i from length-diff below (length to) do (let ((char (elt complex-char-array-to i))) (setf (attributes char) last-char-attr) (setf (fgcolor char) last-char-fg) (setf (bgcolor char) last-char-bg)))) res)))) (defmethod remove-corrupting-utf8-chars ((object complex-string)) (setf (complex-char-array object) (remove-if (lambda (a) (display-corrupting-utf8-p (simple-char a))) (complex-char-array object))) object) (defgeneric print-debug (object &optional stream)) (defmethod print-debug ((object complex-char) &optional (stream *standard-output*)) (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t :identity nil) (with-accessors ((simple-char simple-char) (attributes attributes) (fgcolor fgcolor) (bgcolor bgcolor)) object (if (not (or attributes fgcolor bgcolor)) (format stream "~s" simple-char) (format stream "~s fg: ~s bg: ~s attr: ~s" simple-char fgcolor bgcolor attributes))))) (defmethod print-debug ((object complex-string) &optional (stream *standard-output*)) (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t :identity nil) (loop for i across (complex-char-array object) do (print-debug i)))) (defun standard-error-notify-life () (* (swconf:config-notification-life) 5)) (defmacro with-notify-errors (&body body) #+debug-mode `(progn ,@body) #-debug-mode `(handler-case (progn ,@body) (error (e) (ui:notify (format nil (_ "Error: ~a") e) :life (* (swconf:config-notification-life) 5) :as-error t)))) (defmacro with-print-error-message (&body body) #+debug-mode `(progn ,@body) #-debug-mode `(handler-case (progn ,@body) (error (e) (ui:error-message (format nil (_ "Error: ~a") e)))))