;; tinmop: an humble mastodon client ;; Copyright (C) 2020 cage ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. ;; If not, see [[http://www.gnu.org/licenses/][http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]]. (in-package :software-configuration) ;; CONFIG := (ENTRIES)* ;; ENTRIES := COMMENT* ;; (USE-FILE ;; | COLOR-RE-ASSIGN ;; | SERVER-ASSIGN ;; | USERNAME-ASSIGN ;; | GENERIC-ASSIGN) ;; COMMENT* ;; SERVER-ASSIGN := SERVER-KEY BLANKS ASSIGN BLANKS GENERIC-VALUE BLANKS ;; USERNAME-ASSIGN := USERNAME-KEY BLANKS ASSIGN BLANKS GENERIC-VALUE BLANKS ;; GENERIC-ASSIGN := (and key blanks assign blanks ;; (or quoted-string ;; hexcolor ;; colorname ;; generic-value) ; the order in this list *is* important ;; blanks) ;; COLOR-RE-ASSIGN := COLOR-RE-KEY ASSIGN REGEXP FG-COLOR (? ATTRIBUTE-VALUE) ;; USE-FILE := (AND USE BLANKS FILEPATH BLANKS) ;; KEY := FIELD (FIELD-SEPARATOR KEY)* ;; BLANKS := (BLANK)* ;; FILEPATH := QUOTED-STRING ;; USE := "use" ;; SERVER-KEY := "server" ;; USERNAME-KEY := "username" ;; COLOR-RE-KEY := "color-regexp" ;; REGEXP := QUOTED-STRING ;; QUOTED-STRING := #\" (not #\") #\" ;; FIELD := ( (or ESCAPED-CHARACTER ;; (not #\# ASSIGN BLANK FIELD-SEPARATOR) )* ;; COMMENT := BLANKS #\# (not #\Newline)* BLANKS ;; FIELD-SEPARATOR := #\. ;; GENERIC-VALUE := KEY ;; ASSIGN := #\= ;; BLANK := (or #\space #\Newline #\Tab) ;; BG-COLOR := COLOR ;; FG-COLOR := COLOR ;; COLOR := HEX-COLOR | COLOR-NAME ;; HEX-COLOR := HEXCOLOR-PREFIX ;; HEXDIGIT HEXDIGIT -> red ;; HEXDIGIT HEXDIGIT -> green ;; HEXDIGIT HEXDIGIT -> blue ;; ESCAPED-CHARACTER := #\\ any-character ;; HEXCOLOR-PREFIX := #\# ;; HEX-DIGIT := (and (character-ranges #\0 #\9) ;; (character-ranges #\a #\f) ;; (character-ranges #\A #\f) ;; ATTRIBUTE-VALUE := "bold" ;; | "italic" ;; | "underline" ;; | "blink" ;; COLOR-NAME := "black" ;; | "red" ;; | "green" ;; | "yellow" ;; | "blue" ;; | "magenta" ;; | "cyan" ;; | "white" (define-constant +conf-filename+ "main.conf" :test #'string=) (define-constant +shared-conf-filename+ "shared.conf" :test #'string=) (define-constant +field-separator-value+ "." :test #'string=) (define-constant +field-separator+ :field-separator :test #'eq) (defrule blank (or #\space #\Newline #\Tab) (:constant nil)) (defrule blanks (* blank) (:constant nil)) (defrule assign #\= (:constant nil)) (defrule comment (and blanks #\# (* (not #\Newline)) blanks) (:constant nil)) (defrule hexcolor-prefix #\#) (defrule hex-digit (or (character-ranges (#\0 #\9)) (character-ranges (#\a #\f)) (character-ranges (#\A #\F)))) (defrule hexcolor (and hexcolor-prefix hex-digit hex-digit ; r hex-digit hex-digit ; g hex-digit hex-digit) ; b (:text t) (:function (lambda (a) (parse-integer a :start 1 :radix 16)))) (defun keywordize (a) (make-keyword (string-upcase a))) (defrule colorname (or "black" "red" "green" "yellow" "blue" "magenta" "cyan" "white") (:function keywordize)) (defrule escaped-character (and #\\ character) (:function (lambda (a) (list (second a))))) (defrule field-separator #\.) (defrule field (* (or escaped-character (not (or #\# assign field-separator blank)))) (:text t)) ;; this rule is not actually part of the grammar but jus a convenience ;; function to remove duplicated code (see rules: key and value) (defrule fields (and field (? (and field-separator fields))) (:function flatten)) (defrule key fields (:function (lambda (a) (mapcar (lambda (element) (if (string= +field-separator-value+ element) nil (format-keyword element))) a))) (:function remove-if-null)) (defrule generic-value fields (:text t)) (defrule generic-assign (and key blanks assign blanks (or quoted-string hexcolor colorname generic-value) ; the order in this list *is* important blanks) (:function remove-if-null)) (defrule quoted-string (and #\" (+ (not #\")) #\") (:function (lambda (a) (second a))) (:text t)) (defrule regexp quoted-string) (defrule color-re-key "color-regexp" (:constant :color-re)) (defclass color-re-assign () ((re :initform nil :initarg :re :accessor re) (color-name :initform nil :initarg :color-name :accessor color-name) (color-value :initform nil :initarg :color-value :accessor color-value) (attributes :initform nil :initarg :attributes :accessor attributes)) (:documentation "A color assign based on a regular expression. Slots color-name and color-value are mutually exclusive")) (defmethod print-object ((object color-re-assign) stream) (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t :identity nil) (with-accessors ((re re) (color-name color-name) (color-value color-value) (attributes attributes)) object (format stream "re: ~s colorname: ~s colorvalue: ~s attributes ~a" re color-name color-value attributes)))) (defun make-color-re-assign (re color-name color-value attributes) (assert (and (or color-name color-value) (or (null color-name) (null color-value)))) (make-instance 'color-re-assign :re re :color-name color-name :color-value color-value :attributes attributes)) (defun build-color-re-assign (parsed) (let* ((clean (remove-if-null parsed)) (re (second parsed)) (color (third parsed)) (color-name-p (keywordp color)) (attributes (first (fourth parsed)))) (list (first clean) (make-color-re-assign re (and color-name-p color) (and (not color-name-p) color) attributes)))) (defrule attribute-value (or "bold" "italic" "underline" "blink") (:text t) (:function tui-utils:text->tui-attribute)) (defrule color-re-assign (and color-re-key blanks assign blanks regexp blanks (or hexcolor colorname) blanks (? (and attribute-value blanks))) (:function remove-if-null) (:function build-color-re-assign)) (defrule server-key "server" (:constant :server)) (defrule username-key "username" (:constant :username)) (defrule server-assign (and server-key blanks assign blanks generic-value blanks) (:function remove-if-null)) (defrule username-assign (and username-key blanks assign blanks generic-value blanks) (:function remove-if-null)) (defrule filepath quoted-string) (defparameter *already-included-files* ()) (defrule use-file (and "use" blanks filepath blanks) (:function (lambda (a) (let ((file (third a))) (if (find file *already-included-files* :test #'string=) (error "Cyclic include of file ~s detected" file) (progn (push file *already-included-files*) (load-config-file (third a)))) nil)))) (defrule entries (and (* comment) (or use-file color-re-assign server-assign username-assign generic-assign) (* comment)) (:function second)) (defrule config (* entries) (:function remove-if-null)) (defgeneric parse-config (object)) (defmethod parse-config ((object string)) (parse 'config object)) (defmethod parse-config ((object pathname)) (parse-config (fs:slurp-file object))) (defparameter *software-configuration* ()) (defmacro gen-key-constant (name) `(define-constant ,(format-fn-symbol t "+key-~a+" name) ,(format-keyword name) :test #'eq)) (defmacro gen-key-constants (&rest names) `(progn ,@(loop for name in names collect `(gen-key-constant ,name)))) (gen-key-constants background foreground title start end left right stopper width height error info window header focus prefix postfix value attribute new-message mark crypted histogram error-dialog info-dialog input-dialog help-dialog notify-window life quick-help more-choices modeline date-format locked unlocked account main-window thread-window message-window attachment-header max-numbers-allowed-attachments max-message-length max-report-comment-length reply-quoted-character line-position-mark favourite sensitive boosted tags-window conversations-window keybindings-window suggestions-window open-attach-window open-message-link-window command-window command-separator tree branch arrow data data-leaf leaf branch spacer vertical-line editor username server message selected deleted input read unread color-re purge-history-days-offset purge-cache-days-offset) (defun load-config-file (&optional (virtual-filepath +conf-filename+)) (handler-case (progn (let* ((file (res:get-config-file virtual-filepath)) (tree (parse-config (fs:namestring->pathname file)))) (loop for entry in tree do (let ((key (first entry)) (value (second entry))) (cond ((eq +key-color-re+ key) (setf (access:accesses *software-configuration* key) (append (access:accesses *software-configuration* key) (list value)))) ((keywordp key) (setf (access:accesses *software-configuration* key) value)) (t (multiple-value-bind (rest all) (apply #'access:set-accesses value *software-configuration* key) (declare (ignore rest)) (setf *software-configuration* all)))))) *software-configuration*)) (error (e) (format *error-output* "~a~%" e) (os-utils:exit-program 1)))) ;;;; end of parser (defparameter *allowed-status-visibility* '("public" "unlisted" "private" "direct") "- public Visible to everyone, shown in public timelines; - unlisted Visible to public, but not included in public timelines; - private Visible to followers only, and to any mentioned users; - direct Visible only to mentioned users.") (defparameter *allowed-attachment-type* '("unknown" "image" "gifv" "video" "audio")) ;;;; interface (defun crypted-mark-value () (or (access:accesses *software-configuration* +key-crypted+ +key-mark+ +key-value+) (_ "This message was crypted."))) (defun quick-help-header-colors () (values (access:accesses *software-configuration* +key-quick-help+ +key-header+ +key-background+) (access:accesses *software-configuration* +key-quick-help+ +key-header+ +key-foreground+) (tui-utils:text->tui-attribute (access:accesses *software-configuration* +key-quick-help+ +key-header+ +key-attribute+)))) (defun window-titles-end (side) (assert (member side (list +key-left+ +key-right+))) (access:accesses *software-configuration* +key-window+ +key-title+ side +key-stopper+ +key-value+)) (defun window-titles-ends () (multiple-value-bind (x y focus-value) (config-win-focus-mark) (declare (ignore x y)) (values (window-titles-end +key-left+) (window-titles-end +key-right+) (+ 2 (length focus-value))))) (defun tags-histogram-foreground () (access:accesses *software-configuration* +key-tags-window+ +key-histogram+ +key-foreground+)) (defun tags-new-message-mark () (access:accesses *software-configuration* +key-tags-window+ +key-new-message+ +key-mark+ +key-value+)) (defun conversation-window-message-count-colors (key-read/unread) (values (access:accesses *software-configuration* +key-conversations-window+ key-read/unread +key-foreground+) (access:accesses *software-configuration* +key-conversations-window+ key-read/unread +key-background+))) (defun conversation-window-read-colors () (multiple-value-bind (fg bg) (conversation-window-message-count-colors +key-read+) (values fg bg))) (defun conversation-window-unread-colors () (multiple-value-bind (fg bg) (conversation-window-message-count-colors +key-unread+) (values fg bg))) (defun max-message-length () (num:parse-number-default (access:accesses *software-configuration* +key-max-message-length+) 500)) (defun max-report-comment-length () (num:parse-number-default (access:accesses *software-configuration* +key-max-report-comment-length+) 100)) (defun quote-char () (or (access:accesses *software-configuration* +key-reply-quoted-character+) "> ")) (defun max-attachments-allowed () (num:parse-number-default (access:accesses *software-configuration* +key-max-numbers-allowed-attachments+) 4)) (defun external-editor () (access:accesses *software-configuration* +key-editor+)) (defun color-regexps () (access:accesses *software-configuration* +key-color-re+)) (defmacro gen-win-key-access (fn-suffix key) `(defun ,(misc:format-fn-symbol t "win-~a" fn-suffix) (win-key) (access:accesses *software-configuration* win-key ,key))) (gen-win-key-access bg +key-background+) (gen-win-key-access fg +key-foreground+) (gen-win-key-access height +key-height+) (gen-win-key-access width +key-width+) (defmacro gen-simple-access ((fn-name &key (transform-value-fn 'identity)) &rest keys) `(defun ,(misc:format-fn-symbol t "config-~a" fn-name) () (,transform-value-fn (access:accesses *software-configuration* ,@keys)))) (gen-simple-access (purge-history-days-offset :transform-value-fn (lambda (a) (num:safe-parse-number a :fix-fn (lambda (e) (declare (ignore e)) 100)))) +key-purge-history-days-offset+) (gen-simple-access (purge-cage-days-offset :transform-value-fn (lambda (a) (num:safe-parse-number a :fix-fn (lambda (e) (declare (ignore e)) 100)))) +key-purge-history-days-offset+) (gen-simple-access (notification-life :transform-value-fn (lambda (a) (num:safe-parse-number a :fix-fn (lambda (e) (declare (ignore e)) 100)))) +key-notify-window+ +key-life+) (gen-simple-access (server-name) +key-server+) (gen-simple-access (username) +key-username+) (defun config-win-focus-mark () (values (access:accesses *software-configuration* +key-window+ +key-focus+ +key-mark+ +key-background+) (access:accesses *software-configuration* +key-window+ +key-focus+ +key-mark+ +key-foreground+) (access:accesses *software-configuration* +key-window+ +key-focus+ +key-mark+ +key-value+))) (defun command-separator-config-values () (values (access:accesses *software-configuration* +key-command-window+ +key-command-separator+ +key-background+) (access:accesses *software-configuration* +key-command-window+ +key-command-separator+ +key-foreground+) (access:accesses *software-configuration* +key-command-window+ +key-command-separator+ +key-value+))) (defun command-error-message-colors () (values (access:accesses *software-configuration* +key-command-window+ +key-error+ +key-message+ +key-background+) (access:accesses *software-configuration* +key-command-window+ +key-error+ +key-message+ +key-foreground+) (tui-utils:text->tui-attribute (access:accesses *software-configuration* +key-command-window+ +key-error+ +key-message+ +key-attribute+)))) (defun command-info-message-colors () (values (access:accesses *software-configuration* +key-command-window+ +key-info+ +key-message+ +key-background+) (access:accesses *software-configuration* +key-command-window+ +key-info+ +key-message+ +key-foreground+) (tui-utils:text->tui-attribute (access:accesses *software-configuration* +key-command-window+ +key-info+ +key-message+ +key-attribute+)))) (defun tree-config-colors (tree-win-holder) (values (access:accesses *software-configuration* tree-win-holder +key-tree+ +key-branch+ +key-foreground+) (access:accesses *software-configuration* tree-win-holder +key-tree+ +key-arrow+ +key-foreground+) (access:accesses *software-configuration* tree-win-holder +key-tree+ +key-data+ +key-foreground+) (access:accesses *software-configuration* tree-win-holder +key-tree+ +key-data-leaf+ +key-foreground+))) (defun tree-config-rendering-values (tree-win-holder) (values (access:accesses *software-configuration* tree-win-holder +key-tree+ +key-arrow+ +key-value+) (access:accesses *software-configuration* tree-win-holder +key-tree+ +key-leaf+ +key-value+) (access:accesses *software-configuration* tree-win-holder +key-tree+ +key-branch+ +key-value+) (access:accesses *software-configuration* tree-win-holder +key-tree+ +key-spacer+ +key-value+) (access:accesses *software-configuration* tree-win-holder +key-tree+ +key-vertical-line+ +key-value+))) (defun make-tree-colormap (window-key) (let ((tree-color-map ())) (flet ((add-color-pair (key color) (setf tree-color-map (acons key color tree-color-map)))) (multiple-value-bind (branch-color arrow-color data-color leaf-color) (swconf:tree-config-colors window-key) (add-color-pair :branch branch-color) (add-color-pair :arrow arrow-color) (add-color-pair :data data-color) (add-color-pair :data-leaf leaf-color)) tree-color-map))) (defun thread-message-symbol-lookup (field key) (access:accesses *software-configuration* +key-thread-window+ +key-message+ field key)) (defun thread-message-symbol-value (field) (thread-message-symbol-lookup field +key-value+)) (defun thread-message-symbol-fg (field) (thread-message-symbol-lookup field +key-foreground+)) (defun thread-message-symbol (field) (values (thread-message-symbol-value field) (thread-message-symbol-fg field))) (defun thread-message-colors (key) (values (access:accesses *software-configuration* +key-thread-window+ +key-message+ key +key-background+) (access:accesses *software-configuration* +key-thread-window+ +key-message+ key +key-foreground+) (tui-utils:text->tui-attribute (access:accesses *software-configuration* +key-thread-window+ +key-message+ key +key-attribute+)))) (defun thread-message-read-colors () (multiple-value-bind (bg fg attribute) (thread-message-colors +key-read+) (values bg fg attribute))) (defun thread-message-unread-colors () (multiple-value-bind (bg fg attribute) (thread-message-colors +key-unread+) (values bg fg attribute))) (defun thread-message-selected-colors () (multiple-value-bind (bg fg attribute) (thread-message-colors +key-selected+) (values bg fg attribute))) (defun thread-message-deleted-colors () (multiple-value-bind (bg fg attribute) (thread-message-colors +key-deleted+) (values bg fg attribute))) (defun modeline-colors (window-key) (values (access:accesses *software-configuration* window-key +key-modeline+ +key-background+) (access:accesses *software-configuration* window-key +key-modeline+ +key-foreground+))) (defun modeline-fmt (window-key) (access:accesses *software-configuration* window-key +key-modeline+ +key-value+)) (defun date-fmt (window-key) (let* ((raw (access:accesses *software-configuration* window-key +key-date-format+ +key-value+))) (date-formatter:expand-date-formatter-spec raw))) (defun locked/unlocked-value (key-window locked) (let ((key-locked (if locked +key-locked+ +key-unlocked+))) (access:accesses *software-configuration* key-window key-locked +key-value+))) (defun locked/unlocked-account-mark-value (key-window locked) (let ((key-locked (if locked +key-locked+ +key-unlocked+))) (access:accesses *software-configuration* key-window +key-account+ key-locked +key-mark+ +key-value+))) (defun message-window-locked-account-mark () (locked/unlocked-account-mark-value +key-message-window+ t)) (defun message-window-unlocked-account-mark () (locked/unlocked-account-mark-value +key-message-window+ nil)) (defun message-window-account-locking-status-mark (locking-value) (if locking-value (message-window-locked-account-mark) (message-window-unlocked-account-mark))) (defun message-window-line-mark-values () "return three values: mark string fg and bg" (values (access:accesses *software-configuration* +key-message-window+ +key-line-position-mark+ +key-value+) (access:accesses *software-configuration* +key-message-window+ +key-line-position-mark+ +key-foreground+) (access:accesses *software-configuration* +key-message-window+ +key-line-position-mark+ +key-background+))) (defun message-window-attachments-header () (values (access:accesses *software-configuration* +key-message-window+ +key-attachment-header+ +key-prefix+ +key-value+) (access:accesses *software-configuration* +key-message-window+ +key-attachment-header+ +key-postfix+ +key-value+) (access:accesses *software-configuration* +key-message-window+ +key-attachment-header+ +key-value+))) (defclass form-style () ((background :initform :black :initarg :background :accessor background) (foreground :initform :white :initarg :foreground :accessor foreground) (input-background :initform :black :initarg :input-background :accessor input-background) (input-foreground :initform :white :initarg :input-foreground :accessor input-foreground) (selected-background :initform :black :initarg :selected-background :accessor selected-background) (selected-foreground :initform :white :initarg :selected-foreground :accessor selected-foreground))) (defmethod print-object ((object form-style) stream) (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t) (with-accessors ((background background) (foreground foreground) (input-background input-background) (input-foreground input-foreground) (selected-background selected-background) (selected-foreground selected-foreground)) object (format stream "fg ~a bg ~a input-fg ~a input-bg ~a selected-fg ~a selected-bg ~a" foreground background input-foreground input-background selected-foreground selected-background)))) (defun form-style (window-key) (make-instance 'form-style :background (access:accesses *software-configuration* window-key +key-background+) :foreground (access:accesses *software-configuration* window-key +key-foreground+) :selected-background (access:accesses *software-configuration* window-key +key-input+ +key-selected+ +key-background+) :selected-foreground (access:accesses *software-configuration* window-key +key-input+ +key-selected+ +key-foreground+) :input-background (access:accesses *software-configuration* window-key +key-input+ +key-background+) :input-foreground (access:accesses *software-configuration* window-key +key-input+ +key-foreground+)))