;; tinmop: an humble mastodon client ;; Copyright (C) 2020 cage ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . (in-package :follow-requests) (defclass follow-requests-window (focus-marked-window simple-line-navigation-window) ((requests :initarg :requests :initform () :accessor requests :type tooter:account :documentation "All the accounts that request to follow you") (header-message-lines :initarg :header-message-lines :initform () :accessor header-message-lines :documentation "lines of text printed on top of the window") (screen :initarg :screen :initform nil :accessor screen :documentation "A reference to the main window (the screen)") (style :initarg :style :initform nil :accessor style :documentation "The visual style of the window"))) (defmethod refresh-config :after ((object follow-requests-window)) (with-accessors ((screen screen) (croatoan-window croatoan-window) (bgcolor bgcolor) (fgcolor fgcolor) (top-row-padding top-row-padding) (header-message-lines header-message-lines) (style style)) object (let* ((theme-style (swconf:form-style swconf:+key-input-dialog+)) (fg (swconf:foreground theme-style)) (bg (swconf:background theme-style)) (width (truncate (/ (win-width screen) 3))) (height (truncate (/ (win-height screen) 3))) (y (truncate (- (/ (win-height screen) 2) (/ height 2)))) (x (truncate (- (/ (win-width screen) 2) (/ width 2))))) (setf (background croatoan-window) (tui:make-background bg)) (setf (bgcolor croatoan-window) bg) (setf (fgcolor croatoan-window) fg) (setf style theme-style) (win-resize object width height) (win-move object x y) (let* ((header (_ "Please evaluate the following requests, only items shown below will be accepted, deleted ones will be rejected:")) (header-words (text-utils:split-words header)) (header-lines (text-utils:flush-left-mono-text header-words (win-width-no-border object))) (attach-y-start (1+ (length header-lines)))) (setf top-row-padding attach-y-start) (setf header-message-lines header-lines)) object))) (defmethod draw :after ((object follow-requests-window)) (with-accessors ((style style) (header-message-lines header-message-lines)) object (with-croatoan-window (croatoan-window object) (let* ((bgcolor (bgcolor croatoan-window)) (fgcolor (fgcolor croatoan-window)) (win-width (win-width-no-border object))) (loop for y from 1 for line in header-message-lines do (print-text object (text-utils:right-padding line win-width) 1 y :fgcolor fgcolor :bgcolor bgcolor :attributes (attribute-bold))))))) (defun init (follow-requests usernames-follow-requests screen) "Initialize the window - follows-requests the account entity (from tooter library) that requestes to follow you - username-follow-requests the username of the accounts that requestes to follow you - screen the main window " (flet ((make-rows (usernames bg fg) (mapcar (lambda (username) (make-instance 'line :normal-text username :selected-text username :normal-bg bg :normal-fg fg :selected-bg fg :selected-fg bg)) usernames))) (let* ((low-level-window (make-croatoan-window :enable-function-keys t))) (setf *follow-requests-window* (make-instance 'follow-requests-window :requests follow-requests :uses-border-p t :screen screen :keybindings keybindings:*follow-requests-keymap* :croatoan-window low-level-window)) (refresh-config *follow-requests-window*) (setf (rows *follow-requests-window*) (make-rows usernames-follow-requests (bgcolor low-level-window) (fgcolor low-level-window))) (setf (row-selected-index *follow-requests-window*) 0) *follow-requests-window*))) (defun process-requests () "Process the accepted or follow' requests, the accepted are the requeste that are not be erased from the window (see the class row-oriented-widget)" (with-accessors ((all-accounts requests) (rows rows)) specials:*follow-requests-window* (let* ((accepted-usernames (mapcar #'normal-text rows)) (accepted-accounts (remove-if-not (lambda (acc) (find-if (lambda (a) (string= a (tooter:account-name acc))) accepted-usernames)) all-accounts)) (rejected-accounts (set-difference all-accounts accepted-accounts :key #'tooter:id :test #'string=))) (loop for accepted-account in accepted-accounts do (let ((id (tooter:id accepted-account))) (api-client:accept-follow-request id))) (loop for rejected-account in rejected-accounts do (let ((id (tooter:id rejected-account))) (api-client:reject-follow-request id))))))