;; tinmop: an humble gemini and pleroma client ;; Copyright (C) 2022 cage ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. ;; If not, see [[http://www.gnu.org/licenses/][http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]]. (in-package :json-rpc2) (define-constant +protocol-version+ "2.0" :test #'string=) (define-constant +key-name+ "jsonrpc" :test #'string=) (define-constant +key-method+ "method" :test #'string=) (define-constant +key-params+ "params" :test #'string=) (define-constant +key-id+ "id" :test #'string=) (define-constant +key-error+ "error" :test #'string=) (define-constant +key-error-code+ "code" :test #'string=) (define-constant +key-error-message+ "message" :test #'string=) (define-constant +key-result+ "result" :test #'string=) (define-constant +error-reserved-min+ -32099 :test #'=) (define-constant +error-reserved-max+ -32000 :test #'=) (define-constant +error-reserved-method-name+ "^rpc\\." :test #'string=) (defun invalid-method-name-p (n) (cl-ppcre:scan +error-reserved-method-name+ n)) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defun make-response-error (code message) (list (cons +key-error-code+ code) (cons +key-error-message+ message))) (defun response-error-code (err) (cdar err)) (defun response-error-message (err) (cdadr err))) (defmacro define-error-code (name number message &key (customp nil)) (if (and customp (not (<= +error-reserved-min+ number +error-reserved-max+))) (error (format nil "implementation defined error bust be between ~a and ~a" +error-reserved-min+ +error-reserved-max+)) `(define-constant ,(misc:format-fn-symbol t "+error-~a+" name) (make-response-error ,number ,message) :test #'equalp))) (define-error-code parse -32700 "Parse error") (define-error-code invalid-request -32600 "Invalid Request") (define-error-code method-not-found -32601 "Method not found") (define-error-code invalid-params -32602 "Invalid params") (define-error-code unsupported-protocol -32098 "Only protocol version 2.0 is supported" :customp t) (defun make-internal-error-message (msg) (make-response-error -32603 (format nil "Internal error: ~a" msg))) (defun make-failed-function-call-error-message (msg) (make-response-error -32001 (format nil "Failed functino call: ~a" msg))) (defclass function-param () ((name :initarg :name :initform "" :accessor name :type string) (pos :initarg :pos :initform -1 :accessor pos :type integer))) (defmethod print-object ((object function-param) stream) (format stream "[~s @ ~a]" (name object) (pos object))) (defparameter *request-id* 1) (defun generate-request-id () (incf *request-id*) *request-id*) (define-condition json-rpc-error (error) ((transaction-id :initform nil :initarg :transaction-id :reader transaction-id) (code :initarg :code :reader code) (text :initarg :text :reader text)) (:report (lambda (condition stream) (format stream "~a" (text condition)))) (:documentation "Error for all jsonrpc related problems")) (defparameter *function-db* '()) (defun make-fun-params (name position) (cond ((not (stringp name)) (error 'json-rpc-error :text (format nil "Name of a function parameter must be a string not ~a" name))) ((or (not (integerp position)) (< position 0)) (error 'json-rpc-error :text (format nil "The position of a function parameter must be positive integer not ~a" position))) (t (make-instance 'function-param :name name :pos position)))) (defun find-function (sym) (conditions:with-default-on-error (nil) (symbol-function sym))) (defun register-function (function-id fun &optional params) (let* ((actual-params (loop for param in params collect (make-fun-params (car param) (cdr param)))) (fun (make-instance 'rpc-function :function-id function-id :fun-symbol fun :params actual-params))) (push fun *function-db*))) (defun compare-functions-fn (function-id) (lambda (a) (string= function-id (function-id a)))) (defun unregister-function (function-id) (setf *function-db* (remove-if (compare-functions-fn function-id) *function-db*))) (defun lookup-function (function-id) (find-if (compare-functions-fn function-id) *function-db*)) (defclass identificable () ((id :initarg :id :initform -1 :accessor id :type integer))) (defclass fun-symbol-box () ((fun-symbol :initarg :fun-symbol :initform nil :accessor fun-symbol :type symbol))) (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((object fun-symbol-box) &key &allow-other-keys) (with-accessors ((fun-symbol fun-symbol)) object (cond ((not (symbolp fun-symbol)) (error 'json-rpc-error :text (format nil "function symbol of a function must be a symbol not ~a" fun-symbol))) ((not (find-function fun-symbol)) (error 'json-rpc-error :text (format nil "~a is not a function" fun-symbol)))))) (defclass fun-box () ((function-id :initarg :function-id :initform "" :accessor function-id :type string) (params :initarg :params :initform '() :accessor params :type list))) (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((object fun-box) &key &allow-other-keys) (with-accessors ((function-id function-id)) object (cond ((not (stringp function-id)) (error 'json-rpc-error :text (format nil "ID of a function must be a string not ~a" function-id))) ((invalid-method-name-p function-id) (error 'json-rpc-error :text (format nil "function ID invalid, starts with a reserved prefix ~s" +error-reserved-method-name+)))))) (defmethod print-object ((object fun-box) stream) (format stream "function-id: ~s params ~s" (function-id object) (params object))) (defclass rpc-function (fun-symbol-box fun-box) ()) (defmethod print-object ((object rpc-function) stream) (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t) (format stream "symbol ~s " (fun-symbol object)) (call-next-method))) (defclass rpc-request (fun-box identificable) ()) (defclass rpc-request-batch () ((requests :initform '() :initarg :requests :accessor requests))) (defun make-batch (&rest requests) (make-instance 'rpc-request-batch :requests requests)) (defun %make-request (method id &rest params) (let ((req (make-instance 'rpc-request :function-id method :id id :params params))) req)) (defun make-request (method id &rest params) (apply #'%make-request method id params)) (defun make-request* (method id param) (if (typep param 'proper-list) (apply #'%make-request method id param) (apply #'%make-request method id (list param)))) (defun make-notification (method &rest params) (apply #'%make-request method nil params)) (defun make-notification* (method params) (apply #'%make-request method nil params)) (defclass rpc-response (identificable) ((payload :initform nil :initarg :payload :accessor payload) (error-response :initform nil :initarg :error-response :accessor error-response))) (defmethod yason:encode ((object rpc-response) &optional (stream *standard-output*)) (with-accessors ((payload payload) (error-response error-response) (request-id id)) object (yason:with-output (stream) (let ((yason:*list-encoder* #'yason:encode-alist) (yason:*symbol-encoder* #'yason:encode-symbol-as-lowercase)) (if error-response (yason:encode (list (cons +key-name+ +protocol-version+) (cons +key-error+ error-response) (cons +key-id+ request-id)) stream) (progn (yason:with-object () (yason:with-object-element (+key-name+) (yason:encode +protocol-version+ stream)) (yason:with-object-element (+key-result+) (yason:encode payload stream)) (yason:with-object-element (+key-id+) (let ((yason:*list-encoder* #'yason:encode-plist)) (yason:encode request-id stream)))))))))) (defmethod yason:encode ((object rpc-request) &optional (stream *standard-output*)) (let ((yason:*list-encoder* #'yason:encode-alist)) (yason:encode (render-as-list object) stream))) (defmethod yason:encode ((object rpc-request-batch) &optional (stream *standard-output*)) (yason:with-output (stream) (yason:with-array () (loop for request in (requests object) do (yason:encode-array-element request))))) (defun encode-to-string (object) (with-output-to-string (stream) (yason:encode object stream))) (defgeneric render-as-list (object)) (defmethod render-as-list (object) object) (defmethod render-as-list ((object rpc-request-batch)) (loop for i in (requests object) collect (render-as-list i))) (defmethod render-as-list ((object rpc-response)) (payload object)) (defmethod render-as-list ((object rpc-request)) (with-accessors ((id id) (function-id function-id) (params params)) object (let ((default (list (cons +key-name+ +protocol-version+) (cons +key-method+ function-id)))) (when (not (null (first params))) (setf default (append default (list (cons +key-params+ params))))) (if id (append default (list (cons +key-id+ id))) default)))) (defun make-response (results request-id &key (error-object nil)) (make-instance 'rpc-response :id request-id :payload results :error-response error-object)) (defun supported-version-p (v) (and v (stringp v) (string= v +protocol-version+))) (defun called-by-name-p (fun params) (let ((names (loop for i in params when (consp i) collect (car i))) (template-names (loop for i in (params fun) collect (name i)))) (and names (every (lambda (a) (or (symbolp a) (stringp a))) names) (null (set-difference names template-names :test #'string-equal))))) (defun call-function (request) (flet ((call-fun (fn params) (apply (symbol-function (fun-symbol fn)) params))) (let ((fun (lookup-function (function-id request)))) (cond ((not fun) (error 'json-rpc-error :code (response-error-code +error-method-not-found+) :transaction-id (id request) :text (format nil "~a: ~s" (response-error-message +error-method-not-found+) (function-id request)))) ((/= (length (params request)) (length (params fun))) (error 'json-rpc-error :code (response-error-code +error-invalid-params+) :transaction-id (id request) :text (format nil "Number of parameters (arity) not compatible with function"))) (t (let* ((params (params request)) (called-by-name-p (called-by-name-p fun params))) (if called-by-name-p (let ((params-list (make-list (length (params fun))))) (loop for p in (params fun) do (let* ((param-name (name p)) (param-pos (pos p)) (param-value (cdr (assoc param-name params :test #'string-equal)))) (setf (elt params-list param-pos) param-value))) (call-fun fun params-list)) (call-fun fun params)))))))) (defun displace-single-request (request) (flet ((lookup (k) (and (consp request) (every #'consp request) (cdr (assoc k request :test #'string-equal))))) (let ((protocol-version (lookup +key-name+)) (method (lookup +key-method+)) (params (lookup +key-params+)) (id (lookup +key-id+))) (cond ((null protocol-version) (error 'json-rpc-error :transaction-id id :code (response-error-code +error-invalid-request+) :text (response-error-message +error-invalid-request+))) ((not (supported-version-p protocol-version)) (error 'json-rpc-error :transaction-id id :code (response-error-code +error-unsupported-protocol+) :text (response-error-message +error-unsupported-protocol+))) ((not (listp params)) (error 'json-rpc-error :transaction-id id :code (response-error-code +error-invalid-request+) :text (response-error-message +error-invalid-request+))) (t (values method id params)))))) (defun maybe-log-message (m) (declare (ignorable m)) #+debug-json-rpc (misc:dbg m)) (defun elaborate-single-request (request) (flet ((make-rpc-error (e) (maybe-log-message (format nil "jsonrpc request failed: ~a" e)) (make-response nil (transaction-id e) :error-object (make-response-error (or (code e) (response-error-code +error-invalid-request+)) (text e)))) (make-internal-error (e) (make-response nil nil :error-object (make-internal-error-message (format nil "~a" e))))) (handler-case (multiple-value-bind (method id params) (displace-single-request request) (handler-case (let* ((request (apply #'make-request method id params)) (elaborated (call-function request))) (maybe-log-message (format nil "jsonrpc request ~s results ~s" request elaborated)) (when id ;; if id is null is a notification (i.e. the client ;; does not care about an answer) (make-response elaborated id :error-object nil))) (json-rpc-error (e) (make-rpc-error e)) (error (e) (maybe-log-message (format nil "jsonrpc request failed: ~a" e)) (make-internal-error e)))) (json-rpc-error (e) (make-rpc-error e)) (error (e) (maybe-log-message (format nil "jsonrpc request failed with internal error!: ~a" e)) (make-internal-error e))))) (defun likely-not-batch-p (request) (and (every (lambda (a) (and (consp a) (car a) (cdr a))) request) (assoc +key-name+ request :test #'string-equal) (assoc +key-method+ request :test #'string-equal) (assoc +key-params+ request :test #'string-equal))) (defun request-batch-p (request) (handler-case (progn (displace-single-request request) nil) (json-rpc-error () (if (likely-not-batch-p request) nil t)) (error () t))) (defun elaborate-request (raw-request) (handler-case (with-input-from-string (stream raw-request) (maybe-log-message (format nil "jsonrpc2 raw request~a" raw-request)) (let ((decoded (yason:parse stream :object-as :alist))) (maybe-log-message (format nil "decoded request ~a~%" decoded)) (if (request-batch-p decoded) (if (null decoded) (elaborate-single-request decoded) ;; will build an error response (remove-if #'null (mapcar #'elaborate-single-request decoded))) (let ((results (elaborate-single-request decoded))) results)))) (error (e) (maybe-log-message (format nil "request parse error: ~a" e)) (make-response nil nil :error-object +error-parse+))))