;; tinmop: a multiprotocol client ;; Copyright © cage ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. ;; If not, see [[http://www.gnu.org/licenses/][http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]]. (in-package :gemini-parser-tests) (defsuite gemini-parser-suite (all-suite)) (defparameter *gemini-stream* "# header-1 ``` preformatted-1-alt preformatted-line-1-1 preformatted-line-1-2 preformatted-line-1-3 ``` # header-2 ## header-3 * list-a * list-b foo ``` preformatted-2-alt preformatted-line-2-1 preformatted-line-2-2 preformatted-line-2-3 ``` bar * list -c baz > quote line > quote line-2 ") (defun make-threads-parse (function) (let* ((threads (loop repeat 10 collect (progn (sleep .01) (make-thread function)))) (results (loop for thread in threads collect (join-thread thread)))) (elt results (random (length results))))) (defun parse-stream () (make-threads-parse (lambda () (gemini-parser:parse-gemini-file *gemini-stream* :initialize-parser t :add-metadata nil)))) (deftest parse-test (gemini-parser-suite) (assert-equality (lambda (a b) (tree-equal a b :test #'string=)) '((:h1 ((:source-line "# header-1 ")) " header-1") (:pre ((:source-line "``` preformatted-1-alt ") (:alt " preformatted-1-alt"))) (:as-is ((:source-line "preformatted-line-1-1 ") (:alt " preformatted-1-alt")) "preformatted-line-1-1") (:as-is ((:source-line "preformatted-line-1-2 ") (:alt " preformatted-1-alt")) "preformatted-line-1-2") (:as-is ((:source-line "preformatted-line-1-3 ") (:alt " preformatted-1-alt")) "preformatted-line-1-3") (:pre-end ((:source-line "``` ") (:alt " preformatted-1-alt"))) (:h1 ((:source-line "# header-2 ")) " header-2") nil (:h2 ((:source-line "## header-3 ")) " header-3") nil (:li ((:source-line "* list-a ")) "list-a") (:li ((:source-line "* list-b ")) "list-b") nil (:text ((:source-line "foo ")) "foo") (:pre ((:source-line "``` preformatted-2-alt ") (:alt " preformatted-2-alt"))) (:as-is ((:source-line "preformatted-line-2-1 ") (:alt " preformatted-2-alt")) "preformatted-line-2-1") (:as-is ((:source-line "preformatted-line-2-2 ") (:alt " preformatted-2-alt")) "preformatted-line-2-2") (:as-is ((:source-line "preformatted-line-2-3 ") (:alt " preformatted-2-alt")) "preformatted-line-2-3") (:pre-end ((:source-line "``` ") (:alt " preformatted-2-alt"))) nil (:text ((:source-line "bar ")) "bar") (:li ((:source-line "* list -c ")) "list -c") (:text ((:source-line "baz ")) "baz") nil (:quote ((:source-line "> quote line ")) " quote line") (:quote ((:source-line "> quote line-2 ")) " quote line-2")) (parse-stream))) (defun annotate-stream () (make-threads-parse (lambda () (gemini-parser:with-initialized-parser (gemini-parser:add-metadata-to-parsed-gemini-lines (gemini-parser:parse-gemini-file *gemini-stream* :add-metadata nil)))))) (deftest annotate-test ((gemini-parser-suite) (parse-test)) (assert-equality (lambda (a b) (tree-equal a b :test (lambda (a b) (if (numberp a) (= a b) (string= a b))))) '((:h1 ((:source-id 0) (:header-group-id 0) (:source-line "# header-1 ")) " header-1") (:pre ((:source-id 1) (:pre-group-id 0) (:pre-alt-text "preformatted-1-alt") (:header-group-id 0) (:source-line "``` preformatted-1-alt ") (:alt " preformatted-1-alt"))) (:as-is ((:source-id 2) (:pre-group-id 0) (:pre-alt-text "preformatted-1-alt") (:header-group-id 0) (:source-line "preformatted-line-1-1 ") (:alt " preformatted-1-alt")) "preformatted-line-1-1") (:as-is ((:source-id 3) (:pre-group-id 0) (:pre-alt-text "preformatted-1-alt") (:header-group-id 0) (:source-line "preformatted-line-1-2 ") (:alt " preformatted-1-alt")) "preformatted-line-1-2") (:as-is ((:source-id 4) (:pre-group-id 0) (:pre-alt-text "preformatted-1-alt") (:header-group-id 0) (:source-line "preformatted-line-1-3 ") (:alt " preformatted-1-alt")) "preformatted-line-1-3") (:pre-end ((:source-id 5) (:source-line "``` ") (:alt " preformatted-1-alt"))) (:h1 ((:source-id 6) (:header-group-id 1) (:source-line "# header-2 ")) " header-2") (:vertical-space ((:source-id 7))) (:h2 ((:source-id 8) (:header-group-id 2) (:source-line "## header-3 ")) " header-3") (:vertical-space ((:source-id 9))) (:li ((:source-id 10) (:list-id 0) (:header-group-id 2) (:source-line "* list-a ")) "list-a") (:li ((:source-id 11) (:list-id 0) (:header-group-id 2) (:source-line "* list-b ")) "list-b") (:vertical-space ((:source-id 12))) (:text ((:source-id 13) (:header-group-id 2) (:source-line "foo ")) "foo") (:pre ((:source-id 14) (:pre-group-id 1) (:pre-alt-text "preformatted-2-alt") (:header-group-id 2) (:source-line "``` preformatted-2-alt ") (:alt " preformatted-2-alt"))) (:as-is ((:source-id 15) (:pre-group-id 1) (:pre-alt-text "preformatted-2-alt") (:header-group-id 2) (:source-line "preformatted-line-2-1 ") (:alt " preformatted-2-alt")) "preformatted-line-2-1") (:as-is ((:source-id 16) (:pre-group-id 1) (:pre-alt-text "preformatted-2-alt") (:header-group-id 2) (:source-line "preformatted-line-2-2 ") (:alt " preformatted-2-alt")) "preformatted-line-2-2") (:as-is ((:source-id 17) (:pre-group-id 1) (:pre-alt-text "preformatted-2-alt") (:header-group-id 2) (:source-line "preformatted-line-2-3 ") (:alt " preformatted-2-alt")) "preformatted-line-2-3") (:pre-end ((:source-id 18) (:source-line "``` ") (:alt " preformatted-2-alt"))) (:vertical-space ((:source-id 19))) (:text ((:source-id 20) (:header-group-id 2) (:source-line "bar ")) "bar") (:li ((:source-id 21) (:list-id 1) (:header-group-id 2) (:source-line "* list -c ")) "list -c") (:text ((:source-id 22) (:header-group-id 2) (:source-line "baz ")) "baz") (:vertical-space ((:source-id 23))) (:quote ((:source-id 24) (:header-group-id 2) (:source-line "> quote line ")) " quote line") (:quote ((:source-id 25) (:header-group-id 2) (:source-line "> quote line-2 ")) " quote line-2")) (annotate-stream)))