;; tinmop: an humble mastodon client ;; Copyright (C) 2020 cage ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . (in-package :queue) (defparameter *queue* (misc:make-array-frame 0)) (defparameter *equal-function* #'equalp) (defparameter *key-function* #'identity) (defun push (val) (vector-push-extend val *queue*)) (defun pop () (if (not (emptyp)) (prog1 (alexandria:first-elt *queue*) (setf *queue* (misc:safe-delete@ *queue* 0))) nil)) (defun find (element) (cl:find element *queue* :key *key-function* :test *equal-function*)) (defun emptyp () (not (> (length *queue*) 0))) (defmacro with-queue ((equal key) &body body) `(let ((*queue* (misc:make-array-frame 0)) (*equal-function* ,equal) (*key-function* ,key)) ,@body)) (defclass simple-queue () ((container :initform (misc:make-array-frame 0) :accessor container))) (defgeneric q-pop (object)) (defgeneric q-peek (object)) (defgeneric q-push (object value)) (defgeneric q-empty-p (object)) (defgeneric q-size (object)) (defgeneric q-sort (object predicate)) (defgeneric q-dbg-print (object)) (defmethod q-pop ((object simple-queue)) (with-accessors ((container container)) object (let ((peek (q-peek object))) (if peek (progn (setf container (misc:safe-delete@ container 0)) peek) nil)))) (defmethod q-push ((object simple-queue) value) (with-accessors ((container container)) object (vector-push-extend value container))) (defmethod q-empty-p ((object simple-queue)) (with-accessors ((container container)) object (misc:vector-empty-p container))) (defmethod q-peek ((object simple-queue)) (with-accessors ((container container)) object (if (not (q-empty-p object)) (elt container 0) nil))) (defmethod q-size ((object simple-queue)) (length (container object))) (defmethod q-sort ((object simple-queue) predicate) (with-accessors ((container container)) object (setf container (stable-sort container predicate)))) (defmethod q-dbg-print ((object simple-queue)) (misc:dbg "--queue--") (loop for i from 0 for a across (container object) do (misc:dbg "~a ~a" i a)) (misc:dbg "----"))