;; tinmop: an humble gemini and pleroma client ;; Copyright © cage ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . (in-package :rb-tree) (alexandria:define-constant +rb-red+ :red :test #'eq) (alexandria:define-constant +rb-black+ :black :test #'eq) (alexandria:define-constant +rb-neg-black+ :neg-black :test #'eq) (alexandria:define-constant +rb-black-black+ :black-black :test #'eq) (alexandria:define-constant +rb-color+ :color :test #'eq) (defun incf-black (color) (cond ((eq color +rb-black+) +rb-black-black+) ((eq color +rb-red+) +rb-black+) ((eq color +rb-neg-black+) +rb-red+))) (defun decf-black (color) (cond ((eq color +rb-black-black+) +rb-black+) ((eq color +rb-black+) +rb-red+) ((eq color +rb-red+) +rb-neg-black+))) (defclass rb-node (node) ((color :initarg :color :initform +rb-black+ :accessor color))) (defgeneric balance (object)) (defgeneric bubble (object)) (defgeneric balancedp (object)) (defgeneric left-balance (object)) (defgeneric right-balance (object)) (defgeneric remove-max-node (object key key-datum compare equal)) (defgeneric %remove-node (object needle key key-datum compare equal)) (defgeneric remove-node (object needle &key key key-datum compare equal)) (defmethod node->string ((object rb-node)) (if (null (data object)) (format nil "leaf color ~a" (color object)) (format nil "~a (~a)~% [~a] [~a]" (data object) (color object) (node->string (left object)) (node->string (right object))))) (defun make-rb-node (color data left right parent) (make-instance 'rb-node :color color :left left :right right :data data :parent parent)) (defun make-rb-leaf (color parent) (make-instance 'rb-node :color color :parent parent :left nil :right nil)) (defun make-root-rb-node (datum color) (let* ((tree (make-rb-node color datum nil nil nil)) (l-leaf (make-rb-leaf +rb-black+ tree)) (r-leaf (make-rb-leaf +rb-black+ tree))) (setf (left tree) l-leaf (right tree) r-leaf) tree)) (defmethod insert ((object rb-node) datum &key (key #'identity) (key-datum #'identity) (compare #'<) (equal #'=)) (macrolet ((make-leaf-node (datum left right parent) `(make-rb-node +rb-red+ ,datum ,left ,right ,parent)) (make-leaf (new-node) `(make-rb-leaf +rb-black+ ,new-node)) (make-node (data left right parent) `(make-rb-node (color node) ,data ,left ,right ,parent))) (with-insert-local-function (make-node make-node make-leaf-node make-leaf left-balance right-balance) (let ((balanced (%insert object datum key key-datum compare equal))) (setf (color balanced) +rb-black+) balanced)))) (defmacro with-match-tree ((color left data right) tree &body body) `(and (or (not ,color) (eq ,color (color ,tree))) (let ((,data (data ,tree))) (declare (ignorable ,data)) ,(if (consp left) `(with-match-tree ,left (left ,tree) ,(if (consp right) `(with-match-tree ,right (right ,tree) ,@body) `(let ((,right (right ,tree))) (declare (ignorable ,right)) ,@body))) `(let ((,left (left ,tree))) (declare (ignorable ,left)) ,(if (consp right) `(with-match-tree ,right (right ,tree) ,@body) `(let ((,right (right ,tree))) (declare (ignorable ,right)) ,@body))))))) (defmethod balance ((object rb-node)) (macrolet ((setf-parent (new-node) `(setf (parent (left ,new-node)) ,new-node (parent (right ,new-node)) ,new-node (parent (left (left ,new-node))) (left ,new-node) (parent (right (left ,new-node))) (left ,new-node) (parent (right (right ,new-node))) (right ,new-node) (parent (left (right ,new-node))) (right ,new-node)))) (with-match-tree (+rb-black+ (+rb-red+ (+rb-red+ a x b) y c) z d) object (return-from balance (let ((new-node (make-rb-node +rb-red+ y (make-rb-node +rb-black+ x a b nil) (make-rb-node +rb-black+ z c d nil) (parent object)))) (setf-parent new-node) new-node))) (with-match-tree (+rb-black+ (+rb-red+ a x (+rb-red+ b y c)) z d) object (return-from balance (let ((new-node (make-rb-node +rb-red+ y (make-rb-node +rb-black+ x a b nil) (make-rb-node +rb-black+ z c d nil) (parent object)))) (setf-parent new-node) new-node))) (with-match-tree (+rb-black+ a x (+rb-red+ (+rb-red+ b y c) z d)) object (return-from balance (let ((new-node (make-rb-node +rb-red+ y (make-rb-node +rb-black+ x a b nil) (make-rb-node +rb-black+ z c d nil) (parent object)))) (setf-parent new-node) new-node))) (with-match-tree (+rb-black+ a x (+rb-red+ b y (+rb-red+ c z d))) object (return-from balance (let ((new-node (make-rb-node +rb-red+ y (make-rb-node +rb-black+ x a b nil) (make-rb-node +rb-black+ z c d nil) (parent object)))) (setf-parent new-node) new-node))) ;; for deletion (with-match-tree (+rb-black-black+ (+rb-red+ a x (+rb-red+ b y c)) z d) object (return-from balance (let ((new-node (make-rb-node +rb-black+ y (make-rb-node +rb-black+ x a b nil) (make-rb-node +rb-black+ z c d nil) (parent object)))) (setf-parent new-node) new-node))) (with-match-tree (+rb-black-black+ (+rb-red+ (+rb-red+ a x b) y c) z d) object (return-from balance (let ((new-node (make-rb-node +rb-black+ y (make-rb-node +rb-black+ x a b nil) (make-rb-node +rb-black+ z c d nil) (parent object)))) (setf-parent new-node) new-node))) (with-match-tree (+rb-black-black+ a x (+rb-red+ (+rb-red+ b y c) z d)) object (return-from balance (let ((new-node (make-rb-node +rb-black+ y (make-rb-node +rb-black+ x a b nil) (make-rb-node +rb-black+ z c d nil) (parent object)))) (setf-parent new-node) new-node))) (with-match-tree (+rb-black-black+ a x (+rb-red+ b y (+rb-red+ c z d))) object (return-from balance (let ((new-node (make-rb-node +rb-black+ y (make-rb-node +rb-black+ x a b nil) (make-rb-node +rb-black+ z c d nil) (parent object)))) (setf-parent new-node) new-node))) (with-match-tree (+rb-black-black+ (+rb-neg-black+ (+rb-black+ a w b) x (+rb-black+ c y d)) z e) object (return-from balance (let ((new-node (make-rb-node +rb-black+ y (balance (make-rb-node +rb-black+ x (make-rb-node +rb-red+ w a b nil) c nil)) (make-rb-node +rb-black+ z d e nil) (parent object)))) (setf-parent new-node) (balance new-node)))) (with-match-tree (+rb-black-black+ a x (+rb-neg-black+ (+rb-black+ b y c) z (+rb-black+ j n i))) object (return-from balance (let ((new-node (make-rb-node +rb-black+ y (make-rb-node +rb-black+ x a b nil) (balance (make-rb-node +rb-black+ z c (make-rb-node +rb-red+ n j i nil) nil)) (parent object)))) (setf-parent new-node) (balance new-node)))) object)) (defmethod bubble ((object rb-node)) (if (or (eq (color (left object)) +rb-black-black+) (eq (color (right object)) +rb-black-black+)) ;; TODO reconstruct-parent! (balance (make-rb-node (incf-black (color object)) (data object) (make-rb-node (decf-black (color (left object))) (data (left object)) (left (left object)) (right (left object)) nil) (make-rb-node (decf-black (color (right object))) (data (right object)) (left (right object)) (right (right object)) nil) nil)) (balance object))) (defmethod left-balance ((object rb-node)) (macrolet ((setf-parent (new-node) `(setf (parent (left ,new-node)) ,new-node (parent (right ,new-node)) ,new-node (parent (left (left ,new-node))) (left ,new-node) (parent (right (left ,new-node))) (left ,new-node) (parent (right (right ,new-node))) (right ,new-node) (parent (left (right ,new-node))) (right ,new-node)))) (with-match-tree (+rb-black+ (+rb-red+ (+rb-red+ a x b) y c) z d) object (return-from left-balance (let ((new-node (make-rb-node +rb-red+ y (make-rb-node +rb-black+ x a b nil) (make-rb-node +rb-black+ z c d nil) (parent object)))) (setf-parent new-node) new-node))) (with-match-tree (+rb-black+ (+rb-red+ a x (+rb-red+ b y c)) z d) object (return-from left-balance (let ((new-node (make-rb-node +rb-red+ y (make-rb-node +rb-black+ x a b nil) (make-rb-node +rb-black+ z c d nil) (parent object)))) (setf-parent new-node) new-node))) object)) (defmethod right-balance ((object rb-node)) (macrolet ((setf-parent (new-node) `(setf (parent (left ,new-node)) ,new-node (parent (right ,new-node)) ,new-node (parent (left (left ,new-node))) (left ,new-node) (parent (right (left ,new-node))) (left ,new-node) (parent (right (right ,new-node))) (right ,new-node) (parent (left (right ,new-node))) (right ,new-node)))) (with-match-tree (+rb-black+ a x (+rb-red+ (+rb-red+ b y c) z d)) object (return-from right-balance (let ((new-node (make-rb-node +rb-red+ y (make-rb-node +rb-black+ x a b nil) (make-rb-node +rb-black+ z c d nil) (parent object)))) (setf-parent new-node) new-node))) (with-match-tree (+rb-black+ a x (+rb-red+ b y (+rb-red+ c z d))) object (return-from right-balance (let ((new-node (make-rb-node +rb-red+ y (make-rb-node +rb-black+ x a b nil) (make-rb-node +rb-black+ z c d nil) (parent object)))) (setf-parent new-node) new-node))) object)) (defmethod map ((object rb-node) function) (with-accessors ((color color) (data data) (left left) (right right)) object (if (leafp object) (make-rb-leaf color nil) (make-rb-node color (funcall function data) (map left function) (map right function) nil)))) (defmethod map-node ((object rb-node) function) (with-accessors ((color color) (data data) (left left) (right right)) object (if (leafp object) (funcall function object (make-rb-leaf color object)) (funcall function object (make-rb-node color data (map-node left function) (map-node right function) nil))))) (defmethod reconstruct-parent ((object rb-node) &optional (parent (parent object))) (with-accessors ((color color) (data data) (left left) (right right)) object (if (leafp object) (make-rb-leaf color parent) (make-rb-node color data (reconstruct-parent left object) (reconstruct-parent right object) parent)))) (defmethod remove-max-node ((object node) key key-datum compare equal) (if (leafp (right object)) (%remove-node object (data object) key key-datum compare equal) (bubble (make-rb-node (color object) (data object) (left object) (remove-max-node (right object) key key-datum compare equal) nil)))) (defmethod %remove-node ((object node) needle key key-datum compare equal) (cond ((leafp object) object) ((funcall equal (%key key (data object)) (%key key-datum needle)) ;; equal, delete (cond ((and (all-children-leaf-p object) ; no children, red color (eq (color object) +rb-red+)) (make-rb-leaf +rb-black+ nil)) ((and (all-children-leaf-p object) ; no children, black color (eq (color object) +rb-black+)) (make-rb-leaf +rb-black-black+ nil)) ((and (leafp (left object)) ;; one child on right (not (leafp (right object)))) (make-rb-node +rb-black+ (data (right object)) (left (right object)) (right (right object)) nil)) ((and (leafp (right object)) ; one child on left (not (leafp (left object)))) (make-rb-node +rb-black+ (data (left object)) (left (left object)) (right (left object)) nil)) (t ; two children (let* ((max-node (find-max-node (left object))) (max-data (data max-node))) (bubble (make-rb-node (color object) max-data (remove-max-node (left object) key key compare equal) (right object) nil)))))) ;; end removing block ((funcall compare (%key key-datum needle) (%key key (data object))) (bubble (make-rb-node (color object) (data object) (%remove-node (left object) needle key key-datum compare equal) (right object) nil))) (t ; go right, needle is greater then this node (bubble (make-rb-node (color object) (data object) (left object) (%remove-node (right object) needle key key-datum compare equal) nil))))) (defmethod remove-node ((object rb-node) needle &key (key #'identity) (key-datum #'identity) (compare #'<) (equal #'=)) (let ((new (%remove-node object needle key key-datum compare equal))) (setf (color new) +rb-black+) new)) (defmethod node->dot ((object rb-node)) (labels ((color->hex (node) (cond ((eq (color node) +rb-red+) "#ff0000") ((eq (color node) +rb-black-black+) "#ff00ff") ((eq (color node) +rb-neg-black+) "#a1a1a1") (t "#ffffff"))) (nodes () (append (list `(:node ((:id ,(format nil "~a" (data object))) (:label ,(format nil "~ap~a" (data object) (data (parent object)))) (:style "filled") (:fillcolor ,(color->hex object))))) (if (not (leafp (left object))) (node->dot (left object)) (list `(:node ((:id ,(format nil "nil-l~a" (data object))) (:label "nil") (:style "filled") (:fillcolor ,(color->hex (left object))))))) (if (not (leafp (right object))) (node->dot (right object)) (list `(:node ((:id ,(format nil "nil-r~a" (data object))) (:label "nil") (:style "filled") (:fillcolor ,(color->hex (right object))))))))) (edges () (append (if (data (left object)) (list `(:edge ((:from ,(format nil "~a" (data object))) (:to ,(format nil "~a" (data (left object))))))) (list `(:edge ((:from ,(format nil "~a" (data object))) (:to ,(format nil "nil-l~a" (data object))))))) (if (data (right object)) (list `(:edge ((:from ,(format nil "~a" (data object))) (:to ,(format nil "~a" (data (right object))))))) (list `(:edge ((:from ,(format nil "~a" (data object))) (:to ,(format nil "nil-r~a" (data object)))))))))) (append (nodes) (edges)))) (defmethod to-sexp ((object rb-node)) (let ((*print-circle* t)) (list +data+ (to-sexp (data object)) +rb-color+ (color object) +left+ (to-sexp (left object)) +right+ (to-sexp (right object)) +parent+ (to-sexp (data (parent object)))))) (defmethod from-sexp ((object rb-node) sexp) (declare (ignorable object)) (labels ((%from-sexp (sexp) (if (null sexp) (make-rb-leaf +rb-black+ nil) (make-rb-node (getf sexp +rb-color+) (getf sexp +data+) (from-sexp object (getf sexp +left+)) (from-sexp object (getf sexp +right+)) nil)))) (let ((new-tree (%from-sexp sexp))) (reconstruct-parent new-tree)))) (defmethod balancedp ((object rb-node)) (let ((black-paths-count '())) (labels ((all-red-child-black-p (node) (map-node node #'(lambda (n b) (declare (ignore b)) (if (or (eq (color n) +rb-black+) (and (eq (color n) +rb-red+) (eq (color (left n)) +rb-black+) (eq (color (right n)) +rb-black+))) t (return-from all-red-child-black-p nil))))) (all-path-black-same-length (node &optional (ct 0)) (when (eq (color node) +rb-black+) (incf ct)) (if (leafp node) (progn (push ct black-paths-count) (decf ct)) (progn (all-path-black-same-length (left node) ct) (all-path-black-same-length (right node) ct))))) (all-path-black-same-length object) (and (every #'(lambda (a) (= a (elt black-paths-count 0))) black-paths-count) (all-red-child-black-p object)))))