;; tinmop: an humble gemini and pleroma client ;; Copyright (C) 2020 cage ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. ;; If not, see [[http://www.gnu.org/licenses/][http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]]. ;; derived from: ;; niccolo': a chemicals inventory ;; Copyright (C) 2016 Universita' degli Studi di Palermo ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;; published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the ;; License, or (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . (in-package :db-utils) (define-constant +db-invalid-id-number+ 0 :test #'=) (define-constant +characters-trouble-name+ '(#\-) :test #'equalp) (define-constant +separator-re+ "\\." :test #'equalp) (define-constant +separator+ "." :test #'equalp) (define-constant +column-wildcard+ "*" :test #'equalp) (define-constant +directive-no-journaling+ "PRAGMA journal_mode = MEMORY" :test #'string=) (define-constant +directive-no-sync-os+ "PRAGMA synchronous = OFF" :test #'string=) (define-constant +directive-foreign-keys+ "PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON" :test #'string=) (define-constant +directive-foreign-keys-off+ "PRAGMA foreign_keys = OFF" :test #'string=) (define-constant +sqlite3-db-scheme-table+ :sqlite_master :test #'eq) (define-constant +sqlite3-db-scheme-table-type+ "table" :test #'string=) (define-constant +sqlite3-db-scheme-type+ :type :test #'eq) (define-constant +sqlite3-db-scheme-table-name+ :tbl_name :test #'eq) (defmacro with-disabled-foreign (&body body) `(unwind-protect (progn (query-low-level +directive-foreign-keys-off+) ,@body) (query-low-level +directive-foreign-keys+))) (defparameter *connection* nil) (defmacro with-db-transaction (&body body) `(sqlite:with-transaction *connection* ,@body)) (defun connectedp () "Non nil if the connection to db is alive" *connection*) (defun close-db () "Close the connection to database" (when (connectedp) (sqlite:disconnect *connection*))) (defgeneric quote-symbol (s)) (defmethod quote-symbol ((s string)) "Quote `s' to be usable as column name in database (e.g. \"a-b\" -> \\\"a-b\\\")" (if (scan +separator-re+ s) (let* ((splitted (split +separator-re+ s)) (res (flatten (loop for i in splitted collect (if (string= i +column-wildcard+) i (format nil "\"~a\"" i)))))) (join-with-strings res +separator+)) (if (null (every #'(lambda (a) (null (find a s))) +characters-trouble-name+)) (format nil "\"~(~a~)\"" s) (format nil "~(~a~)" s)))) (defmethod quote-symbol ((s symbol)) (quote-symbol (symbol-name s))) (defun prepare-query (sql) "Compile a query in a format suitable to be executed" #+debug-mode (misc:dbg "compiling ~a~%" sql) (sqlite:prepare-statement *connection* sql)) (defun execute-query (prepared-sql &optional (parameters nil)) "Execute the prepared query with parameter `parameters'" (let* ((columns-name (mapcar (lambda (a) (make-keyword (string-upcase a))) (sqlite:statement-column-names prepared-sql)))) (loop for param in parameters for i from 1 do (sqlite:bind-parameter prepared-sql i param)) (let ((res (loop while (sqlite:step-statement prepared-sql) collect (loop for i from 0 for column-name in columns-name append (list column-name (sqlite:statement-column-value prepared-sql i)))))) (sqlite:finalize-statement prepared-sql) res))) (defun fetch-all (executed-query) "Fetch all rows from an executed query" executed-query) (defun fetch (executed-query) "Fetch a single row from an executed query" (first executed-query)) (defun query-low-level (sql &optional (parameters nil)) "prepare and Execute a text in SQL format" #+debug-mode (misc:dbg "sql ~a parameters ~a~%" sql parameters) (execute-query (prepare-query sql) parameters)) (defun query (q) "Execute a sxql query (i.e. sql in s-expression format)" (multiple-value-bind (sql params) (sxql:yield q) (query-low-level sql params))) (defun query->sql (q) "Convert sxql to SQL code" (sxql:yield q)) (defmacro do-rows ((row res) table &body body) "Iterate each row af a list of lists" `(let ((,res ,table)) (loop for ,row from 0 below (length ,res) do ,@body) ,res)) (defun prepare-for-sql-like (s) "Prepare s as an argument for LIKE SQL clause" (if (not (text-utils:string-empty-p s)) (format nil "%~a%" s) "%")) (defmacro object-exists-in-db-p (table clause) `(fetch (query (select :* (from ,table) (where ,clause))))) (defmacro object-count-in-db (table clause) `(second (fetch (query (select ((:count :*)) (from ,table) (where ,clause)))))) (defgeneric db-nil-p (a &key &allow-other-keys) (:documentation "Non nil if the column can be considered a null value in lisp example: :nil -> T \"false\" -> T 0 -> T \"0\" -> T \"no\" -> T \"null\" -> T ")) (defmethod db-nil-p ((a null) &key &allow-other-keys) t) (defmethod db-nil-p ((a symbol) &key &allow-other-keys) (eq a :nil)) (defmethod db-nil-p ((a string) &key (only-empty-or-0-are-null nil) &allow-other-keys) (if only-empty-or-0-are-null (or (string-empty-p a) (string-equal a "0")) (or (string-empty-p a) (string-equal a "false") (string-equal a "null") (string-equal a "nil") (string-equal a "no") (string-equal a "0")))) (defmethod db-nil-p ((a integer) &key &allow-other-keys) (= a 0)) (defun db-not-nil-p (a) (not (db-nil-p a))) (defun db-getf (row indicator &key (default nil) (only-empty-or-0-are-null nil)) "Try to find a value in a `row' (modeled as a plist), return `default' if indicator has a value of nil in row and signal a `conditions:column-not-found' if `indicator' does not exists in `row'." (let ((res (getf row indicator :not-found))) (cond ((eq res :not-found) (error 'conditions:column-not-found :column indicator :row row)) ((db-nil-p res :only-empty-or-0-are-null only-empty-or-0-are-null) default) (t res)))) (defmacro if-db-nil-else (expr else) `(if (not (db-nil-p ,expr)) ,expr ,else)) (defun count-all (table) (getf (first (fetch-all (query (select ((:as (:count :*) :ct)) (from table))))) :ct)) (defun db-path () (uiop:unix-namestring (concatenate 'string (res:home-datadir) "/" +db-file+))) (defun db-file-exists-p () (fs:file-exists-p (db-path))) (defun init-connection () "Initialize a db connection (and create db file if does not exists)" (when (not (db-file-exists-p)) (fs:create-file (db-path))) (setf *connection* (sqlite:connect (db-path)))) (defmacro with-ready-database ((&key (connect t)) &body body) "Ensure a valid connection to db exists, if `connect' is non nil (default T), start a new connection" `(let ((sxql:*sql-symbol-conversion* #'db-utils:quote-symbol)) (when ,connect (init-connection) (query-low-level +directive-no-journaling+) (query-low-level +directive-no-sync-os+) (query-low-level +directive-foreign-keys+)) (db:maybe-build-all-tables) (progn ,@body))) (defun local-time-obj-now () (local-time:now)) ; db -> application (defun encode-datetime-string (d &optional (fallback nil)) "Encode a datetime string from db" (handler-case (local-time:parse-timestring d) (error () fallback))) ;; application -> db (defgeneric decode-datetime-string (object) (:documentation "Decode object from application to a datetime format suitable for database.")) (defmethod decode-datetime-string ((object (eql nil))) "") (defmethod decode-datetime-string ((object local-time:timestamp)) (local-time:format-rfc3339-timestring nil object)) (defmethod decode-datetime-string ((object string)) (decode-datetime-string (encode-datetime-string object))) (defmethod decode-datetime-string ((object number)) (decode-datetime-string (universal-to-timestamp object))) (defgeneric decode-date-string (object) (:documentation "Decode object from application to a date format suitable for database.")) (defmethod decode-date-string ((object (eql nil))) "") (defmethod decode-date-string ((object local-time:timestamp)) (local-time:format-timestring nil object :format '(:year "-" (:month 2) "-" (:day 2)))) (defmethod decode-date-string ((object string)) (decode-date-string (encode-datetime-string object))) (defmethod decode-date-string ((object number)) (decode-date-string (universal-to-timestamp object))) (defgeneric decode-time-string (object)) (defmethod decode-time-string ((object local-time:timestamp)) (local-time:format-timestring nil object :format '((:hour 2) ":" (:min 2)))) (defmethod decode-time-string ((object string)) (decode-time-string (encode-datetime-string object))) (defun encoded-datetime-year (decoded) (misc:extract-year-from-timestamp (encode-datetime-string decoded))) (defmacro make-insert (table-name names values) "Generate an sxql insert statement example (make-insert :table-name (:col-a :col-b) (value-a value-b)) " (assert (= (length names) (length values))) `(insert-into ,table-name (set= ,@(loop for name in names for value in values append (list name value))))) (defmacro make-delete (table-name where-clause) "Generate an sxql delete statement example (make-delete :table-name (:col-a :col-b) (:and (:= col-a 1) (:= col-b 2))) " `(delete-from ,table-name (where ,where-clause))) (defmacro make-update (table-name names values where-clause) "Generate an sxql update statement example (make-delete :table-name (:col-a :col-b) (1 2) (:and (:= col-a 1) (:= col-b 2))) " (assert (= (length names) (length values))) `(update ,table-name (set= ,@(loop for name in names for value in values append (list name value))) (where ,where-clause))) (defun get-max-id (table) (or (second (fetch (query (select (fields (:max :id)) (from table))))) 0)) (defun get-min-id (table) (or (second (fetch (query (select (fields (:min :id)) (from table))))) 0)) (defun decode-blob (blob) (and blob (base64:usb8-array-to-base64-string blob))) (defun rows->tsv (rows) (with-output-to-string (stream) (labels ((%escape (s) (regex-replace-all "\"" s "\"\"")) (%fmt (tpl &rest args) (apply #'format stream (strcat tpl (coerce '(#\return #\linefeed) 'string)) args)) (%join (s) (join-with-strings s (string #\tab))) (%wrap (s) (wrap-with (%escape (to-s s)) "\"")) (%filter-print (filter-fn row) (%join (mapcar #'%wrap (remove-if-not filter-fn row)))) (%filter-header (a) (and (symbolp a) (not (eq :nil a)))) (%filter-data (a) (cond ((null a) t) ((and (symbolp a) (not (eq :nil a))) nil) (t t)))) (%fmt (%filter-print #'%filter-header (first-elt rows))) (loop for row in rows do (%fmt (%filter-print #'%filter-data row) :stream stream))))) (defun table-exists-p (table-name) (fetch (query (select :* (from +sqlite3-db-scheme-table+) (where (:and (:= +sqlite3-db-scheme-table-name+ (quote-symbol table-name)) (:= +sqlite3-db-scheme-type+ +sqlite3-db-scheme-table-type+))))))) (defgeneric prepare-for-db (object &key &allow-other-keys) (:documentation "Prepare object to be inserted into database")) (defmethod prepare-for-db (object &key (to-integer nil) &allow-other-keys) "Note that object is ignored for unspecialized method" (if to-integer 1 object)) (defmethod prepare-for-db ((object (eql t)) &key (to-integer nil) &allow-other-keys) "Note that object is ignored for unspecialized method" (declare (ignore object)) (if to-integer 1 t)) (defmethod prepare-for-db ((object null) &key (to-integer nil) &allow-other-keys) (declare (ignorable object)) (if to-integer 0 "")) (defmethod prepare-for-db ((object symbol) &key &allow-other-keys) (symbol-name object)) (defmethod prepare-for-db ((object string) &key &allow-other-keys) object) (defmethod prepare-for-db ((object sequence) &key &allow-other-keys) (map 'list #'prepare-for-db object)) (defmethod prepare-for-db ((object local-time:timestamp) &key &allow-other-keys) (decode-datetime-string object)) (defun last-inserted-rowid () "Maximum value of a primary key of a table so far" (sqlite:last-insert-rowid *connection*))