;; tinmop: an humble gemini and pleroma client ;; Copyright (C) 2020 cage ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. ;; If not, see [[http://www.gnu.org/licenses/][http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]]. (in-package :keybindings) (define-constant +control-prefix+ "^" :test #'string=) (define-constant +meta-prefix+ "ALT-" :test #'string=) (define-constant +function-placeholder-re+ "function-placeholder" :test #'string=) (define-constant +function-placeholder-value+ :fn :test #'string=) (defparameter *default-prefix* nil) ;; KEYPATH := KEY KEYPATH ;; | epsilon ;; KEY := COMMAND-KEY ;; | META-KEY ;; | KEYCODE ;; | FUNCTION-PLACEHOLDER ;; COMMAND-KEY := ( (COMMAND-MOD-1 DASH) | COMMAND-MOD-2 ) KEYCODE ;; META-KEY := META-MOD DASH KEYCODE ;; KEYCODE := NON-PRINTABLE-KEY | SIMPLE-KEY ;; SIMPLE-KEY := CHAR ;; NON-PRINTABLE-KEY := |'f1' ;; |'f2' ;; |'f3' ;; |'f4' ;; |'f5' ;; |'f6' ;; |'f7' ;; |'f8' ;; |'f9' ;; |'f10 ;; | 'right' ;; | 'left' ;; | 'up' ;; | 'down' ;; | 'home' ;; | 'end' ;; | 'npage' ;; | 'ppage' ;; | "dc" ;; COMMAND-MOD-1 := 'C' ;; COMMAND-MOD-2 := '^' ;; META-MOD := 'M' ;; DASH := '-' ;; CHAR := ESCAPED-CHAR | (not ( DASH | BLANK)) ;; BLANKS := BLANK* ;; BLANK := #\space | #\Newline | #\Tab ;; FUNCTION-PLACEHOLDER := 'function-placeholder' (defrule function-placeholder "function-placeholder" (:constant +function-placeholder-value+)) (defrule blank (or #\space #\Newline #\Tab) (:constant nil)) (defrule blanks (* blank) (:constant nil)) (defrule escaped-character (and #\\ character) (:function (lambda (a) (list (second a))))) (defrule dash #\- (:text t)) (defrule non-printable-key (or "f10" "f1" "f2" "f3" "f4" "f5" "f6" "f7" "f8" "f9" "right" "left" "up" "down" "home" "end" "npage" ; page down "ppage" ; page up "dc") ; canc (:text t) (:function string-upcase)) (defrule char (or escaped-character (not (or dash blank))) (:text t)) (defrule meta-mod #\M (:text t)) (defrule command-mod-1 #\C) (defrule command-mod-2 #\^) (defrule simple-key char) (defrule keycode (or non-printable-key simple-key)) ; keep the order (defun to-meta-code-string (command) (strcat +meta-prefix+ (string-upcase (third command)))) (defrule meta-key (and meta-mod dash keycode) (:function to-meta-code-string) (:text t)) (defun to-control-code-string (command) (strcat +control-prefix+ (string-upcase (third command)))) ;; not part of the actual grammar, just syntactic sugar (defrule command-key-1 (and command-mod-1 dash keycode) (:function to-control-code-string)) (defrule command-key-2 (and command-mod-2 keycode) (:text t)) (defrule command-key (or command-key-1 command-key-2)) (defrule key (and (or function-placeholder ; keep the order command-key meta-key keycode) (? blanks)) (:function first)) (defrule keypath (and key (? keypath)) (:function (lambda (a) (remove-if-null (flatten a))))) (defun make-starting-comand-tree () (make-command-tree *default-prefix*)) (defun make-command-tree (data) (make-instance 'sorted-m-tree :data data :compare-fn #'string<)) (defun parse-keypath (keypath &key (existing-tree (make-starting-comand-tree))) "Parse a string representing a list of keys (see `*global-keymap*'), produces a tree and graft the latter on `existing-tree'" (labels ((placeholderp (child) (eq +function-placeholder-value+ (data child))) (remove-function-siblings (node) (top-down-visit node (lambda (a) (if (find-if #'placeholderp (children a)) (setf (children a) (remove-if-not #'placeholderp (children a))))))) (remove-function-children (node) (top-down-visit node (lambda (a) (when (placeholderp a) (remove-all-children a))))) (add (tree commands) (if commands (let ((new-node (make-command-tree (first commands)))) (add-child tree new-node) (add new-node (rest commands))) nil))) (let ((raw (parse 'keypath (strcat keypath " " +function-placeholder-re+))) (new-tree (make-starting-comand-tree))) (add new-tree raw) (graft-branch existing-tree new-tree :test (lambda (a b) (cond ((functionp a) t) ((eq b +function-placeholder-value+) t) (t (string= a b))))) (remove-function-siblings existing-tree) (remove-function-children existing-tree) existing-tree))) (defparameter *global-keymap* (make-starting-comand-tree) "The global keymap. A keymap looks like a tree with function as leaf nodes like: a / \ b c / / \ #'+ b d / \ #'* #'- So, pressing a sequence of 'a -> c -> d' will trigger the function #'- ") (defparameter *thread-keymap* (make-starting-comand-tree) "The keymap for thread window.") (defparameter *message-keymap* (make-starting-comand-tree) "The keymap for message window.") (defparameter *gemini-message-keymap* (make-starting-comand-tree) "The keymap for message-window when displaing gemini text.") (defparameter *tags-keymap* (make-starting-comand-tree) "The keymap for tags window.") (defparameter *conversations-keymap* (make-starting-comand-tree) "The keymap for conversations windows.") (defparameter *send-message-keymap* (make-starting-comand-tree) "The keymap for window to confirm sending a message.") (defparameter *follow-requests-keymap* (make-starting-comand-tree) "The keymap for window to accept follow requests.") (defparameter *open-attach-keymap* (make-starting-comand-tree) "The keymap for window to open message's attachments.") (defparameter *open-message-link-keymap* (make-starting-comand-tree) "The keymap for window to open message's links.") (defparameter *open-gemini-link-keymap* (make-starting-comand-tree) "The keymap for window to open gemini's links.") (defparameter *gemini-downloads-keymap* (make-starting-comand-tree) "The keymap for window that shows all gemini streams.") (defparameter *gemini-certificates-keymap* (make-starting-comand-tree) "The keymap for window that shows all gemini certificates.") (defparameter *chats-list-keymap* (make-starting-comand-tree) "The keymap for window that shows all the chats.") (defparameter *chat-message-keymap* (make-starting-comand-tree) "The keymap for message-window when shows chat.") (defparameter *gemlog-subscription-keymap* (make-starting-comand-tree) "The keymap for gemlog subscriptions window.") (defparameter *gemini-toc-keymap* (make-starting-comand-tree) "The keymap for gemini table of contents window.") (defparameter *gempub-library-keymap* (make-starting-comand-tree) "The keymap for gempub library of publication.") (defparameter *filesystem-explorer-keymap* (make-starting-comand-tree) "The keymap for gempub library of publication.") (defparameter *all-keymaps* '(*global-keymap* *thread-keymap* *message-keymap* *gemini-message-keymap* *tags-keymap* *conversations-keymap* *send-message-keymap* *follow-requests-keymap* *open-attach-keymap* *open-message-link-keymap* *open-gemini-link-keymap* *gemini-downloads-keymap* *gemini-certificates-keymap* *chats-list-keymap* *chat-message-keymap* *gemlog-subscription-keymap* *gemini-toc-keymap* *gempub-library-keymap* *filesystem-explorer-keymap*)) (defun define-key (key-sequence function &optional (existing-keymap *global-keymap*)) "Define a key sequence that trigger a function: The syntax is a simple list of keys or a single key: - key [key ...] where key can be either a printable character, a -character code or ALT-character. A character code can be defined using caret notation: '^character' (e.g. '^A') or using 'C-' as placeholder for (e.g. 'C-A'). The allowed character in alt-character code are downcase only. Please note that this function will modify existing keymap. " (let* ((tree (parse-keypath key-sequence :existing-tree existing-keymap)) (placeholder (find-child tree +function-placeholder-value+ :compare #'eq))) (assert placeholder) (assert (functionp function)) (setf (data placeholder) function) tree)) (define-constant +croatoan-last-standard-key+ 511 :test #'=) (defclass encoded-map-entry () ((terminal-code :initform nil :initarg :terminal-code :accessor terminal-code) (croatoan-code :initform nil :initarg :croatoan-code :accessor croatoan-code) (curses-code :initform nil :initarg :curses-code :accessor curses-code)) (:documentation "terminal-code: the raw string that the terminal provide to encode a key croatoan-code: ther symbol croatoan use and returns to usercode curses-keycode: integer that map terminal-code (used internally by croatoan to match croatoan-code Example: \"^[1\" :alt-1 512. Note that \"^]\" is the character #\Esc")) (defmethod print-object ((object encoded-map-entry) stream) (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t :identity nil) (with-accessors ((terminal-code terminal-code) (croatoan-code croatoan-code) (curses-code curses-code)) object (format stream "~s ~s ~s" terminal-code croatoan-code curses-code)))) (defun make-encoded-map-entry (terminal-code croatoan-code curses-code) (make-instance 'encoded-map-entry :terminal-code terminal-code :croatoan-code croatoan-code :curses-code curses-code)) (defun term-escaped-sequence (&rest chars) (append (list #\Esc) chars)) (defun other-codes () "Others keycode (the terminal encoding is non standard and will requires tweak). Values a list of `encoded-map-entry'" (flet ((collect-codes (from-ascii-code below-ascii-code from-curses-code) (loop for character-code from from-ascii-code below below-ascii-code by 1 for curses-code from from-curses-code by 1 collect (let ((char (code-char character-code))) (make-encoded-map-entry (format nil "~a~a" #\Esc char) ; terminal (format-keyword (format nil "alt-~a" char)) ; croatoan curses-code))))) ; curses (let* ((number-and-symbols (collect-codes 33 65 (1+ +croatoan-last-standard-key+))) (last-curses-code (curses-code (last-elt number-and-symbols))) (characters (collect-codes 97 127 (1+ last-curses-code)))) (setf last-curses-code (curses-code (last-elt characters))) (let ((misc (list (make-encoded-map-entry (term-escaped-sequence #\[ #\1 #\; #\3 #\D) :alt-left (+ 1 last-curses-code)) (make-encoded-map-entry (term-escaped-sequence #\[ #\1 #\; #\3 #\A) :alt-up (+ 2 last-curses-code)) (make-encoded-map-entry (term-escaped-sequence #\[ #\1 #\; #\3 #\C) :alt-right (+ 3 last-curses-code)) (make-encoded-map-entry (term-escaped-sequence #\[ #\1 #\; #\3 #\B) :alt-down (+ 4 last-curses-code)) (make-encoded-map-entry (term-escaped-sequence #\[ #\1 #\; #\5 #\D) :control-left (+ 5 last-curses-code)) (make-encoded-map-entry (term-escaped-sequence #\[ #\1 #\; #\5 #\A) :control-up (+ 6 last-curses-code)) (make-encoded-map-entry (term-escaped-sequence #\[ #\1 #\; #\5 #\C) :control-right (+ 7 last-curses-code)) (make-encoded-map-entry (term-escaped-sequence #\[ #\1 #\; #\5 #\B) :control-down (+ 8 last-curses-code))))) (append number-and-symbols characters misc))))) (defparameter *local-key-alist* (other-codes)) (defun add-keymap-to-curses-db () "Remove nonstandard key form 'croatoan:*key-alist*' and add ours instead" (loop for keymapping in *local-key-alist* do (croatoan:define-function-key (croatoan-code keymapping) (terminal-code keymapping) :key-code (curses-code keymapping)))) (defun init-keyboard-mapping () (add-keymap-to-curses-db)) (defun find-keymap-node (key tree) "Find `key' in keymap `tree'. Returns the node of the tree or a function if the node found node has a single children (the function to call). If `key' can not be found returns nil. " (when-let* ((node-pos (num:binary-search (children tree) (make-node key) :compare-fn (lambda (a b) (string< (data a) (data b))) :equal-fn (lambda (a b) (string= (data a) (data b))))) (node (interfaces:clone (elt (children tree) node-pos)))) (assert (or (null node) (not (leafp node)))) (setf (parent node) nil) (let* ((child-with-function-to-call (find-if (lambda (child) (functionp (data child))) (children node))) (function-to-call (and child-with-function-to-call (data child-with-function-to-call)))) (or function-to-call node)))) (defun humanize-key (key) "Transform a node of the keymap in something that humans can easly understand" (cond ((functionp key) (if (documentation key t) (with-input-from-string (stream (documentation key t)) (regex-replace-all " +" (read-line stream) " ")) (function-name key))) ((string= key "^J") (_ "Enter")) ((string= key "DC") (_ "Delete")) ((string= key "NPAGE") (_ "Page-up")) ((string= key "PPAGE") (_ "Page-down")) (t (to-s key)))) (defun key-paths (keymapping-tree) "Transform a keymap tree in a list of path from root of the tree to each leaf (as strings)" (let ((all-texts ()) (all-functions ())) (labels ((collect-fn (&optional (starting-path ())) (let ((path (copy-list starting-path))) (lambda (node) (let ((data (data node))) (push data path) (if (functionp data) (progn (push (reverse path) all-texts) (push data all-functions)) path))))) (collect (node &optional (collector (collect-fn))) (let* ((path-so-far (funcall collector node))) (do-children (child node) (let ((new-collector (collect-fn path-so-far))) (collect child new-collector))))) (humanize-paths (paths) (loop for path in paths collect (mapcar #'humanize-key (rest path)))) (build-string (paths) (mapcar (lambda (a) (format nil "~a" (join-with-strings a " "))) paths))) (collect keymapping-tree) (mapcar #'make-help-fields (build-string (humanize-paths all-texts)) all-functions)))) (defun help-fields-get-function (fields) (getf fields :function)) (defun help-fields-get-text (fields) (getf fields :text)) (defun make-help-fields (text function) (list :text text :function function)) (defun help-expand (x fields) "Expands an entry in quick help window (see function `print-help' and `make-blocking-list-dialog-window') showing the full docstring for a command" (declare (ignore x)) (when-let* ((function (help-fields-get-function fields)) (bg (swconf:win-bg swconf:+key-help-dialog+)) (fg (swconf:win-fg swconf:+key-help-dialog+))) (windows:make-blocking-message-dialog specials:*main-window* nil (function-name function) (if (string-not-empty-p (documentation function t)) (split-lines (documentation function t)) (list (_ "No documentation available, you can help! :-)"))) bg fg))) (defmacro gen-humanize-keymap-name (translations) `(defun humanize-keymap-name (keymap-name) (cond ,@(loop for (name . translation) in translations collect `((string-equal keymap-name ',name) ,translation)) (t keymap-name)))) (gen-humanize-keymap-name ((*global-keymap* . (_ "Global keymap")) (*thread-keymap* . (_ "Thread window keymap")) (*message-keymap* . (_ "Message window keymap")) (*gemini-message-keymap* . (_ "Gemini page keymap")) (*tags-keymap* . (_ "Subscribed tags keymap")) (*conversations-keymap* . (_ "Conversation keymap")) (*send-message-keymap* . (_ "Post pleroma message keymap")) (*follow-requests-keymap* . (_ "Follow request keymap")) (*open-attach-keymap* . (_ "Open attachment keymap")) (*open-message-link-keymap* . (_ "Open link window keymap")) (*open-gemini-link-keymap* . (_ "Open gemini page's link keymap")) (*gemini-downloads-keymap* . (_ "Gemini download window keymap")) (*gemini-certificates-keymap* . (_ "Gemini certificate window keymap")) (*chats-list-keymap* . (_ "Chat list window keymap")) (*chat-message-keymap* . (_ "Chat window keymap")) (*gemlog-subscription-keymap* . (_ "Gemlog subscription window keymap")) (*gemini-toc-keymap* . (_ "Gemini page TOC keymap")) (*gempub-library-keymap* . (_ "Gempub library window keymap")))) (defun print-help (main-window &key (regex ".*") (global-search nil)) "Generate an help text for the focused window and main window" (multiple-value-bind (header-bg header-fg attribute-header) (swconf:quick-help-header-colors) (labels ((colorize-header (a) (tui-utils:make-tui-string a :fgcolor header-fg :bgcolor header-bg :attributes attribute-header)) (sort-help (help-values) (sort help-values (lambda (a b) (let* ((text-a (help-fields-get-text a)) (text-b (help-fields-get-text b)) (alpha-a-p (scan "(?i)^[a-z]" text-a)) (alpha-b-p (scan "(?i)^[a-z]" text-b))) (cond ((and alpha-a-p alpha-b-p) (string< text-a text-b)) (alpha-a-p t) (alpha-b-p nil) (t (string< text-a text-b))))))) (make-filter-help-text (scanner) (lambda (a) (let ((text (help-fields-get-text a)) (fn (help-fields-get-function a))) (or (null fn) (scan scanner (if (stringp text) text (tui:tui-string->chars-string text))))))) (valid-results-p (fields) fields) (humanize-keymap-names (keymaps) (mapcar (lambda (a) (colorize-header (humanize-keymap-name a))) keymaps))) (when-let* ((focused-keybindings (main-window:focused-keybindings main-window)) (all-help (if global-search (loop for i in *all-keymaps* collect (sort-help (key-paths (symbol-value i)))) (list (sort-help (key-paths *global-keymap*)) (sort-help (key-paths focused-keybindings))))) (headers (if global-search (humanize-keymap-names *all-keymaps*) (humanize-keymap-names (list '*global-keymap* (_ "Focused window keymap"))))) (global-header-fields (mapcar (lambda (a) (make-help-fields a nil)) headers)) (fields (loop for header in global-header-fields for help in all-help collect (list header help)))) (handler-case (let* ((scanner (create-scanner regex :case-insensitive-mode t)) (actual-fields (loop for field in fields appending (when-let* ((header (first field)) (help-commands (second field)) (filtered-help-commands (remove-if-not (make-filter-help-text scanner) help-commands))) (append (list header) filtered-help-commands)))) (actual-lines (mapcar #'help-fields-get-text actual-fields)) (no-help-message (list (_ "No command matching your criteria found")))) (if (valid-results-p actual-fields) (line-oriented-window:make-blocking-list-dialog-window specials:*main-window* actual-fields actual-lines #'help-expand (_ "Quick help")) (line-oriented-window:make-blocking-list-dialog-window specials:*main-window* '((:text "dummy")) no-help-message (lambda (a b) (declare (ignore a b)))))) (cl-ppcre:ppcre-syntax-error (e) (ui:error-message (format nil (_ "invalid regular expression ~s ~a") regex e))))))))