# this is the main configuration file for tinmop's GUI, feel free to # customize it according to your taste , and do not forget to share! # :) # gemini browser gemini.favicon = "🌍" gemini.main-window.foreground = white gemini.main-window.background = black # the font name gemini.main-window.text.font = Sans # positive number units in point, negatine units in pixel gemini.main-window.text.size = 12 # normal or bold gemini.main-window.text.weight = normal # roman or italic gemini.main-window.text.slant = roman # boolean value gemini.main-window.text.underline = no # links gemini.link.background = blue gemini.link.foreground = magenta gemini.link.font = Sans gemini.link.size = 12 gemini.link.weight = bold gemini.link.slant = roman gemini.link.underline = yes gemini.link.scheme.gemini.prefix = "→♊ " gemini.link.scheme.other.prefix = "→ " gemini.link.scheme.http.prefix = "→🕸 " # quotation gemini.quote.prefix = "🞂 " gemini.quote.foreground = #ffffff gemini.quote.background = #ff00ff gemini.quote.font = Serif gemini.quote.size = 12 gemini.quote.weight = bold gemini.quote.slant = italic gemini.quote.underline = yes gemini.quote.justification = right # unordered list gemini.bullet.prefix = "• " # header level 1 gemini.h1.prefix = "🞓 " gemini.h1.foreground = #ff0000 gemini.h1.background = #ffff00 gemini.h1.font = Sans gemini.h1.size = 20 gemini.h1.weight = bold gemini.h1.slant = roman gemini.h1.underline = yes gemini.h1.justification = center # header level 2 gemini.h2.prefix = "🞐 " gemini.h2.foreground = #00ffff gemini.h2.background = #ffffff gemini.h2.font = Sans gemini.h2.size = 15 gemini.h2.weight = bold gemini.h2.slant = roman gemini.h2.underline = yes gemini.h2.justification = right # header level 3 gemini.h3.prefix = "🞎 " gemini.h3.foreground = #0000ff gemini.h3.background = #ffffff gemini.h3.font = Sans gemini.h3.size = 12 gemini.h3.weight = bold gemini.h3.slant = roman gemini.h3.underline = yes gemini.h3.justification = center #preformatted text gemini.preformatted-text.foreground = #fed700 gemini.preformatted-text.background = white gemini.preformatted-text.font = Monospace gemini.preformatted-text.size = 12 gemini.preformatted-text.weight = bold gemini.preformatted-text.slant = roman gemini.preformatted-text.underline = yes gemini.preformatted.justification = center