;; tinmop: an humble gemini and pleroma client ;; Copyright (C) 2021 cage ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . (in-package :filesystem-tree-window) (defun make-node-data (path dirp) (cond ((or (fs:backreference-dir-p path) (fs:loopback-reference-dir-p path) (not dirp)) (list :path path :dirp dirp :markedp nil)) (dirp (if (fs:path-referencing-dir-p path) (list :path path :dirp t :markedp nil) (list :path (strcat path "/") :dirp t :markedp nil))))) (defun make-root-tree (&optional (path "/")) (mtree:make-node (make-node-data path t))) (defclass filesystem-tree-window (wrapper-window tree-holder key-config-holder row-oriented-widget focus-marked-window title-window border-window) ((filesystem-root :initform (make-root-tree) :initarg :filesystem-root :accessor filesystem-root :type m-tree :documentation "The filesystem tree") (filesystem-expand-function :initform #'expand-local-filesystem-node :accessor filesystem-expand-function :type function :documentation "A function with the node as parameter. Will modify the argument appending its children") (filesystem-rename-function :initform #'rename-local-filesystem-node :accessor filesystem-rename-function :type function :documentation "A function with two parameters: a node and the new name for the path of the matching node") (filesystem-delete-function :initform #'delete-local-filesystem-node :accessor filesystem-delete-function :type function :documentation "A function with the node as parameter.") (filesystem-create-function :initform #'create-local-filesystem-node :accessor filesystem-create-function :type function :documentation "A function with two parameter the path to create and a boolean thah values true if a directory must be created") (filesystem-download-function :initform #'download-local-filesystem-node :accessor filesystem-download-function :type function :documentation "A function to download a remote file, parameters are: - node (remote file) - destination-file (local file, note that this should be an optional parameter with default: (make-temporary-file-from-node node). Must returns the path of the downloaded file.") (filesystem-upload-function :initform #'upload-local-filesystem-node :accessor filesystem-upload-function :type function :documentation "A function to upload a local file, parameters: - source-path (local path) - matching-node (remote directory).") (filesystem-query-path-function :initform #'query-local-filesystem-path :accessor filesystem-query-path-function :type function :documentation "function with two parameter the path and a feature to query Valid feature values are :size. Returns nil if Returns nil if the path does not point to an actual file.") (filesystem-close-connection-function :initform (constantly t) :accessor filesystem-close-connection-function :type function :documentation "function with no parameter to close the connection.")) (:documentation "A window that shows and allow interacting with a hierarchical filesystem")) (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((object filesystem-tree-window) &key (handlers-plist nil) &allow-other-keys) (when handlers-plist (setf (filesystem-expand-function object) (getf handlers-plist :filesystem-expand-function) (filesystem-expand-function object) (getf handlers-plist :filesystem-expand-function) (filesystem-rename-function object) (getf handlers-plist :filesystem-rename-function) (filesystem-delete-function object) (getf handlers-plist :filesystem-delete-function) (filesystem-create-function object) (getf handlers-plist :filesystem-create-function) (filesystem-download-function object) (getf handlers-plist :filesystem-download-function) (filesystem-upload-function object) (getf handlers-plist :filesystem-upload-function) (filesystem-query-path-function object) (getf handlers-plist :filesystem-query-path-function) (filesystem-close-connection-function object) (getf handlers-plist :filesystem-close-connection-function))) object) (defmethod refresh-config :after ((object filesystem-tree-window)) (with-croatoan-window (croatoan-window object) (refresh-config-colors object swconf:+key-file-explorer+) (refresh-config-sizes object swconf:+key-file-explorer+) (when (not command-line:*gemini-full-screen-mode*) (let ((height (- (win-height *main-window*) (win-height *message-window*))) (width (win-width *main-window*))) (resize croatoan-window height width))) (win-move object 0 0))) (defmethod calculate :after ((object filesystem-tree-window) dt) (declare (ignore object dt))) (defmacro gen-tree-data-fetcher (name key) (let ((fn-name (misc:format-fn-symbol t "tree-~a" name))) `(progn (defun ,fn-name (data) (getf data ,key)) (defsetf ,fn-name (data) (val) `(setf (getf ,data ,,key) ,val))))) (gen-tree-data-fetcher path :path) (gen-tree-data-fetcher dir-p :dirp) (gen-tree-data-fetcher marked-p :markedp) (defun build-data-for-print (data) (tree-path data)) (defun treenode->text (data window) (declare (ignore window)) (build-data-for-print data)) (defun treenode->selected-text (data window) (tui-string-apply-colors (treenode->text data window) (bgcolor window) (fgcolor window))) (defun query-local-filesystem-path (path what) (case what (:size (and (fs:file-exists-p path) (fs:file-size path))) (otherwise (_ "not implemented")))) (defun expand-local-filesystem-node (matching-node) (let ((path (tree-path (data matching-node)))) (assert path) (let* ((children (mapcar (lambda (a) (if (not (or (fs:backreference-dir-p a) (fs:loopback-reference-dir-p a))) (fs:normalize-path a) a)) (fs:collect-children path))) (files (remove-if #'fs:dirp children)) (directories (remove-if-not #'fs:dirp children))) (when (or files directories) (remove-all-children matching-node) (loop for directory in directories do (add-child matching-node (make-instance 'm-tree :data (make-node-data directory t)))) (loop for file in files do (add-child matching-node (make-instance 'm-tree :data (make-node-data file nil))))) matching-node))) (defun create-local-filesystem-node (path dirp) (assert path) (if dirp (fs:make-directory path) (fs:create-a-file path))) (defun rename-local-filesystem-node (matching-node new-path) (let ((path (tree-path (data matching-node)))) (assert path) (fs:rename-a-file path new-path))) (defun delete-local-filesystem-node (matching-node) (let ((path (tree-path (data matching-node)))) (assert path) (fs:recursive-delete path))) (define-constant +octect-type+ '(unsigned-byte 8) :test #'equalp) (defun make-temporary-file-from-path (path) (let ((extension (fs:get-extension path))) (fs:temporary-file :extension extension))) (defun make-temporary-file-from-node (node) (let ((path (tree-path (data node)))) (make-temporary-file-from-path path))) (define-constant +download-buffer+ (expt 2 24) :test #'=) (defun download-local-filesystem-node (matching-node &optional (destination-file (make-temporary-file-from-node matching-node))) (with-open-file (input-stream (tree-path (data matching-node)) :direction :input :element-type +octect-type+) (with-open-file (output-stream destination-file :direction :output :if-exists :supersede :if-does-not-exist :create :element-type +octect-type+) (let* ((buffer (misc:make-array-frame +download-buffer+ 0 '(unsigned-byte 8) t))) (loop named write-loop for read-so-far = (read-sequence buffer input-stream) then (read-sequence buffer input-stream) do (write-sequence buffer output-stream :start 0 :end read-so-far) (when (< read-so-far +download-buffer+) (return-from write-loop t)))))) destination-file) (defun upload-local-filesystem-node (source-path destination-path) (with-open-file (input-stream source-path :direction :input :element-type +octect-type+) (with-open-file (output-stream destination-path :direction :output :if-exists :supersede :if-does-not-exist :create :element-type +octect-type+) (let* ((buffer (misc:make-array-frame +download-buffer+ 0 '(unsigned-byte 8) t))) (loop named write-loop for read-so-far = (read-sequence buffer input-stream) then (read-sequence buffer input-stream) do (write-sequence buffer output-stream :start 0 :end read-so-far) (when (< read-so-far +download-buffer+) (return-from write-loop t))))))) (defun %expand-treenode (root path-to-expand expand-fn) (when-let ((matching-node (find-node root path-to-expand))) (funcall expand-fn matching-node))) (defun %build-annotated-tree-rows (window root-node) (with-accessors ((render-arrow-value render-arrow-value) (render-leaf-value render-leaf-value) (render-branch-value render-branch-value) (render-spacer-value render-spacer-value) (render-vertical-line-value render-vertical-line-value) (filesystem-root filesystem-root)) window (when-let* ((tree-lines (tree->annotated-lines root-node :print-data-fn #'build-data-for-print :arrow-char render-arrow-value :spacer-child render-spacer-value :child-char render-branch-value :line-char render-vertical-line-value :last-child-char render-leaf-value :print-data t)) (tree-data (collect-nodes-data root-node))) (with-accessors ((tree-color-map tree-color-map)) window (let ((colorized-rows (loop for line in tree-lines collect (reduce #'cat-tui-string (colorize-tree-line line tree-color-map))))) (mapcar (lambda (colored-text node-data) (make-instance 'line :normal-text colored-text :selected-text (tui-string-apply-colors colored-text (win-bgcolor window) (win-fgcolor window)) :fields node-data :normal-bg (win-bgcolor window) :normal-fg (win-fgcolor window) :selected-bg (win-fgcolor window) :selected-fg (win-bgcolor window))) colorized-rows (reverse tree-data))))))) (defun build-annotated-tree-rows (window) (%build-annotated-tree-rows window (filesystem-root window))) (defmethod resync-rows-db ((object filesystem-tree-window) &key (redraw t) (selected-path nil)) (with-accessors ((rows rows) (selected-line-bg selected-line-bg) (selected-line-fg selected-line-fg)) object (line-oriented-window:update-all-rows object (build-annotated-tree-rows object)) (when (string-not-empty-p selected-path) (when-let ((index (rows-position-if object (lambda (a) (string= (tree-path (fields a)) selected-path))))) (select-row object index))) (when redraw (draw object)) object)) (defun find-node (root-node matching-path) (first (mtree:find-child-if root-node (lambda (a) (string= (tree-path (data a)) matching-path))))) (defun close-treenode (window node-path) (when-let ((matching-node (find-node (filesystem-root window) node-path))) (remove-all-children matching-node) (win-clear window :redraw nil) (resync-rows-db window :redraw t :selected-path node-path))) (defun jump-to-parent-node (window path) (when (fs:backreference-dir-p path) (let ((parent-path (fs:normalize-path path))) (win-clear window :redraw nil) (resync-rows-db window :selected-path parent-path :redraw t)))) (defun expand-treenode (window expand-root-path &key (recurse t)) (with-accessors ((filesystem-root filesystem-root) (filesystem-expand-function filesystem-expand-function)) window (if (or (fs:backreference-dir-p expand-root-path) (fs:loopback-reference-dir-p expand-root-path)) (jump-to-parent-node window expand-root-path) (when-let ((matching-node (first (mtree:find-child-if filesystem-root (lambda (a) (string= (tree-path (data a)) expand-root-path)))))) (when (tree-dir-p (data matching-node)) (%expand-treenode filesystem-root expand-root-path filesystem-expand-function) (resync-rows-db window :selected-path expand-root-path :redraw nil) (when recurse (let* ((expanded-tree (%expand-treenode (make-root-tree expand-root-path) expand-root-path filesystem-expand-function)) (expanded-rows (%build-annotated-tree-rows window expanded-tree)) (window-width (usable-window-width window)) (max-line-width nil)) (loop for expanded-row in expanded-rows when (> (text-width (normal-text expanded-row)) window-width) do (setf max-line-width expanded-row)) (when max-line-width (let ((new-root (fs:parent-dir-path (tree-path (fields max-line-width))))) (setf filesystem-root (make-root-tree new-root)) (expand-treenode window new-root :recurse nil)))))) (win-clear window :redraw nil) (draw window))))) (defun rename-treenode (window old-path new-path) (when-let* ((root-node (filesystem-root window)) (matching-node (find-node root-node old-path)) (parent-node (find-node root-node (fs:parent-dir-path (tree-path (data matching-node)))))) (funcall (filesystem-rename-function window) matching-node new-path) (remove-all-children parent-node) (expand-treenode window (tree-path (data parent-node))) (win-clear window :redraw nil) (resync-rows-db window :redraw t :selected-path new-path))) (defun delete-treenode (window path) (when-let* ((root-node (filesystem-root window)) (matching-node (find-node root-node path)) (parent-node (find-node root-node (fs:parent-dir-path (tree-path (data matching-node)))))) (funcall (filesystem-delete-function window) matching-node) (remove-all-children parent-node) (expand-treenode window (tree-path (data parent-node))) (win-clear window :redraw nil) (resync-rows-db window :redraw t :selected-path path))) (defun create-treenode (window path dirp) (when-let* ((root-node (filesystem-root window)) (parent-node (find-node root-node (fs:parent-dir-path path)))) (funcall (filesystem-create-function window) path dirp) (remove-all-children parent-node) (expand-treenode window (tree-path (data parent-node))) (win-clear window :redraw nil) (resync-rows-db window :redraw t :selected-path path))) (defun download-treenode (window remote-path &optional (destination-file (make-temporary-file-from-path remote-path))) (when-let* ((root-node (filesystem-root window)) (matching-node (find-node root-node remote-path))) (funcall (filesystem-download-function window) matching-node destination-file))) (defun upload-treenode (window source-file remote-path) (when-let* ((root-node (filesystem-root window)) (parent-node (find-node root-node (fs:parent-dir-path remote-path))) (parent-path (tree-path (data parent-node)))) (funcall (filesystem-upload-function window) source-file (fs:normalize-path remote-path)) (remove-all-children parent-node) (expand-treenode window parent-path) (win-clear window :redraw nil) (resync-rows-db window :redraw t :selected-path remote-path))) (defun recursive-delete-node (window path) (with-accessors ((root-node filesystem-root) (filesystem-expand-function filesystem-expand-function)) window (let* ((matching-node (find-node root-node path)) (filep (not (tree-dir-p (data matching-node))))) (if filep (delete-treenode window path) (when (not (or (fs:loopback-reference-dir-p path) (fs:backreference-dir-p path))) (%expand-treenode root-node (tree-path (data matching-node)) filesystem-expand-function) (setf matching-node (find-node root-node path)) (do-children (child matching-node) (let ((path-to-recurse (tree-path (data child)))) (recursive-delete-node window path-to-recurse))) (delete-treenode window path)))))) (defun filesystem-query-treenode (window path what) (assert (member what '(:size :size-string :permissions :permissions-string))) (when-let* ((root-node (filesystem-root window)) (matching-node (find-node root-node path))) (funcall (filesystem-query-path-function window) (tree-path (data matching-node)) what))) (defmethod search-row ((object filesystem-tree-window) regex &key (redraw t)) (handler-case (with-accessors ((row-selected-index row-selected-index)) object (when-let* ((scanner (create-scanner regex :case-insensitive-mode nil)) (position-header (rows-position-if object (lambda (a) (scan scanner (tree-path (fields a)))) :start (1+ row-selected-index)))) (resync-rows-db object :redraw nil) (unselect-all object) (select-row object position-header) (when redraw (win-clear object :redraw nil) (draw object)))) (error () (ui:error-message (_ "Invalid regular expression"))))) (defmethod draw :after ((object filesystem-tree-window)) (when-window-shown (object) (let* ((window-width (usable-window-width object)) (rows (renderizable-rows-data object)) (x (if (uses-border-p object) 1 0)) (y-start (if (uses-border-p object) 1 0))) (loop for y from y-start by 1 for ct from 0 for row in rows do (cond ((selectedp row) (let ((text (tui:copy-tui-string (selected-text row)))) (print-text object (text-ellipsis text window-width) x y))) ((tree-marked-p (fields row)) (let ((text (tui:copy-tui-string (normal-text row)))) (print-text object (tui:apply-attributes (text-ellipsis text window-width) :all (tui:combine-attributes (tui:attribute-reverse) (tui:attribute-bold))) x y))) (t (let ((text (tui:copy-tui-string (normal-text row)))) (print-text object (text-ellipsis text window-width) x y)))))))) (defun mark-node (window path &key (toggle t)) (when-let* ((root-node (filesystem-root window)) (matching-node (find-node root-node path))) (if toggle (setf (tree-marked-p (data matching-node)) (not (tree-marked-p (data matching-node)))) (setf (tree-marked-p (data matching-node)) t)))) (defun open-node (window path) (when-let* ((root-node (filesystem-root window)) (matching-node (find-node root-node path)) (node-data (data matching-node)) (node-path (tree-path node-data))) (if (tree-dir-p node-data) (expand-treenode window node-path) (let ((downloaded-path (download-treenode window node-path))) (os-utils:open-resource-with-external-program downloaded-path nil))))) (defun edit-node (window path) (when-let* ((root-node (filesystem-root window)) (matching-node (find-node root-node path)) (node-data (data matching-node)) (node-path (tree-path node-data))) (if (tree-dir-p node-data) (expand-treenode window node-path) (let ((downloaded-path (download-treenode window node-path))) (croatoan:end-screen) (os-utils:open-resource-with-external-program downloaded-path nil :open-for-edit t) (upload-treenode window downloaded-path node-path))))) (defun close-connection (window) (funcall (filesystem-close-connection-function window))) (defun init (root &optional (handlers-plist nil)) "Initialize the window" (let* ((low-level-window (make-croatoan-window :border t)) (high-level-window (make-instance 'filesystem-tree-window :uses-border-p t :title (_ "File explorer") :key-config swconf:+key-keybindings-window+ :keybindings *filesystem-explorer-keymap* :croatoan-window low-level-window :filesystem-root (make-root-tree root) :handlers-plist handlers-plist))) (refresh-config high-level-window) (setf *filesystem-explorer-window* high-level-window) (resync-rows-db high-level-window :redraw t :selected-path root) high-level-window))