;; tinmop: an humble mastodon client ;; Copyright (C) 2020 cage ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . ;; uses code from ;; niccolo': a chemicals inventory ;; Copyright (C) 2016 Universita' degli Studi di Palermo ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;; published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the ;; License, or (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . (in-package :misc-utils) ;; debug utils (defparameter *debug* nil) (defmacro when-debug (&body body) `(when (not (null *debug*)) ,@body)) (defun debug-log (format-string &rest parameters) (when (not (log:debug)) (log4cl:remove-all-appenders log4cl:*root-logger*) (log:config :debug :nopackage :daily (text-utils:strcat (res:home-datadir) "tinmop.log") :backup nil)) (let ((message (apply #'format nil format-string parameters))) (log:debug message))) (defun dbg (format-string &rest parameters) (apply #'debug-log format-string parameters)) (defun dbg-and-quit (format-string &rest parameters) (apply #'dbg format-string parameters) (uiop:quit)) (defun dbg-stdout (format-string &rest parameters) ((lambda (a b) (apply #'format t a b)) (concatenate 'string format-string "~%") parameters)) (defun dump-hash-table (table) (let ((res '())) (maphash (lambda (k v) (push (format nil "~s -> ~s~%" k v) res)) table) res)) (defgeneric dump-hashtable (table)) (defmethod dump-hashtable ((table hash-table)) (maphash (lambda (k v) (misc:dbg "~s -> ~s" k v)) table)) (defmethod dump-hashtable (table) (dbg "~s"table)) (defmacro with-messages-start-end ((start-message end-message &key (print-only-if-debug-mode t)) &body body) (alexandria:with-gensyms (res) (let* ((debug-p (find :debug-mode *features*)) (print-msg-p (or (not print-only-if-debug-mode) debug-p))) `(progn ,(when print-msg-p `(dbg ,start-message)) (let ((,res (progn ,@body))) ,(when print-msg-p `(dbg ,end-message)) ,res))))) ;; macro utils (defmacro format-fn-symbol (package format &rest format-args) `(alexandria:format-symbol ,package ,(concatenate 'string "~:@(" format "~)") ,@format-args)) (defun format-keyword (thing) (alexandria:make-keyword (format nil "~:@(~a~)" thing))) (defun check-body-keywords (body ammitted) (let ((all-keywords (loop for ct from 1 for i in body when (and (oddp ct) (keywordp i)) collect i))) (loop for i in all-keywords do (when (not (find i ammitted :test #'eq)) (error (format nil "keyword must be one of ~a, but ~a was found" ammitted i)))))) ;; functions utils (defun function-name (data) "Implementation dependent" (assert (functionp data)) (multiple-value-bind (x y name) (function-lambda-expression data) (declare (ignore x y)) (if name (string-downcase (symbol-name name)) data))) (defmacro fn-delay (a) (if (symbolp a) `(lambda (&rest p) (apply (function ,a) p)) `(lambda (&rest p) (apply ,a p)))) (defun unsplice (form) (and form (list form))) (defmacro defalias (alias &body (def &optional docstring)) "Define a value as a top-level function. (defalias string-gensym (compose #'gensym #'string)) Like (setf (fdefinition ALIAS) DEF), but with a place to put documentation and some niceties to placate the compiler. Name from Emacs Lisp." `(progn ;; Give the function a temporary definition at compile time so ;; the compiler doesn't complain about it's being undefined. (eval-when (:compile-toplevel) (unless (fboundp ',alias) (defun ,alias (&rest args) (declare (ignore args))))) (eval-when (:load-toplevel :execute) (compile ',alias ,def) ,@(unsplice (when docstring `(setf (documentation ',alias 'function) ,docstring)))) ',alias)) (defun a->function (a) (cond ((functionp a) a) ((symbolp a) (symbol-function a)))) (defmacro gen-type-p (name) (alexandria:with-gensyms (a) (let ((fname (if (cl-ppcre:scan "-" (symbol-name name)) (alexandria:format-symbol t "~:@(~a-p~)" (symbol-name name)) (alexandria:format-symbol t "~:@(~ap~)" (symbol-name name))))) `(defun ,fname (,a) (eql (type-of ,a) ',name))))) (defmacro define-compiler-macros (name &body args) (alexandria:with-gensyms (low-level-function-name) (let* ((function-name (alexandria:format-symbol t "~:@(~a~)" name))) `(progn (defalias ,low-level-function-name #',function-name) (define-compiler-macro ,function-name (&whole form ,@args) (let ((low-funname ',low-level-function-name)) (if (every #'constantp (list ,@args)) (funcall (symbol-function low-funname) ,@args) (progn form)))))))) (defmacro definline (name arg &rest body) (let* ((function-name (alexandria:format-symbol t "~:@(~a~)" name))) `(progn (declaim (inline ,function-name)) (defun ,function-name (,@arg) ,@body)))) (defmacro defun-inline-function (name arg &body body) (let* ((function-name (alexandria:format-symbol t "~:@(~a~)" name)) (low-level-function-name (alexandria:format-symbol t "~:@(%~a~)" name))) `(progn (declaim (inline ,function-name)) (defun ,function-name (,@arg) (,low-level-function-name ,@arg)) (defun ,low-level-function-name (,@arg) ,@body)))) (defmacro defmethod-inline-function (name arg &body body) (let* ((function-name (alexandria:format-symbol t "~:@(~a~)" name)) (low-level-function-name (alexandria:format-symbol t "~:@(%~a~)" name))) `(progn (declaim (inline ,function-name)) (defgeneric ,low-level-function-name (,@(loop for i in arg collect (if (atom i) i (first i))))) (defmethod ,function-name (,@arg) (,low-level-function-name ,@(loop for i in arg collect (if (atom i) i (first i))))) (defmethod ,low-level-function-name (,@arg) ,@body)))) (alexandria:define-constant +cache-invalid-value+ :invalid-cache-value :test #'eq) (defmacro defcached (name (arg &key (test 'equalp) (clear-cache nil)) declaration (&body body)) (let* ((function-clear-cache-name (format-fn-symbol t "~a-clear-cache" name)) (function-name (format-fn-symbol t "~:@(~a~)" name)) (cache-name (format-fn-symbol t "~:@(cache~)"))) `(let ((,cache-name (make-hash-table :test (quote ,test)))) (defun ,function-clear-cache-name () (clrhash ,cache-name)) (defun ,function-name (,@arg) ,(if declaration declaration `(declare (optimize (speed 0) (safety 3) (debug 3)))) (and ,clear-cache (setf ,cache-name (make-hash-table :test (quote ,test)))) ,@(list body))))) (defmacro defcached-list (name (args &key (equal-fn #'=)) &body body) "Uses a list as cache storage, good only with few elements!" (let* ((function-clear-cache-name (format-fn-symbol t "~a-clear-cache" name)) (function-search-cache-name (format-fn-symbol t "~a-search-cache" name)) (function-ins-cache-name (format-fn-symbol t "~a-insert-cache" name)) (function-name (format-fn-symbol t "~:@(~a~)" name))) (multiple-value-bind (forms declaration) (alexandria:parse-body body) (alexandria:with-gensyms (cache) `(let ((,cache '())) (defun ,function-clear-cache-name () (setf ,cache '())) (defun ,function-search-cache-name (d) (find d ,cache :test ,equal-fn)) (defun ,function-ins-cache-name (d) (pushnew d ,cache :test ,equal-fn)) (defun ,function-name (,@args) ,@declaration ,@forms)))))) (defun nest-expressions (data &optional (leaf nil)) (if (null data) (list leaf) (append (first data) (if (rest data) (list (nest-expressions (rest data) leaf)) (nest-expressions (rest data) leaf))))) (defun replace-e! (expr num) (if (null (first expr)) nil (if (atom (first expr)) (append (list (if (eq (first expr) :e!) num (first expr))) (replace-e! (rest expr) num)) (append (list (replace-e! (first expr) num)) (replace-e! (rest expr) num))))) (alexandria:define-constant +nil-equiv-bag+ '(:none :false :nil) :test #'equalp) (defun build-plist (params) (let ((keywords (mapcar #'alexandria:make-keyword (loop for i from 0 below (length params) when (oddp (1+ i)) collect (elt params i)))) (vals (mapcar #'(lambda (a) (typecase a (symbol (let ((key (alexandria:make-keyword a))) (and (not (find key +nil-equiv-bag+ :test #'eq)) key))) (cons (list a)) (otherwise a))) (loop for i from 0 below (length params) when (evenp (1+ i)) collect (elt params i))))) (mapcar #'(lambda (a b) (cons a b)) keywords vals))) (defmacro build-assocs-chain (path start) (if (null path) start `(cdr (assoc ,(first path) (build-assocs-chain ,(rest path) ,start))))) (defmacro gen-trivial-plist-predicate (name class var get-fn) (let ((name-fn (alexandria:format-symbol t "~:@(~a-p~)" name))) `(progn (defgeneric ,name-fn (object)) (defmethod ,name-fn ((object ,class)) (funcall ,get-fn object ,var))))) (defmacro gen-trivial-plist-predicates (class get-fn &rest vars) `(progn ,@(loop for v in vars collect `(gen-trivial-plist-predicate ,(alexandria:symbolicate (string-trim "+" v)) ,class ,v (function ,get-fn))))) (defmacro gen-trivial-plist-get (function-name-prefix name class var get-fn) (let ((name-fn (alexandria:format-symbol t "~:@(~a-~a~)" function-name-prefix name))) `(progn (defgeneric ,name-fn (object)) (defmethod ,name-fn ((object ,class)) (funcall ,get-fn object ,var))))) (defmacro gen-trivial-plist-gets (class get-fn function-name-prefix &rest vars) `(progn ,@(loop for v in vars collect `(gen-trivial-plist-get ,function-name-prefix ,(alexandria:symbolicate (string-trim "+" v)) ,class ,v (function ,get-fn))))) ;; plist (defun recursive-assoc (path start) (if (null path) start (recursive-assoc (rest path) (cdr (assoc (first path) start))))) (defun recursive-assoc-just-before (path start) (if (= (length path) 1) start (recursive-assoc-just-before (rest path) (cdr (assoc (first path) start))))) (defun n-setf-path-value (db path new-value) (let* ((ptr (recursive-assoc-just-before path db)) (last-key (alexandria:last-elt path)) (last-cons (assoc last-key ptr))) (if last-cons (values (setf (cdr last-cons) new-value) t) (values nil nil)))) (defun plist-path-value (db path) (let* ((ptr (recursive-assoc-just-before path db)) (last-key (alexandria:last-elt path)) (last-cons (assoc last-key ptr))) (if last-cons (values (cdr last-cons) t) (values nil nil)))) ;; misc (defun not-null-p (a) (not (null a))) (definline code->char (code &key (limit-to-ascii nil)) (code-char (if limit-to-ascii (alexandria:clamp code 0 127) code))) (definline char->code (code) (char-code code)) (defmacro swap (a b) `(rotatef ,a ,b)) ;;;; binary files utils ;;;; big endian... (defun 2byte->word (byte1 byte2) ;; little endian (let ((res #x00000000)) (boole boole-ior (boole boole-ior byte1 res) (ash byte2 8)))) (defun 2word->int (word1 word2) (let ((res #x00000000)) (boole boole-ior (ash (boole boole-ior word1 res) 16) word2))) (defun byte->int (bytes) (let ((res #x0000000000000000) (ct 0)) (map nil #'(lambda (a) (setf res (boole boole-ior (ash a ct) res)) (incf ct 8)) bytes) res)) (defmacro gen-intn->bytes (bits) (let ((function-name (alexandria:format-symbol t "~:@(int~a->bytes~)" bits))) `(defun ,function-name (val &optional (count 0) (res '())) (if (>= count ,(/ bits 8)) (reverse res) (,function-name (ash val -8) (1+ count) (push (boole boole-and val #x00ff) res)))))) (gen-intn->bytes 16) (gen-intn->bytes 32) (defun bytes->string (bytes) (coerce (mapcar #'code-char bytes) 'string)) (defun read-ieee-float-32 (stream) (let ((bytes (make-fresh-list 4))) (read-sequence bytes stream) (let ((bits (byte->int bytes))) (ieee-floats:decode-float32 bits)))) (defmacro define-offset-size (package prefix &rest name-offset-size) `(progn ,@(loop for i in name-offset-size collect `(progn (alexandria:define-constant ,(alexandria:format-symbol package "~@:(+~a-~a-offset+~)" prefix (first i)) ,(second i) :test #'=) ,(when (= (length i) 3) `(alexandria:define-constant ,(alexandria:format-symbol package "~@:(+~a-~a-size+~)" prefix (first i)) ,(third i) :test #'=)))))) (defmacro define-parse-header-chunk ((name offset size object &optional (slot name))) (alexandria:with-gensyms (bytes) `(progn (defgeneric ,(alexandria:format-symbol t "PARSE-~:@(~a~)" name) (,object stream)) (defmethod ,(alexandria:format-symbol t "PARSE-~:@(~a~)" name) ((object ,object) stream) (file-position stream ,offset) (let* ((,bytes (make-fresh-list ,size))) (read-sequence ,bytes stream) ,(when (not (null slot)) `(setf (,slot object) ,bytes)) (values ,bytes object)))))) (defun read-list (stream size &key (offset nil)) (when offset (file-position stream offset)) (let* ((bytes (misc-utils:make-fresh-list size))) (read-sequence bytes stream) bytes)) (defun read-array (stream size &key (offset nil)) (when offset (file-position stream offset)) (let* ((bytes (misc-utils:make-array-frame size 0 '(unsigned-byte 8) t)) (read-so-far (read-sequence bytes stream))) (values bytes read-so-far))) (defun read-all (stream) "Read all the octent from stream ad returns them as array" (let ((raw (loop for c = (read-byte stream nil nil) while c collect c))) (coerce raw '(vector (unsigned-byte 8))))) (defun read-line-into-array (stream &key (add-newline-stopper t)) "Read a line as array of unsigned octets or nil if stream is exausted. if `add-newline-stopper' is non nil a newline (ASCII 10) is appended to the array" (let ((first-byte (read-byte stream nil nil))) (when first-byte (let ((raw (loop for c = (read-byte stream nil 10) while (/= c 10) collect c))) (push first-byte raw) (when add-newline-stopper (let ((rev (reverse raw))) (push (char-code #\Newline) rev) (setf raw (reverse rev)))) (misc:list->array raw '(unsigned-byte 8)))))) ;; sequence utils (defun safe-elt (sequence index) (and (>= index 0) (< index (length sequence)) (elt sequence index))) (defun safe-last-elt (sequence) (safe-elt sequence (1- (length sequence)))) (defun safe-subseq (sequence start &optional (end nil)) (when sequence (restart-case (if (and (< start 0) (< end 0)) (error 'conditions:out-of-bounds :seq sequence :idx end) (let* ((actual-start (alexandria:clamp start 0 (length sequence))) (actual-end (and end (max actual-start (min end (length sequence)))))) (subseq sequence actual-start actual-end))) (use-value (e) e) (return-nil () nil) (return-entire-sequence () sequence)))) (defgeneric sequence-empty-p (a)) (defmethod sequence-empty-p ((a vector)) (vector-empty-p a)) (defmethod sequence-empty-p ((a sequence)) (alexandria:emptyp a)) (defun vector-empty-p (v) (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0))) (declare (vector v)) (= (length v) 0)) (defun random-num-filled-vector (size max) (map-into (misc:make-array-frame size max (type-of max) t) #'(lambda () (num:lcg-next-upto max)))) (definline random-elt (seq) (elt seq (num:lcg-next-upto (length seq)))) (defun safe-random-elt (seq) "note: values nil if (or (null seq) (= (length seq) 0))" (and seq (> (length seq) 0) (elt seq (num:lcg-next-upto (length seq))))) (defun make-fresh-list (size &optional (el nil)) (map-into (make-list size) (if (functionp el) el #'(lambda () el)))) (defun seq->list (sequence) (if (listp sequence) (copy-list sequence) (map-into (make-list (length sequence)) #'identity sequence))) (defmacro *cat (type-return input) `(reduce #'(lambda (a b) (concatenate ',type-return a b)) ,input)) (defun lcat (&rest v) (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1) (debug 0))) (*cat list v)) (defun vcat (&rest v) (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1) (debug 0))) (*cat vector v)) (defun fresh-list-insert@ (a v pos) (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1) (debug 0))) (declare (list a)) (lcat (subseq a 0 pos) (list v) (subseq a pos))) (defun fresh-list-subst@ (a v pos) (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1) (debug 0))) (declare (list a)) (lcat (subseq a 0 pos) (list v) (subseq a (1+ pos)))) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defun make-array-frame (size &optional (el nil) (type t) (simplep nil)) "All elements points to the same address/reference!" (make-array size :fill-pointer (if (not simplep) size nil) :adjustable (if (not simplep) t nil) :initial-element el :element-type type))) (defun make-fresh-array (size &optional (el nil) (type t) (simplep nil)) (let ((res (make-array size :fill-pointer (if (not simplep) size nil) :adjustable (if (not simplep) t nil) :initial-element el :element-type type))) (map-into res #'(lambda (a) (setf a (cond ((functionp el) (funcall el)) ((arrayp el) (alexandria:copy-array el)) ((listp el) (copy-list el)) (t el)))) res))) (defun list->array (the-list &optional (element-type t)) (make-array (length the-list) :element-type element-type :fill-pointer (length the-list) :adjustable t :initial-contents (copy-list the-list))) (defun copy-list-into-array (from to) (assert (= (length from) (length to))) (loop for i in from for ct from 0 by 1 do (setf (elt to ct) i)) to) (defun array-slice (array start &optional (end nil)) (let* ((new-size (if end (- end start) (length array))) (new-fill-pointer (cond ((array-has-fill-pointer-p array) (if end new-size (fill-pointer array))) (t nil))) (new-array (make-array new-size :element-type (array-element-type array) :fill-pointer new-fill-pointer :initial-element (alexandria:first-elt array) :adjustable (adjustable-array-p array))) (end-iteration (or end (length array)))) (loop for index-from from start below end-iteration for index-to from 0 do (setf (elt new-array index-to) (elt array index-from))) new-array)) (defun list->simple-array (the-list start-type type) (let ((res (make-array-frame (length the-list) start-type type t))) (loop for element in the-list for i from 0 below (length the-list) do (setf (elt res i) element)) res)) (defun permutation (li) (let ((res-partial '()) (res '())) (labels ((perm (start tail) (let ((partial-tree '())) (loop for i in start do (loop for j in (set-difference tail i) do (push (append i (list j)) partial-tree))) (setf res-partial (reverse (copy-tree partial-tree)))))) (loop for ct in li do (do ((start (list (list ct)) res-partial)) ((null (set-difference li (first start))) (progn (setf res (append res res-partial)) (setf res-partial '()))) (perm start li)))) res)) (defun shuffle (sequence) (loop for i from (1- (length sequence)) downto 1 do (let ((rnd (num:lcg-next-upto (1+ i)))) (swap (elt sequence rnd) (elt sequence i)))) sequence) (defun split-into-sublist (lst len) (if (or (= len 0) (< (length lst) len)) (if (null lst) lst (list lst)) (append (list (subseq lst 0 len)) (split-into-sublist (subseq lst len) len)))) (defun group-by (sequence &key (test #'=)) (let ((distinct '())) (loop for i in sequence do (pushnew i distinct :test test)) (loop for i in distinct collect (remove-if-not #'(lambda (a) (funcall test a i)) sequence)))) (defgeneric delete@ (sequence position)) (defgeneric safe-delete@ (sequence position) (:documentation "Return sequence if position is out of bound")) (defmacro gen-delete@ ((sequence position) &body body) `(if (and (>= ,position 0) (< ,position (length ,sequence))) ,@body (error 'conditions:out-of-bounds :seq sequence :idx position))) (defmethod delete@ ((sequence list) position) (gen-delete@ (sequence position) (append (subseq sequence 0 position) (and (/= position (- (length sequence) 1)) (subseq sequence (1+ position)))))) (defmethod delete@ ((sequence vector) position) (gen-delete@ (sequence position) (make-array (1- (length sequence)) :fill-pointer (1- (length sequence)) :adjustable t :initial-contents (concatenate 'vector (subseq sequence 0 position) (and (/= position (- (length sequence) 1)) (subseq sequence (1+ position))))))) (defmethod safe-delete@ ((sequence sequence) position) (restart-case (delete@ sequence position) (return-nil () nil) (return-whole () sequence) (new-index (i) (safe-delete@ sequence i)))) (defun safe-all-but-last-elt (sequence) (handler-bind ((conditions:out-of-bounds #'(lambda (c) (declare (ignore c)) (invoke-restart 'return-nil)))) (safe-delete@ sequence (1- (length sequence))))) (defgeneric remove-compact-remap-sequence (sequence predicate)) (defmethod remove-compact-remap-sequence ((sequence list) predicate) (let ((nullified (loop for i in sequence for ct from 0 collect (if (funcall predicate ct i) nil i))) (mapping nil) (results '())) (loop for i in nullified for pos from 0 do (when (not (null i)) (push i results) (push (list pos (1- (length results))) mapping))) (values (reverse results) mapping))) (defmethod remove-compact-remap-sequence ((sequence vector) predicate) (let ((nullified (loop for i from 0 below (length sequence) collect (if (funcall predicate i (elt sequence i)) nil (elt sequence i)))) (mapping nil) (results (make-array-frame 0))) (loop for i from 0 below (length nullified) do (when (not (null (elt nullified i))) (vector-push-extend (elt nullified i) results) (push (list i (1- (length results))) mapping))) (values results mapping))) (defun remove-if-null (a) (remove-if #'null a)) (defun remove-if-not-null (a) (remove-if #'(lambda (i) (not (null i))) a)) (defun copy-multiply (from to length source-step copy-num) (loop for ct from 0 below (* source-step length) by source-step for ct2 from 0 below (* length source-step copy-num) by (* source-step copy-num) do (loop for ct3 from 0 below (* source-step copy-num) by 1 do (setf (elt to (+ ct2 ct3)) (elt from (+ ct (mod ct3 source-step)))))) to) (defun all-but-last-elt (s) (if s (let ((length (length s))) (if (> length 0) (subseq s 0 (1- length)) s)) s)) (defgeneric intersperse (seq new-elt)) (defmethod intersperse ((seq list) new-elt) (loop for (item . rest) on seq if (null rest) collect item else collect item and collect new-elt)) (defmethod intersperse ((seq sequence) new-elt) (if (< (length seq) 2) (copy-seq seq) (let* ((len1 (length seq)) (len2 (1- (* 2 len1))) (ret (typecase seq (string (make-string len2)) (vector (make-fresh-array len2)))) (j 0)) (loop for i below len2 do (if (oddp i) (setf (elt ret i) new-elt) (progn (setf (elt ret i) (elt seq j)) (incf j)))) ret))) ;; iterations (defmacro do-while (declaration return-form &body body) "C-like \"do { ...} while (condition)\" statement: body is evaluated even if exit condition is t at the very first iteration" (alexandria:with-gensyms (first-iteration) `(do ,(append (list `(,first-iteration t nil)) declaration) ,(append (list `(if ,first-iteration nil ,(first return-form))) (rest return-form)) ,@body))) (defmacro do-while* (declaration return-form &body body) "C-like \"do { ...} while (condition)\" statement: body is evaluated even if exit condition is t at the very first iteration" (alexandria:with-gensyms (first-iteration) `(do* ,(append (list `(,first-iteration t nil)) declaration) ,(append (list `(if ,first-iteration nil ,(first return-form))) (rest return-form)) ,@body))) ;; cg vectors (defmacro gen-vec-comp ((prefix-name comp-name index) &rest declarations) (let ((name (format-fn-symbol t "~a-~a" prefix-name comp-name)) (set-name (format-fn-symbol t "%set-~a-~a" prefix-name comp-name)) (arg (format-fn-symbol t "v"))) `(progn (defun ,set-name (vec value) (setf (elt vec ,index) value)) (defsetf ,name ,set-name) (defun ,name (,arg) ,@declarations (elt ,arg ,index)) (define-compiler-macros ,name ,arg)))) ;; cffi (definline make-null-pointer () (cffi:null-pointer)) ;; plugins, sort of (defmacro with-load-forms-in-var ((special-var output-var file) &body body) `(let* ((,special-var nil)) (load ,file) (let ((,output-var ,special-var)) ,@body))) ;;;; derived from local-time library (alexandria:define-constant +unix-epoch+ (encode-universal-time 0 0 0 1 1 1970 0) :test #'=) (defun time-unix->universal (unix-timestamp) "Return the UNIVERSAL-TIME corresponding to the TIMESTAMP" ;; universal time is seconds from 1900-01-01T00:00:00Z ;; unix timestamp is seconds from 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z (+ unix-timestamp +unix-epoch+)) (defmacro gen-time-access (name pos) `(defun ,(format-fn-symbol t "time-~a-of" name) (time-list) (elt time-list ,pos))) (defmacro gen-all-time-access (&rest name-pos) `(progn ,@(loop for i in name-pos collect `(gen-time-access ,(car i) ,(cdr i))))) (gen-all-time-access (second . 0) (minutes . 1) (hour . 2) (date . 3) (month . 4) (year . 5) (day . 6) (daylight-p . 7) (zone . 8)) (defun year->timestamp (year) (local-time:encode-timestamp 0 0 0 0 1 1 (truncate (max 0 (num:safe-parse-number year))))) (defun current-year () (local-time:timestamp-year (db-utils:local-time-obj-now))) (defun extract-year-from-timestamp (ts) (local-time:timestamp-year ts)) (defun command-terminated-no-error-p (command-error-code) (= command-error-code 0)) (defun format-time (local-time-object format-control-list) (with-output-to-string (stream) (local-time:format-timestring stream local-time-object :format format-control-list))) ;; threads (defmacro with-lock ((lock) &body body) `(bt:with-recursive-lock-held (,lock) ,@body)) (defmacro defun-w-lock (name parameters lock &body body) (multiple-value-bind (remaining-forms declarations doc-string) (alexandria:parse-body body :documentation t) `(defun ,name ,parameters ,doc-string ,declarations (with-lock (,lock) ,@remaining-forms)))) ;; http (defun get-url-content (url) (drakma:http-request url :want-stream t :verify :required :external-format-out :utf8))