;; tinmop: an humble gemini and pleroma client ;; Copyright (C) 2020 cage ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . (in-package :message-window) (defclass message-window (wrapper-window row-oriented-widget focus-marked-window title-window) ((support-text :initform nil :initarg :support-text :reader support-text) (line-position-mark :initform (make-tui-string "0") :initarg :line-position-mark :accessor line-position-mark) (metadata :initform nil :initarg :metadata :accessor metadata))) (defun gemini-window-p () (gemini-viewer:gemini-metadata-p (message-window:metadata specials:*message-window*))) (defun display-gemini-text-p (window) (eq (keybindings window) keybindings:*gemini-message-keymap*)) (defun display-chat-p (window) (eq (keybindings window) keybindings:*chat-message-keymap*)) (defun prepare-for-display-status-mode (window) (when (not (or (display-gemini-text-p window) (display-chat-p window))) (setf (keybindings window) keybindings:*message-keymap*))) (defmethod (setf support-text) (new-text (object message-window)) (setf (slot-value object 'support-text) new-text) (handler-bind ((conditions:out-of-bounds (lambda (e) (invoke-restart 'ignore-selecting-action e)))) (prepare-for-rendering object))) (defun refresh-line-mark-config (window) (multiple-value-bind (mark-value mark-fg mark-bg) (swconf:message-window-line-mark-values) (setf (line-position-mark window) (make-tui-string mark-value :fgcolor mark-fg :bgcolor mark-bg)))) (defmethod refresh-config :after ((object message-window)) (refresh-config-colors object swconf:+key-message-window+) (refresh-line-mark-config object) (let* ((thread-window-width (win-width *thread-window*)) (thread-window-height (win-height *thread-window*)) (command-window-height (win-height *command-window*)) (main-window-height (win-height *main-window*)) (height (- main-window-height command-window-height thread-window-height)) (width thread-window-width) (x (win-x *thread-window*)) (y (+ (win-y *thread-window*) thread-window-height))) (win-resize object width height) (win-move object x y))) (defmethod calculate ((object message-window) dt) (declare (ignore object dt))) (defun draw-text (window) (with-accessors ((rows rows) (row-selected-index row-selected-index)) window (let ((actual-rows (safe-subseq rows row-selected-index))) (loop for line in actual-rows for y from 1 below (win-height-no-border window) do (let ((text-line (normal-text line))) (when (string-not-empty-p text-line) (print-text window text-line 1 y))))))) (defun draw-buffer-line-mark (window) (with-accessors ((rows rows) (row-selected-index row-selected-index) (line-position-mark line-position-mark)) window (let* ((height (1- (win-height-no-border window))) (rows-count (- (length rows) height)) (fraction (/ row-selected-index (max 1 rows-count))) (mark-y (1+ (truncate (* fraction height)))) (mark-x (1- (win-width window)))) (print-text window line-position-mark mark-x mark-y)))) (defmethod draw ((object message-window)) (when-window-shown (object) (win-clear object :redraw nil) (win-box object) (draw-text object) (when (rows object) (draw-buffer-line-mark object)) (call-next-method))) (defgeneric prepare-for-rendering (object &key (jump-to-first-row))) (defgeneric append-support-text (object text &key prepare-for-rendering jump-to-first-row)) (defgeneric scroll-down (object &optional amount)) (defgeneric scroll-up (object &optional amount)) (defgeneric scroll-end (object)) (defgeneric scroll-begin (object)) (defgeneric scroll-next-page (object)) (defgeneric scroll-previous-page (object)) (defgeneric search-regex (object regex)) (defgeneric text->rendered-lines-rows (window text)) (defmethod text->rendered-lines-rows (window (text gemini-parser:pre-start)) (make-instance 'line :normal-text "")) (defmethod text->rendered-lines-rows (window (text gemini-parser:pre-end)) (make-instance 'line :normal-text "")) (defmethod text->rendered-lines-rows (window (text list)) (flatten (loop for i in text collect (text->rendered-lines-rows window i)))) (defmethod text->rendered-lines-rows (window (text complex-string)) (make-instance 'line :normal-text text)) (defun colorize-lines (lines) (let ((color-re (swconf:color-regexps))) (loop for line in lines collect (let ((res line)) (loop for re in color-re do (setf res (colorize-line res re))) (colorized-line->tui-string res))))) (defmethod text->rendered-lines-rows (window (text gemini-parser:quoted-lines)) (let ((colorized-lines (colorize-lines (gemini-parser:lines text)))) (loop for i in colorized-lines collect (make-instance 'line :normal-text i)))) (defmethod text->rendered-lines-rows (window (text string)) (labels ((fit-lines (lines) (let ((res ())) (loop for line in lines do (if (string-empty-p line) (push nil res) (loop for fitted-line in (flush-left-mono-text (split-words line) (win-width-no-border window)) do (push fitted-line res)))) (reverse res)))) (if (string= text (format nil "~%")) (make-instance 'line :normal-text nil) (let* ((lines (split-lines text)) (fitted-lines (fit-lines lines)) (new-rows (colorize-lines fitted-lines))) (mapcar (lambda (text-line) (make-instance 'line :normal-text text-line)) new-rows))))) (defmethod text->rendered-lines-rows (window (text null)) (make-instance 'line :normal-text "")) (defmethod prepare-for-rendering ((object message-window) &key (jump-to-first-row t)) (with-accessors ((support-text support-text)) object (when hooks:*before-prepare-for-rendering-message* (hooks:run-hook 'hooks:*before-prepare-for-rendering-message* object)) (setf (rows object) (text->rendered-lines-rows object support-text)) (when jump-to-first-row (select-row object 0)) object)) (defmethod append-support-text ((object message-window) text &key (prepare-for-rendering nil) (jump-to-first-row nil)) (with-slots (support-text) object (setf support-text (strcat support-text text)) (when prepare-for-rendering (prepare-for-rendering object :jump-to-first-row jump-to-first-row)))) (defun offset-to-move-end (win) (with-accessors ((rows rows) (row-selected-index row-selected-index)) win (let ((win-height (win-height-no-border win))) (- (- (length rows) (- win-height 1)) row-selected-index)))) (defun scroll-end-reached-p (win) (with-accessors ((rows rows) (row-selected-index row-selected-index)) win (let* ((win-height (win-height-no-border win)) (rows-left (- (length rows) row-selected-index))) (< rows-left win-height)))) (defmethod scroll-down ((object message-window) &optional (amount 1)) (when (not (or (scroll-end-reached-p object) (= (row-move object amount) 0))) (draw object))) (defmethod scroll-up ((object message-window) &optional (amount 1)) (when (/= (row-move object (- amount)) 0) (draw object))) (defmethod scroll-end ((object message-window)) (with-accessors ((rows rows) (row-selected-index row-selected-index)) object (let ((offset (offset-to-move-end object))) (when (/= (row-move object offset) 0) (draw object))))) (defmethod scroll-begin ((object message-window)) (with-accessors ((rows rows) (row-selected-index row-selected-index)) object (when (/= (row-move object (- row-selected-index)) 0) (draw object)))) (defmethod scroll-next-page ((object message-window)) (with-accessors ((rows rows) (row-selected-index row-selected-index)) object (let ((actual-window-height (win-height-no-border object))) (when (and (> (- (length rows) row-selected-index) actual-window-height) (/= (row-move object actual-window-height) 0)) (draw object))))) (defmethod scroll-previous-page ((object message-window)) (when (/= (row-move object (- (win-height-no-border object))) 0) (draw object))) (defun first-line->string (window) (with-accessors ((rows rows) (row-selected-index row-selected-index)) window (tui-string->chars-string (normal-text (elt rows row-selected-index))))) (defmethod search-regex ((object message-window) regex) (with-accessors ((rows rows) (row-selected-index row-selected-index)) object (let ((line-found (position-if (lambda (a) (scan regex (tui-string->chars-string (normal-text a)))) rows :start (min (1+ row-selected-index) (length rows))))) (when line-found (row-move object (- line-found row-selected-index)) (draw object) (let ((line (first-line->string object))) (labels ((highlight (&optional (start-scan 0)) (multiple-value-bind (start end) (scan regex line :start start-scan) (when start (let ((mask (make-tui-string (subseq line start end) :fgcolor (win-bgcolor object) :bgcolor (win-fgcolor object)))) (print-text object mask (1+ start) 1) (highlight end)))))) (highlight))))))) (defun init () (let* ((low-level-window (make-croatoan-window :enable-function-keys t))) (setf *message-window* (make-instance 'message-window :title (_ "Messages") :keybindings keybindings:*message-keymap* :key-config swconf:+key-message-window+ :croatoan-window low-level-window)) (refresh-config *message-window*) (draw *message-window*) *message-window*)) (defgeneric viewport-width (object)) (defmethod viewport-width ((object message-window)) (windows:win-width-no-border object))