* Contributing

  There is  always need for  help, you  can join the  developer, sending
  patches or translating the UI to your favourite language.

  Also there is need for better documentation.

  And a fancy logo would be great too! :)

  Just point your browser to the
  [[https://notabug.org/cage/tinmop/][code repository]].

** Some Notes
   Please understand that tinmop is a  very opinionated client and with a
   someway radical  approach to social  networks. The developer  tried to
   offer a "/degamified/" experience to the user.

   This  means that,  in  particular,  i will  not  accept patches  or
   requests for:

   - implementing mentioning or other alerts system;
   - trending, hashtags/people suggested, etc.;
   - count of followers, people you are following.

   I think you get the idea ;-)

   Also i  try to hide as  much as information i  can to the server  so i
   won't implement muting or blocking.  Ignore the toot for annoying user
   configuring the client to do so, instead.

   Finally before  starting coding like a  crazy it is better  to discuss
   the general  idea with the developers,  this way will be  more unlikely
   that the patch will be rejected and our time wasted.

   And do not forget to have fun!

* Translations

  translation template can be found in ~po/tinmop.pot~ in gettext format,
  there are a  bunch of free software  editor to work with  this file or
  you can just
  [[https://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/html_node/PO-Mode.html][use emacs]].

  So far the only completed translation is in Italian.