;; tinmop: a multiprotocol client ;; Copyright © cage ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . (in-package :message-rendering-utils) (define-constant +temp-mention-prefix+ "/at/" :test #'string=) (defun mention-p (maybe-mention) (scan (strcat "^" +mention-prefix+) maybe-mention)) (defun add-mention-prefix (username) (if (mention-p username) username (strcat +mention-prefix+ username))) (defun strip-mention-prefix (maybe-mention) (if (not (mention-p maybe-mention)) maybe-mention (subseq maybe-mention (length +mention-prefix+)))) (defun find-first-mention-in-message (message-body) (when message-body (with-input-from-string (body-stream message-body) (when-let* ((first-line (read-line body-stream nil "")) (mentions (split-words first-line)) (first-mention (first mentions))) (when (mention-p first-mention) first-mention))))) (defun local-mention->acct (text-line usernames-table) "Substitute in `text-line' '@user' with '@user@server', if '@user' is found as key in the alist `usernames-table'" (flet ((find-all-username (key) (let ((found (mapcar #'cdr (remove-if-not (lambda (a) (string= (car a) key)) usernames-table)))) (join-with-strings found ", ")))) (let ((results text-line) (local-mention-prefix (strcat " " +mention-prefix+)) (local-mention-temp-prefix (strcat " " +temp-mention-prefix+))) (setf results (regex-replace-all local-mention-prefix results local-mention-temp-prefix)) (loop for pair in usernames-table do (when-let* ((local-mention (car pair)) (local-mention-re (strcat " " local-mention)) (actual-mention (strcat " " (find-all-username local-mention)))) (setf results (regex-replace-all local-mention-re results actual-mention)))) results))) (defun crypto-message-destination-user (message-data) (with-accessors ((body sending-message:body) (subject sending-message:subject) (reply-to sending-message:reply-to) (visibility sending-message:visibility)) message-data (when (string= visibility +status-direct-visibility+) (if reply-to (let ((reply-username (status-id->username reply-to))) (db:username->id reply-username)) (when-let* ((mention (find-first-mention-in-message body)) (user (db:user-exists-p (msg-utils:strip-mention-prefix mention))) (username (db:row-user-username user))) (db:username->id username)))))) (defun maybe-crypt-message (send-message-window &key (notify-cant-crypt nil)) (with-accessors ((message-data sending-message:message-data)) send-message-window (with-accessors ((body sending-message:body) (subject sending-message:subject) (reply-to sending-message:reply-to) (visibility sending-message:visibility)) message-data (when (string= visibility +status-direct-visibility+) (let ((destination-user-id (crypto-message-destination-user message-data))) (if (null destination-user-id) (when notify-cant-crypt (ui:notify (_ "This message will *not* be encrypted"))) (let* ((destination-username (db:user-id->username destination-user-id)) (destination-mention (msg-utils:add-mention-prefix destination-username)) (new-body (misc:make-fresh-array 0 #\Space 'character nil)) (crypto-key (db:crypto-user-key destination-username))) (if (null crypto-key) (when notify-cant-crypt (ui:notify (format nil (_ "No key to encrypt message for ~s found") destination-username))) (with-output-to-string (body-stream new-body) ;; add username on top (format body-stream "~a~%" destination-mention) (format body-stream "~a~%" (crypto-utils:encrypt-message body crypto-key)) (setf body new-body)))))))))) (defun find-crypto-data (text) (with-input-from-string (stream text) (loop for line = (read-line stream nil nil) while line do (when (crypto-utils:crypto-text-p line) (return-from find-crypto-data line)))) nil) (defun maybe-decrypt-message (message-row message-text &key (notify-cant-decrypt nil)) (let* ((username (db:row-message-username message-row)) (html-stripped (html-utils:html->text (db:row-message-content message-row) :add-link-footnotes nil :quote-prefix (swconf:message-window-quote-prefix) :list-item-prefix (swconf:message-window-bullet-prefix))) (mention (find-first-mention-in-message html-stripped)) (reply-p (db:row-message-reply-to-id message-row)) (crypto-key (cond (reply-p (db:crypto-user-key username)) (mention (db:crypto-user-key (msg-utils:strip-mention-prefix mention))) (t nil))) (crypto-data (find-crypto-data message-text))) (if crypto-data (if (and (null crypto-key) notify-cant-decrypt) (ui:notify (format nil (_ "Unable to find the crypto key for user ~s") username) :as-error t) (crypto-utils:decrypt-message crypto-data crypto-key)) nil))) (defun attachment-type->description (type) (macrolet ((gen-cond (key types descriptions) `(cond ,@(append (loop for type in types for description in descriptions collect `((string-equal ,type ,key) ,description)) `((t (_ "invalid type"))))))) (gen-cond type ("unknown" "image" "gifv" "video" "audio") ((_ "unknown") (_ "image") (_ "gifv") (_ "video") (_ "audio"))))) (defun attachment-type->metadata (type row) (let ((data (misc:make-fresh-array 0 #\a 'character nil))) (with-output-to-string (stream data) (format stream (_ "description: ~a~%") (db-utils:db-getf row :description)) (format stream (_ "size: ~aX~a pixels~%") (db-utils:db-getf row :width) (db-utils:db-getf row :height)) (when (or (string-equal type "gifv") (string-equal type "video") (string-equal type "audio")) (format stream (_"duration: ~a~%") (db-utils:db-getf row :duration)))) data)) (defun status-attachments->text (status-id) (let ((text (misc:make-fresh-array 0 #\Space 'character nil))) (when-let* ((all-attachments (db:all-attachments-to-status status-id))) (with-output-to-string (stream text) (multiple-value-bind (header-prefix header-postfix header-value) (swconf:message-window-attachments-header) (let ((actual-header-value (or header-value (_ "Attachments")))) (format stream (strcat header-prefix actual-header-value header-postfix)))) (loop for attachment in all-attachments do (let ((type (db-utils:db-getf attachment :type :default (_ "unknown")))) (format stream (_"type: ~a~%metadata~%~a~%address: ~a~2%") (attachment-type->description type) (attachment-type->metadata type attachment) (db-utils:db-getf attachment :url :default (_ "unknown"))))))) text)) (defgeneric message-original->text-body (object &key &allow-other-keys)) (defmethod message-original->text-body ((object string) &key &allow-other-keys) (let* ((raw-body (html-utils:html->text object :quote-prefix (swconf:message-window-quote-prefix) :list-item-prefix (swconf:message-window-bullet-prefix)))) (emoji-shortcodes:emojify raw-body))) (defun prepend-crypto-marker (decrypted-text) (format nil "~a~2%~a" (swconf:encrypted-mark-value) decrypted-text)) (defmethod message-original->text-body ((object null) &key &allow-other-keys) (declare (ignore object)) "") (defmethod message-original->text-body ((object list) &key (notify-cant-decrypt nil) (try-decrypt nil) &allow-other-keys) (let ((as-text (message-original->text-body (db:row-message-content object)))) (if try-decrypt (let ((decrypted (maybe-decrypt-message object as-text :notify-cant-decrypt notify-cant-decrypt))) (if decrypted (message-original->text-body (prepend-crypto-marker decrypted)) as-text)) as-text))) (defun visibility->mark (visibility) (let ((mapping (swconf:message-windows-visibility-marks))) (db-getf mapping (make-keyword (string-upcase visibility)) :default visibility :only-empty-or-0-are-null t))) (defun message-original->text-header (message-row) (let* ((date-format (swconf:date-fmt swconf:+key-message-window+)) (reblogged-id (db:row-message-reblog-id message-row)) (username (db:row-message-username message-row)) (display-name (db:row-message-user-display-name message-row)) (creation-time (db:row-message-creation-time message-row)) (reblogged-row (when reblogged-id (db:find-status-id reblogged-id))) (subject (if reblogged-id (db:row-message-subject reblogged-row) (db:row-message-subject message-row))) (visibility (visibility->mark (db:row-message-visibility message-row))) (lockedp (db-utils:db-not-nil-p (db:row-lockedp message-row))) (locked-mark (swconf:message-window-account-locking-status-mark lockedp)) (encoded-date (db-utils:encode-datetime-string creation-time)) (language (db:row-language message-row)) (parent-author-id (db:row-message-reply-to-account-id message-row)) (parent-author (when parent-author-id (db:user-id->username parent-author-id))) (in-reply-to-label (_ "In reply of: ")) (from-label (_ "From: ")) (boosted-label (_ "Boosted: ")) (visibility-label (_ "Visibility: ")) (language-label (_ "Language: ")) (subject-label (_ "Subject: ")) (boosted-username (when reblogged-id (db:status-id->username reblogged-id))) (date-label (_ "Date: ")) (padding-length (max (length from-label) (length date-label) (length boosted-label) (length visibility-label) (length in-reply-to-label) (length subject-label) (length language-label))) (text (misc:make-fresh-array 0 #\Space 'character nil))) (with-output-to-string (stream text) (format stream "~a(~a) ~a~a~%" (right-padding from-label padding-length) display-name username locked-mark) (format stream "~a~a~%" (right-padding date-label padding-length) (format-time encoded-date date-format)) (format stream "~a~a~%" (right-padding visibility-label padding-length) visibility) (when parent-author (format stream "~a~a~%" (right-padding in-reply-to-label padding-length) parent-author)) (when language (format stream "~a~a~%" (right-padding language-label padding-length) language)) (when subject (format stream "~a~a~%" (right-padding subject-label padding-length) subject)) (format stream "~%") (when reblogged-id (format stream "~a~a~%" (right-padding boosted-label padding-length) boosted-username))) text)) (defun poll->text (poll-id width) (when poll-id (when-let* ((poll (db:find-poll poll-id)) (options (db:all-poll-options poll-id)) (all-titles (loop for option in options collect (db:row-title option))) (all-rendered-indices (loop for idx from 0 below (length all-titles) collect (format nil "[~a] " idx))) (vote-sum (reduce #'+ (mapcar #'db:row-votes-count options))) (max-title-w (find-max-line-length all-titles)) (max-index-w (find-max-line-length all-rendered-indices)) (max-bar-width (- width max-title-w max-index-w 6)) (bar-char (swconf:vote-vertical-bar))) (let ((expiredp (db:row-poll-expired-p poll)) (multiple-vote-allowed (db:row-poll-multiple-vote-p poll))) (with-output-to-string (stream) (format stream "~3%") (loop for title in all-titles for index in all-rendered-indices for option in options do (let* ((padded-title (left-padding title max-title-w)) (padded-index (left-padding index max-index-w)) (rate (handler-case (/ (db:row-votes-count option) vote-sum) (error () 0))) (vote (left-padding (format nil "~,2f%" (* 100 rate)) 4)) (bar-w (truncate (* rate max-bar-width)))) (format stream "~a~a~a " (swconf:message-window-bullet-prefix) padded-index padded-title) (if expiredp (progn (loop for i from 0 below bar-w do (princ bar-char stream)) (format stream " ~a~%" (left-padding vote (+ 4 ; size of vote percent: ' nnn%' (- max-bar-width bar-w))))) (format stream "~%")))) (if multiple-vote-allowed (format stream "~%~a~%" (_ "Multiple choices allowed.")) (format stream "~%~a~%" (_ "A single choice allowed."))) (if expiredp (format stream "~%~a~%" (_ "The poll has expired.")) (format stream "~%~a~%" (_ "NB: results not shown as the poll has not expired.")))))))) (defun signature () (when-let ((signature-file (swconf:signature-file-path))) (format nil "~%-- ~%~a" (fs:slurp-file signature-file))))