;; tinmop: an humble gemini and pleroma client ;; Copyright (C) 2020 cage ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . (in-package :gemini-subscription) (defun link-post-timestamp (link-text) "Returns a local-time object parsing a gemlog entry's link text A link text entry is like 'aaaa-mm-dd post title' This function parses the 'aaaa-mm-dd' part. " (when (>= (length link-text) 10) (local-time:parse-timestring link-text :start 0 :end 10 :fail-on-error nil))) (defun link-post-title (link-text) "Returns the title of gemlog entry from link text A link text entry is like 'aaaa-mm-dd post title' This function return the 'post-title' substring." (misc:safe-subseq link-text 10)) (defun link-post-timestamp-p (link-text) "Is this a valid gemlog link text?" (link-post-timestamp link-text)) (defun subscribe (url) "Subscribe to a gemlog that can be found at 'url'" (labels ((subtitle-p (nodes h2-pos) (when h2-pos (let ((res t)) (loop for i from h2-pos downto 0 do (let ((node (elt nodes i))) (when (and node (not (html-utils:tag= :h1 (html-utils:children node)))) (return-from subtitle-p nil)))) res)))) (when-let* ((data (slurp-gemini-url url)) (page (babel:octets-to-string data)) (parsed (parse-gemini-file page)) (iri (iri:iri-parse url)) (title (first (html-utils:children (html-utils:find-tag :h1 parsed))))) (let* ((maybe-subtitle-pos (html-utils:position-tag :h2 parsed)) (subtitle (when (subtitle-p parsed maybe-subtitle-pos) (first (html-utils:children (elt parsed maybe-subtitle-pos)))))) (when (not (db:gemini-find-subscription url)) (db:gemini-subscribe-url url title subtitle)) t)))) (defun refresh (url) "Refresh gemlog entries that can be found at 'url'. The gemlog must be subscribed before (see: 'gemini-subscription:subcribe'" (when-let* ((data (slurp-gemini-url url)) (page (babel:octets-to-string data)) (parsed (parse-gemini-file page)) (gemlog-iri (iri:iri-parse url))) (let ((links (remove-if-not (lambda (a) (link-post-timestamp-p (name a))) (sexp->links parsed (uri:host gemlog-iri) (uri:port gemlog-iri) (uri:path gemlog-iri))))) (loop for link in links do (when (not (db:find-gemlog-entry (to-s (target link)))) (let ((date (link-post-timestamp (name link)))) (db:add-gemlog-entries (to-s gemlog-iri) (target link) (link-post-title (name link)) date nil)))))))