;; tinmop: a multiprotocol client ;; Copyright © cage ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . (in-package :os-utils) (alexandria:define-constant +proc-file-system+ (concatenate 'string filesystem-utils:*directory-sep* "proc") :test #'string=) (alexandria:define-constant +proc-cpuinfo+ (concatenate 'string +proc-file-system+ filesystem-utils:*directory-sep* "cpuinfo") :test #'string=) (alexandria:define-constant +ssl-cert-name+ "cert.pem" :test #'string=) (alexandria:define-constant +ssl-key-name+ "key" :test #'string=) (declaim (ftype (function () fixnum) cpu-number)) (defun cpu-number () #+windows (the fixnum 1) #-windows (with-open-file (stream +proc-cpuinfo+ :direction :input :if-does-not-exist :error) (do ((line (read-line stream nil nil) (read-line stream nil nil)) (cpu-count 0)) ((not line) (the fixnum cpu-count)) (when (cl-ppcre:scan "^processor" line) (incf cpu-count))))) (defun xdg-open (file) (let ((cmd-line (format nil "~a '~a'" +xdg-open-bin+ file))) #+debug-mode (misc:dbg "xdg-open: ~a" cmd-line) (uiop:launch-program cmd-line :output nil))) (defun getenv (name &key (default nil)) (or (uiop:getenv name) default)) (defun default-temp-dir () (getenv "TMPDIR" :default "/tmp/")) (defun pwd () (getenv "PWD")) (defun home-directory (&key (add-separator-ends nil)) (let ((home (os-utils:getenv "HOME"))) (if add-separator-ends (text-utils:strcat home fs:*directory-sep*) home))) (defstruct user-info (name) (password) (user-id) (group-id) (gecos) (home) (shell)) (defun user-info (id) "USER-INFO returns the password entry for the given name or numerical user ID, as an assoc-list." (a:when-let ((password-struct (etypecase id (string (nix:getpwnam id)) (integer (nix:getpwuid id))))) (make-user-info :name (nix:passwd-name password-struct) :password (nix:passwd-passwd password-struct) :user-id (nix:passwd-uid password-struct) :group-id (nix:passwd-gid password-struct) :gecos (nix:passwd-gecos password-struct) :home (nix:passwd-dir password-struct) :shell (nix:passwd-shell password-struct)))) (defun external-editor () (let* ((editor (or (swconf:external-editor) (and (text-utils:string-not-empty-p (getenv "VISUAL")) (getenv "VISUAL")) (and (text-utils:string-not-empty-p (getenv "EDITOR")) (getenv "EDITOR")) constants:+standard-editor+)) (space (cl-ppcre:scan "\\s" editor))) (if space (let ((exe (subseq editor 0 space)) (args (subseq editor (1+ space)))) (values exe args)) (values editor nil)))) (defun run-external-program (program args &key (wait t) search input output (error :output) (external-format :default) #+sbcl (if-output-exists :supersede) #+sbcl (if-error-exists :supersede)) (declare (ignorable search)) #+ecl (ext:run-program program args :input input :output output :error error :wait wait) #+sbcl (sb-ext:run-program program args :wait wait :search search :input input :output output :error error :external-format external-format :if-output-exists if-output-exists :if-error-exists if-error-exists)) (defun process-exit-code (process) #+ecl (nth-value 1 (ext:external-process-status process)) #+sbcl (sb-ext:process-exit-code process)) (defun process-exit-success-p (process) (= (process-exit-code process) 0)) (defun process-output-stream (process) (process-output process)) (defmacro gen-process-stream (name) `(defun ,(misc:format-fn-symbol t "process-~a" name) (process) (,(misc:format-fn-symbol 'sb-ext "process-~a" name) process))) (gen-process-stream output) (gen-process-stream input) (gen-process-stream error) (defun open-with-editor (file) (multiple-value-bind (exe args) (external-editor) (let ((actual-args (if args (text-utils:split-words args) nil))) (run-external-program exe (append actual-args (list file)) :search t :wait t :input t :output t :error t)))) (defun exit-program (&optional (exit-code 0)) (uiop:quit exit-code)) (defun user-cache-dir (&rest more) (fs:pathname->namestring (apply #'uiop:xdg-cache-home (append (list +program-name+) more)))) (defun cached-file-path (filename) (text-utils:strcat (user-cache-dir) fs:*directory-sep* filename)) (defun generate-ssl-certificate (outdir) (let* ((cert-file (text-utils:strcat outdir fs:*directory-sep* +ssl-cert-name+)) (key-file (text-utils:strcat outdir fs:*directory-sep* +ssl-key-name+)) (cmd-args (format nil (text-utils:strcat "req -new -nodes -x509 -days 365 -subj / " "-keyout ~a -outform PEM -out ~a") key-file cert-file))) (run-external-program +openssl-bin+ (text-utils:split-words cmd-args) :output nil :error :output) (values cert-file key-file))) (defun change-ssl-key-passphrase (keypath old-passphrase new-passphrase) (fs:with-anaphoric-temp-file (stream :unlink t) (with-input-from-string (passphrase-stream new-passphrase) (let* ((cmd-args (format nil (text-utils:strcat "rsa -aes256 -in ~a -out ~a" " -passin pass:~a -passout stdin") keypath fs:temp-file old-passphrase new-passphrase))) (let ((output-string (misc:make-fresh-array 0 #\a 'character nil))) (with-output-to-string (output-stream output-string) (let ((process (run-external-program +openssl-bin+ (text-utils:split-words cmd-args) :input passphrase-stream :output output-stream :error :output :wait t))) (if (process-exit-success-p process) (fs:copy-a-file fs:temp-file keypath :overwrite t) (error "error changing passphrase for key ~a ~a" keypath output-string))))))))) (defun ssl-key-has-empty-password-p (key-path) (with-input-from-string (passphrase-stream (format nil "~%")) (let* ((cmd-args (format nil "rsa -passin stdin -noout -text -in ~a" key-path)) (process (run-external-program +openssl-bin+ (text-utils:split-words cmd-args) :input passphrase-stream :output nil :error nil :wait t))) (process-exit-success-p process)))) (defun send-to-pipe (data program-and-args) (croatoan:end-screen) (with-input-from-string (stream data) (let ((command-line-splitted (text-utils:split-words program-and-args))) (run-external-program (first command-line-splitted) (rest command-line-splitted) :search t :wait t :input stream :output t :error t)))) (defun open-link-with-program (program-and-args link &key (wait nil)) (let* ((command-line-splitted (text-utils:split-words program-and-args)) (program (first command-line-splitted)) (args (append (rest command-line-splitted) (list link)))) (run-external-program program args :search t :wait wait :output nil :error :output))) (defun open-resource-with-external-program (resource give-focus-to-message-window &key (open-for-edit nil)) (flet ((edit (file) (croatoan:end-screen) (os-utils:open-with-editor file))) (alexandria::when-let* ((parsed-as-iri (iri:iri-parse resource :null-on-error t)) (parsed-no-fragment (iri:remove-fragment parsed-as-iri))) (let ((program (if (iri:absolute-url-p resource) (swconf:link-regex->program-to-use (text-utils:to-s parsed-no-fragment)) (swconf:link-regex->program-to-use resource)))) (if program (cond ((swconf:use-editor-as-external-program-p program) (edit resource)) ((swconf:use-tinmop-as-external-program-p program) (if open-for-edit (edit resource) (gemini-viewer:load-gemini-url resource :give-focus-to-message-window give-focus-to-message-window))) (t (os-utils:open-link-with-program program resource :wait open-for-edit))) (if open-for-edit (error (_ "No program defined in configuration file to edit this kind of files")) (os-utils:xdg-open resource))))))) (defun open-resource-with-tinmop-p (resource) (alexandria:when-let ((program (swconf:link-regex->program-to-use resource))) (swconf:use-tinmop-as-external-program-p program))) (defgeneric file->mime-type (object)) (defmethod file->mime-type ((object string)) (let ((process (run-external-program +file-bin+ (list "-E" "--mime-type" "--brief" object) :search t :wait t :output :stream :error nil))) (if (process-exit-success-p process) (text-utils:trim-blanks (read-line (process-output-stream process))) nil))) (defmethod file->mime-type ((object pathname)) (file->mime-type (fs:pathname->namestring object))) (defun unzip-file (zip-file destination-dir) (cond ((not (fs:file-exists-p zip-file)) (error (format nil (_ "File ~s does not exists")))) ((not (fs:directory-exists-p destination-dir)) (error (format nil (_ "Destination directory ~s does not exists")))) (t (run-external-program +unzip-bin+ (list "-o" zip-file "-d" destination-dir) :search t :wait t :output nil :error :output)))) (defun unzip-single-file (zip-file file-entry) (with-output-to-string (stream) (let* ((process (run-external-program +unzip-bin+ (list "-p" zip-file file-entry) :search t :wait t :output stream :error :output))) (when (not (process-exit-success-p process)) (error (format nil (_ "File ~s extraction from ~s failed") file-entry zip-file)))))) (defun copy-to-clipboard (text) (trivial-clipboard:text text))