;; tinmop: an humble mastodon client ;; Copyright (C) 2020 cage ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. ;; If not, see [[http://www.gnu.org/licenses/][http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]]. ;; NOTE: any random function are not for crypto use! (in-package :num-utils) (defun safe-parse-number (maybe-number &key (fix-fn #'(lambda (e) (declare (ignore e)) nil))) (handler-bind ((error (lambda(e) (return-from safe-parse-number (funcall fix-fn e))))) (if (or (not (stringp maybe-number)) (string= maybe-number "-")) (error "Paring a non string element") (parse-number:parse-number maybe-number)))) (defun parse-number-default (maybe-number default) (safe-parse-number maybe-number :fix-fn (lambda (e) (declare (ignore e)) default))) (defun find-min-max (function the-list) (restart-case (reduce #'(lambda (a b) (if (funcall function a b) a b)) the-list) (use-value (e) e))) (defun find-min (the-list) (find-min-max #'< the-list)) (defun find-max (the-list) (find-min-max #'> the-list)) (defgeneric round-all (object &key rounding-function)) (defmethod round-all ((object list) &key (rounding-function #'round)) (mapcar #'(lambda (n) (funcall rounding-function n)) object)) (defmethod round-all ((object number) &key (rounding-function #'round)) (funcall rounding-function object)) (defmethod round-all ((object vector) &key (rounding-function #'round)) (map (type-of object) #'(lambda (n) (funcall rounding-function n)) object)) (defun fract (n) (multiple-value-bind (int frac) (truncate n) (declare (ignore int)) frac)) (defun sign (n) (if (< n 0) -1 1)) (defun count-digit (number &optional (so-far 1)) (let ((reduced (truncate (/ number 10)))) (if (= reduced 0) so-far (count-digit reduced (1+ so-far))))) (alexandria:define-constant +fnv-prime-32+ 16777619 :test #'=) (alexandria:define-constant +fnv-offset-basis-32+ 2166136261 :test #'=) (defun fnv-hash-32 (octects) (let ((hash +fnv-offset-basis-32+)) (loop for i across octects do (setf hash (boole boole-xor hash i)) (setf hash (ldb (byte 32 0) (* hash +fnv-prime-32+)))) hash)) (defun string-fnv-hash-32 (s) (fnv-hash-32 (map 'vector #'char-code (coerce s 'list)))) (alexandria:define-constant +fnv-prime-256+ 374144419156711147060143317175368453031918731002211 :test #'=) (alexandria:define-constant +fnv-offset-basis-256+ 100029257958052580907070968620625704837092796014241193945225284501741471925557 :test #'=) (defun fnv-hash-256 (octects) (let ((hash +fnv-offset-basis-256+)) (loop for i across octects do (setf hash (boole boole-xor hash i)) (setf hash (ldb (byte 256 0) (* hash +fnv-prime-256+)))) hash)) (defun string-fnv-hash-256 (s) (fnv-hash-256 (map 'vector #'char-code (coerce s 'list)))) (alexandria:define-constant +lcg-modulo-pow+ 64 :test #'=) (alexandria:define-constant +lcg-good-bit-starts+ 32 :test #'=) (alexandria:define-constant +lcg-good-bit-size+ 32 :test #'=) (alexandria:define-constant +lcg-modulo+ 18446744073709551616 :test #'=) (alexandria:define-constant +lcg-max+ 4294967295 :test #'=) (alexandria:define-constant +lcg-a+ 3935559000370003845 :test #'=) (alexandria:define-constant +lcg-c+ 2691343689449507681 :test #'=) (defparameter *lcg-seed* 0) (defun lcg-set-seed (&optional (seed (get-universal-time))) (setf *lcg-seed* seed)) (defun lcg-next () (setf *lcg-seed* (ldb (byte +lcg-modulo-pow+ 0) (+ (* +lcg-a+ *lcg-seed*) +lcg-c+))) (ldb (byte +lcg-good-bit-size+ +lcg-good-bit-starts+) *lcg-seed*)) (defun lcg-next01 () (coerce (/ (lcg-next) +lcg-max+) 'float)) (defgeneric lcg-next-upto (max)) (defmethod lcg-next-upto ((max float)) (multiple-value-bind (integer-part remainder) (truncate max) (coerce (+ (* (lcg-next01) integer-part) (* (lcg-next01) remainder)) 'float))) (defmethod lcg-next-upto ((max integer)) (mod (lcg-next) max)) (defmethod lcg-next-upto ((max ratio)) (lcg-next-upto (float max))) (defun lcg-next-in-range (from to) (+ (lcg-next-upto (- to from)) from)) (defun lcg-next-in-range* (range) "range is a cons cell (from . to)" (lcg-next-in-range (car range) (cdr range))) (defmacro with-lcg-seed ((&optional (seed `(get-universal-time))) &body body) `(let ((*lcg-seed* ,seed)) ,@body)) (defun get-random-float-sign () (declare (optimize (speed 3) (debug 0) (safety 0))) (if (= (the integer (lcg-next-upto 2)) 0) 1.0 -1.0)) (defgeneric shellsort (sequence predicate &key key) (:documentation "Note: makes a new sequence")) (defmethod shellsort ((sequence list) predicate &key (key #'identity)) (call-next-method (copy-list sequence) predicate :key key)) (defmethod shellsort ((sequence vector) predicate &key (key #'identity)) (call-next-method (alexandria:copy-array sequence) predicate :key key)) (defun tokuda-sequence (n) (do ((k 1 (1+ k)) (h 1.0 (+ (* 2.25 h) 1.0)) (res '())) ((not (< h n)) res) (push (ceiling h) res))) (defmethod shellsort (sequence predicate &key (key #'identity)) (loop for gap in (tokuda-sequence (length sequence)) do (loop for i from gap below (length sequence) by 1 do (let ((tmp (elt sequence i))) (do ((j i (- j gap))) ((not (and (>= j gap) (not (funcall predicate (funcall key (elt sequence (- j gap))) (funcall key tmp))))) (setf (elt sequence j) tmp)) (let ((swp (elt sequence (- j gap)))) (setf (elt sequence j) swp)))))) sequence) (defun multisort (bag fns) (shellsort bag #'(lambda (a b) (let ((partial (loop named outer for fn in fns do (cond ((< (funcall fn a b) 0) (return-from outer t)) ((> (funcall fn a b) 0) (return-from outer nil)))))) partial)))) (defun multisort* (bag &rest fns) (multisort bag fns)) (defmacro gen-multisort-test (fn-< fn-> fn-access) (alexandria:with-gensyms (a b access-a access-b) `(lambda (,a ,b) (let ((,access-a (funcall (misc:fn-delay ,fn-access) ,a)) (,access-b (funcall (misc:fn-delay ,fn-access) ,b))) (cond ((funcall (misc:fn-delay ,fn-<) ,access-a ,access-b) -1) ((funcall (misc:fn-delay ,fn->) ,access-a ,access-b) 1) (t 0)))))) (defparameter *default-epsilon* 1e-7) (defmacro with-epsilon ((epsilon) &body body) `(let ((*default-epsilon* ,epsilon)) ,@body)) (defun add-epsilon-rel (v &optional (epsilon *default-epsilon*)) (+ v (* epsilon v))) (defun epsilon<= (a b &optional (epsilon *default-epsilon*)) (or (<= a b) (epsilon= a b epsilon))) (defun epsilon>= (a b &optional (epsilon *default-epsilon*)) (or (>= a b) (epsilon= a b epsilon))) (defun epsilon= (a b &optional (epsilon *default-epsilon*)) (and (<= (- b epsilon) a (+ b epsilon)))) (defun binary-search (sequence value-looking-for &key (compare-fn #'<) (equal-fn #'=) (left-limit 0) (right-limit (1- (length sequence)))) "Perform a binary search on `sequence' looking for `value-looking-for' using `equal-fn' as equality test function and `compare-fn' as comparing function. Values position where the value has been found in `sequence' or nil. `sequence' must be sorted in ascending order using the same predicate as `compare-fn'. Recursive." (when (not (misc:sequence-empty-p sequence)) (assert (< right-limit (length sequence))) (assert (>= left-limit 0)) (assert (< left-limit (length sequence))) (flet ((equals (element) (funcall equal-fn element value-looking-for)) (less-than (a b) (funcall compare-fn a b))) (cond ((>= left-limit right-limit) (if (equals (elt sequence left-limit)) left-limit nil)) (t (let* ((midpoint (floor (+ left-limit (/ (- right-limit left-limit) 2)))) (mid-point-value (elt sequence midpoint))) (cond ((equals mid-point-value) midpoint) ((less-than value-looking-for mid-point-value) (binary-search sequence value-looking-for :compare-fn compare-fn :equal-fn equal-fn :left-limit left-limit :right-limit (1- midpoint))) (t (binary-search sequence value-looking-for :compare-fn compare-fn :equal-fn equal-fn :left-limit (1+ midpoint) :right-limit right-limit)))))))))