;; tinmop: an humble gemini and pleroma client ;; Copyright (C) 2020 cage ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. ;; If not, see [[http://www.gnu.org/licenses/][http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]]. (in-package :gemini-parser) (defparameter *raw-mode-data* nil) (defparameter *pre-group-id* -1) (defparameter *parser-lock* (bt:make-recursive-lock)) (defparameter *header-group-id* -1) (defparameter *pre-alt-text* "") (defun-w-lock next-pre-group-id () *parser-lock* (incf *pre-group-id*) *pre-group-id*) (defun-w-lock current-pre-group-id () *parser-lock* *pre-group-id*) (defun-w-lock next-header-group-id () *parser-lock* (incf *header-group-id*) *header-group-id*) (defun-w-lock current-header-group-id () *parser-lock* *header-group-id*) (defun-w-lock set-pre-alt-text (text) *parser-lock* (setf *pre-alt-text* text)) (defun-w-lock current-pre-alt-text () *parser-lock* *pre-alt-text*) (defparameter *omitted-port* +gemini-default-port+) (define-constant +h1-prefix+ "#" :test #'string=) (define-constant +h2-prefix+ "##" :test #'string=) (define-constant +h3-prefix+ "###" :test #'string=) (define-constant +list-bullet-prefix+ "* " :test #'string=) (define-constant +quote-prefix+ ">" :test #'string=) (define-constant +preformatted-prefix+ "```" :test #'string=) (define-constant +link-prefix+ "=>" :test #'string=) (define-constant +max-header-level+ 3 :test #'=) (defmacro gen-geminize-line (name prefix) `(defun ,(format-fn-symbol t "geminize-~a" name) (text) (strcat ,prefix text))) (gen-geminize-line h1 +h1-prefix+) (gen-geminize-line h2 +h2-prefix+) (gen-geminize-line h3 +h3-prefix+) (gen-geminize-line list +list-bullet-prefix+) (gen-geminize-line quote +quote-prefix+) (gen-geminize-line link +link-prefix+) (defun geminize-preformatted (text) (format nil "~a~%~a~a~%" +preformatted-prefix+ text +preformatted-prefix+)) (defun render-gemini-link (url title) (format nil "~a ~a" (geminize-link url) title)) (defrule space (or #\Space #\Tab) (:constant nil)) (defrule new-line #\Newline (:constant nil)) (defrule carriage-return #\Return (:constant nil)) (defrule cr-lf (and (? carriage-return) new-line) (:constant nil)) (defrule h1-prefix "#" (:constant :h1)) (defrule h2-prefix "##" (:constant :h2)) (defrule h3-prefix "###" (:constant :h3)) (defrule list-bullet "* " (:constant :li)) (defrule quote-prefix ">" (:constant :quote)) (defrule preformatted-text-tag (and "```" (* (not cr-lf)) cr-lf) (:function (lambda (a) (let ((saved-raw-mode *raw-mode-data*) (alt-text (coerce (second a) 'string))) (if *raw-mode-data* (setf *raw-mode-data* nil) (setf *raw-mode-data* alt-text)) (if (not saved-raw-mode) (list :pre (list (list :alt alt-text))) (list :pre-end () "")))))) (defrule link-prefix (and "=>" (* space)) (:constant :a)) (defrule text-line (and (+ (not cr-lf)) cr-lf) (:function (lambda (a) (list :text nil (coerce (first a) 'string))))) (defrule link-url (+ (not (or space cr-lf))) (:text t)) (defrule link-name (+ (not cr-lf)) (:text t)) (defrule link (and link-prefix link-url (? (and space (? link-name))) cr-lf) (:function (lambda (a) (list (first a) (list (list :href (second a))) (text-utils:trim-blanks (second (third a))))))) (defrule h1 (and h1-prefix text-line) (:function (lambda (a) (list (first a) nil (tag-value (second a)))))) (defrule h2 (and h2-prefix text-line) (:function (lambda (a) (list (first a) nil (tag-value (second a)))))) (defrule h3 (and h3-prefix text-line) (:function (lambda (a) (list (first a) nil (tag-value (second a)))))) (defrule list-item (and list-bullet text-line) (:function (lambda (a) (list (first a) nil (tag-value (second a)))))) (defrule preformatted-text (and preformatted-text-tag (* (not preformatted-text-tag)) preformatted-text-tag) (:function (lambda (a) (append (first a) (list (coerce (second a) 'string)))))) (defrule quote-line (and quote-prefix (? text-line)) (:function (lambda (a) (list (first a) nil (if (second a) (tag-value (second a)) ""))))) (defrule gemini-file (* (or h3 h2 h1 preformatted-text-tag link list-item quote-line text-line cr-lf)) (:function first)) (define-constant +h1-underline+ #\━ :test #'char=) (define-constant +h2-underline+ #\─ :test #'char=) (define-constant +h3-underline+ #\- :test #'char=) (define-constant +quote-line-prefix+ #\> :test #'char=) (define-constant +bullet-line-prefix+ #\• :test #'char=) (defclass gemini-link () ((target :initform nil :initarg :target :accessor target) (name :initform nil :initarg :name :accessor name))) (defun make-gemini-link (target link-name) (make-instance 'gemini-link :target target :name link-name)) (defmethod print-object ((object gemini-link) stream) (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t :identity t) (with-accessors ((target target) (name name)) object (format stream "target: ~s name: ~s" target name)))) (defun tag-value (node) (first (html-utils:children node))) (defun path-last-dir (path) (if (char= (last-elt path) #\/) path (fs:parent-dir-path path))) (defun absolutize-link (link-value original-host original-port original-path) (let ((parsed (or (ignore-errors (iri:iri-parse link-value)) (iri:make-iri nil nil nil nil link-value nil nil)))) (cond ((null (uri:host parsed)) (let* ((absolute-path-p (string-starts-with-p "/" link-value)) (path (if absolute-path-p (uri:path parsed) (strcat (if original-path (path-last-dir original-path) "/") (uri:path parsed))))) (make-gemini-iri original-host (uri:normalize-path path) :query (uri:query parsed) :port original-port :fragment (uri:fragment parsed)))) ((null (uri:scheme parsed)) (strcat +gemini-scheme+ ":" (to-s (uri:normalize-path parsed)))) (t (to-s (uri:normalize-path parsed)))))) (defun make-gemini-iri (host path &key (query nil) (port +gemini-default-port+) (fragment nil) (scheme +gemini-scheme+) (omit-default-port t) (default-port *omitted-port*)) (let* ((actual-path (if (string-starts-with-p "/" path) (subseq path 1) path)) (actual-port (cond ((null port) "") ((and omit-default-port (= port default-port)) "") (t (to-s port)))) (domain-port-separator (if (string-not-empty-p actual-port) ":" "")) (actual-host (if (iri:ipv6-address-p host) (strcat "[" host "]") host)) (iri (strcat scheme "://" actual-host domain-port-separator actual-port "/" actual-path))) (when query (setf iri (strcat iri "?" query))) (when fragment (setf iri (strcat iri "#" fragment))) iri)) (defun sexp->links (parsed-gemini original-host original-port original-path &key (comes-from-local-file nil)) (loop for node in parsed-gemini when (html-utils:tag= :a node) collect (let* ((link-value (html-utils:node->link node)) (absolute-p (iri:absolute-url-p link-value)) (rendered-link (cond (absolute-p link-value) (comes-from-local-file (strcat original-path iri:+segment-separator+ link-value)) (t (absolutize-link link-value original-host original-port original-path))))) (make-instance 'gemini-link :target rendered-link :name (tag-value node))))) (defun gemini-link-iri-p (iri) (conditions:with-default-on-error (nil) (or (text-utils:string-starts-with-p +gemini-scheme+ iri) (null (uri:scheme (iri:iri-parse iri)))))) (defclass gemini-page-theme () ((link-prefix-gemini :initarg :link-prefix-gemini :initform "-> " :accessor link-prefix-gemini) (link-prefix-other :initarg :link-prefix-other :initform "^ " :accessor link-prefix-other) (link-bg :initarg :link-bg :initform :red :accessor link-bg) (link-fg :initarg :link-fg :initform :yellow :accessor link-fg) (link-attributes :initarg :link-attributes :initform (tui:attribute-underline) :accessor link-attributes) (h1-prefix :initarg :h1-prefix :initform "+ " :accessor h1-prefix) (h2-prefix :initarg :h2-prefix :initform "+ " :accessor h2-prefix) (h3-prefix :initarg :h3-prefix :initform "+ " :accessor h3-prefix) (quote-prefix :initarg :quote-prefix :initform +quote-prefix+ :accessor quote-prefix) (bullet-prefix :initarg :bullet-prefix :initform "@ " :accessor bullet-prefix) (preformatted-fg :initarg :preformatted-fg :initform :red :accessor preformatted-fg) (viewport :initarg :viewport :initform nil :accessor viewport))) (defclass with-raw-text () ((raw-text :initform nil :initarg :raw-text :accessor raw-text))) (defclass with-group-id () ((group-id :initform nil :initarg :group-id :accessor group-id))) (defclass with-lines () ((lines :initform () :initarg :lines :accessor lines))) (defclass with-alt-text () ((alt-text :initform nil :initarg :alt-text :accessor alt-text))) (defclass with-pre-group-id () ((pre-group-id :initform nil :initarg :pre-group-id :accessor pre-group-id))) (defclass pre-start (with-group-id with-pre-group-id with-alt-text with-raw-text) ()) (defmethod print-object ((object pre-start) stream) (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t :identity t) (format stream "gid: ~a alt ~a" (group-id object) (alt-text object)))) (defun make-pre-start (alt-text group-id pre-group-id fg) (make-instance 'pre-start :alt-text (tui:make-tui-string alt-text :fgcolor fg) :group-id group-id :pre-group-id pre-group-id)) (defclass pre-end () ()) (defun make-pre-end () (make-instance 'pre-end)) (defclass quoted-lines (with-group-id with-lines with-raw-text) ((prefix :initform "@ " :initarg :prefix :accessor prefix))) (defun make-quoted-lines (text group-id prefix) (make-instance 'quoted-lines :prefix prefix :group-id group-id :lines (list text))) (defclass pre-line (with-group-id with-pre-group-id with-lines with-alt-text with-raw-text) ()) (defmethod print-object ((object pre-line) stream) (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t) (format stream "gid: ~a alt ~a lines ~a" (group-id object) (alt-text object) (lines object)))) (defun make-pre-line (lines group-id pre-group-id alt-text) (make-instance 'pre-line :lines lines :group-id group-id :pre-group-id pre-group-id :alt-text alt-text)) (defclass vertical-space (with-group-id) ((size :initform 1 :initarg :size :accessor size))) (defclass header-line (with-group-id with-lines with-raw-text) ((level :initform nil :initarg :level :accessor level))) (defun make-header-line (text gid level) (make-instance 'header-line :lines (list text) :group-id gid :level level)) (defclass unordered-list-line (with-group-id with-lines with-raw-text) ()) (defun make-unordered-list-line (text header-group-id) (make-instance 'unordered-list-line :group-id header-group-id :lines (list text))) (defclass link-line (with-group-id with-raw-text) ((link-text :initarg :link-text :initform nil :accessor link-text) (link-name :initarg :link-name :initform nil :accessor link-name) (link-value :initarg :link-value :initform nil :accessor link-value))) (defun make-link-line (link-text link-name link-value group-id) (make-instance 'link-line :group-id group-id :link-text link-text :link-name link-name :link-value link-value)) (defclass simple-line (with-group-id with-raw-text) ((text-line :initarg :text-line :initform nil :accessor text-line))) (defun make-simple-line (text header-group-id raw-text) (make-instance 'simple-line :text-line text :group-id header-group-id)) (defun sexp->text-rows (parsed-gemini theme) (labels ((header-prefix (prefix header) (strcat prefix header)) (header-prefix-h1 (header) (header-prefix (h1-prefix theme) header)) (header-prefix-h2 (header) (header-prefix (h2-prefix theme) header)) (header-prefix-h3 (header) (header-prefix (h3-prefix theme) header)) (build-underline (text underline-char) (let* ((size (length text)) (underline (build-string size underline-char))) underline)) (make-header (level text underline-char) (let ((underline (build-underline text underline-char)) (header-group-id (next-header-group-id))) (list (make-header-line text header-group-id level) (make-header-line underline header-group-id level)))) (trim (a) (trim-blanks a)) (text-value (node &key (trim t)) (let ((text (first (html-utils:children node)))) (if trim (trim text) text))) (linkify (link-name link-value) (let ((raw-link-text (if (gemini-link-iri-p link-value) (if (text-utils:starting-emoji link-name) (format nil "~a" link-name) (format nil "~a~a" (link-prefix-gemini theme) link-name)) (format nil "~a~a" (link-prefix-other theme) link-name)))) (tui:make-tui-string raw-link-text :attributes (link-attributes theme) :fgcolor (link-fg theme) :bgcolor (link-bg theme)))) (pre-alt-text (node) (trim (html-utils:attribute-value (html-utils:find-attribute :alt node)))) (build-rows () (loop for node in parsed-gemini collect (cond ((null node) (make-instance 'vertical-space :group-id (current-header-group-id))) ;(format nil "~%")) ((html-utils:tag= :as-is node) (let* ((line (text-value node :trim nil)) (fg (preformatted-fg theme)) (line (tui:make-tui-string (format nil "~a" line) :fgcolor fg))) (make-pre-line (list line) (current-header-group-id) (current-pre-group-id) (current-pre-alt-text)))) ((html-utils:tag= :text node) (let ((text (text-value node))) (make-simple-line (format nil "~a~%" text) (current-header-group-id) text))) ((html-utils:tag= :h1 node) (make-header 1 (header-prefix-h1 (text-value node)) +h1-underline+)) ((html-utils:tag= :h2 node) (make-header 2 (header-prefix-h2 (text-value node)) +h2-underline+)) ((html-utils:tag= :h3 node) (make-header 3 (header-prefix-h3 (text-value node)) +h3-underline+)) ((html-utils:tag= :li node) (let* ((text (format nil "~a ~a" (bullet-prefix theme) (text-value node)))) (make-unordered-list-line text (current-header-group-id)))) ((html-utils:tag= :quote node) (let* ((line (text-value node :trim nil)) (quote-prefix (quote-prefix theme)) (header-group-id (current-header-group-id))) (make-quoted-lines line header-group-id quote-prefix))) ((html-utils:tag= :pre node) (let ((current-alt-text (pre-alt-text node)) (pre-group-id (next-pre-group-id)) (current-group-id (current-header-group-id)) (fg (preformatted-fg theme))) (set-pre-alt-text current-alt-text) (make-pre-start current-alt-text current-group-id pre-group-id fg))) ((html-utils:tag= :pre-end node) (make-pre-end)) ((html-utils:tag= :a node) (let* ((link-name (text-value node :trim nil)) (link-value (html-utils:attribute-value (html-utils:find-attribute :href node))) (link-text (if link-name (linkify link-name link-value) (linkify link-value link-value))) (header-group-id (current-header-group-id))) (make-link-line link-text link-name link-value header-group-id))))))) (flatten (build-rows)))) (defun parse-gemini-file (data) (let* ((lines (if (string= (format nil "~%") data) (list (format nil "~%")) (mapcar (lambda (a) (strcat a (string #\Newline))) (split-lines data)))) (parsed (loop for line in lines collect (let ((was-raw-mode *raw-mode-data*) (parsed-line (parse 'gemini-file line :junk-allowed t))) (if was-raw-mode (if *raw-mode-data* (let ((*blanks* '(#\Newline #\Linefeed #\Return))) (html-utils:make-tag-node :as-is (list (list :alt *raw-mode-data*)) (trim-blanks line))) parsed-line) parsed-line))))) (mapcar (lambda (a b) (when b (html-utils:add-attribute :source-line a b))) lines parsed) parsed)) ;; response header (define-constant +max-meta-length+ 1024 :test #'=) (defrule response-first-digit (or "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6") (:text t)) (defrule response-second-digit (or "0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9") (:text t)) (defrule meta (+ (not carriage-return)) (:text t)) (defclass gemini-response () ((status-code :initform nil :initarg :status-code :accessor status-code) (meta :initarg :meta :accessor meta))) (defmethod print-object ((object gemini-response) stream) (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t :identity t) (with-accessors ((status-code status-code) (meta meta)) object (format stream "status: ~a meta: ~a" status-code meta)))) (defrule response (and response-first-digit response-second-digit space meta carriage-return new-line) (:function (lambda (a) (make-instance 'gemini-response :status-code (parse-integer (strcat (first a) (second a))) :meta (fourth a))))) (defun parse-gemini-response-header (data) (let ((parsed (parse 'response data))) (if (> (length (meta parsed)) +max-meta-length+) (error 'conditions:length-error :seq (meta parsed) :text (format nil " is too long. Maximum allowed length is ~a" +max-meta-length+)) parsed))) (defun gemini-iri-p (maybe-iri) (conditions:with-default-on-error (nil) (let ((parsed (iri:iri-parse maybe-iri))) (and parsed (string-equal +gemini-scheme+ (uri:scheme parsed)) (uri:host parsed))))) (defgeneric gemini-first-h1 (data)) (defmethod gemini-first-h1 ((data cons)) (first (html-utils:children (html-utils:find-tag :h1 data)))) (defmethod gemini-first-h1 ((data string)) (when-let ((parsed (parse-gemini-file data))) (gemini-first-h1 parsed)))