;; tinmop: an humble gemini and pleroma client ;; Copyright (C) 2021 cage ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . (in-package :gempub) (defrule title "title" (:constant :title)) (defrule gpubVersion "gpubVersion" (:constant :gpubVersion)) (defrule index "index" (:constant :index)) (defrule author "author" (:constant :author)) (defrule language "language" (:constant :language)) (defrule charset "charset" (:constant :charset)) (defrule description "description" (:constant :description)) (defrule published "published" (:constant :published)) (defrule publishDate "publishDate" (:constant :publishDate)) (defrule revisionDate "revisionDate" (:constant :revisionDate)) (defrule copyright "copyright" (:constant :copyright)) (defrule license "license" (:constant :license)) (defrule version "version" (:constant :version)) (defrule cover "cover" (:constant :cover)) (defrule blank (or #\space #\Newline #\Tab) (:constant nil)) (defrule blanks (* blank) (:constant nil)) (defrule key-value-separator #\:) (defrule value (+ (not #\Newline)) (:text t)) (defrule key (or title gpubVersion index author language charset description published publishDate revisionDate copyright license version cover)) (defrule entry (and key (? blanks) key-value-separator (? blanks) value blanks) (:function (lambda (a) (list (first a) (fifth a))))) (defrule metadata (* entry) (:function flatten)) (defgeneric parse-metadata (object)) (defmethod parse-metadata ((object string)) (parse 'metadata object)) (define-constant +metadata-entry-name "metadata.txt" :test #'string=) (defun extract-metadata (zip-file) (when (zip-info:zip-file-p zip-file :ignore-errors t) (let ((entries (zip-info:list-entries zip-file))) (when (find +metadata-entry-name entries :test #'String=) (when-let ((metadata-raw (os-utils:unzip-single-file zip-file +metadata-entry-name))) (parse 'metadata metadata-raw)))))) (defun save-metadata (zip-file) (when-let ((metadata (extract-metadata zip-file))) (db:gempub-metadata-add zip-file nil (getf metadata :title) (getf metadata :gpubVersion) (getf metadata :index) (getf metadata :author) (getf metadata :language) (getf metadata :charset) (getf metadata :description) (getf metadata :published) (getf metadata :publishDate) (getf metadata :revisionDate) (getf metadata :copyright) (getf metadata :license) (getf metadata :version) (getf metadata :cover)))) (defun sync-library (&key (notify nil)) (when notify (ui:notify (format nil (_ "Syncing gempub library.")))) (let ((all-known (db:all-gempub-metadata)) (all-gempub-files (remove-if-not (lambda (a) (zip-info:zip-file-p a :ignore-errors t)) (fs:collect-files/dirs (swconf:gempub-library-directory)))) (removed-known '()) (added-file '())) (loop for known in all-known do (let ((local-uri (db:row-local-uri known))) (when (not (and (fs:file-exists-p local-uri) (zip-info:zip-file-p local-uri :ignore-errors t))) (push local-uri removed-known) (db:gempub-metadata-delete local-uri)))) (loop for gempub-file in (mapcar #'uri:normalize-path all-gempub-files) do (when (not (db:gempub-metadata-find gempub-file)) (push gempub-file added-file) (save-metadata gempub-file))) (when notify (loop for removed in removed-known do (ui:notify (format nil (_ "Removed gempub ~s from library, missing file") removed))) (loop for added in added-file do (ui:notify (format nil (_ "Added gempub ~s into the library") added)))))) (defrule spaces (+ blank) (:constant nil)) (defrule column (or "title" "author" "language" "description" "publish-date" "revision-date" "copyright") (:text t)) (defrule column-value (and #\" (+ (not #\")) #\") (:text t)) (defrule term (or and-where or-where like) (:function (lambda (a) (join-with-strings a " ")))) (defrule like (and column spaces "like" spaces column-value) (:function (lambda (a) (format nil "~a like \"%~a%\"" (first a) (string-trim '(#\") (fifth a)))))) (defrule and-where (and term spaces "and" spaces term)) (defrule or-where (and term spaces "or" spaces term)) (defrule where-clause (and "where" spaces (+ term)) (:function (lambda (a) (strcat "where " (join-with-strings (third a) " "))))) (defun parse-search-gempub (query) (let* ((where-clause (when (string-not-empty-p query) (parse 'where-clause query))) (sql-query (if where-clause (strcat (format nil "select * from \"~a\" ~a" db::+table-gempub-metadata+ where-clause)) (format nil "select * from \"~a\"" db::+table-gempub-metadata+)))) (db-utils:query-low-level sql-query))) (defclass gempub-library-window (focus-marked-window simple-line-navigation-window title-window border-window) ((query-rows :initform '() :initarg :query-rows :accessor query-rows))) (defmethod refresh-config :after ((object gempub-library-window)) (open-attach-window:refresh-view-links-window-config object swconf:+key-gempub-library-window+) (refresh-config-sizes object swconf:+key-thread-window+) (win-move object (- (win-width *main-window*) (win-width object)) 0) (win-move object (- (win-width *main-window*) (win-width object)) 0) object) (defun row->list-item (row) (join-with-strings* " " (db:row-title row) (db:row-author row) (db:row-published row))) (defun row->selected-list-item (row fg bg) (tui:make-tui-string (row->list-item row) :attributes (tui:attribute-bold) :fgcolor fg :bgcolor bg)) (defun row->unselected-list-item (row) (row->list-item row)) (defmethod resync-rows-db ((object gempub-library-window) &key (redraw t) (suggested-message-index 0)) (with-accessors ((rows rows) (selected-line-bg selected-line-bg) (selected-line-fg selected-line-fg) (query-rows query-rows)) object (flet ((make-rows (rows bg fg) (mapcar (lambda (row) (make-instance 'line :normal-text (row->unselected-list-item row) :selected-text (row->selected-list-item row fg bg) :fields row :normal-bg fg :normal-fg bg :selected-bg bg :selected-fg fg)) rows))) (with-croatoan-window (croatoan-window object) (line-oriented-window:update-all-rows object (make-rows query-rows selected-line-bg selected-line-fg)) (when suggested-message-index (handler-bind ((conditions:out-of-bounds (lambda (e) (invoke-restart 'ignore-selecting-action e)))) (select-row object suggested-message-index))) (when redraw (win-clear object) (draw object)))))) (defun open-gempub-library-window (query) (let* ((low-level-window (tui:make-croatoan-window :enable-function-keys t))) (setf *gempub-library-window* (make-instance 'gempub-library-window :query-rows (parse-search-gempub query) :top-row-padding 0 :title (_ "Gempub library") :single-row-height 1 :uses-border-p t :keybindings keybindings:*gempub-library-keymap* :croatoan-window low-level-window)) (refresh-config *gempub-library-window*) (resync-rows-db *gempub-library-window* :redraw nil) (when (not (line-oriented-window:rows-empty-p *gempub-library-window*)) (line-oriented-window:select-row *gempub-library-window* 0)) (draw *gempub-library-window*) *gempub-library-window*))