;; tinmop: an humble gemini and pleroma client ;; Copyright (C) 2020 cage ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . ;; derived from ;; niccolo': a chemicals inventory ;; Copyright (C) 2016 Universita' degli Studi di Palermo ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;; published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the ;; License, or (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . (in-package :text-utils) (alexandria:define-constant +float-regexp+ "-?[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+([eE]-?[0-9]+)?)?" :test 'string=) (alexandria:define-constant +integer-regexp+ "0|[1-9][0-9]+|[1-9]" :test 'string=) (defun uchar-length (leading-byte) (let ((ones (do* ((ct 7 (1- ct)) (bit (ldb (byte 1 ct) leading-byte) (ldb (byte 1 ct) leading-byte)) (ones-ct 0)) ((= bit 0) ones-ct) (incf ones-ct)))) (cond ((= ones 0) 1) ((= ones 1) 0) (t ones)))) (defun utf8-encoded-p (file) (with-open-file (stream file :direction :input :if-does-not-exist :error ::element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)) (let* ((leading-byte (read-byte stream)) (leading-byte-length (uchar-length leading-byte))) (cond ((= leading-byte-length 0) nil) ((> leading-byte-length 6) nil) (t (loop for i from 0 below (1- leading-byte-length) do (let* ((ch (read-byte stream)) (ll (uchar-length ch))) (when (> ll 0) (return-from utf8-encoded-p nil)))) t))))) (defgeneric to-s (object)) (defmethod to-s ((object string)) object) (defmethod to-s ((object vector)) (coerce object 'string)) (defmethod to-s ((object character)) (string object)) (defmethod to-s (object) (format nil "~a" object)) (defun clean-unprintable-chars (string) (cl-ppcre:scan-to-strings "[\\p{Letter}\\p{Number}\\p{Punctuation}]+" string)) (defun strcat (&rest chunks) (declare (optimize (debug 0) (safety 0) (speed 3))) (strcat* chunks)) (defun strcat* (chunks) (declare (optimize (debug 0) (safety 0) (speed 3))) (reduce (lambda (a b) (concatenate 'string a b)) chunks)) (defun strip-prefix (string prefix) (let ((re (strcat "^" prefix))) (cl-ppcre:regex-replace re string ""))) (defun strip-withespaces (string) (let ((re "\\s")) (cl-ppcre:regex-replace re string ""))) (defun common-prefix (&rest strings) (when strings (let* ((prefix-count 0) (sorted-strings (num:shellsort strings #'(lambda (a b) (> (length a) (length b))))) (pivot-string (alexandria:first-elt sorted-strings)) (actual-strings (rest sorted-strings)) (res (string (alexandria:first-elt pivot-string)))) (labels ((advance-res () (incf prefix-count) (setf res (strcat res (string (elt pivot-string prefix-count))))) (%advance () (loop for i in actual-strings do (when (not (cl-ppcre:scan (strcat "^" res) i)) (setf res (subseq res 0 (1- (length res)))) (return-from %advance nil))) (when (< (1+ prefix-count) (length pivot-string)) (advance-res) (%advance)))) (%advance) res)))) (defgeneric join-with-strings (object junction)) (defmethod join-with-strings ((object sequence) (junction string)) (reduce #'(lambda (a b) (text-utils:strcat a junction b)) object)) (defmethod join-with-strings ((object sequence) (junction character)) (join-with-strings object (string junction))) (defmethod join-with-strings ((object string) junction) (declare (ignore junction)) object) (defun join-with-strings* (junction &rest strings) (apply #'join-with-strings strings (list junction))) (defun split-words (text) (cl-ppcre:split "\\p{White_Space}" text)) (defun split-lines (text) (cl-ppcre:split "[\\n\\r]" text)) (defun min-length-word (text) (loop for i in (split-words text) minimizing (length i) into min finally (return min))) (defun max-length-word (text) (loop for i in (split-words text) maximizing (length i) into max finally (return max))) (defun basename (file) (let ((pos (cl-ppcre:scan "\\." file))) (if pos (subseq file 0 pos) file))) (defun wrap-with (s wrapper) (strcat wrapper s wrapper)) (defun build-string (length &optional (initial-element #\Space)) (make-string length :initial-element initial-element)) (defun right-padding (str total-size &key (padding-char #\Space)) (strcat str (make-string (max 0 (- total-size (length str))) :initial-element padding-char))) (defun right-padding-suffix (str total-size &key (padding-char #\Space)) (make-string (max 0 (- total-size (length str))) :initial-element padding-char)) (defun left-padding (str total-size &key (padding-char #\Space)) (strcat (make-string (max 0 (- total-size (length str))) :initial-element padding-char) str)) (defun left-padding-prefix (str total-size &key (padding-char #\Space)) (make-string (max 0 (- total-size (length str))) :initial-element padding-char)) (defun ellipsize (string len &key (truncate-string "...")) "If 'string''s length is bigger than 'len', cut the last characters out. Also replaces the last n characters (where n is the length of 'truncate-string') of the shortened string with 'truncate-string'. It defaults to \"...\", but can be nil or the empty string." (let ((string-len (length string))) (cond ((<= string-len len) string) ((< len (length truncate-string)) (subseq string 0 len)) (t (strcat (subseq string 0 (- len (length truncate-string))) truncate-string))))) (defgeneric string-empty-p (s)) (defmethod string-empty-p (s) (error 'type-error :datum s :expected-type 'string)) (defmethod string-empty-p ((s null)) (declare (ignore s)) t) (defmethod string-empty-p ((s string)) (string= s "")) (defun string-not-empty-p (s) (not (string-empty-p s))) (defun string-starts-with-p (start s &key (test #'string=)) "Returns non nil if `s' starts with the substring `start'. Uses `test' to match strings (default #'string=)" (when (>= (length s) (length start)) (funcall test s start :start1 0 :end1 (length start)))) (defun string-ends-with-p (end s &key (test #'string=)) "Returns t if s ends with the substring 'end', nil otherwise. Uses `test' to match strings (default #'string=)" (when (>= (length s) (length end)) (funcall test s end :start1 (- (length s) (length end))))) (defvar *blanks* '(#\Space #\Newline #\Backspace #\Tab #\Linefeed #\Page #\Return #\Rubout)) (defgeneric trim-blanks (s)) (defmethod trim-blanks ((s string)) (string-trim *blanks* s)) (defmethod trim-blanks ((s null)) s) (defun justify-monospaced-text (text &optional (chars-per-line 30)) (if (null (split-words text)) (list " ") (let ((text (split-words text)) (chars-per-line (round chars-per-line))) (labels ((spaces-pos-per-line (line) (floor (/ (length line) 2))) (wline<= (l) (<= l chars-per-line)) (line-length (line) (reduce #'+ (mapcar #'length line) :initial-value 0)) (line-fit-p (line word) (wline<= (+ (line-length line) (length word)))) (add-until-fit (text &optional (res '())) (if (not (line-fit-p res (first text))) (subseq res 0 (1- (length res))) (add-until-fit (rest text) (append res (list (first text) " "))))) (get-spacepos (line how-much) (do ((pos '())) ((>= (length pos) how-much) pos) (let ((ranpos (random (length line)))) (when (and (oddp ranpos) (not (find ranpos pos :test #'=))) (push ranpos pos))))) (increment-each-space (line) (loop for i in line collect (if (cl-ppcre:scan "\\p{White_Space}+" i) (concatenate 'string i (string " ")) i))) (justify-line (line &optional (spaces-left (- chars-per-line (line-length line)))) (cond ((= (spaces-pos-per-line line) 0) (copy-list line)) ((= spaces-left 0) (copy-list line)) ((= spaces-left (spaces-pos-per-line line)) (increment-each-space line)) ((< spaces-left (spaces-pos-per-line line)) (loop for i in (get-spacepos line spaces-left) do (setf (nth i line) (concatenate 'string (nth i line) (string " ")))) (copy-list line)) ((> spaces-left (spaces-pos-per-line line)) (justify-line (increment-each-space line) (- spaces-left (spaces-pos-per-line line))))))) (mapcar #'(lambda (l) (reduce #'(lambda (a b) (concatenate 'string a b)) l)) (do ((results '())) ((null text) (reverse results)) (progn (let* ((line (add-until-fit text)) (rest-text (if (> (1+ (floor (/ (length line) 2))) (length text)) nil (subseq text (1+ (floor (/ (length line) 2))))))) (setf text rest-text) (push (justify-line line) results))))))))) (defun flush-left-mono-text (text-words box-width &optional (lines '())) "Given a list of words (see: split-words) return a list of text lines that fits in 'box-width'" (flet ((join (words) (if words (join-with-strings words " ") ""))) (if (null text-words) (reverse lines) (multiple-value-bind (line rest-of-words) (do ((words text-words (rest words)) (line '() (misc:lcat line (list (first words)))) (line+1 '() (if (> (length words) 1) (misc:lcat line (subseq words 0 2)) line))) ((or (null words) (> (length (join line+1)) box-width)) (values (join line) words))) (flush-left-mono-text rest-of-words box-width (misc:lcat (list line) lines)))))) (defun box-fit-as-much-lines (lines box-height) "Fit as much as possible lines in box. Example: Input: '(line1 line2 line3 line4 line5 line6 line7 line8 line9) +---------------+ - |line1 | | |line2 | | box-height |line3 | | |line4 | | |line5 | | +---------------+ - If there are more lines than the number that can be fitted the other lines are discarded. Return two values: a column '(line1 line2 line3 line4 line5) and the index of the first line was not possible to fit or nil if the lines fitted in the box (6 in this case). " (let ((split-at (min (length lines) box-height))) (values (subseq lines 0 split-at) split-at))) (defun find-max-line-length (lines) (reduce #'max (mapcar #'length lines))) (defun box-fit-single-column (lines box-height box-width) "Fit as lines in box. Example: Input: '(line1 line2 line3 line4 line5 line6 line7 line8 line9) +---------------+ - +---------------+ - |line1 | | |line6 | | |line2 | | box-height |line7 | | box-height |line3 | | |line8 | | |line4 | | |line9 | | |line5 | | | | | +---------------+ - +---------------+ - A B Return the columns; each of them can be fitted in the box (see figure A and B). Each line is padded with spaces to reach longest string in lines. If the padded lines will not fit in the box width they will be truncated. " (labels ((fit (lines box-height) (multiple-value-bind (column rest-index) (box-fit-as-much-lines lines box-height) (if (< rest-index (length lines)) (append (list column) (fit (subseq lines rest-index) box-height)) (list column))))) (let* ((max-width (find-max-line-length lines)) (columns (fit lines box-height)) (fitted (loop for lines in columns collect (let ((padded (mapcar (lambda (a) (right-padding a max-width)) lines))) (if (> (length (first padded)) box-width) (loop for line in lines collect (subseq line 0 box-width)) padded))))) fitted))) (defun box-fit-as-much-lines-columns (lines box-width box-height &key (spaces-between 1) (pad-right-fn (lambda (a max-width) (right-padding a max-width))) (pad-left-fn (lambda (a) (strcat (build-string spaces-between) a))) (column-width-fn (lambda (column) (length (first column)))) (build-pad-line-fn (lambda (column-width) (build-string column-width))) (truncate-restart-fn (lambda (batch) (mapcar (lambda (a) (subseq a 0 (- box-width spaces-between))) batch))) (find-max-line-length-fn #'find-max-line-length)) "Fit as much as possible lines in box using, if necessary multiple columns. Example: Input: '(line1 line2 line3 line4 line5 line6 line7 line8 line9) spaces-between |---| +---------------+ - |line1 line6| | |line2 line7| | box-height |line3 line8| | |line4 line9| | |line5 | | +---------------+ - |-----------| box-width If there are more lines than the number that can be fitted the other lines are discarded. Return two values: a batch of columns (list '(line1 line2 line3 line4 line5) '(line6 line7 line8 line9 ' ')) and the index of the first line was not possible to fit or nil if the lines fitted in the box (nil in this case). " (let ((columns ()) (rest-lines-index 0) (lines-length (length lines))) (labels ((pad-height (column) (let ((column-width (funcall column-width-fn column))) (if (< (length column) box-height) (let ((pad-line (funcall build-pad-line-fn column-width))) (append column (make-list (- box-height (length column)) :initial-element pad-line))) column))) (pad (batch add-space-left) (let* ((max-width (funcall find-max-line-length-fn batch)) (padded (mapcar (lambda (a) (funcall pad-right-fn a max-width)) batch)) (column (if add-space-left (mapcar pad-left-fn padded) padded))) (if (> (+ max-width spaces-between) box-width) (restart-case (error 'conditions:out-of-bounds :text (format nil (_ "Can not fit column of width of ~a in a box of width ~a") (+ max-width spaces-between) box-width)) (use-value (value) (pad value add-space-left)) (truncate () (pad (funcall truncate-restart-fn batch) add-space-left))) (let ((column-width (funcall column-width-fn column))) (values (pad-height column) column-width))))) (fit (line-index-from line-index-to &optional (width-so-far 0)) (if (>= line-index-from lines-length) ; perfectly fitted (setf rest-lines-index nil) (let* ((column-height (min line-index-to lines-length)) (batch (subseq lines line-index-from column-height))) (multiple-value-bind (column column-width) (pad batch (/= line-index-from 0)) (when (<= (+ width-so-far column-width) box-width) (incf rest-lines-index (length column)) (push column columns) (fit column-height (+ column-height box-height) (+ width-so-far column-width)))))))) (fit 0 box-height) (values (reverse columns) (and rest-lines-index (<= rest-lines-index lines-length) rest-lines-index))))) (defun box-fit-multiple-column (lines box-width box-height &key (spaces-between 1)) "Given 'lines' as list of strings this procedure will fits them in a box of width and height passed as parameters ('box-width' and 'box-height'). Example: Input: '(line1 line2 line3 line4 line5 line6 line7 line8 line9 line10 line11 line12) spaces-between spaces-between |---| |---| +----------------+ - +----------------+ - |line1 line6 | | |line11 | | |line2 line7 | | box-height |line12 | | box-height |line3 line8 | | | | | |line4 line9 | | | | | |line5 line10| | | | | +----------------+ - +----------------+ - |-----------| |-----------| box-width box-width Returns a list of fitted columns each element of this list can be printed in the box column by column; in the example above the results are: (((\"line1\" \"line2\" \"line3\" \"line4\" \"line5\") (\" line6 \" \" line7 \" \" line8 \" \" line9 \" \" line10\")) ((\"line11\" \"line12\" \" \" \" \" \" \"))) " (labels ((fit () (multiple-value-bind (columns rest-index) (box-fit-as-much-lines-columns lines box-width box-height :spaces-between spaces-between) (if rest-index (append (list columns) (box-fit-multiple-column (subseq lines rest-index) box-width box-height)) (list columns))))) (fit))) (defun annotated-text-symbol (a) (car a)) (defun annotated-text-value (a) (cdr a)) (defun annotated-value-max-line-length (a) (find-max-line-length (mapcar #'annotated-text-value a))) (defun cat-annotated-values (line) (strcat* (mapcar #'annotated-text-value line))) (defun pad-annotated-batch-clsr (box-width spaces-between) "return (lambda (batch) ...) where batch is: '(((:a . string) (:a . string)) ; line1 ((:a . string) (:a . string) ; line2 ... Note: this function needs to be improved. " (let ((width (- box-width spaces-between))) (lambda (batch) (labels ((length-fitted (line) (length (cat-annotated-values line))) (cut-last (line) (let ((shrinked (coerce (misc:safe-all-but-last-elt (cdr (alexandria:last-elt line))) 'string))) (setf (cdr (alexandria:last-elt line)) shrinked) (remove-if (lambda (a) (let((string (cdr a))) (string-empty-p string))) line))) (fit-line (line) (cond ((null line) (restart-case (error (_ "Unrecoverable error: ~a can not be fitted in a box of width ~a") batch width) (use-value (value) value))) ((<= (length-fitted line) width) line) (t (fit-line (cut-last line)))))) (loop for line in batch collect (fit-line line)))))) (defun box-fit-multiple-column-annotated (lines box-width box-height &key (spaces-between 1)) "Same as box-fit-multiple-column but each element of 'lines' is a list of cons cell: '(((:a . string) (:a . string)) ; line1 ((:a . string) (:a . string)) ; line2 ... " (labels ((pad-right (line max-width) (let* ((raw-string (cat-annotated-values line)) (diff (- max-width (length raw-string))) (last-string (cdr (alexandria:last-elt line)))) (when (> diff 0) (setf (cdr (alexandria:last-elt line)) (strcat last-string (build-string diff)))) line)) (pad-left (line) (let ((first-string (cdr (first line)))) (setf (cdr (first line)) (strcat (build-string spaces-between) first-string)) line)) (find-max-line-length (lines) (let ((all-strings (mapcar #'cat-annotated-values lines))) (reduce #'max (mapcar #'length all-strings)))) (build-pad-line (column-width) (list (cons :padding (build-string column-width)))) (column-width (column) (length (cat-annotated-values (first column)))) (fit () (multiple-value-bind (columns rest-index) (box-fit-as-much-lines-columns lines box-width box-height :pad-right-fn #'pad-right :pad-left-fn #'pad-left :find-max-line-length-fn #'find-max-line-length :build-pad-line-fn #'build-pad-line :column-width-fn #'column-width :truncate-restart-fn (pad-annotated-batch-clsr box-width spaces-between) :spaces-between spaces-between) (if rest-index (append (list columns) (box-fit-multiple-column-annotated (subseq lines rest-index) box-width box-height)) (list columns))))) (fit))) (defun collect-links (text &optional (schemes '("http" "https" "ftp" "gemini"))) "Collect all hyperlinks in a text marked from a list of valid `schemes'" (flet ((build-re-scheme () (let ((res "")) (loop for (scheme . rest) on schemes do (if rest (setf res (strcat res "(" scheme ")|")) (setf res (strcat res "(" scheme ")://")))) (strcat "(" res ")")))) (let* ((results ()) (re (strcat (build-re-scheme) "\\P{White_Space}+")) (words (split-words text)) (scanner (cl-ppcre:create-scanner re))) (loop for word in words when (cl-ppcre:scan scanner word) do (pushnew (cl-ppcre:scan-to-strings scanner word) results :test #'string=)) results))) (defun percent-encode (string) (percent-encoding:encode string :encoding :utf-8)) (defun percent-decode (string) (percent-encoding:decode string :encoding :utf-8)) (defun percent-decode-allow-null (data) (when data (percent-decode data))) (defun percent-encoded-p (string) (loop for i in (coerce string 'list) for ct from 0 do (cond ((char= i #\%) (when (not (cl-ppcre:scan "(?i)^%[0123456789abcdef]{2}" string :start ct)) (return-from percent-encoded-p nil))) ((or (percent:reservedp i) (char= i #\Space) (not (or (percent:alphap (char-code i)) (percent:digitp (char-code i))))) (return-from percent-encoded-p nil)))) t) (defun percent-encode-allow-null (data) (when data (percent-encode data))) (defun maybe-percent-encode (data) "Note that when data is null this function returns nil" (if (percent-encoded-p data) data (percent-encode-allow-null data)))