mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 11:40:04 +01:00
- fixed 'misc:fresh-vector-insert@';
- scaled inline images that nodgui can manipulates (JPEG and TGA), to fits the gemtext widget's width.
This commit is contained in:
@ -295,6 +295,22 @@ Returns nil if the user did not provided a server in the configuration file"
(tooter:unreblog *client*
(defun-api-call follow-tag (tag-name)
"Follow a tag"
(tooter:follow-tag *client* tag-name))
(defun-api-call unfollow-tag (tag-name)
"Unfollow a tag"
(tooter:unfollow-tag *client* tag-name))
(defun-api-call get-followed-tags (&key max-id since-id min-id (limit 20))
"Unfollow a tag"
(tooter:followed-tags *client*
:max-id max-id
:since-id since-id
:min-id min-id
:limit limit))
(define-constant +public-timeline+ "public" :test #'string=)
(defun-api-call get-timeline (kind &key local only-media max-id since-id min-id (limit 20))
@ -406,6 +406,9 @@
((gemini-client:header-success-p status-code)
(slurp-non-text-data main-window iri :try-to-open nil)))))))
(defun supports-tk-image-extension-p ()
(defun inline-image-p (link-value)
(a:when-let* ((parsed (iri:iri-parse link-value :null-on-error t))
(path (uri:path parsed)))
@ -415,7 +418,8 @@
(re:scan "(?i)jpeg$" path)
(re:scan "(?i)png$" path)
(re:scan "(?i)gif$" path)
(re:scan "(?i)bmp$" path)
(and (supports-tk-image-extension-p)
(re:scan "(?i)bmp$" path))
(re:scan "(?i)tga$" path)))))
(defun inline-possible-p (link-value)
@ -425,44 +429,68 @@
(when (inline-image-p link-value)
(defun scale-pixmap (main-window file type)
(let* ((pixmap (nodgui.pixmap:slurp-pixmap type file))
(gemtext-widget-width (gemtext-widget-pixel-width main-window))
(pixmap-w (nodgui.pixmap:width pixmap))
(ratio (/ 1 (/ pixmap-w
(* gemtext-widget-width 1/3)))))
(if (< ratio 1.0)
(nodgui.pixmap:scale-bilinear pixmap ratio ratio)
(defun scale-jpeg (main-window file)
(scale-pixmap main-window file 'nodgui.pixmap:jpeg))
(defun scale-targa (main-window file)
(scale-pixmap main-window file 'nodgui.pixmap:tga))
(defun inline-image (main-window link-value line-index)
(let* ((file-path (slurp-iri main-window (remove-standard-port link-value)))
(image (gui:make-image file-path))
(coordinates `(+ (:line ,line-index :char 0) 1 :lines)))
(with-accessors ((ir-lines ir-lines)
(ir-rendered-lines ir-rendered-lines)
(gemtext-widget gemtext-widget)) main-window
(let* ((parent-line (elt ir-lines (- line-index 1)))
(new-line (copy-list parent-line)))
(gui:move-cursor-to gemtext-widget coordinates)
(gui:insert-text gemtext-widget (format nil "~%"))
(gui:insert-image gemtext-widget image coordinates)
(setf (getf new-line :type) (inline-type link-value))
(setf ir-lines
(fresh-vector-insert@ ir-lines
(1- line-index)))
(setf ir-rendered-lines
(fresh-vector-insert@ ir-rendered-lines
(1- line-index)))))))
(multiple-value-bind (file-path mime-type)
(slurp-iri main-window (remove-standard-port link-value))
(let ((image (cond
((string= mime-type +mime-type-jpg+)
(scale-jpeg main-window file-path))
((member mime-type '("image/x-tga" "image/x-targa"))
(scale-targa main-window file-path))
(gui:make-image file-path))))
(coordinates `(+ (:line ,line-index :char 0) 1 :lines)))
(with-accessors ((ir-lines ir-lines)
(ir-rendered-lines ir-rendered-lines)
(gemtext-widget gemtext-widget)) main-window
(let* ((parent-line (elt ir-lines (- line-index 1)))
(new-line (copy-list parent-line)))
(gui:move-cursor-to gemtext-widget coordinates)
(gui:insert-text gemtext-widget (format nil "~%"))
(gui:insert-image gemtext-widget image coordinates)
(setf (getf new-line :type) (inline-type link-value))
(setf ir-lines
(fresh-vector-insert@ ir-lines
(setf ir-rendered-lines
(fresh-vector-insert@ ir-rendered-lines
(defun inline-all-images (main-window)
"Note that this functions assumes that all remote IRI resources are
absolute (i.e. with scheme component), non absulute IRI are considered
local file paths."
(gui-goodies:with-busy* (main-window)
(loop for line across (ir-lines main-window)
for line-number from 1
when (and (string= (getf line :type) "a")
(inline-image-p (getf line :href)))
(let ((link-value (if (fs:file-exists-p (getf line :href))
(getf line :href)
(absolutize-link (get-address-bar-text main-window)
(getf line :href)))))
(inline-image main-window link-value line-number)
(incf line-number)))))
(labels ((inline-single-image (lines line-number)
(when (< (1- line-number) (length lines))
(let ((line (elt lines (1- line-number))))
(if (and (string= (getf line :type) "a")
(inline-image-p (getf line :href)))
(let ((link-value (if (fs:file-exists-p (getf line :href))
(getf line :href)
(absolutize-link (get-address-bar-text main-window)
(getf line :href)))))
(inline-image main-window link-value line-number)
(inline-single-image (ir-lines main-window) (+ line-number 1)))
(inline-single-image (ir-lines main-window) (+ line-number 1)))))))
(inline-single-image (ir-lines main-window) 1)))
(defun inline-all-images-clsr (main-window)
(lambda ()
@ -944,7 +972,8 @@ local file paths."
(if try-to-open
(client-os-utils:open-resource-with-external-program main-window support-file)
(getf stream-info :support-file))
(values (getf stream-info :support-file)
(getf stream-info :meta)))
(buffer-filled-enough-to-open-p (buffer-size read-so-far)
(let ((filled-configuration-threshold (and buffer-size
@ -1431,12 +1460,17 @@ local file paths."
(defgeneric toc-char-width (object))
(defgeneric gemtext-widget-pixel-width (object))
(defgeneric toc-clear (object))
(defmethod toc-char-width ((object main-frame))
(gui:cget (gui:listbox (toc-listbox (toc-frame object)))
(defmethod gemtext-widget-pixel-width ((object main-frame))
(gui:window-width (gui:inner-text (gemtext-widget object))))
(defmethod toc-clear ((object main-frame))
(gui:listbox-delete (toc-listbox (toc-frame object))))
@ -628,7 +628,7 @@ to the array"
(defun fresh-vector-insert@ (a v pos)
(vcat (subseq a 0 pos)
(vector v)
(subseq a (1+ pos))))
(subseq a pos)))
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(defun make-array-frame (size &optional (el nil) (type t) (simplep nil))
Reference in New Issue
Block a user