diff --git a/etc/shared-gui.conf b/etc/shared-gui.conf
index 59587dd..0eca347 100644
--- a/etc/shared-gui.conf
+++ b/etc/shared-gui.conf
@@ -2,232 +2,240 @@
 # customize it according  to your taste , and do  not forget to share!
 # :)
+# scaling icons: 1 (or 0) means  no scaling. A negative integer number
+# will shrink the icons and a positive number will expand the size.
+# E.g: a value of 2 will render  the size twice larger. -2 will shrink
+# the icons in half
+icons.scaling                        = -2
 # gemini browser
-gemini.favicon                      = "🌍"
+gemini.favicon                       = "🌍"
-gemini.main-window.select.background  = #f2d8f4
+gemini.main-window.select.background = #f2d8f4
-gemini.main-window.select.foreground  = #5b4636
+gemini.main-window.select.foreground = #5b4636
-gemini.main-window.foreground       = #5b4636
+gemini.main-window.foreground        = #5b4636
-gemini.main-window.background       = #f4ecd8
+gemini.main-window.background        = #f4ecd8
 # the font name
-gemini.main-window.text.font        = "Sans"
+gemini.main-window.text.font         = "Sans"
-# positive number units in point, negatine units in pixel
+# positive number units in point, negative units in pixel
-gemini.main-window.text.size        = 11
+gemini.main-window.text.size         = 11
 # normal or bold
-gemini.main-window.text.weight      = normal
+gemini.main-window.text.weight       = normal
 # roman or italic
-gemini.main-window.text.slant       = roman
+gemini.main-window.text.slant        = roman
 # boolean value
-gemini.main-window.text.underline   = no
+gemini.main-window.text.underline    = no
 # horizontal padding:  unit of measure is  the width of the  '0' char,
 # using the font specified in 'gemini.main-window.text.font', above.
-gemini.main-window.text.padding     = 5
+gemini.main-window.text.padding      = 5
 # links
-gemini.link.foreground              = #5b4636
+gemini.link.foreground               = #5b4636
-gemini.link.background              = #f4ecd8
+gemini.link.background               = #f4ecd8
-gemini.link.font                    = "Sans"
+gemini.link.font                     = "Sans"
-gemini.link.size                    = 12
+gemini.link.size                     = 12
-gemini.link.weight                  = bold
+gemini.link.weight                   = bold
-gemini.link.slant                   = roman
+gemini.link.slant                    = roman
-gemini.link.underline               = yes
+gemini.link.underline                = yes
-gemini.link.scheme.gemini.prefix    = "→♊ "
+gemini.link.scheme.gemini.prefix     = "→♊ "
-gemini.link.scheme.other.prefix     = "→ "
+gemini.link.scheme.other.prefix      = "→ "
-gemini.link.scheme.http.prefix      = "→🕸 "
+gemini.link.scheme.http.prefix       = "→🕸 "
 # quotation
-gemini.quote.prefix                 = "🞂 "
+gemini.quote.prefix                  = "🞂 "
-gemini.quote.foreground             = #5b4636
+gemini.quote.foreground              = #5b4636
-gemini.quote.background             = #f4ecd8
+gemini.quote.background              = #f4ecd8
-gemini.quote.font                   = Serif
+gemini.quote.font                    = Serif
-gemini.quote.size                   = 12
+gemini.quote.size                    = 12
-gemini.quote.weight                 = normal
+gemini.quote.weight                  = normal
-gemini.quote.slant                  = italic
+gemini.quote.slant                   = italic
-gemini.quote.underline              = no
+gemini.quote.underline               = no
-gemini.quote.justification          = left
+gemini.quote.justification           = left
 # unordered list
-gemini.bullet.prefix                = "• "
+gemini.bullet.prefix                 = "• "
 # header level 1
-gemini.h1.prefix                    = ""
+gemini.h1.prefix                     = ""
-gemini.h1.foreground                = #5b4636
+gemini.h1.foreground                 = #5b4636
-gemini.h1.background                = #f4ecd8
+gemini.h1.background                 = #f4ecd8
-gemini.h1.font                      = "Sans"
+gemini.h1.font                       = "Sans"
-gemini.h1.size                      = 20
+gemini.h1.size                       = 20
-gemini.h1.weight                    = bold
+gemini.h1.weight                     = bold
-gemini.h1.slant                     = roman
+gemini.h1.slant                      = roman
-gemini.h1.underline                 = no
+gemini.h1.underline                  = no
-gemini.h1.justification             = center
+gemini.h1.justification              = center
 # header level 2
-gemini.h2.prefix                    = ""
+gemini.h2.prefix                     = ""
-gemini.h2.foreground                = #5b4636
+gemini.h2.foreground                 = #5b4636
-gemini.h2.background                = #f4ecd8
+gemini.h2.background                 = #f4ecd8
-gemini.h2.font                      = "Sans"
+gemini.h2.font                       = "Sans"
-gemini.h2.size                      = 15
+gemini.h2.size                       = 15
-gemini.h2.weight                    = bold
+gemini.h2.weight                     = bold
-gemini.h2.slant                     = roman
+gemini.h2.slant                      = roman
-gemini.h2.underline                 = no
+gemini.h2.underline                  = no
-gemini.h2.justification             = left
+gemini.h2.justification              = left
 # header level 3
-gemini.h3.prefix                    = ""
+gemini.h3.prefix                     = ""
-gemini.h3.foreground                = #5b4636
+gemini.h3.foreground                 = #5b4636
-gemini.h3.background                = #f4ecd8
+gemini.h3.background                 = #f4ecd8
-gemini.h3.font                      = Sans
+gemini.h3.font                       = Sans
-gemini.h3.size                      = 14
+gemini.h3.size                       = 14
-gemini.h3.weight                    = normal
+gemini.h3.weight                     = normal
-gemini.h3.slant                     = roman
+gemini.h3.slant                      = roman
-gemini.h3.underline                 = no
+gemini.h3.underline                  = no
-gemini.h3.justification             = left
+gemini.h3.justification              = left
 # preformatted text
-gemini.preformatted-text.foreground = #5b4636
+gemini.preformatted-text.foreground  = #5b4636
-gemini.preformatted-text.background = #f4ecd8
+gemini.preformatted-text.background  = #f4ecd8
-gemini.preformatted-text.font       = Monospace
+gemini.preformatted-text.font        = Monospace
-gemini.preformatted-text.size       = 12
+gemini.preformatted-text.size        = 12
-gemini.preformatted-text.weight     = bold
+gemini.preformatted-text.weight      = bold
-gemini.preformatted-text.slant      = roman
+gemini.preformatted-text.slant       = roman
-gemini.preformatted-text.underline  = no
+gemini.preformatted-text.underline   = no
-gemini.preformatted.justification   = left
+gemini.preformatted.justification    = left
 # Table of contents (TOC)
 # width in chars
-toc.show                            = yes
+toc.show                             = yes
-toc.maximum.width                   = 40
+toc.maximum.width                    = 40
-toc.minimum.width                   = 20
+toc.minimum.width                    = 20
-toc.font                            = Monospace
+toc.font                             = Monospace
-toc.size                            = 12
+toc.size                             = 12
-toc.weight                          = normal
+toc.weight                           = normal
-toc.slant                           = roman
+toc.slant                            = roman
-toc.underline                       = no
+toc.underline                        = no
-toc.autoresize                      = yes
+toc.autoresize                       = yes
 # stream frame
-stream-frame.show                   = yes
+stream-frame.show                    = yes
 # Keybinding
 # see: https://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl8.7/TkCmd/bind.html#M7
-keybinding.quit                     = "Control-q"
+keybinding.quit                      = "Control-q"
-keybinding.search                   = "Alt-f"
+keybinding.search                    = "Alt-f"
-keybinding.stream                   = "Alt-s"
+keybinding.stream                    = "Alt-s"
-keybinding.certificates             = "Alt-c"
+keybinding.certificates              = "Alt-c"
-keybinding.tour.manage              = "Alt-t"
+keybinding.tour.manage               = "Alt-t"
-keybinding.tour.next                = "Control-t"
+keybinding.tour.next                 = "Control-t"
-keybinding.tour.shuffle             = "Alt-S"
+keybinding.tour.shuffle              = "Alt-S"
-keybinding.gemlog                   = "Alt-g"
+keybinding.gemlog                    = "Alt-g"
-keybinding.about                    = "Alt-a"
+keybinding.about                     = "Alt-a"
-keybinding.type-address             = "Alt-d"
+keybinding.type-address              = "Alt-d"
-keybinding.back                     = "Control-BackSpace"
+keybinding.back                      = "Control-BackSpace"
-keybinding.up                       = "U"
+keybinding.up                        = "U"
-keybinding.bookmark.toggle          = "Control-d"
+keybinding.bookmark.toggle           = "Control-d"
-keybinding.bookmark.show            = "Alt-b"
+keybinding.bookmark.show             = "Alt-b"
-keybinding.gemtext.scaling.increase = "Control-plus"
+keybinding.gemtext.scaling.increase  = "Control-plus"
-keybinding.gemtext.scaling.decrease = "Control-minus"
+keybinding.gemtext.scaling.decrease  = "Control-minus"
-keybinding.gemtext.scaling.reset    = "Control-0"
+keybinding.gemtext.scaling.reset     = "Control-0"
-keybinding.gemtext.refresh          = "Control-r"
+keybinding.gemtext.refresh           = "Control-r"
 # emphasize text
diff --git a/src/gui/client/client-configuration.lisp b/src/gui/client/client-configuration.lisp
index 4b687d7..59edb61 100644
--- a/src/gui/client/client-configuration.lisp
+++ b/src/gui/client/client-configuration.lisp
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 (a:define-constant +client-sys-conf-filename+ "shared-gui.conf" :test #'string=)
 (swconf::gen-key-constants text
+                           icons
@@ -82,6 +83,16 @@
 ;;;; end of parser
+(swconf:gen-simple-access (icons-scaling
+                           :transform-value-fn (lambda (a)
+                                                 (let ((value (parse-integer a)))
+                                                   (if (zerop value)
+                                                       1
+                                                       value)))
+                           :configuration-tree *client-configuration*)
+                          +key-icons+
+                          +key-scaling+)
 (defun gemini-default-favicon ()
   (swconf:access-non-null-conf-value *client-configuration*
diff --git a/src/gui/client/icons.lisp b/src/gui/client/icons.lisp
index ff7f24c..376c34e 100644
--- a/src/gui/client/icons.lisp
+++ b/src/gui/client/icons.lisp
@@ -97,7 +97,8 @@
                   (res:get-data-file (fs:cat-parent-dir +icon-dir+ filename)))))
     (with-open-file (stream path :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
       (let ((data (gui-utils:read-into-array stream (file-length stream))))
-        (gui:make-image data)))))
+        (gui:image-scale (gui:make-image data)
+                         (client-configuration:config-icons-scaling))))))
 (defun load-icons ()
   (setf *search*             (load-icon +search+))
diff --git a/src/package.lisp b/src/package.lisp
index ecefd0b..4dfe01f 100644
--- a/src/package.lisp
+++ b/src/package.lisp
@@ -3268,6 +3268,7 @@
+   :config-icons-scaling