Fork 0

- added command "status-tree->text".

This commit is contained in:
cage 2022-09-10 13:21:20 +02:00
parent 718690b323
commit 76a9a3aaff
5 changed files with 74 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -264,6 +264,8 @@
(define-key "I" #'print-post-id *thread-keymap*)
(define-key "s d" #'status-tree->text *thread-keymap*)
(define-key "up" #'thread-go-up *thread-keymap*)
(define-key "down" #'thread-go-down *thread-keymap*)

View File

@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
(defun node->link (node)
(html-utils:attribute-value (html-utils:find-attribute :href node)))
(defun html->text (html &key (add-link-footnotes t))
(defun html->text (html &key (add-link-footnotes t) (body-footnotes-separator ""))
"Transform html to text, note that if `add-link-footnotes` is non nil footnotes that marks html link in the text are added aftere the body of the message
This function uses a library that transform html5 text into s-expressions um the form
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ Some convenience functions are provided to works with these structures.
(descend-children node))))))
(descend root)
(if add-link-footnotes
(strcat body footnotes)
(strcat body body-footnotes-separator footnotes)
(defun extract-shotcodes (file)

View File

@ -514,7 +514,6 @@
(child-char (string #\├))
(spacer-child (string #\─))
(arrow-char (format nil "~c " +tree-arrow-char+))
(print-data nil)
(print-data-fn #'to-s))
(let ((res ())

View File

@ -2769,6 +2769,7 @@

View File

@ -939,6 +939,74 @@ Expand the post until all the reply and parents are downloaded.
If some posts was deleted before, download them again."
(expand-status-tree t))
(defun status-tree->text ()
(let* ((thread "")
(message-max-width (truncate (/ (win-width-no-border *message-window*) 3)))
(padding-step (truncate (/ message-max-width 4))))
(labels ((print-node-data (node padding)
(let* ((row (mtree:data node))
(content (html-utils:html->text (db:row-message-content row)
(format nil (_ "───── links ───── ~%"))))
(author (format nil "~a (~a)"
(db:row-message-username row)
(db:row-message-user-display-name row)))
(creation-time (db:row-message-creation-time row))
(encoded-date (format-time (db-utils:encode-datetime-string creation-time)
(swconf:date-fmt swconf:+key-message-window+)))
(visibility (message-rendering-utils::visibility->mark
(db:row-message-visibility row)))
(from-label (_ "From: "))
(visibility-label (_ "Visibility: "))
(date-label (_ "Date: "))
(lines (flatten (mapcar (lambda (a)
(flush-left-mono-text (split-words a)
(split-lines content))))
(padding-spaces (make-string padding :initial-element #\space))
(text-lines (mapcar (lambda (a) (strcat padding-spaces
(format nil "~%")))
(text (format nil
padding-spaces from-label author
padding-spaces date-label encoded-date
padding-spaces visibility-label visibility
(join-with-strings text-lines ""))))
(print-tree (tree &optional (padding 0))
(let ((children-padding (+ padding padding-step)))
(setf thread (strcat thread (print-node-data tree padding)))
for node across (children tree) do
(print-tree node children-padding))))
(save-file (file)
(when-let* ((selected-message (line-oriented-window:selected-row-fields *thread-window*))
(timeline (thread-window:timeline-type *thread-window*))
(folder (thread-window:timeline-folder *thread-window*))
(status-id (actual-author-message-id selected-message)))
(with-enqueued-process ()
(db-utils:with-ready-database (:connect t)
(let* ((tree (db:message-id->tree timeline folder status-id)))
(print-tree tree)
(when (string-not-empty-p file)
(if (fs:file-exists-p file)
(error-message (format nil
(_ "I refuse to overwrite an existing file ~s.")
(with-open-file (stream file
:direction :output
:if-exists :supersede
:if-does-not-exist :error)
(write-sequence thread stream))))
(message-window:prepare-for-rendering *message-window* thread)
(windows:draw *message-window*)
(ask-string-input #'save-file
:prompt (_ "Save thread to file: ")
:complete-fn #'complete:directory-complete))))
(defun refresh-tags ()
"Update messages for subscribed tags"
(let* ((all-tags (db:all-subscribed-tags-name))