2020-09-06 11:32:08 +02:00
;; tinmop: an humble gemini and pleroma client
2020-05-08 15:45:43 +02:00
;; Copyright (C) 2020 cage
;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
(in-package mtree-utils)
;; tree := nil | node
;; node := (list atom node*)
;; example: '(1 (2) (3 (4) (5)))
(defgeneric leafp (object))
(defmethod leafp ((object cons))
(null (cdr object)))
(defun random-choose-leaf (tree)
(if (leafp tree)
(car tree)
(let ((children (cdr tree)))
(random-choose-leaf (misc:random-elt children)))))
(defun traverse-apply-tree (function tree &optional (args nil))
(if (and (consp tree)
(not (null tree)))
(reverse (loop for i in (cdr tree) collect (traverse-apply-tree function i args)))
(list (apply function (append (list (car tree)) args)))))
(defun traverse-napply-tree (function tree &optional (args nil))
(when (and (consp tree)
(not (null tree)))
(loop for i in (cdr tree) collect (traverse-napply-tree function i args))
(rplaca tree (apply function (append (list (car tree)) args)))))
(defun traverse-find-if-tree (tree item &key (test #'equal) (key #'identity))
(traverse-apply-tree #'(lambda (x) (if (funcall test item (funcall key x))
(return-from traverse-find-if-tree x)
(defun traverse-find-all-if-tree (tree item &key (test #'equal) (key #'identity))
(let ((res '()))
(traverse-apply-tree #'(lambda (x) (if (funcall test item (funcall key x))
(push x res)))
(defun traverse-apply-tree-cdr (function tree &optional (args nil))
(if (and (consp tree)
(not (null tree)))
(list (apply function (append (list tree) args)))
(loop for i in (cdr tree) by #'cdr collect (traverse-apply-tree-cdr function i args)))
(defun traverse-nadd-child (tree node child &key (test #'equal) (key #'identity))
#'(lambda (x) (when (funcall test (funcall key (car x)) node)
(rplacd x (append (list (list child)) (cdr x)))
(rplaca x (car x)))))
(defun nappend-child (tree child)
(rplacd tree (concatenate 'list (cdr tree) (list (list child)))))
(defun traverse-ndelete-child (tree node &key (test #'equal) (key #'identity))
#'(lambda (x) (loop
for i in (cdr x)
for ct = 0 then (1+ ct)
(if (funcall test (funcall key (car i)) node)
(rplacd x (misc-utils:safe-delete@ (cdr x) ct)))))
(defmacro %navigate (tree path)
(if path
`(nth ,(first path) (%navigate ,tree ,(rest path)))
(defmacro navigate (tree path)
`(%navigate ,tree ,(reverse path)))
(defun init-children ()
(misc:make-fresh-array 0 nil t t))
(defclass m-tree ()
:initform nil
:initarg :data
:accessor data)
:initform nil
:initarg :parent
:accessor parent)
:initform (init-children)
:initarg :children
:accessor children)))
(defmethod marshal:class-persistant-slots ((object m-tree))
'(data parent children))
(defgeneric pprint-tree (object stream &optional level parent-length other-data))
(defgeneric add-child (object child &optional child-pos))
(defgeneric child-data-pushnew (object child &key key test))
(defgeneric graft-branch (rootstock scion &key key test overwrite-rootstock-data-p))
(defgeneric add-children (object children))
(defgeneric add-children* (object &rest children))
(defgeneric find-child (object to-find &key compare))
(defgeneric find-child-if (object predicate))
(defgeneric rootp (object))
(defgeneric top-down-visit (object function &optional args))
(defgeneric bottom-up-visit (object function &optional args))
(defgeneric remove-all-children (object))
(defgeneric remove-child (object needle &key key test))
(defgeneric remove-child-if (object predicate))
(defgeneric count-leaves (object))
(defgeneric count-nodes (object))
2020-07-18 13:03:58 +02:00
(defgeneric collect-nodes-data (object))
2020-05-08 15:45:43 +02:00
(defgeneric mtree-equal (tree-1 tree-2 &key key-fn compare-fn))
(defgeneric root-node (object))
(defgeneric single-node-tree-p (object))
(defgeneric tree->text-lines (object &key
last-child-char line-char child-char arrow-char
(defgeneric tree->annotated-lines (object &key
last-child-char line-char child-char arrow-char
(defparameter *use-pprint-tree* nil)
(defmethod print-object ((object m-tree) stream)
(if *use-pprint-tree*
(pprint-tree object stream)
(format stream "[data ~a children ~a]" (data object) (children object))))
(defmethod pprint-tree ((object m-tree) stream &optional (level 0) (parent-length 0)
(other-data nil))
(declare (ignore other-data))
(labels ((indent (level &optional (char " ")) (make-list level :initial-element char)))
(with-accessors ((data data) (children children)) object
(let ((data-length (+
(do ((parent (parent object) (parent parent))
(data-length 0))
((not parent) data-length)
(incf data-length (length (format nil "~a" (data parent)))))
(length (format nil "~a" data)))))
(format stream "~{~a~}~a" (indent (+ level parent-length))
(if (leafp object)
(format stream "~%")
(pprint-tree (elt children 0) stream 1)
(map nil #'(lambda (c) (pprint-tree c stream (1+ level) data-length))
(subseq children 1))))))))
(defmethod clone ((object m-tree))
(make-instance 'm-tree :data (data object) :parent (parent object)
:children (alexandria:copy-array (children object))))
(defmethod add-child ((object m-tree) (child m-tree)
&optional (child-pos (length (children object))))
(with-accessors ((children children)) object
(setf (parent child) object)
(if (and child-pos
(< child-pos (length children))
(>= child-pos 0))
(setf children
(let ((res (misc:make-fresh-array (1+ (length children))
nil (type-of child) t)))
(loop for i from 0 below child-pos do
(setf (elt res i) (elt children i)))
(setf (elt res child-pos) child)
(loop for i from (1+ child-pos) below (length res) do
(setf (elt res i) (elt children (1- i))))
(setf children
(let ((res (misc:make-fresh-array (1+ (length children))
nil (type-of child) t)))
(loop for i from 0 below (1- (length res)) do
(setf (elt res i) (elt children i)))
(setf (elt res (1- (length res))) child)
(values object child)))
(defmethod child-data-pushnew ((object m-tree) (child m-tree)
&key (key #'identity) (test #'eq))
"Push a child if there is no siblings with the same data under
`test' or `key' functions"
(let ((old-data (map 'list (lambda (a) (funcall key (data a)))
(children object)))
(new-datum (funcall key (data child))))
(when (not (find new-datum old-data :test test))
(add-child object child))
(defmacro do-children ((child node) &body body)
`(loop for ,child across (children ,node) do
(defmacro do-children-from-end ((child node) &body body)
`(loop for ,child across (reverse (children ,node)) do
(defmethod graft-branch ((rootstock m-tree) (scion m-tree)
(key #'identity) (test #'eq)
(overwrite-rootstock-data-p t))
"Graft a tree with a single branch (scion) to a tree (rootstock).
They have to share a common prefix of a list one node
(i.e '(funcall test (key (data rootstock)) (key (data scion)))' is
If `overwrite-rootstock-data-p' is non-nil any the node of the scion that is equals
under `test' to the any of the rootstock overwrite it.
Assume this function modify rootstock.
Examples given:
a a a
/ \ + | -> / \
b c c b c
\ | / \
d e e d
a a a------+
/ \ + | -> / \ |
b c d b c d
\ | \ |
d e d e
a a a
/ \ + | -> / \
b c c b c
| /
e e
a b a
/ \ + | -> / \
b c c b c
\ | \
d e d
(labels ((extract-data (a)
(funcall key (data a)))
(test-data (a b)
(funcall test
(extract-data a)
(extract-data b)))
(twins-sibling (children-rootstock children-scion)
(loop for child-rootstock across children-rootstock do
(loop for child-scion across children-scion do
(when (test-data child-rootstock child-scion)
(return-from twins-sibling
(values child-rootstock child-scion)))))
(with-accessors ((parent-rootstock parent)
(children-rootstock children)) rootstock
(if (test-data rootstock scion)
(when overwrite-rootstock-data-p
(setf (data rootstock)
(data scion)))
((misc:vector-empty-p children-rootstock)
(add-children rootstock (children scion)))
(multiple-value-bind (twin-rootstock twin-scion)
(twins-sibling children-rootstock
(children scion))
(if twin-rootstock
(graft-branch twin-rootstock twin-scion :test test :key key)
(add-children rootstock (children scion)))))))
(when (not (rootp rootstock))
(add-child parent-rootstock scion)))
(defmethod add-children ((object m-tree) (children list))
(loop for i in children do
(add-child object i))
(defmethod add-children ((object m-tree) (children vector))
(loop for i across children do
(add-child object i))
(defmethod add-children* ((object m-tree) &rest children)
(add-children object children))
(defmethod find-child ((object m-tree) to-find &key (compare #'equalp))
(with-accessors ((data data) (children children)) object
(if (funcall compare data to-find)
(if (leafp object)
(find-if-not #'null
(map 'vector #'(lambda (c)
(find-child c to-find :compare compare))
(defmethod find-child-if ((object m-tree) predicate)
(let ((res '()))
(labels ((%find-child-if (object predicate)
(when (funcall predicate object)
(push object res))
(do-children (child object)
(%find-child-if child predicate))))
(%find-child-if object predicate)
(defmethod leafp ((object m-tree))
(= (length (children object)) 0))
(defmethod rootp ((object m-tree))
(null (parent object)))
(defmethod top-down-visit ((node m-tree) function &optional (args nil))
(apply function (concatenate 'list (list node) args))
(loop for c across (children node) do
(top-down-visit c function args)))
(defmethod bottom-up-visit ((node m-tree) function &optional (args nil))
(loop for c across (children node) do
(bottom-up-visit c function args))
(apply function (concatenate 'list (list node) args)))
(defmethod remove-all-children ((object m-tree))
(setf (children object) (init-children)))
(defmethod remove-child ((object m-tree) (needle m-tree) &key
(key #'identity)
(test #'eq))
(with-accessors ((children children)) object
(if (leafp object)
(loop for i fixnum from 0 below (length children) do
(if (funcall test (funcall key needle) (funcall key (elt children i)))
(setf children
(concatenate `(vector ,(array-element-type children)
,(1- (length children)))
(subseq children 0 i)
(subseq children (1+ i))))
(return-from remove-child t))
(remove-child (elt children i) needle :key key :test test))))))
(defmethod remove-child ((object m-tree) needle &key
(key #'identity)
(test #'eq))
(with-accessors ((children children)) object
(if (leafp object)
(loop for i fixnum from 0 below (length children) do
(if (funcall test (funcall key needle) (funcall key (elt children i)))
(setf children
(concatenate `(vector ,(array-element-type children)
,(1- (length children)))
(subseq children 0 i)
(subseq children (1+ i))))
(return-from remove-child t))
(remove-child (elt children i) needle :key key :test test))))))
(defmethod remove-child-if ((object m-tree) predicate)
(top-down-visit object
#'(lambda (n)
(with-accessors ((children children)) n
(setf children (delete-if predicate children))))))
(defmethod count-leaves ((object m-tree))
(let ((results 0))
(top-down-visit object #'(lambda (n)
(when (leafp n)
(incf results))))
(defmethod count-nodes ((object m-tree))
(let ((results 0))
(top-down-visit object #'(lambda (n)
(declare (ignore n))
(incf results)))
2020-07-18 13:03:58 +02:00
(defmethod collect-nodes-data ((object m-tree))
(let ((results ()))
(top-down-visit object #'(lambda (n)
(push (data n) results)))
2020-05-08 15:45:43 +02:00
(defmethod mtree-equal ((tree-1 m-tree) (tree-2 m-tree)
(key-fn #'identity)
(compare-fn #'eq))
(labels ((%mtree-equal (tree-a tree-b)
(with-accessors ((children-a children)) tree-a
(with-accessors ((children-b children)) tree-b
(let ((value-a (funcall key-fn (data tree-a)))
(value-b (funcall key-fn (data tree-b))))
(if (funcall compare-fn value-a value-b)
(if (= (length children-a)
(length children-b))
for child-a across children-a
for child-b across children-b do
(%mtree-equal child-a
(return-from mtree-equal nil))
(return-from mtree-equal nil)))))))
(%mtree-equal tree-1 tree-2)))
(defmethod root-node ((object m-tree))
(if (rootp object)
(root-node (parent object))))
(defmethod single-node-tree-p ((object m-tree))
(and (rootp object)
(leafp object)))
(defun make-node (data &optional (parent nil))
(make-instance 'm-tree :data data :parent parent))
(defclass sorted-m-tree (m-tree)
:initform #'<
:initarg :compare-fn
:accessor compare-fn
:documentation "The predicate for children comparison. Default #'<")
:initform #'identity
:initarg :key-fn
:accessor key-fn
:documentation "The function to extract the values from slot
`data' from each children. Default #'identity"))
(:documentation "A tree that keep its children sorted"))
(misc:definline sort-children (tree)
(with-accessors ((children children)
(compare-fn compare-fn)
(key-fn key-fn)) tree
(setf children (num:shellsort children compare-fn
:key (lambda (a) (funcall key-fn (data a)))))))
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((object sorted-m-tree) &key &allow-other-keys)
(sort-children object)
(defmethod add-child :after ((object sorted-m-tree) (child m-tree)
&optional (child-pos (length (children object))))
(declare (ignore child child-pos))
(sort-children object))
2022-03-20 12:48:27 +01:00
(alexandria:define-constant +tree-arrow-char+
#+ecl (code-char 128898)
2020-05-08 15:45:43 +02:00
:test #'char=)
(defmethod tree->text-lines ((object m-tree)
(last-child-char (string #\╰))
(line-char (string #\│))
(child-char (string #\├))
(spacer-child (string #\─))
(arrow-char (format nil "~c " +tree-arrow-char+))
(print-data nil)
(print-data-fn #'to-s))
(let ((res ())
(indent-step 1))
(labels ((last-child-p (tree pos)
(if (rootp tree)
(>= pos (1- (length (children (parent tree)))))))
(%print (node indent-level child-pos empty-levels)
(let ((line "")
(data (if print-data
(funcall print-data-fn (data node))
(flet ((cat-line (&rest chunks)
(setf line
(reduce #'strcat chunks :initial-value line))))
(loop for i from 1 below indent-level do
(if (find i empty-levels :test #'=)
(cat-line " ")
(cat-line line-char))
(loop repeat indent-step do
(cat-line " ")))
((rootp node)
(cat-line data))
((last-child-p node child-pos)
(push indent-level empty-levels)
(cat-line last-child-char spacer-child arrow-char data))
(cat-line child-char spacer-child arrow-char data))))
(values line empty-levels)))
(visit (tree indent-level child-pos empty-levels)
(multiple-value-bind (line new-empty-levels)
(%print tree indent-level child-pos empty-levels)
(push line res)
for node across (children tree)
for ct-pos from 0
(visit node (1+ indent-level) ct-pos new-empty-levels)))))
(visit object 0 0 ())
(reverse res))))
(defmethod tree->annotated-lines ((object m-tree)
(spacer-child (string #\BOX_DRAWINGS_LIGHT_HORIZONTAL))
(arrow-char "> ")
(print-data nil)
(print-data-fn #'to-s))
(let ((res ())
(indent-step 1))
(labels ((last-child-p (tree pos)
(if (rootp tree)
(>= pos (1- (length (children (parent tree)))))))
(%print (node indent-level child-pos empty-levels)
(let ((line ())
(data (if print-data
(funcall print-data-fn (data node))
(labels ((append-build-element (&rest chunks)
(setf line
(reduce #'append
(mapcar (lambda (a) (list a)) chunks)
:initial-value line)))
(cat-line (&rest chunks)
(if line
(let* ((last-element (alexandria:last-elt line))
(new-element (list (annotated-text-value last-element)))
(to-concat (strcat* (append new-element
(setf (alexandria:last-elt line) (cons :branch to-concat)))
(setf line (list (cons :a (strcat* chunks))))))
(build-element (trunk-char data node)
(append-build-element (cons :branch
(strcat trunk-char
(cons :arrow arrow-char)
(if (leafp node)
(cons :data-leaf data)
(cons :data data)))))
(loop for i from 1 below indent-level do
(if (find i empty-levels :test #'=)
(cat-line " ")
(append-build-element (cons :d line-char)))
(loop repeat indent-step do
2021-05-30 13:30:15 +02:00
(cat-line " ")))
2020-05-08 15:45:43 +02:00
((rootp node)
2020-06-12 18:10:01 +02:00
(append-build-element (cons :data-root data)))
2020-05-08 15:45:43 +02:00
((last-child-p node child-pos)
(push indent-level empty-levels)
(build-element last-child-char data node))
(build-element child-char data node))))
(values line empty-levels)))
(visit (tree indent-level child-pos empty-levels)
(multiple-value-bind (line new-empty-levels)
(%print tree indent-level child-pos empty-levels)
(push line res)
for node across (children tree)
for ct-pos from 0
(visit node (1+ indent-level) ct-pos new-empty-levels)))))
(visit object 0 0 ())
(reverse res))))