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2020-05-08 15:45:43 +02:00
;; tinmop: an humble mastodon client
;; Copyright (C) 2018 cage
;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
(in-package :command-window)
(defclass command-window (wrapper-window point-tracker)
:initform ()
:initarg :command-line
:accessor command-line
:documentation "A list of keys so far inserted by the user")
:initform nil
:initarg :echo-character
:accessor echo-character
:documentation "If non nil print a number of copies (equals to
length of slot 'command-line' of this string instead of the
command-line itself")
2020-05-08 15:45:43 +02:00
:initform nil
:initarg :error-message
:accessor error-message
:documentation "Error message to be printed")
:initform nil
:initarg :error-message-bg
:accessor error-message-bg
:documentation "Error message background color")
:initform nil
:initarg :error-message-fg
:accessor error-message-fg
:documentation "Error message foreground color")
:initform nil
:initarg :error-message-attributes
:accessor error-message-attributes
:documentation "Error message attributes (bold, blink etc.)")
:initform nil
:initarg :info-message
:accessor info-message
:documentation "Information message to be printed")
:initform nil
:initarg :info-message-bg
:accessor info-message-bg
:documentation "Info message background color")
:initform nil
:initarg :info-message-fg
:accessor info-message-fg
:documentation "Info message foreground color")
:initform nil
:initarg :info-message-attributes
:accessor info-message-attributes
:documentation "Info message attributes (bold, blink etc.)")
:initform " "
:initarg :commands-separator
:accessor commands-separator
:documentation "The text printed to separates each key in command")
:initform nil
:initarg :suggestions-win
:accessor suggestions-win
:documentation "The windows that print contect stuccesions to
user (e.g. autocomplete path")
:initarg :history-position
:accessor history-position
:documentation "Current positions in the history of commands")
:initform nil
:initarg :event-to-answer
:accessor event-to-answer
:documentation "This is the event that was triggered by a function
that instruct the command window to ask user for an input. This
event is inpected to get the prompt and, after the input is
complete, a slot is setted with such input, then another event
`user-input-string-event' is generated to notify (via a condition
variable) the thread that generated `event-to-answer' the fact
that the input is complete.")
:initform :keybinding
:initarg :input-mode
:accessor input-mode
:documentation "The mode of accepting input for this window. Can
be either `:keybinding' or `:string'. the former for key command the latter for free input (e.g filepath, username, etc")))
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((object command-window) &key &allow-other-keys)
(with-accessors ((command-line command-line)
(commands-separator commands-separator)
(error-message error-message)
(history-position history-position)
(prompt prompt)
(suggestions-win suggestions-win)) object
;; poor man cache...
(setf specials:*keybindings-suggestions-window* (keybindings-window:init))
(setf specials:*strings-suggestions-window* (complete-window:init))
(set-keybinding-mode object)
(defun set-history-most-recent (window prompt)
(with-accessors ((command-line command-line)
(history-position history-position)) window
(setf history-position
(1+ (db:most-recent-history-id prompt)))))
(defmethod refresh-config :after ((object command-window))
(with-accessors ((error-message-bg error-message-bg)
(error-message-fg error-message-fg)
(error-message-attributes error-message-attributes)
(info-message-bg info-message-bg)
(info-message-fg info-message-fg)
(info-message-attributes info-message-attributes)) object
(let* ((w (win-width *main-window*))
(h +command-window-height+)
(x 0)
(y (1- (win-height *main-window*))))
(refresh-config-colors object swconf:+key-command-window+)
(multiple-value-bind (bg fg value)
(multiple-value-bind (error-bg error-fg error-attributes)
(multiple-value-bind (info-bg info-fg info-attributes)
(setf error-message-bg error-bg)
(setf error-message-fg error-fg)
(setf error-message-attributes error-attributes)
(setf info-message-bg info-bg)
(setf info-message-fg info-fg)
(setf info-message-attributes info-attributes)
(setf (point-fg object) (win-bgcolor object))
(setf (point-bg object) (win-fgcolor object))
(setf (commands-separator object)
(make-tui-string value
:fgcolor fg
:bgcolor bg))
(win-resize object w h)
(win-move object x y)
(defmethod calculate ((object command-window) dt)
(with-accessors ((suggestions-win suggestions-win)) object
(when suggestions-win
(calculate suggestions-win dt))))
(defun draw-string-mode (win)
"Draw window `win' accepting strings"
2020-05-08 15:45:43 +02:00
(with-accessors ((command-line command-line)
(point-position point-position)
(point-bg point-bg)
(point-fg point-fg)
(prompt prompt)
(echo-character echo-character)) win
(flet ((print-echo-character ()
(let ((echoed (with-output-to-string (stream)
(loop repeat (length command-line) do
(princ echo-character stream)))))
(print-text win echoed (length prompt) 0))))
(let* ((length-cmd-line (length command-line))
(no-prompt-point-pos (no-prompt-point-pos win))
(cursor-value (if (and (> length-cmd-line 0)
(< no-prompt-point-pos
(elt command-line no-prompt-point-pos)
(print-text win prompt 0 0)
(when command-line
(if echo-character
(print-text win command-line (length prompt) 0)))
(print-text win
:fgcolor point-fg
:bgcolor point-bg)))))
2020-05-08 15:45:43 +02:00
(defmethod draw ((object command-window))
(with-accessors ((command-line command-line)
(commands-separator commands-separator)
(error-message-bg error-message-bg)
(error-message-fg error-message-fg)
(error-message-attributes error-message-attributes)
(error-message error-message)
(info-message-bg info-message-bg)
(info-message-fg info-message-fg)
(info-message info-message)
(info-message-attributes info-message-attributes)
(suggestions-win suggestions-win)) object
(when suggestions-win
(draw suggestions-win))
(win-clear object :redraw nil)
(print-text object error-message 0 0
:bgcolor error-message-bg
:fgcolor error-message-fg
:attributes error-message-attributes))
(print-text object info-message 0 0
:bgcolor info-message-bg
:fgcolor info-message-fg
:attributes info-message-attributes))
(if (keybindings-mode-p object)
(when command-line
(let ((advance 0))
(loop for (command . rest) on command-line while rest do
(print-text object command advance 0)
(incf advance (length command))
(print-text object commands-separator advance 0)
(incf advance (text-length commands-separator)))
2020-05-08 15:45:43 +02:00
(print-text object (last-elt command-line) advance 0)))
(draw-string-mode object))))
2020-05-08 15:45:43 +02:00
(win-refresh object)))
(defgeneric enqueue-command (object command decode-key))
(defgeneric complete-at-point (object))
(defgeneric show-candidate-completion (object))
(defgeneric add-error-message (object message))
(defgeneric add-info-message (object message))
(defgeneric remove-messages (object))
2020-05-08 15:45:43 +02:00
(defun manage-command-event (command-window event)
"Intercept UI events in keybindg mode"
(with-accessors ((command-line command-line)
(suggestions-win suggestions-win)) command-window
;; some envents should by intercepted by command window
((eq :control-left event) ; suggestion win pagination
(move-suggestion-page-left command-window))
((eq :control-right event) ; suggestion win pagination
(move-suggestion-page-right command-window))
((eq :backspace event) ; delete last command or char
(setf command-line (safe-all-but-last-elt command-line))
(when-let ((last-command (safe-last-elt command-line)))
(setf command-line (safe-all-but-last-elt command-line))
(enqueue-command command-window last-command nil)))
(enqueue-command command-window event t)))))
(defun update-suggestions (window key-decoded)
"Update suggestion window"
(with-accessors ((command-line command-line)
(suggestions-win suggestions-win)) window
;; if command-line is not null we are in the middle of a command
;; so no need to update the slot of suggestion-win with a new tree
(if command-line
(suggestions-window:update-suggestions suggestions-win
:tree nil)
(let* ((focused-keybindings (main-window:focused-keybindings specials:*main-window*))
(found-subtree (and focused-keybindings
(suggestions-window:update-suggestions suggestions-win
(or found-subtree
(suggestions-window:update-suggestions suggestions-win
:tree *global-keymap*))))))
(defmethod enqueue-command ((object command-window) command decode-key-p)
"Enqueue and process, if possibl,e `command` object, if decode-key
is not null decode key to something more human readable."
(with-accessors ((command-line command-line)
(info-message info-message)
(error-message error-message)
(suggestions-win suggestions-win)) object
(when (null suggestions-win)
(setf suggestions-win (keybindings-window:init)))
(win-show suggestions-win)
(let* ((key-decoded (if decode-key-p
(decode-key-event command)
(found-subtree (update-suggestions object key-decoded)))
(remove-messages object)
2020-05-08 15:45:43 +02:00
((null found-subtree)
(let ((missing-command (format nil "~s" (lcat command-line
(list key-decoded)))))
(error 'conditions:command-not-found
:command missing-command)
(print-error (e)
(declare (ignore e))
(win-hide suggestions-win)
(setf suggestions-win nil)
(setf command-line nil)
(setf error-message
(format nil
(_ "Error: command ~a not found")
((functionp found-subtree)
(win-hide suggestions-win)
(setf suggestions-win nil)
(setf command-line nil)
(funcall found-subtree))
(setf command-line (reverse command-line))
(push key-decoded command-line)
(setf command-line (reverse command-line))))))
(defmethod complete-at-point ((object command-window))
"Complete input at point (string mode only)"
(with-accessors ((command-line command-line)
(suggestions-win suggestions-win)) object
(when (null suggestions-win)
(setf suggestions-win (complete-window:init)))
(win-show suggestions-win)
(multiple-value-bind (candidates common-prefix)
(suggestions-window:update-suggestions suggestions-win
(if candidates
(when (length= candidates 1)
(win-hide suggestions-win))
(if common-prefix
(setf command-line common-prefix)
(setf command-line (complete:shortest-candidate candidates)))
(move-point-to-end object command-line))
(win-hide suggestions-win))))
(defmethod show-candidate-completion ((object command-window))
(with-accessors ((command-line command-line)
(suggestions-win suggestions-win)) object
(when (null suggestions-win)
(setf suggestions-win (complete-window:init)))
(let ((candidates (suggestions-window:update-suggestions suggestions-win
(if candidates
(win-show suggestions-win)
(win-hide suggestions-win)))))
(defmethod add-error-message ((object command-window) message)
(setf (error-message object) message)
(draw object))
(defmethod add-info-message ((object command-window) message)
(setf (info-message object) message)
(draw object))
(defmethod remove-messages ((object command-window))
"Remove info and error messages that this window holds"
(setf (info-message object) nil)
(setf (error-message object) nil))
2020-05-08 15:45:43 +02:00
(defun move-suggestion-page (win offset)
"Paginate win (suggestion window) by offset, will not go past the numer of pages."
(with-accessors ((suggestions-win suggestions-win)) win
(when suggestions-win
(with-accessors ((current-page suggestions-window:current-page)
(paginated-info suggestions-window:paginated-info)) suggestions-win
(setf current-page (clamp (+ offset current-page)
(1- (length paginated-info))))))))
(defun move-suggestion-page-left (win)
(move-suggestion-page win -1))
(defun move-suggestion-page-right (win)
(move-suggestion-page win 1))
(defun fire-user-input-event (win)
"Generates an event to notify that the user inserted an input on the
command line."
(with-accessors ((event-to-answer event-to-answer)
(command-line command-line)) win
(assert event-to-answer)
(assert (typep event-to-answer
(let ((input-done-event (make-instance 'program-events:user-input-string-event
(program-events:payload event-to-answer)
(program-events:lock event-to-answer)
(program-events:condition-variable event-to-answer))))
(setf (box:dunbox (program-events:payload input-done-event))
(program-events:push-event input-done-event))))
(defun manage-string-event (command-window event)
"Manage UI events when `command-window` is in string mode"
(with-accessors ((command-line command-line)
(error-message error-message)
(info-message info-message)
2020-05-08 15:45:43 +02:00
(prompt prompt)
(history-position history-position)
(suggestions-win suggestions-win)) command-window
(flet ((set-history (new-id new-input)
(when (and new-id
(setf history-position new-id)
(setf command-line new-input)))
(insert-in-history (prompt command-line)
(db:insert-in-history prompt command-line)
(set-history-most-recent command-window prompt)))
(remove-messages command-window)
2020-05-08 15:45:43 +02:00
((eq :control-left event)
(move-suggestion-page-left command-window))
((eq :control-right event)
(move-suggestion-page-right command-window))
((eq :backspace event)
(setf command-line (delete-at-point command-window command-line :direction :left))
(show-candidate-completion command-window))
((eq :dc event)
(setf command-line (delete-at-point command-window command-line :direction :right))
(show-candidate-completion command-window))
((eq :left event)
(move-point-left command-window))
((eq :right event)
(move-point-right command-window (length command-line)))
((eq :end event)
(move-point-to-end command-window command-line))
((eq :home event)
(move-point-to-start command-window))
((eq :up event)
(multiple-value-bind (new-id new-input)
(db:previous-in-history history-position prompt)
(set-history new-id new-input)))
((eq :down event)
(multiple-value-bind (new-id new-input)
(db:next-in-history history-position prompt)
(set-history new-id new-input)))
((characterp event)
((char= #\Newline event)
(insert-in-history prompt command-line)
(fire-user-input-event command-window)
(setf command-line nil)
(move-point-to-start command-window)
(set-keybinding-mode command-window))
((char= #\Tab event)
(complete-at-point command-window))
(when (null suggestions-win)
(setf suggestions-win (complete-window:init)))
(win-show suggestions-win)
(setf command-line
(insert-at-point command-window event command-line))
(show-candidate-completion command-window)))))))
(defun set-input-mode (win mode suggestions-cached-win)
"Set win (command window) mode: keybindings or string mode"
(assert (member mode '(:keybinding :string)))
(with-accessors ((suggestions-win suggestions-win)
(input-mode input-mode)) win
(setf input-mode mode)
(when suggestions-win
(win-hide suggestions-win))
(setf suggestions-win suggestions-cached-win)))
(defmacro gen-set-mode-function (fn-name mode suggestions-cached-win)
`(defun ,(format-fn-symbol t "set-~a-mode" fn-name) (win)
(set-input-mode win ,mode ,suggestions-cached-win)))
(gen-set-mode-function keybinding :keybinding specials:*keybindings-suggestions-window*)
(gen-set-mode-function string :string specials:*strings-suggestions-window*)
(defun keybindings-mode-p (win)
"Non nil if win is in keybings mode"
(eq (input-mode win)
(defun manage-event (event)
"Manage UI event, these are not program events but events fired by
the curses library (croatoan)"
(if (keybindings-mode-p *command-window*)
(manage-command-event *command-window* event)
(manage-string-event *command-window* event))
(draw *command-window*))
(defun init ()
"Initialize the window"
(with-croatoan-window (croatoan-main-window *main-window*)
(let* ((low-level-window (make-croatoan-window :enable-function-keys t)))
(setf *command-window*
(make-instance 'command-window
:croatoan-window low-level-window))
(refresh-config *command-window*)