.TH SCADO 1 "June 23, 2016" "VirtualSquare Labs" .SH NAME scado \- Script Capability Ambient DO .SH SYNOPSIS .B scado .B -D | .B -e | .B -l .br .B scado .B -u .I command | .B -U .br .B scado .B -h .SH DESCRIPTION \fBcado(1)\fR permits to delegate capabilities to users. Users can grant a subset of these ambient capabilities to trusted programs. Each user can define their own list of trusted programs and which capabilities to grant, using a scado file. \fBcado -S\fR or \fBcado --scado\fR run those trusted programs without any further authentication. In this way it is also possible to run programs requiring specific capabilities within a bash script. \fBScado\fR is the command a user can run to create, edit, check or delete their own scado file. Each line of a scado file file has the following syntax: .br .RS 4 .I path_of_the_executable_file : capability_list .RE .br or .br .RS 4 .I path_of_the_executable_file : capability_list : sha256_digest_of_the_executable .RE .br (See the EXAMPLES section at the end of the man page for more info. All the trailing part of a line following a # sign is a comment.). The \fIpath_of_the_executable_file\fR must be absolute. The \fIcapability_list\fR is a comma separated list of capability names or capability masks. For brevity, the \fBcap_\fR prefix of capabilities names can be omitted (e.g. \fBnet_admin\fR and \fBcap_net_admin\fR have the same meaning). The \fIsha256_digest_of_the_executable\fR prevents \fITOCTTOU\fR attacks. When a user wants to run the file at \fIpath_of_the_executable_file\fR granting it some of the capabilities in the \fIcapability_list\fR, the permission is denied if its sha256 digest does not match \fIsha256_digest_of_the_executable\R. If there are only two colon (\fB:\fR) separated fields in a line, it means that the user trusts a priori the integrity of the file whose pathname is \fIpath_of_the_executable_file\fR. It can be, for example, a program in /bin or /usr/bin not modifiable by users. If there are three fields (i.e. two colon characters), it means that the user wants the cryptographic digest check on the executable file integrity. When a user edits their scado file, if the field (\fIsha256_digest_of_the_executable\fR) is empty, \fBscado\fR computes it automatically when the scado file is saved. \fBScado\fR asks for user authentication by PAM to confirm any modification of the scado file. There is also a \fITOCTTOU\fR protection at running time: \fDcado -S\fR copies the executable file in a safe place, where the user cannot change it, and runs it only if the integrity check on it succeeds. The user (or a malicious intruder acting as the user) cannot modify the file after the integrity check has completed and before the program is loaded. .SH OPTIONS .I scado accepts the following options: .TP \fB\-l .TQ \fB\-\-list Display the current scado file. The actual file in the file system is not accessible by unprivileged users, for security reasons. .TP \fB\-e .TQ \fB\-\-edit Edit the scado file of the current user using the editor specified by either the \fBVISUAL\fR or the \fBEDITOR\fR environment variable (checked in that order). After you exit from the editor, the modified file will be installed automatically. .TP \fB\-D .TQ \fB\-\-delete Delete the current user's scado file. .TP \fB\-u\fR \fIcommand\fR .TQ \fB\-\-update\fR \fIcommand\fR Recompute the hash of the line which starts with \fIcommand\fR. .TP \fB\-U .TQ \fB\-\-update-all Update all the digest entries. .TP \fB\-h .TQ \fB\-\-help print a short usage banner and exit. .SH EXCEPTIONS FILES EXAMPLES .PP Allow \fBcado -S\fR to run /bin/ping providing it with the cap_net_raw capability, without any integrity check: .RS 4 /bin/ping : cap_net_raw .RE .PP Allow the activation of ping with cap_net_raw provided it has a specific SHA256 digest .RS 4 /bin/ping : cap_net_raw : dcb237f1cb20ee7b1550900d1b524c554063fd17fc673c56d341736ced6bed4b .RE .PP Compute the SHA256 digest of (the current version of) ping so, allow the activation of ping with cap_net_raw provided it has not been modified. .RS 4 /bin/ping : cap_net_raw : .RE .PP If one of the example lines here above has been inserted in the user scado file using \fBscado -e\fR, it is possible to execute ping as follows: .RS 4 cado -S cap_net_raw /bin/ping .RE .SH SEE ALSO \fBcado\fR(1), \fBcapabilities\fR(7)