.TH CADO.CONF 5 "June 23, 2016" "VirtualSquare Labs" .SH NAME cado.conf \- Capability Ambient DO: configuration file .SH DESCRIPTION The \fB/etc/cado.conf\fR file is used to configure which ambient cabalities can be provided by \fBcado\fR to users. \fBcado\fR uses the capability cap_dac_read_search to access \fB/etc/cado.conf\fR, so this configuration does not need to be readable by users. All lines beginning with the sign '#' are comments. Non-comment lines have the following syntax .nf \fIlist_of_capabilities\fB:\fI list_of_users_and_groups\fR .fi Both \fIlist_of_capabilities\fR and \fIlist_of_users_and_groups\fR are comma separated lists of identifiers. Items of \fIlist_of_capabilities\fR are capability names or capability masks (exadecimal numbers). For brevity, the \fBcap_\fR prefix of capability names can be omitted (e.g. \fBnet_admin\fR and \fBcap_net_admin\fR have the same meaning). Items of \fIlist_of_users_and_groups\fR are usernames or groupnames (groupnames must be prefexed by '@'). Example of \fBcado.conf\fR file: .ni # Capability Ambient DO configuration file # cado.conf net_admin: @netadmin,renzo net_admin,net_bind_service,net_raw,net_broadcast: @vxvdex cap_kill: renzo .fi In this example the renzo's processes can be granted (by \fBcado\fR) cap_net_admin and cap_kill. cap_net_admin can be acquired by processes owned by users belonging to the netadmin group. Users in vxvdex can provide their processes with a subset of cap_net_admin, cap_net_bind_service, cap_net_raw and cap_net_broadcast .SH SEE ALSO \fBcado\fR(1), \fBcaprint\fR(1), \fBcapabilities\fR(7)