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synced 2025-03-02 10:58:11 +01:00
Controls now respect OS and Chrome themes by default for both Alloy and Chrome runtimes. Chrome themes (mode and colors) can be configured using the new CefRequestContext::SetChromeColorScheme method. Individual theme colors can be overridden using the new CefWindowDelegate:: OnThemeColorsChanged and CefWindow::SetThemeColor methods. The `--force-light-mode` and `--force-dark-mode` command-line flags are now respected on all platforms as an override for the OS theme. The current Chrome theme, if any, will take precedence over the OS theme when determining light/dark status. On Windows and MacOS the titlebar color will also be updated to match the light/dark theme. Testable as follows: - Run: `cefclient --enable-chrome-runtime` OR `cefclient --use-views --persist-user-preferences --cache-path=...` - App launches with default OS light/dark theme colors. - Change OS dark/light theme under system settings. Notice that theme colors change as expected. - Right click, select items from the new Theme sub-menu. Notice that theme colors behave as expected. - Exit and relaunch the app. Notice that the last-used theme colors are applied on app restart. - Add `--background-color=green` to above command-line. - Perform the same actions as above. Notice that all controls start and remain green throughout (except some icons with Chrome runtime). - Add `--force-light-mode` or `--force-dark-mode` to above command-line. - Perform the same actions as above. Notice that OS dark/light theme changes are ignored, but Chrome theme changes work as expected.
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// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Embedded Framework Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found
// in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <optional>
#include "include/views/cef_view.h"
#include "include/views/cef_window.h"
#include "ui/color/color_id.h"
#include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h"
#include "ui/views/view.h"
namespace display {
class Display;
namespace gfx {
class Point;
namespace views {
class NativeWidget;
class View;
class Widget;
namespace internal {
class NativeWidgetDelegate;
} // namespace views
class CefWindowDelegate;
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// The below functions manage the relationship between CefView and views::View
// instances. See comments in view_impl.h for a usage overview.
namespace view_util {
// Default values.
extern const char kDefaultFontList[];
// Called when a CefView is initialized to create the initial association
// between the underlying views::View and |view|. The CefView owns the
// views::View at this stage.
void Register(CefRefPtr<CefView> view);
// Returns the CefView object associated with the specified |view|. If no
// CefView is associated with |view| and |find_known_parent| is true then this
// function will return the closest parent views::View with an associated
// CefView.
CefRefPtr<CefView> GetFor(const views::View* view, bool find_known_parent);
// Returns the views::View object associated with the specified |view|.
// Ownership of the views::View object does not change.
views::View* GetFor(CefRefPtr<CefView> view);
// Returns the views::View object associated with the specified |view| and
// passes ownership to the caller. The views::View object should then be passed
// to another views::View via views::View or views::LayoutManager methods. The
// views::View will keep a ref-counted reference to |view|, and |view| will keep
// an un-owned reference to the views::View. These references will reset when
// the views::View object is deleted or when ResumeOwnership() is called.
[[nodiscard]] std::unique_ptr<views::View> PassOwnership(
CefRefPtr<CefView> view);
// Causes |view| to resume ownership of the views::View object. Should be called
// after removing the views::View object from its previous parent.
void ResumeOwnership(CefRefPtr<CefView> view);
// Returns the Window associated with |widget|.
CefRefPtr<CefWindow> GetWindowFor(views::Widget* widget);
// Returns the Display nearest |point|. Set |input_pixel_coords| to true if
// |point| is in pixel coordinates instead of density independent pixels (DIP).
display::Display GetDisplayNearestPoint(const gfx::Point& point,
bool input_pixel_coords);
// Returns the Display that most closely intersects |bounds|. Set
// |input_pixel_coords| to true if |bounds| is in pixel coordinates instead of
// density independent pixels (DIP).
display::Display GetDisplayMatchingBounds(const gfx::Rect& bounds,
bool input_pixel_coords);
// Convert |point| from pixel coordinates to density independent pixels (DIP)
// using |device_scale_factor|.
void ConvertPointFromPixels(gfx::Point* point, float device_scale_factor);
// Convert |point| to pixel coordinates from density independent pixels (DIP)
// using |device_scale_factor|.
void ConvertPointToPixels(gfx::Point* point, float device_scale_factor);
// Convert |point| from pixel screen coordinates to DIP screen coordinates.
gfx::Point ConvertPointFromPixels(const gfx::Point& point);
// Convert |point| from DIP screen coordinates to pixel screen coordinates.
gfx::Point ConvertPointToPixels(const gfx::Point& point);
// Convert |rect| from pixel screen coordinates to DIP screen coordinates.
gfx::Rect ConvertRectFromPixels(const gfx::Rect& rect);
// Convert |rect| from DIP screen coordinates to pixel screen coordinates.
gfx::Rect ConvertRectToPixels(const gfx::Rect& rect);
// Convert |point| from |view| to screen coordinates. If |output_pixel_coords|
// is true then |point| will be output in pixel coordinates instead of density
// independent pixels (DIP). Returns false if |view| does not currently belong
// to a Widget.
bool ConvertPointToScreen(views::View* view,
gfx::Point* point,
bool output_pixel_coords);
// Convert |point| from screen to |view| coordinates. Set |input_pixel_coords|
// to true when |point| is being input in pixel coordinates instead of density
// independent pixels (DIP). Returns false if |view| does not currently belong
// to a Widget.
bool ConvertPointFromScreen(views::View* view,
gfx::Point* point,
bool input_pixel_coords);
// Convert |point| from |view| to window (Widget) coordinates. Returns false if
// |view| does not currently belong to a Widget.
bool ConvertPointToWindow(views::View* view, gfx::Point* point);
// Convert |point| from window (Widget) to |view| coordinates. Returns false if
// |view| does not currently belong to a Widget.
bool ConvertPointFromWindow(views::View* view, gfx::Point* point);
// Returns the native window handle for |widget|. May return nullptr.
gfx::NativeWindow GetNativeWindow(views::Widget* widget);
// Returns the native view handle for |widget|. May return nullptr.
gfx::NativeView GetNativeView(views::Widget* widget);
// Returns the platform window handle for |widget|. May return nullptr.
CefWindowHandle GetWindowHandle(views::Widget* widget);
// Returns the platform window handle for |window|. May return nullptr.
CefWindowHandle GetWindowHandle(gfx::NativeWindow window);
views::NativeWidget* CreateNativeWidget(
views::internal::NativeWidgetDelegate* delegate,
CefRefPtr<CefWindow> window,
CefWindowDelegate* window_delegate);
// Called from CefOverlayViewHost::Init to associate |host_view| with |widget|.
// This is necessary for GetWindowFor() to correctly return the CefWindow
// associated with the host Widget. On Aura platforms, |host_view| is the view
// whose position in the view hierarchy determines the z-order of the widget
// relative to views with layers and views with associated NativeViews.
void SetHostView(views::Widget* widget, views::View* host_view);
views::View* GetHostView(const views::Widget* widget);
float GetNSWindowTitleBarHeight(views::Widget* widget);
// Returns the mixer color for |id|. If |view| has been added to a Widget it
// will use the Widget's ColorProvider, otherwise it will use the global theme
// ColorProvider. Returns gfx::kPlaceholderColor if |id| cannot be constructed.
SkColor GetColor(const views::View* view, ui::ColorId id);
// Sets the color associated with |id|. If |view| has been added to a Widget it
// will use the Widget's ColorProvider, otherwise it will use the global theme
// ColorProvider.
void SetColor(views::View* view, ui::ColorId id, SkColor color);
// Returns the currently configured background color for |view|. If
// |allow_transparent| is true then it may return an empty value to indicate
// transparency.
std::optional<SkColor> GetBackgroundColor(const views::View* view,
bool allow_transparent);
// Returns true if dark theme should be used for |widget|.
bool ShouldUseDarkTheme(views::Widget* widget);
// Updates the titlebar light/dark theme for |widget|.
void UpdateTitlebarTheme(views::Widget* widget);
} // namespace view_util