
797 lines
25 KiB

// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Embedded Framework Authors. Portions copyright
// 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is
// governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "libcef/common/crash_reporter_client.h"
#include <utility>
#if defined(OS_WIN)
#include <windows.h>
#include "base/environment.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "base/strings/string_split.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "components/crash/core/common/crash_key.h"
#include "content/public/common/content_switches.h"
#include "third_party/crashpad/crashpad/client/annotation.h"
#if defined(OS_MAC)
#include "libcef/common/util_mac.h"
#if defined(OS_POSIX)
// Don't use CommandLine, FilePath or PathService on Windows. FilePath has
// dependencies outside of kernel32, which is disallowed by chrome_elf.
// CommandLine and PathService depend on global state that will not be
// initialized at the time the CefCrashReporterClient object is created.
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/environment.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/path_service.h"
#include "chrome/common/chrome_paths.h"
#if defined(OS_POSIX) && !defined(OS_MAC)
#include "content/public/common/content_switches.h"
#include "libcef/common/cef_crash_report_utils.h"
#if defined(OS_WIN)
#include "base/debug/leak_annotations.h"
#include "chrome/install_static/install_util.h"
#include "components/crash/core/app/crashpad.h"
namespace {
#if defined(OS_WIN)
typedef std::wstring PathString;
const char kPathSep = '\\';
typedef std::string PathString;
PathString GetCrashConfigPath() {
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// Start with the path to the running executable.
wchar_t module_path[MAX_PATH];
if (GetModuleFileName(nullptr, module_path, MAX_PATH) == 0)
return PathString();
PathString config_path = module_path;
// Remove the executable file name.
PathString::size_type last_backslash =
config_path.rfind(kPathSep, config_path.size());
if (last_backslash != PathString::npos)
config_path.erase(last_backslash + 1);
config_path += L"crash_reporter.cfg";
return config_path;
#elif defined(OS_POSIX)
base::FilePath config_path;
#if defined(OS_MAC)
// Start with the path to the main app Resources directory. May be empty if
// not running in an app bundle.
config_path = util_mac::GetMainResourcesDirectory();
if (config_path.empty()) {
// Start with the path to the running executable.
if (!base::PathService::Get(base::DIR_EXE, &config_path))
return PathString();
return config_path.Append(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("crash_reporter.cfg")).value();
#endif // defined(OS_POSIX)
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// On Windows, FAT32 and NTFS both limit filenames to a maximum of 255
// characters. On POSIX systems, the typical filename length limit is 255
// character units. HFS+'s limit is actually 255 Unicode characters using
// Apple's modification of Normalization Form D, but the differences aren't
// really worth dealing with here.
const unsigned maxFilenameLength = 255;
const char kInvalidFileChars[] = "<>:\"/\\|?*";
bool isInvalidFileCharacter(unsigned char c) {
if (c < ' ' || c == 0x7F)
return true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(kInvalidFileChars); ++i) {
if (c == kInvalidFileChars[i])
return true;
return false;
bool isAbsolutePath(const std::string& s) {
// Check for local paths (beginning with "c:\") and network paths
// (beginning with "\\").
return s.length() > 2 &&
((isalpha(s[0]) && s[1] == ':' && s[2] == kPathSep) ||
(s[0] == kPathSep && s[1] == kPathSep));
std::string extractAbsolutePathStart(std::string& s) {
if (!isAbsolutePath(s))
return std::string();
std::string start;
if (s[0] == kPathSep) {
// Network path.
start = s.substr(0, 2);
s = s.substr(2);
} else {
// Local path.
start = s.substr(0, 3);
s = s.substr(3);
return start;
std::string sanitizePathComponentPart(const std::string& s) {
if (s.empty())
return std::string();
std::string result;
for (size_t i = 0; i < s.length(); ++i) {
if (!isInvalidFileCharacter(s[i]))
return result;
std::string sanitizePathComponent(const std::string& s) {
std::string name, ext;
// Separate name and extension, if any.
std::string::size_type pos = s.rfind('.');
if (pos != std::string::npos) {
name = s.substr(0, pos);
ext = s.substr(pos + 1);
} else {
name = s;
// Remove invalid characters.
name = sanitizePathComponentPart(name);
ext = sanitizePathComponentPart(ext);
// Remove a ridiculously-long extension.
if (ext.length() >= maxFilenameLength)
ext = std::string();
// Truncate an overly-long filename, reserving one character for a dot.
std::string::size_type max_name_len = maxFilenameLength - ext.length() - 1;
if (name.length() > max_name_len)
name = name.substr(0, max_name_len);
return ext.empty() ? name : name + "." + ext;
std::string sanitizePath(const std::string& s) {
std::string path = s;
// Extract the absolute path start component, if any (e.g. "c:\" on Windows).
std::string result = extractAbsolutePathStart(path);
std::vector<std::string> parts =
base::SplitString(path, std::string() + kPathSep, base::KEEP_WHITESPACE,
for (size_t i = 0; i < parts.size(); ++i) {
std::string part = parts[i];
if (part != "." && part != "..")
part = sanitizePathComponent(part);
if (!result.empty() && result[result.length() - 1] != kPathSep)
result += kPathSep;
result += part;
return result;
std::string joinPath(const std::string& s1, const std::string& s2) {
if (s1.empty() && s2.empty())
return std::string();
if (s1.empty())
return s2;
if (s2.empty())
return s1;
// Don't try to join absolute paths on Windows.
// Skip this check on POSIX where it's more difficult to differentiate.
if (isAbsolutePath(s2))
return s2;
std::string result = s1;
if (result[result.size() - 1] != kPathSep)
result += kPathSep;
if (s2[0] == kPathSep)
result += s2.substr(1);
result += s2;
return result;
// This will only be non-nullptr in the chrome_elf address space.
CefCrashReporterClient* g_crash_reporter_client = nullptr;
#endif // defined(OS_WIN)
const char kKeyMapDelim = ',';
std::string NormalizeCrashKey(const base::StringPiece& key) {
std::string str(key);
std::replace(str.begin(), str.end(), kKeyMapDelim, '-');
if (str.length() > crashpad::Annotation::kNameMaxLength) {
return str.substr(0, crashpad::Annotation::kNameMaxLength);
return str;
void ParseURL(const std::string& value, std::string* url) {
if (value.find("http://") == 0 || value.find("https://") == 0) {
*url = value;
if (url->rfind('/') <= 8) {
// Make sure the URL includes a path component. Otherwise, crash
// upload will fail on older Windows versions due to
// https://crbug.com/826564.
*url += "/";
bool ParseBool(const std::string& value) {
return base::EqualsCaseInsensitiveASCII(value, "true") || value == "1";
int ParseZeroBasedInt(const std::string& value) {
int int_val;
if (base::StringToInt(value, &int_val) && int_val > 0)
return int_val;
return 0;
} // namespace
#if defined(OS_WIN)
extern "C" {
// Export functions from chrome_elf that are required by crash_reporting.cc
int __declspec(dllexport) __cdecl SetCrashKeyValueImpl(const char* key,
size_t key_size,
const char* value,
size_t value_size) {
if (g_crash_reporter_client) {
return g_crash_reporter_client->SetCrashKeyValue(
base::StringPiece(key, key_size), base::StringPiece(value, value_size));
return 0;
int __declspec(dllexport) __cdecl IsCrashReportingEnabledImpl() {
return g_crash_reporter_client &&
} // extern "C"
// The below functions were deleted from chrome/install_static/install_util.cc
// in https://crbug.com/565446#c17.
constexpr wchar_t kUserDataDirname[] = L"User Data";
// Populates |result| with the default User Data directory for the current
// user.This may be overidden by a command line option. Returns false if all
// attempts at locating a User Data directory fail.
bool GetDefaultUserDataDirectory(std::wstring* result,
const std::wstring& install_sub_directory) {
// This environment variable should be set on Windows Vista and later
// (https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/windows/desktop/dd378457.aspx).
std::wstring user_data_dir =
if (user_data_dir.empty()) {
// LOCALAPPDATA was not set; fallback to the temporary files path.
DWORD size = ::GetTempPath(0, nullptr);
if (!size)
return false;
user_data_dir.resize(size + 1);
size = ::GetTempPath(size + 1, &user_data_dir[0]);
if (!size || size >= user_data_dir.size())
return false;
if ((*result)[result->length() - 1] != L'\\')
return true;
// Populates |crash_dir| with the default crash dump location regardless of
// whether DIR_USER_DATA or DIR_CRASH_DUMPS has been overridden.
bool GetDefaultCrashDumpLocation(std::wstring* crash_dir,
const std::wstring& install_sub_directory) {
// In order to be able to start crash handling very early, we do not rely on
// chrome's PathService entries (for DIR_CRASH_DUMPS) being available on
// Windows. See https://crbug.com/564398.
if (!GetDefaultUserDataDirectory(crash_dir, install_sub_directory))
return false;
// We have to make sure the user data dir exists on first run. See
// http://crbug.com/591504.
if (!install_static::RecursiveDirectoryCreate(*crash_dir))
return false;
return true;
#endif // OS_WIN
CefCrashReporterClient::CefCrashReporterClient() {}
CefCrashReporterClient::~CefCrashReporterClient() {}
// Be aware that logging is not initialized at the time this method is called.
bool CefCrashReporterClient::ReadCrashConfigFile() {
if (has_crash_config_file_)
return true;
PathString config_path = GetCrashConfigPath();
if (config_path.empty())
return false;
#if defined(OS_WIN)
FILE* fp = _wfopen(config_path.c_str(), L"r");
FILE* fp = fopen(config_path.c_str(), "r");
if (!fp)
return false;
char line[1000];
size_t small_index = 0;
size_t medium_index = 0;
size_t large_index = 0;
std::string map_keys;
enum section {
} current_section = kNoSection;
while (fgets(line, sizeof(line) - 1, fp) != nullptr) {
std::string str = line;
base::TrimString(str, base::kWhitespaceASCII, &str);
if (str.empty() || str[0] == '#')
if (str == "[Config]") {
current_section = kConfigSection;
} else if (str == "[CrashKeys]") {
current_section = kCrashKeysSection;
} else if (str[0] == '[') {
current_section = kNoSection;
if (current_section == kNoSection)
size_t div = str.find('=');
if (div == std::string::npos)
std::string name_str = str.substr(0, div);
base::TrimString(name_str, base::kWhitespaceASCII, &name_str);
std::string val_str = str.substr(div + 1);
base::TrimString(val_str, base::kWhitespaceASCII, &val_str);
if (name_str.empty())
if (current_section == kConfigSection) {
if (name_str == "ServerURL") {
ParseURL(val_str, &server_url_);
} else if (name_str == "ProductName") {
product_name_ = val_str;
} else if (name_str == "ProductVersion") {
product_version_ = val_str;
} else if (name_str == "RateLimitEnabled") {
rate_limit_ = ParseBool(val_str);
} else if (name_str == "MaxUploadsPerDay") {
max_uploads_ = ParseZeroBasedInt(val_str);
} else if (name_str == "MaxDatabaseSizeInMb") {
max_db_size_ = ParseZeroBasedInt(val_str);
} else if (name_str == "MaxDatabaseAgeInDays") {
max_db_age_ = ParseZeroBasedInt(val_str);
#if defined(OS_WIN)
else if (name_str == "ExternalHandler") {
if (!val_str.empty())
external_handler_ = sanitizePath(val_str);
} else if (name_str == "AppName") {
if (!val_str.empty()) {
val_str = sanitizePathComponent(val_str);
if (!val_str.empty())
app_name_ = val_str;
#elif defined(OS_MAC)
else if (name_str == "BrowserCrashForwardingEnabled") {
enable_browser_crash_forwarding_ = ParseBool(val_str);
} else if (current_section == kCrashKeysSection) {
// Skip duplicate definitions.
if (!crash_keys_.empty() &&
crash_keys_.find(name_str) != crash_keys_.end()) {
KeySize size;
size_t index;
char group;
if (val_str == "small") {
size = SMALL_SIZE;
index = small_index++;
group = 'S';
} else if (val_str == "medium") {
index = medium_index++;
group = 'M';
} else if (val_str == "large") {
size = LARGE_SIZE;
index = large_index++;
group = 'L';
} else {
name_str = NormalizeCrashKey(name_str);
crash_keys_.insert(std::make_pair(name_str, std::make_pair(size, index)));
const std::string& key =
std::string(1, group) + "-" + std::string(1, 'A' + index);
if (!map_keys.empty()) {
map_keys.append(std::string(1, kKeyMapDelim));
map_keys.append(key + "=" + name_str);
if (!map_keys.empty()) {
// Split |map_keys| across multiple Annotations if necessary.
// Must match the logic in crash_report_utils::FilterParameters.
using IDKey =
static IDKey ids[] = {
{"K-A", IDKey::Tag::kArray},
{"K-B", IDKey::Tag::kArray},
{"K-C", IDKey::Tag::kArray},
// Make sure we can fit all possible name/value pairs.
static_assert(base::size(ids) * crashpad::Annotation::kValueMaxSize >=
3 * 26 /* sizes (small, medium, large) * slots (A to Z) */
* (3 + 2 /* key size ("S-A") + delim size ("=,") */
+ crashpad::Annotation::kNameMaxLength),
"Not enough storage for key map");
size_t offset = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < base::size(ids); ++i) {
size_t length = std::min(map_keys.size() - offset,
ids[i].Set(base::StringPiece(map_keys.data() + offset, length));
offset += length;
if (offset >= map_keys.size())
// Allow override of some values via environment variables.
std::unique_ptr<base::Environment> env(base::Environment::Create());
std::string val_str;
if (env->GetVar("CEF_CRASH_REPORTER_SERVER_URL", &val_str)) {
ParseURL(val_str, &server_url_);
if (env->GetVar("CEF_CRASH_REPORTER_RATE_LIMIT_ENABLED", &val_str)) {
rate_limit_ = ParseBool(val_str);
has_crash_config_file_ = true;
return true;
bool CefCrashReporterClient::HasCrashConfigFile() const {
return has_crash_config_file_;
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// static
void CefCrashReporterClient::InitializeCrashReportingForProcess() {
if (g_crash_reporter_client)
g_crash_reporter_client = new CefCrashReporterClient();
if (!g_crash_reporter_client->ReadCrashConfigFile())
std::wstring process_type = install_static::GetSwitchValueFromCommandLine(
::GetCommandLineW(), install_static::kProcessType);
if (process_type != install_static::kCrashpadHandler) {
// If |embedded_handler| is true then we launch another instance of the main
// executable as the crashpad-handler process.
const bool embedded_handler =
if (embedded_handler) {
process_type.empty(), install_static::WideToUTF8(process_type),
std::string(), base::FilePath());
} else {
process_type.empty(), install_static::WideToUTF8(process_type));
bool CefCrashReporterClient::GetAlternativeCrashDumpLocation(
std::wstring* crash_dir) {
// By setting the BREAKPAD_DUMP_LOCATION environment variable, an alternate
// location to write breakpad crash dumps can be set.
*crash_dir = install_static::GetEnvironmentString(L"BREAKPAD_DUMP_LOCATION");
return !crash_dir->empty();
void CefCrashReporterClient::GetProductNameAndVersion(
const std::wstring& exe_path,
std::wstring* product_name,
std::wstring* version,
std::wstring* special_build,
std::wstring* channel_name) {
*product_name = base::ASCIIToWide(product_name_);
*version = base::ASCIIToWide(product_version_);
*special_build = std::wstring();
*channel_name = std::wstring();
bool CefCrashReporterClient::GetCrashDumpLocation(std::wstring* crash_dir) {
// By setting the BREAKPAD_DUMP_LOCATION environment variable, an alternate
// location to write breakpad crash dumps can be set.
if (GetAlternativeCrashDumpLocation(crash_dir))
return true;
return GetDefaultCrashDumpLocation(crash_dir, base::UTF8ToWide(app_name_));
bool CefCrashReporterClient::GetCrashMetricsLocation(
std::wstring* metrics_dir) {
return GetDefaultUserDataDirectory(metrics_dir, base::UTF8ToWide(app_name_));
#elif defined(OS_POSIX)
void CefCrashReporterClient::GetProductNameAndVersion(const char** product_name,
const char** version) {
*product_name = product_name_.c_str();
*version = product_version_.c_str();
void CefCrashReporterClient::GetProductNameAndVersion(std::string* product_name,
std::string* version,
std::string* channel) {
*product_name = product_name_;
*version = product_version_;
#if !defined(OS_MAC)
base::FilePath CefCrashReporterClient::GetReporterLogFilename() {
return base::FilePath(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("uploads.log"));
bool CefCrashReporterClient::EnableBreakpadForProcess(
const std::string& process_type) {
return process_type == switches::kRendererProcess ||
process_type == switches::kPpapiPluginProcess ||
process_type == switches::kZygoteProcess ||
process_type == switches::kGpuProcess;
#endif // !defined(OS_MAC)
bool CefCrashReporterClient::GetCrashDumpLocation(base::FilePath* crash_dir) {
// By setting the BREAKPAD_DUMP_LOCATION environment variable, an alternate
// location to write breakpad crash dumps can be set.
std::unique_ptr<base::Environment> env(base::Environment::Create());
std::string alternate_crash_dump_location;
if (env->GetVar("BREAKPAD_DUMP_LOCATION", &alternate_crash_dump_location)) {
base::FilePath crash_dumps_dir_path =
base::PathService::Override(chrome::DIR_CRASH_DUMPS, crash_dumps_dir_path);
return base::PathService::Get(chrome::DIR_CRASH_DUMPS, crash_dir);
#endif // !defined(OS_POSIX)
bool CefCrashReporterClient::GetCollectStatsConsent() {
return true;
bool CefCrashReporterClient::GetCollectStatsInSample() {
return true;
#if defined(OS_WIN) || defined(OS_MAC)
bool CefCrashReporterClient::ReportingIsEnforcedByPolicy(
bool* crashpad_enabled) {
*crashpad_enabled = true;
return true;
#if defined(OS_POSIX) && !defined(OS_MAC)
bool CefCrashReporterClient::IsRunningUnattended() {
// Crash upload will only be enabled with Breakpad on Linux if this method
// returns false.
return false;
std::string CefCrashReporterClient::GetUploadUrl() {
return server_url_;
// See HandlerMain() in third_party/crashpad/crashpad/handler/handler_main.cc
// for supported arguments.
void CefCrashReporterClient::GetCrashOptionalArguments(
std::vector<std::string>* arguments) {
if (!rate_limit_)
if (max_uploads_ > 0) {
arguments->push_back(std::string("--max-uploads=") +
if (max_db_size_ > 0) {
arguments->push_back(std::string("--max-db-size=") +
if (max_db_age_ > 0) {
arguments->push_back(std::string("--max-db-age=") +
#if defined(OS_WIN)
std::wstring CefCrashReporterClient::GetCrashExternalHandler(
const std::wstring& exe_dir) {
if (external_handler_.empty())
return CrashReporterClient::GetCrashExternalHandler(exe_dir);
if (isAbsolutePath(external_handler_))
return base::UTF8ToWide(external_handler_);
return base::UTF8ToWide(
joinPath(base::WideToUTF8(exe_dir), external_handler_));
bool CefCrashReporterClient::HasCrashExternalHandler() const {
return !external_handler_.empty();
#endif // defined(OS_WIN)
#if defined(OS_MAC)
bool CefCrashReporterClient::EnableBrowserCrashForwarding() {
return enable_browser_crash_forwarding_;
#if defined(OS_POSIX) && !defined(OS_MAC)
CefCrashReporterClient::ParameterMap CefCrashReporterClient::FilterParameters(
const ParameterMap& parameters) {
return crash_report_utils::FilterParameters(parameters);
// The new Crashpad Annotation API requires that annotations be declared using
// static storage. We work around this limitation by defining a fixed amount of
// storage for each key size and later substituting the actual key name during
// crash dump processing.
#define IDKEY(name) \
{ name, IDKey::Tag::kArray }
#define IDKEY_ENTRIES(n) \
IDKEY(n "-A"), IDKEY(n "-B"), IDKEY(n "-C"), IDKEY(n "-D"), IDKEY(n "-E"), \
IDKEY(n "-F"), IDKEY(n "-G"), IDKEY(n "-H"), IDKEY(n "-I"), \
IDKEY(n "-J"), IDKEY(n "-K"), IDKEY(n "-L"), IDKEY(n "-M"), \
IDKEY(n "-N"), IDKEY(n "-O"), IDKEY(n "-P"), IDKEY(n "-Q"), \
IDKEY(n "-R"), IDKEY(n "-S"), IDKEY(n "-T"), IDKEY(n "-U"), \
IDKEY(n "-V"), IDKEY(n "-W"), IDKEY(n "-X"), IDKEY(n "-Y"), \
IDKEY(n "-Z")
#define IDKEY_FUNCTION(name, size_) \
static_assert(size_ <= crashpad::Annotation::kValueMaxSize, \
"Annotation size is too large."); \
bool Set##name##Annotation(size_t index, const base::StringPiece& value) { \
using IDKey = crash_reporter::CrashKeyString<size_>; \
static IDKey ids[] = {IDKEY_ENTRIES(#name)}; \
if (index < base::size(ids)) { \
if (value.empty()) { \
ids[index].Clear(); \
} else { \
ids[index].Set(value); \
} \
return true; \
} \
return false; \
// The first argument must be kept synchronized with the logic in
// CefCrashReporterClient::ReadCrashConfigFile and
// crash_report_utils::FilterParameters.
bool CefCrashReporterClient::SetCrashKeyValue(const base::StringPiece& key,
const base::StringPiece& value) {
if (key.empty() || crash_keys_.empty())
return false;
KeyMap::const_iterator it = crash_keys_.find(NormalizeCrashKey(key));
if (it == crash_keys_.end())
return false;
const KeySize size = it->second.first;
const size_t index = it->second.second;
base::AutoLock lock_scope(crash_key_lock_);
switch (size) {
return SetSAnnotation(index, value);
return SetMAnnotation(index, value);
return SetLAnnotation(index, value);
return false;