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synced 2025-03-10 00:50:12 +01:00
This causes a race related to |notification_state_lock_| assignment when GetMainFrame is called from multiple threads. GetMainFrame doesn't trigger any notifications so it shouldn't need that lock. Instead, only use NotificationStateLock on the UI thread.
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// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Embedded Framework Authors. All rights
// reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can
// be found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <queue>
#include <set>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "include/internal/cef_ptr.h"
#include "libcef/common/values_impl.h"
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/containers/unique_ptr_adapters.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "content/public/browser/global_routing_id.h"
#include "content/public/browser/render_frame_host.h"
class CefBrowserHostBase;
class CefFrameHandler;
class CefFrameHostImpl;
// CefBrowserInfo is used to associate a browser ID and render view/process
// IDs with a particular CefBrowserHostBase. Render view/process IDs may change
// during the lifetime of a single CefBrowserHostBase.
// CefBrowserInfo objects are managed by CefBrowserInfoManager and should not be
// created directly.
class CefBrowserInfo : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<CefBrowserInfo> {
CefBrowserInfo(int browser_id,
bool is_popup,
bool is_windowless,
CefRefPtr<CefDictionaryValue> extra_info);
int browser_id() const { return browser_id_; }
bool is_popup() const { return is_popup_; }
bool is_windowless() const { return is_windowless_; }
CefRefPtr<CefDictionaryValue> extra_info() const { return extra_info_; }
// May return NULL if the browser has not yet been created or if the browser
// has been destroyed.
CefRefPtr<CefBrowserHostBase> browser() const;
// Set or clear the browser. Called from CefBrowserHostBase InitializeBrowser
// (to set) and DestroyBrowser (to clear).
void SetBrowser(CefRefPtr<CefBrowserHostBase> browser);
// Called after OnBeforeClose and before SetBrowser(nullptr). This will cause
// browser() and GetMainFrame() to return nullptr as expected by
// CefFrameHandler callbacks. Note that this differs from calling
// SetBrowser(nullptr) because the WebContents has not yet been destroyed and
// further frame-related callbacks are expected.
void SetClosing();
// Ensure that a frame record exists for |host|. Called for the main frame
// when the RenderView is created, or for a sub-frame when the associated
// RenderFrame is created in the renderer process.
// Called from CefBrowserContentsDelegate::RenderFrameCreated (is_guest_view =
// false) or CefMimeHandlerViewGuestDelegate::OnGuestAttached (is_guest_view =
// true).
void MaybeCreateFrame(content::RenderFrameHost* host, bool is_guest_view);
// Used to track state changes such as entering/exiting the BackForwardCache.
// Called from CefBrowserContentsDelegate::RenderFrameHostStateChanged.
void FrameHostStateChanged(
content::RenderFrameHost* host,
content::RenderFrameHost::LifecycleState old_state,
content::RenderFrameHost::LifecycleState new_state);
// Remove the frame record for |host|. Called for the main frame when the
// RenderView is destroyed, or for a sub-frame when the associated RenderFrame
// is destroyed in the renderer process.
// Called from CefBrowserContentsDelegate::RenderFrameDeleted or
// CefMimeHandlerViewGuestDelegate::OnGuestDetached.
void RemoveFrame(content::RenderFrameHost* host);
// Returns the main frame object. This object will remain valid until the
// browser is destroyed even though the indentifier may change with cross-
// origin navigations. Furthermore, calling LoadURL on this object will always
// behave as expected because the call is routed through the browser's
// NavigationController.
CefRefPtr<CefFrameHostImpl> GetMainFrame();
// Creates a temporary sub-frame object for situations during navigation or
// resource loading where a RFH does not yet exist. If |parent_frame_id|
// is invalid the current main frame will be specified as the parent.
// Temporary frame objects are not tracked but will be implicitly detached
// on browser destruction.
CefRefPtr<CefFrameHostImpl> CreateTempSubFrame(
const content::GlobalRenderFrameHostId& parent_global_id);
// Returns the frame object matching the specified host or nullptr if no match
// is found. Nullptr will also be returned if a guest view match is found
// because we don't create frame objects for guest views. If |is_guest_view|
// is non-nullptr it will be set to true in this case. Must be called on the
// UI thread.
CefRefPtr<CefFrameHostImpl> GetFrameForHost(
const content::RenderFrameHost* host,
bool* is_guest_view = nullptr,
bool prefer_speculative = false) const;
// Returns the frame object matching the specified ID or nullptr if no match
// is found. Nullptr will also be returned if a guest view match is found
// because we don't create frame objects for guest views. If |is_guest_view|
// is non-nullptr it will be set to true in this case. Safe to call from any
// thread.
CefRefPtr<CefFrameHostImpl> GetFrameForGlobalId(
const content::GlobalRenderFrameHostId& global_id,
bool* is_guest_view = nullptr,
bool prefer_speculative = false) const;
// Returns all non-speculative frame objects that currently exist. Guest views
// will be excluded because they don't have a frame object. Safe to call from
// any thread.
typedef std::set<CefRefPtr<CefFrameHostImpl>> FrameHostList;
FrameHostList GetAllFrames() const;
class NavigationLock final : public base::RefCounted<NavigationLock> {
friend class CefBrowserInfo;
friend class base::RefCounted<NavigationLock>;
base::OnceClosure pending_action_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<NavigationLock> weak_ptr_factory_;
// Block navigation actions on NavigationLock life span. Must be called on the
// UI thread.
scoped_refptr<NavigationLock> CreateNavigationLock();
// Returns true if navigation actions are currently blocked. If this method
// returns true the most recent |pending_action| will be executed on the UI
// thread once the navigation lock is released. Must be called on the UI
// thread.
bool IsNavigationLocked(base::OnceClosure pending_action);
using FrameNotifyOnceAction =
// Specifies a CefFrameHandler notification action whose execution may need
// to be blocked on release of a potentially held NotificationStateLock. If no
// CefFrameHandler exists then the action will be discarded without executing.
// If the NotificationStateLock is not currently held then the action will be
// executed immediately.
void MaybeExecuteFrameNotification(FrameNotifyOnceAction pending_action);
void MaybeNotifyDraggableRegionsChanged(
CefRefPtr<CefBrowserHostBase> browser,
CefRefPtr<CefFrameHostImpl> frame,
std::vector<CefDraggableRegion> draggable_regions);
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<CefBrowserInfo>;
virtual ~CefBrowserInfo();
struct FrameInfo {
inline bool IsCurrentMainFrame() const {
return frame_ && is_main_frame_ && !is_speculative_ && !is_in_bfcache_;
content::RenderFrameHost* host_;
content::GlobalRenderFrameHostId global_id_;
bool is_guest_view_;
bool is_main_frame_;
bool is_speculative_;
bool is_in_bfcache_ = false;
CefRefPtr<CefFrameHostImpl> frame_;
void SetMainFrame(CefRefPtr<CefBrowserHostBase> browser,
CefRefPtr<CefFrameHostImpl> frame);
void MaybeNotifyFrameCreated(CefRefPtr<CefFrameHostImpl> frame);
void MaybeNotifyFrameDetached(CefRefPtr<CefBrowserHostBase> browser,
CefRefPtr<CefFrameHostImpl> frame);
void MaybeNotifyMainFrameChanged(CefRefPtr<CefBrowserHostBase> browser,
CefRefPtr<CefFrameHostImpl> old_frame,
CefRefPtr<CefFrameHostImpl> new_frame);
void RemoveAllFrames(CefRefPtr<CefBrowserHostBase> old_browser);
int browser_id_;
bool is_popup_;
bool is_windowless_;
CefRefPtr<CefDictionaryValue> extra_info_;
// Navigation will be blocked while |navigation_lock_| exists.
// Only accessed on the UI thread.
base::WeakPtr<NavigationLock> navigation_lock_;
// Used instead of |base::AutoLock(lock_)| in situations that might generate
// CefFrameHandler notifications. Any notifications passed to
// MaybeExecuteFrameNotification() will be queued until the lock is released,
// and then executed in order. Only accessed on the UI thread.
class NotificationStateLock final {
explicit NotificationStateLock(CefBrowserInfo* browser_info);
friend class CefBrowserInfo;
CefBrowserInfo* const browser_info_;
CefRefPtr<CefFrameHandler> frame_handler_;
std::unique_ptr<base::AutoLock> browser_info_lock_scope_;
std::queue<FrameNotifyOnceAction> queue_;
mutable base::Lock notification_lock_;
// These members must be protected by |notification_lock_|.
NotificationStateLock* notification_state_lock_ = nullptr;
CefRefPtr<CefFrameHandler> frame_handler_;
mutable base::Lock lock_;
// The below members must be protected by |lock_|.
CefRefPtr<CefBrowserHostBase> browser_;
// Owner of FrameInfo structs.
using FrameInfoSet =
std::set<std::unique_ptr<FrameInfo>, base::UniquePtrComparator>;
FrameInfoSet frame_info_set_;
// Map a global ID to one frame. These IDs are guaranteed to uniquely
// identify a RFH for its complete lifespan. See documentation on
// RenderFrameHost::GetFrameTreeNodeId() for background.
using FrameIDMap = std::unordered_map<content::GlobalRenderFrameHostId,
FrameIDMap frame_id_map_;
// The current main frame.
CefRefPtr<CefFrameHostImpl> main_frame_;
// True if the browser is currently closing.
bool is_closing_ = false;
// Only accessed on the UI thread.
std::vector<CefDraggableRegion> draggable_regions_;