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synced 2025-03-10 09:00:15 +01:00
This change adds support for: - Protocol and request handling. - Loading and navigation events. - Display and focus events. - Mouse/keyboard events. - Popup browsers. - Callbacks in the renderer process. - Misc. functionality required for ceftests. This change also adds a new CefBrowserProcessHandler::GetCookieableSchemes callback for configuring global state that will be applied to all CefCookieManagers by default. This global callback is currently required by the chrome runtime because the primary ProfileImpl is created via ChromeBrowserMainParts::PreMainMessageLoopRun (CreatePrimaryProfile) before OnContextCreated can be called. ProfileImpl will use the "C:\Users\[user]\AppData\Local\CEF\User Data\Default" directory by default (on Windows). Cookies may persist in this directory when running ceftests and may need to be manually deleted if those tests fail. Remaining work includes: - Support for client-created request contexts. - Embedding the browser in a Views hierarchy (cefclient support). - TryCloseBrowser and DoClose support. - Most of the CefSettings configuration. - DevTools protocol and window control (ShowDevTools, ExecuteDevToolsMethod). - CEF-specific WebUI pages (about, license, webui-hosts). - Context menu customization (CefContextMenuHandler). - Auto resize (SetAutoResizeEnabled). - Zoom settings (SetZoomLevel). - File dialog runner (RunFileDialog). - File and JS dialog handlers (CefDialogHandler, CefJSDialogHandler). - Extension loading (LoadExtension, etc). - Plugin loading (OnBeforePluginLoad). - Widevine loading (CefRegisterWidevineCdm). - PDF and print preview does not display. - Crash reporting is untested. - Mac: Web content loads but does not display. The following ceftests are now passing when run with the "--enable-chrome-runtime" command-line flag: CorsTest.* DisplayTest.*:-DisplayTest.AutoResize DOMTest.* DraggableRegionsTest.* ImageTest.* MessageRouterTest.* NavigationTest.* ParserTest.* RequestContextTest.*Global* RequestTest.* ResourceManagerTest.* ResourceRequestHandlerTest.* ResponseTest.* SchemeHandlerTest.* ServerTest.* StreamResourceHandlerTest.* StreamTest.* StringTest.* TaskTest.* TestServerTest.* ThreadTest.* URLRequestTest.*Global* V8Test.*:-V8Test.OnUncaughtExceptionDevTools ValuesTest.* WaitableEventTest.* XmlReaderTest.* ZipReaderTest.*
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// Copyright (c) 2020 The Chromium Embedded Framework Authors. All rights
// reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that
// can be found in the LICENSE file.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This file was generated by the CEF translator tool. If making changes by
// hand only do so within the body of existing method and function
// implementations. See the translator.README.txt file in the tools directory
// for more information.
// $hash=be0f9481659ed425a96ebfb004f6e5590953cf49$
#pragma once
#error This file can be included DLL-side only
#include <vector>
#include "include/capi/cef_browser_process_handler_capi.h"
#include "include/cef_browser_process_handler.h"
#include "libcef_dll/ctocpp/ctocpp_ref_counted.h"
// Wrap a C structure with a C++ class.
// This class may be instantiated and accessed DLL-side only.
class CefBrowserProcessHandlerCToCpp
: public CefCToCppRefCounted<CefBrowserProcessHandlerCToCpp,
cef_browser_process_handler_t> {
virtual ~CefBrowserProcessHandlerCToCpp();
// CefBrowserProcessHandler methods.
void GetCookieableSchemes(std::vector<CefString>& schemes,
bool& include_defaults) override;
void OnContextInitialized() override;
void OnBeforeChildProcessLaunch(
CefRefPtr<CefCommandLine> command_line) override;
CefRefPtr<CefPrintHandler> GetPrintHandler() override;
void OnScheduleMessagePumpWork(int64 delay_ms) override;
CefRefPtr<CefClient> GetDefaultClient() override;