Marshall Greenblatt 06e73fff15 Implement Views framework on Windows and Linux (issue #1749).
- Add Views header files in a new include/views directory.
- Add initial top-level window (CefWindow), control (CefBrowserView,
  CefLabelButton, CefMenuButton, CefPanel, CefScrollView,
  CefTextfield) and layout (CefBoxLayout, CefFlowLayout) support.
  See libcef/browser/views/view_impl.h comments for implementation
- Add Views example usage in cefclient and cefsimple and Views unit
  tests in cef_unittests. Pass the `--use-views` command-line flag to
  cefclient, cefsimple and cef_unittests to run using the Views
  framework instead of platform APIs. For cefclient and cefsimple
  this will create the browser window and all related functionality
  using the Views framework. For cef_unittests this will run all
  tests (except OSR tests) in a Views-based browser window. Views-
  specific unit tests (`--gtest_filter=Views*`) will be run even if
  the the `--use-views` flag is not specified.
- Pass the `--hide-frame` command-line flag to cefclient to demo a
  frameless Views-based browser window.
- Pass the `--hide-controls` command-line flag to cefclient to demo a
  browser window without top controls. This also works in non-Views
- Pass the `--enable-high-dpi-support` command-line flag to
  cef_unittests on Windows to test high-DPI support on a display
  that supports it.
- Add CefImage for reading/writing image file formats.
- Add CefBrowser::DownloadImage() for downloading image URLs as a
  CefImage representation. This is primarily for loading favicons.
- Add CefMenuModel::CreateMenuModel() and CefMenuModelDelegate for
  creating custom menus. This is primarily for use with
- Add CefBrowser::TryCloseBrowser() helper for closing a browser.
  Also improve related documentation in cef_life_span_handler.h.
- Rename cef_page_range_t to cef_range_t. It is now also used by
- Remove CefLifeSpanHandler::RunModal() which is never called.
- Add draggable regions example to cefclient.
2016-04-26 11:58:13 -04:00

92 lines
3.5 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Embedded Framework Authors. All rights
// reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can
// be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "libcef/browser/native/menu_runner_mac.h"
#include "libcef/browser/browser_host_impl.h"
#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#import "base/mac/scoped_sending_event.h"
#import "ui/base/cocoa/menu_controller.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/point.h"
CefMenuRunnerMac::CefMenuRunnerMac() {
CefMenuRunnerMac::~CefMenuRunnerMac() {
bool CefMenuRunnerMac::RunContextMenu(
CefBrowserHostImpl* browser,
CefMenuModelImpl* model,
const content::ContextMenuParams& params) {
// Create a menu controller based on the model.
menu_controller_.reset([[MenuController alloc] initWithModel:model->model()
// Keep the menu controller alive (by adding an additional retain) until after
// the menu has been dismissed. Otherwise it will crash if the browser is
// destroyed (and consequently the menu controller is destroyed) while the
// menu is still pending.
base::scoped_nsobject<MenuController> menu_controller_ref(menu_controller_);
// Make sure events can be pumped while the menu is up.
base::MessageLoop::ScopedNestableTaskAllower allow(
// One of the events that could be pumped is |window.close()|.
// User-initiated event-tracking loops protect against this by
// setting flags in -[CrApplication sendEvent:], but since
// web-content menus are initiated by IPC message the setup has to
// be done manually.
base::mac::ScopedSendingEvent sendingEventScoper;
// Show the menu. Blocks until the menu is dismissed.
if (browser->IsWindowless()) {
// Don't show the menu unless a native window handle exists.
if (!browser->GetWindowHandle())
return false;
const gfx::Point& screen_point =
browser->GetScreenPoint(gfx::Point(params.x, params.y));
NSPoint screen_position = NSPointFromCGPoint(screen_point.ToCGPoint());
[[menu_controller_ menu] popUpMenuPositioningItem:nil
} else {
NSView* parent_view = browser->web_contents()->GetContentNativeView();
// Synthesize an event for the click, as there is no certainty that
// [NSApp currentEvent] will return a valid event.
NSEvent* currentEvent = [NSApp currentEvent];
NSWindow* window = [parent_view window];
NSPoint position = [window mouseLocationOutsideOfEventStream];
NSTimeInterval eventTime = [currentEvent timestamp];
NSEvent* clickEvent = [NSEvent mouseEventWithType:NSRightMouseDown
windowNumber:[window windowNumber]
[NSMenu popUpContextMenu:[menu_controller_ menu]
return true;
void CefMenuRunnerMac::CancelContextMenu() {
if (menu_controller_.get())
[menu_controller_ cancel];