
364 lines
13 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Embedded Framework Authors. All rights
// reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that
// can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "libcef/browser/text_input_client_osr_mac.h"
#include "libcef/browser/browser_host_impl.h"
#include "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h"
#import "content/browser/renderer_host/render_widget_host_view_mac_editcommand_helper.h"
#import "content/browser/renderer_host/text_input_client_mac.h"
#include "content/common/input_messages.h"
namespace {
// Maximum number of characters we allow in a tooltip.
const size_t kMaxTooltipLength = 1024;
// TODO(suzhe): Upstream this function.
WebKit::WebColor WebColorFromNSColor(NSColor *color) {
CGFloat r, g, b, a;
[color getRed:&r green:&g blue:&b alpha:&a];
std::max(0, std::min(static_cast<int>(lroundf(255.0f * a)), 255)) << 24 |
std::max(0, std::min(static_cast<int>(lroundf(255.0f * r)), 255)) << 16 |
std::max(0, std::min(static_cast<int>(lroundf(255.0f * g)), 255)) << 8 |
std::max(0, std::min(static_cast<int>(lroundf(255.0f * b)), 255));
// Extract underline information from an attributed string. Mostly copied from
// third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/mac/WebView/WebHTMLView.mm
void ExtractUnderlines(NSAttributedString* string,
std::vector<WebKit::WebCompositionUnderline>* underlines) {
int length = [[string string] length];
int i = 0;
while (i < length) {
NSRange range;
NSDictionary* attrs = [string attributesAtIndex:i
inRange:NSMakeRange(i, length - i)];
NSNumber *style = [attrs objectForKey: NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName];
if (style) {
WebKit::WebColor color = SK_ColorBLACK;
if (NSColor *colorAttr =
[attrs objectForKey:NSUnderlineColorAttributeName]) {
color = WebColorFromNSColor(
[colorAttr colorUsingColorSpaceName:NSDeviceRGBColorSpace]);
range.location, NSMaxRange(range), color, [style intValue] > 1));
i = range.location + range.length;
} // namespace
extern "C" {
extern NSString* NSTextInputReplacementRangeAttributeName;
@implementation CefTextInputClientOSRMac
@synthesize selectedRange = selectedRange_;
@synthesize handlingKeyDown = handlingKeyDown_;
- (id)initWithRenderWidgetHostViewOSR:(CefRenderWidgetHostViewOSR*)rwhv {
self = [super init];
renderWidgetHostView_ = rwhv;
return self;
- (NSArray*)validAttributesForMarkedText {
if (!validAttributesForMarkedText_) {
validAttributesForMarkedText_.reset([[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:
return validAttributesForMarkedText_.get();
- (NSRange)markedRange {
return hasMarkedText_ ? markedRange_ : NSMakeRange(NSNotFound, 0);
- (BOOL)hasMarkedText {
return hasMarkedText_;
- (void)insertText:(id)aString replacementRange:(NSRange)replacementRange {
BOOL isAttributedString = [aString isKindOfClass:[NSAttributedString class]];
NSString* im_text = isAttributedString ? [aString string] : aString;
if (handlingKeyDown_) {
} else {
gfx::Range replacement_range(replacementRange);
base::SysNSStringToUTF16(im_text), replacement_range, false);
// Inserting text will delete all marked text automatically.
hasMarkedText_ = NO;
- (void)doCommandBySelector:(SEL)aSelector {
// An input method calls this function to dispatch an editing command to be
// handled by this view.
if (aSelector == @selector(noop:))
std::string command([content::RenderWidgetHostViewMacEditCommandHelper::
CommandNameForSelector(aSelector) UTF8String]);
// If this method is called when handling a key down event, then we need to
// handle the command in the key event handler. Otherwise we can just handle
// it here.
if (handlingKeyDown_) {
hasEditCommands_ = YES;
// We ignore commands that insert characters, because this was causing
// strange behavior (e.g. tab always inserted a tab rather than moving to
// the next field on the page).
if (!StartsWithASCII(command, "insert", false))
editCommands_.push_back(content::EditCommand(command, ""));
} else {
new InputMsg_ExecuteEditCommand(
GetRoutingID(), command, ""));
- (void)setMarkedText:(id)aString selectedRange:(NSRange)newSelRange
replacementRange:(NSRange)replacementRange {
// An input method updates the composition string.
// We send the given text and range to the renderer so it can update the
// composition node of WebKit.
BOOL isAttributedString = [aString isKindOfClass:[NSAttributedString class]];
NSString* im_text = isAttributedString ? [aString string] : aString;
int length = [im_text length];
// |markedRange_| will get set on a callback from ImeSetComposition().
selectedRange_ = newSelRange;
markedText_ = base::SysNSStringToUTF16(im_text);
hasMarkedText_ = (length > 0);
if (isAttributedString) {
ExtractUnderlines(aString, &underlines_);
} else {
// Use a thin black underline by default.
underlines_.push_back(WebKit::WebCompositionUnderline(0, length,
SK_ColorBLACK, false));
// If we are handling a key down event, then SetComposition() will be
// called in keyEvent: method.
// Input methods of Mac use setMarkedText calls with an empty text to cancel
// an ongoing composition. So, we should check whether or not the given text
// is empty to update the input method state. (Our input method backend can
// automatically cancels an ongoing composition when we send an empty text.
// So, it is OK to send an empty text to the renderer.)
if (!handlingKeyDown_) {
markedText_, underlines_, newSelRange.location,
- (void)unmarkText {
// Delete the composition node of the renderer and finish an ongoing
// composition.
// It seems an input method calls the setMarkedText method and set an empty
// text when it cancels an ongoing composition, i.e. I have never seen an
// input method calls this method.
hasMarkedText_ = NO;
// If we are handling a key down event, then ConfirmComposition() will be
// called in keyEvent: method.
if (!handlingKeyDown_) {
ImeConfirmComposition(string16(), gfx::Range::InvalidRange(), false);
} else {
unmarkTextCalled_ = YES;
- (NSAttributedString *)attributedSubstringForProposedRange:(NSRange)range
actualRange:(NSRangePointer)actualRange {
if (actualRange)
*actualRange = range;
NSAttributedString* str = content::TextInputClientMac::GetInstance()->
renderWidgetHostView_->GetRenderWidgetHost(), range);
return str;
- (NSRect)firstViewRectForCharacterRange:(NSRange)theRange
actualRange:(NSRangePointer)actualRange {
NSRect rect;
gfx::Rect gfxRect;
gfx::Range range(theRange);
gfx::Range actual_range;
if (!renderWidgetHostView_->GetCachedFirstRectForCharacterRange(range,
&gfxRect, &actual_range)) {
rect = content::TextInputClientMac::GetInstance()->
if (actualRange)
*actualRange = range.ToNSRange();
} else {
rect = NSRectFromCGRect(gfxRect.ToCGRect());
return rect;
- (NSRect) screenRectFromViewRect:(NSRect)rect {
NSRect screenRect;
int screenX, screenY;
rect.origin.x, rect.origin.y, screenX, screenY);
screenRect.origin = NSMakePoint(screenX, screenY);
screenRect.size = rect.size;
return screenRect;
- (NSRect)firstRectForCharacterRange:(NSRange)theRange
actualRange:(NSRangePointer)actualRange {
NSRect rect = [self firstViewRectForCharacterRange:theRange
// Convert into screen coordinates for return.
rect = [self screenRectFromViewRect:rect];
if (rect.origin.y >= rect.size.height)
rect.origin.y -= rect.size.height;
rect.origin.y = 0;
return rect;
- (NSUInteger)characterIndexForPoint:(NSPoint)thePoint {
// |thePoint| is in screen coordinates, but needs to be converted to WebKit
// coordinates (upper left origin). Scroll offsets will be taken care of in
// the renderer.
CefRect view_rect;
thePoint.x -= view_rect.x;
thePoint.y -= view_rect.y;
thePoint.y = view_rect.height - thePoint.y;
NSUInteger index = content::TextInputClientMac::GetInstance()->
gfx::Point(thePoint.x, thePoint.y));
return index;
- (void)HandleKeyEventBeforeTextInputClient:(NSEvent*)keyEvent {
DCHECK([keyEvent type] == NSKeyDown);
// Don't call this method recursively.
oldHasMarkedText_ = hasMarkedText_;
handlingKeyDown_ = YES;
// These variables might be set when handling the keyboard event.
// Clear them here so that we can know whether they have changed afterwards.
unmarkTextCalled_ = NO;
hasEditCommands_ = NO;
- (void)HandleKeyEventAfterTextInputClient:(NSEvent*)keyEvent {
handlingKeyDown_ = NO;
// Then send keypress and/or composition related events.
// If there was a marked text or the text to be inserted is longer than 1
// character, then we send the text by calling ConfirmComposition().
// Otherwise, if the text to be inserted only contains 1 character, then we
// can just send a keypress event which is fabricated by changing the type of
// the keydown event, so that we can retain all necessary informations, such
// as unmodifiedText, etc. And we need to set event.skip_in_browser to true to
// prevent the browser from handling it again.
// Note that, |textToBeInserted_| is a UTF-16 string, but it's fine to only
// handle BMP characters here, as we can always insert non-BMP characters as
// text.
if (!hasMarkedText_ && !oldHasMarkedText_ &&
textToBeInserted_.length() <= 1) {
content::NativeWebKeyboardEvent event(keyEvent);
if (textToBeInserted_.length() == 1) {
event.type = WebKit::WebInputEvent::Type::Char;
event.text[0] = textToBeInserted_[0];
event.text[1] = 0;
BOOL textInserted = NO;
if (textToBeInserted_.length() >
((hasMarkedText_ || oldHasMarkedText_) ? 0u : 1u)) {
textToBeInserted_, gfx::Range::InvalidRange(), false);
textToBeInserted_ = YES;
// Updates or cancels the composition. If some text has been inserted, then
// we don't need to cancel the composition explicitly.
if (hasMarkedText_ && markedText_.length()) {
// Sends the updated marked text to the renderer so it can update the
// composition node in WebKit.
// When marked text is available, |selectedRange_| will be the range being
// selected inside the marked text.
markedText_, underlines_, selectedRange_.location,
} else if (oldHasMarkedText_ && !hasMarkedText_ && !textInserted) {
if (unmarkTextCalled_) {
ImeConfirmComposition(string16(), gfx::Range::InvalidRange(), false);
} else {
- (void)cancelComposition {
if (!hasMarkedText_)
// Cancel the ongoing composition. [NSInputManager markedTextAbandoned:]
// doesn't call any NSTextInput functions, such as setMarkedText or
// insertText. So, we need to send an IPC message to a renderer so it can
// delete the composition node.
NSInputManager *currentInputManager = [NSInputManager currentInputManager];
[currentInputManager markedTextAbandoned:self];
hasMarkedText_ = NO;
// Should not call [self unmarkText] here, because it'll send unnecessary
// cancel composition IPC message to the renderer.