
563 lines
23 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Embedded Framework Authors.
// Portions copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <map>
#include <queue>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "include/cef_browser.h"
#include "include/cef_client.h"
#include "include/cef_frame.h"
#include "libcef/browser/frame_host_impl.h"
#include "libcef/browser/javascript_dialog_manager.h"
#include "libcef/browser/menu_creator.h"
#include "libcef/common/response_manager.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "content/public/browser/notification_observer.h"
#include "content/public/browser/notification_registrar.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_delegate.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_observer.h"
#include "content/public/common/file_chooser_params.h"
namespace content {
struct NativeWebKeyboardEvent;
namespace WebKit {
class WebMouseEvent;
class WebMouseWheelEvent;
class WebInputEvent;
namespace net {
class URLRequest;
struct Cef_Request_Params;
struct Cef_Response_Params;
class CefBrowserInfo;
struct CefNavigateParams;
class SiteInstance;
// Implementation of CefBrowser.
// WebContentsDelegate: Interface for handling WebContents delegations. There is
// a one-to-one relationship between CefBrowserHostImpl and WebContents
// instances.
// WebContentsObserver: Interface for observing WebContents notifications and
// IPC messages. There is a one-to-one relationship between WebContents and
// RenderViewHost instances. IPC messages received by the RenderViewHost will be
// forwarded to this WebContentsObserver implementation via WebContents. IPC
// messages sent using CefBrowserHostImpl::Send() will be forwarded to the
// RenderViewHost (after posting to the UI thread if necessary). Use
// WebContentsObserver::routing_id() when sending IPC messages.
// NotificationObserver: Interface for observing post-processed notifications.
class CefBrowserHostImpl : public CefBrowserHost,
public CefBrowser,
public content::WebContentsDelegate,
public content::WebContentsObserver,
public content::NotificationObserver {
// Used for handling the response to command messages.
class CommandResponseHandler : public virtual CefBase {
virtual void OnResponse(const std::string& response) =0;
virtual ~CefBrowserHostImpl();
// Create a new CefBrowserHostImpl instance.
static CefRefPtr<CefBrowserHostImpl> Create(
const CefWindowInfo& window_info,
const CefBrowserSettings& settings,
CefRefPtr<CefClient> client,
content::WebContents* web_contents,
scoped_refptr<CefBrowserInfo> browser_info,
CefWindowHandle opener,
CefRefPtr<CefRequestContext> request_context);
// Returns the browser associated with the specified RenderViewHost.
static CefRefPtr<CefBrowserHostImpl> GetBrowserForHost(
const content::RenderViewHost* host);
// Returns the browser associated with the specified WebContents.
static CefRefPtr<CefBrowserHostImpl> GetBrowserForContents(
content::WebContents* contents);
// Returns the browser associated with the specified URLRequest.
static CefRefPtr<CefBrowserHostImpl> GetBrowserForRequest(
net::URLRequest* request);
// Returns the browser associated with the specified routing IDs.
static CefRefPtr<CefBrowserHostImpl> GetBrowserByRoutingID(
int render_process_id, int render_view_id);
// Returns true if window rendering is disabled in CefWindowInfo.
static bool IsWindowRenderingDisabled(const CefWindowInfo& info);
// CefBrowserHost methods.
virtual CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> GetBrowser() OVERRIDE;
virtual void CloseBrowser(bool force_close) OVERRIDE;
virtual void ParentWindowWillClose() OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetFocus(bool enable) OVERRIDE;
virtual CefWindowHandle GetWindowHandle() OVERRIDE;
virtual CefWindowHandle GetOpenerWindowHandle() OVERRIDE;
virtual CefRefPtr<CefClient> GetClient() OVERRIDE;
virtual CefRefPtr<CefRequestContext> GetRequestContext() OVERRIDE;
virtual CefString GetDevToolsURL(bool http_scheme) OVERRIDE;
virtual double GetZoomLevel() OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetZoomLevel(double zoomLevel) OVERRIDE;
virtual void RunFileDialog(
FileDialogMode mode,
const CefString& title,
const CefString& default_file_name,
const std::vector<CefString>& accept_types,
CefRefPtr<CefRunFileDialogCallback> callback) OVERRIDE;
virtual void StartDownload(const CefString& url) OVERRIDE;
virtual void Print() OVERRIDE;
virtual void Find(int identifier, const CefString& searchText,
bool forward, bool matchCase, bool findNext) OVERRIDE;
virtual void StopFinding(bool clearSelection) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetMouseCursorChangeDisabled(bool disabled) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool IsMouseCursorChangeDisabled() OVERRIDE;
virtual bool IsWindowRenderingDisabled() OVERRIDE;
virtual void WasResized() OVERRIDE;
virtual void WasHidden(bool hidden) OVERRIDE;
virtual void NotifyScreenInfoChanged() OVERRIDE;
virtual void Invalidate(const CefRect& dirtyRect,
PaintElementType type) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SendKeyEvent(const CefKeyEvent& event) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SendMouseClickEvent(const CefMouseEvent& event,
MouseButtonType type,
bool mouseUp, int clickCount) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SendMouseMoveEvent(const CefMouseEvent& event,
bool mouseLeave) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SendMouseWheelEvent(const CefMouseEvent& event,
int deltaX, int deltaY) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SendFocusEvent(bool setFocus) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SendCaptureLostEvent() OVERRIDE;
virtual CefTextInputContext GetNSTextInputContext() OVERRIDE;
virtual void HandleKeyEventBeforeTextInputClient(CefEventHandle keyEvent)
virtual void HandleKeyEventAfterTextInputClient(CefEventHandle keyEvent)
// CefBrowser methods.
virtual CefRefPtr<CefBrowserHost> GetHost() OVERRIDE;
virtual bool CanGoBack() OVERRIDE;
virtual void GoBack() OVERRIDE;
virtual bool CanGoForward() OVERRIDE;
virtual void GoForward() OVERRIDE;
virtual bool IsLoading() OVERRIDE;
virtual void Reload() OVERRIDE;
virtual void ReloadIgnoreCache() OVERRIDE;
virtual void StopLoad() OVERRIDE;
virtual int GetIdentifier() OVERRIDE;
virtual bool IsSame(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> that) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool IsPopup() OVERRIDE;
virtual bool HasDocument() OVERRIDE;
virtual CefRefPtr<CefFrame> GetMainFrame() OVERRIDE;
virtual CefRefPtr<CefFrame> GetFocusedFrame() OVERRIDE;
virtual CefRefPtr<CefFrame> GetFrame(int64 identifier) OVERRIDE;
virtual CefRefPtr<CefFrame> GetFrame(const CefString& name) OVERRIDE;
virtual size_t GetFrameCount() OVERRIDE;
virtual void GetFrameIdentifiers(std::vector<int64>& identifiers) OVERRIDE;
virtual void GetFrameNames(std::vector<CefString>& names) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool SendProcessMessage(
CefProcessId target_process,
CefRefPtr<CefProcessMessage> message) OVERRIDE;
// Called when the OS window hosting the browser is destroyed.
void WindowDestroyed();
// Destroy the browser members. This method should only be called after the
// native browser window is not longer processing messages.
void DestroyBrowser();
// Returns the native view for the WebContents.
gfx::NativeView GetContentView() const;
// Returns a pointer to the WebContents.
content::WebContents* GetWebContents() const;
// Returns the frame associated with the specified URLRequest.
CefRefPtr<CefFrame> GetFrameForRequest(net::URLRequest* request);
// Navigate as specified by the |params| argument.
void Navigate(const CefNavigateParams& params);
// Load the specified request.
void LoadRequest(int64 frame_id, CefRefPtr<CefRequest> request);
// Load the specified URL.
void LoadURL(int64 frame_id,
const std::string& url,
const content::Referrer& referrer,
content::PageTransition transition,
const std::string& extra_headers);
// Load the specified string.
void LoadString(int64 frame_id, const std::string& string,
const std::string& url);
// Send a command to the renderer for execution.
void SendCommand(int64 frame_id, const std::string& command,
CefRefPtr<CefResponseManager::Handler> responseHandler);
// Send code to the renderer for execution.
void SendCode(int64 frame_id, bool is_javascript, const std::string& code,
const std::string& script_url, int script_start_line,
CefRefPtr<CefResponseManager::Handler> responseHandler);
bool SendProcessMessage(CefProcessId target_process,
const std::string& name,
base::ListValue* arguments,
bool user_initiated);
// Open the specified text in the default text editor.
bool ViewText(const std::string& text);
// Handler for URLs involving external protocols.
void HandleExternalProtocol(const GURL& url);
// Thread safe accessors.
const CefBrowserSettings& settings() const { return settings_; }
CefRefPtr<CefClient> client() const { return client_; }
int browser_id() const;
// Returns the URL that is currently loading (or loaded) in the main frame.
GURL GetLoadingURL();
bool IsTransparent();
#if defined(OS_WIN)
static void RegisterWindowClass();
void OnSetFocus(cef_focus_source_t source);
// The argument vector will be empty if the dialog was cancelled.
typedef base::Callback<void(const std::vector<base::FilePath>&)>
// Run the file chooser dialog specified by |params|. Only a single dialog may
// be pending at any given time. |callback| will be executed asynchronously
// after the dialog is dismissed or if another dialog is already pending.
void RunFileChooser(const content::FileChooserParams& params,
const RunFileChooserCallback& callback);
// Used when creating a new popup window.
struct PendingPopupInfo {
CefWindowInfo window_info;
CefBrowserSettings settings;
CefRefPtr<CefClient> client;
// Returns false if a popup is already pending.
bool SetPendingPopupInfo(scoped_ptr<PendingPopupInfo> info);
enum DestructionState {
DestructionState destruction_state() const { return destruction_state_; }
// content::WebContentsDelegate methods.
virtual content::WebContents* OpenURLFromTab(
content::WebContents* source,
const content::OpenURLParams& params) OVERRIDE;
virtual void LoadingStateChanged(content::WebContents* source) OVERRIDE;
virtual void CloseContents(content::WebContents* source) OVERRIDE;
virtual void UpdateTargetURL(content::WebContents* source,
int32 page_id,
const GURL& url) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool AddMessageToConsole(content::WebContents* source,
int32 level,
const string16& message,
int32 line_no,
const string16& source_id) OVERRIDE;
virtual void BeforeUnloadFired(content::WebContents* source,
bool proceed,
bool* proceed_to_fire_unload) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool TakeFocus(content::WebContents* source,
bool reverse) OVERRIDE;
virtual void WebContentsFocused(content::WebContents* contents) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool HandleContextMenu(const content::ContextMenuParams& params)
virtual bool PreHandleKeyboardEvent(
content::WebContents* source,
const content::NativeWebKeyboardEvent& event,
bool* is_keyboard_shortcut) OVERRIDE;
virtual void HandleKeyboardEvent(
content::WebContents* source,
const content::NativeWebKeyboardEvent& event) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool CanDragEnter(
content::WebContents* source,
const content::DropData& data,
WebKit::WebDragOperationsMask operations_allowed) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool ShouldCreateWebContents(
content::WebContents* web_contents,
int route_id,
WindowContainerType window_container_type,
const string16& frame_name,
const GURL& target_url,
const std::string& partition_id,
content::SessionStorageNamespace* session_storage_namespace) OVERRIDE;
virtual void WebContentsCreated(content::WebContents* source_contents,
int64 source_frame_id,
const string16& frame_name,
const GURL& target_url,
content::WebContents* new_contents) OVERRIDE;
virtual void DidNavigateMainFramePostCommit(
content::WebContents* tab) OVERRIDE;
virtual content::JavaScriptDialogManager* GetJavaScriptDialogManager()
virtual void RunFileChooser(
content::WebContents* tab,
const content::FileChooserParams& params) OVERRIDE;
virtual void UpdatePreferredSize(content::WebContents* source,
const gfx::Size& pref_size) OVERRIDE;
virtual void RequestMediaAccessPermission(
content::WebContents* web_contents,
const content::MediaStreamRequest& request,
const content::MediaResponseCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;
// content::WebContentsObserver methods.
using content::WebContentsObserver::BeforeUnloadFired;
using content::WebContentsObserver::WasHidden;
virtual void RenderViewCreated(
content::RenderViewHost* render_view_host) OVERRIDE;
virtual void RenderViewDeleted(
content::RenderViewHost* render_view_host) OVERRIDE;
virtual void RenderViewReady() OVERRIDE;
virtual void RenderProcessGone(base::TerminationStatus status) OVERRIDE;
virtual void DidCommitProvisionalLoadForFrame(
int64 frame_id,
bool is_main_frame,
const GURL& url,
content::PageTransition transition_type,
content::RenderViewHost* render_view_host) OVERRIDE;
virtual void DidFailProvisionalLoad(
int64 frame_id,
bool is_main_frame,
const GURL& validated_url,
int error_code,
const string16& error_description,
content::RenderViewHost* render_view_host) OVERRIDE;
virtual void DocumentAvailableInMainFrame() OVERRIDE;
virtual void DidFailLoad(int64 frame_id,
const GURL& validated_url,
bool is_main_frame,
int error_code,
const string16& error_description,
content::RenderViewHost* render_view_host) OVERRIDE;
virtual void PluginCrashed(const base::FilePath& plugin_path,
base::ProcessId plugin_pid) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message) OVERRIDE;
// Override to provide a thread safe implementation.
virtual bool Send(IPC::Message* message) OVERRIDE;
// content::WebContentsObserver::OnMessageReceived() message handlers.
void OnFrameIdentified(int64 frame_id, int64 parent_frame_id, string16 name);
void OnDidFinishLoad(
int64 frame_id,
const GURL& validated_url,
bool is_main_frame,
int http_status_code);
void OnLoadingURLChange(const GURL& pending_url);
void OnRequest(const Cef_Request_Params& params);
void OnResponse(const Cef_Response_Params& params);
void OnResponseAck(int request_id);
// content::NotificationObserver methods.
virtual void Observe(int type,
const content::NotificationSource& source,
const content::NotificationDetails& details) OVERRIDE;
CefBrowserHostImpl(const CefWindowInfo& window_info,
const CefBrowserSettings& settings,
CefRefPtr<CefClient> client,
content::WebContents* web_contents,
scoped_refptr<CefBrowserInfo> browser_info,
CefWindowHandle opener);
// Updates and returns an existing frame or creates a new frame. Pass
// CefFrameHostImpl::kUnspecifiedFrameId for |parent_frame_id| if unknown.
CefRefPtr<CefFrame> GetOrCreateFrame(int64 frame_id,
int64 parent_frame_id,
bool is_main_frame,
string16 frame_name,
const GURL& frame_url);
// Remove the reference to the frame and mark it as detached.
void DetachFrame(int64 frame_id);
// Remove the references to all frames and mark them as detached.
void DetachAllFrames();
// Set the frame that currently has focus.
void SetFocusedFrame(int64 frame_id);
#if defined(OS_WIN)
static LPCTSTR GetWndClass();
static LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT message,
WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
// Create the window.
bool PlatformCreateWindow();
// Sends a message via the OS to close the native browser window.
// DestroyBrowser will be called after the native window has closed.
void PlatformCloseWindow();
// Resize the window to the given dimensions.
void PlatformSizeTo(int width, int height);
// Return the handle for this window.
CefWindowHandle PlatformGetWindowHandle();
// Open the specified text in the default text editor.
bool PlatformViewText(const std::string& text);
// Forward the keyboard event to the application or frame window to allow
// processing of shortcut keys.
void PlatformHandleKeyboardEvent(
const content::NativeWebKeyboardEvent& event);
// Invoke platform specific handling for the external protocol.
void PlatformHandleExternalProtocol(const GURL& url);
// Invoke platform specific file chooser dialog.
void PlatformRunFileChooser(const content::FileChooserParams& params,
RunFileChooserCallback callback);
void PlatformTranslateKeyEvent(content::NativeWebKeyboardEvent& native_event,
const CefKeyEvent& key_event);
void PlatformTranslateClickEvent(WebKit::WebMouseEvent& web_event,
const CefMouseEvent& mouse_event,
CefBrowserHost::MouseButtonType type,
bool mouseUp, int clickCount);
void PlatformTranslateMoveEvent(WebKit::WebMouseEvent& web_event,
const CefMouseEvent& mouse_event,
bool mouseLeave);
void PlatformTranslateWheelEvent(WebKit::WebMouseWheelEvent& web_event,
const CefMouseEvent& mouse_event,
int deltaX, int deltaY);
void PlatformTranslateMouseEvent(WebKit::WebMouseEvent& web_event,
const CefMouseEvent& mouse_event);
int TranslateModifiers(uint32 cefKeyStates);
void SendMouseEvent(const WebKit::WebMouseEvent& web_event);
void OnAddressChange(CefRefPtr<CefFrame> frame,
const GURL& url);
void OnLoadStart(CefRefPtr<CefFrame> frame,
const GURL& url,
content::PageTransition transition_type);
void OnLoadError(CefRefPtr<CefFrame> frame,
const GURL& url,
int error_code,
const string16& error_description);
void OnLoadEnd(CefRefPtr<CefFrame> frame,
const GURL& url,
int http_status_code);
// Continuation from RunFileChooser.
void RunFileChooserOnUIThread(const content::FileChooserParams& params,
const RunFileChooserCallback& callback);
// Used with RunFileChooser to clear the |file_chooser_pending_| flag.
void OnRunFileChooserCallback(const RunFileChooserCallback& callback,
const std::vector<base::FilePath>& file_paths);
// Used with WebContentsDelegate::RunFileChooser to notify the WebContents.
void OnRunFileChooserDelegateCallback(
content::WebContents* tab,
content::FileChooserParams::Mode mode,
const std::vector<base::FilePath>& file_paths);
CefWindowInfo window_info_;
CefBrowserSettings settings_;
CefRefPtr<CefClient> client_;
scoped_ptr<content::WebContents> web_contents_;
scoped_refptr<CefBrowserInfo> browser_info_;
CefWindowHandle opener_;
CefRefPtr<CefRequestContext> request_context_;
// Pending popup information. Access must be protected by
// |pending_popup_info_lock_|.
base::Lock pending_popup_info_lock_;
scoped_ptr<PendingPopupInfo> pending_popup_info_;
// Volatile state information. All access must be protected by the state lock.
base::Lock state_lock_;
bool is_loading_;
bool can_go_back_;
bool can_go_forward_;
bool has_document_;
GURL loading_url_;
CefString devtools_url_http_;
CefString devtools_url_chrome_;
// Messages we queue while waiting for the RenderView to be ready. We queue
// them here instead of in the RenderProcessHost to ensure that they're sent
// after the CefRenderViewObserver has been created on the renderer side.
std::queue<IPC::Message*> queued_messages_;
bool queue_messages_;
// Map of unique frame ids to CefFrameHostImpl references.
typedef std::map<int64, CefRefPtr<CefFrameHostImpl> > FrameMap;
FrameMap frames_;
// The unique frame id currently identified as the main frame.
int64 main_frame_id_;
// The unique frame id currently identified as the focused frame.
int64 focused_frame_id_;
// Used when no other frame exists. Provides limited functionality.
CefRefPtr<CefFrameHostImpl> placeholder_frame_;
// Represents the current browser destruction state. Only accessed on the UI
// thread.
DestructionState destruction_state_;
// True if the OS window hosting the browser has been destroyed. Only accessed
// on the UI thread.
bool window_destroyed_;
// True if currently in the OnSetFocus callback. Only accessed on the UI
// thread.
bool is_in_onsetfocus_;
// True if the focus is currently on an editable field on the page. Only
// accessed on the UI thread.
bool focus_on_editable_field_;
// True if mouse cursor change is disabled.
bool mouse_cursor_change_disabled_;
// Used for managing notification subscriptions.
scoped_ptr<content::NotificationRegistrar> registrar_;
// Manages response registrations.
scoped_ptr<CefResponseManager> response_manager_;
// Used for creating and managing JavaScript dialogs.
scoped_ptr<CefJavaScriptDialogManager> dialog_manager_;
// Used for creating and managing context menus.
scoped_ptr<CefMenuCreator> menu_creator_;
// True if a file chooser is currently pending.
bool file_chooser_pending_;
// Current title for the main frame. Only accessed on the UI thread.
string16 title_;