
294 lines
7.7 KiB

<title>Performance Tests</title>
body { font-family: Tahoma, Serif; font-size: 9pt; }
<h1>Performance Tests</h1>
<input type="button" value="Run Tests" onClick="run();" id="run"/> Filter: <input type="text" size="50" id="filters"/>
<div><span id="statusBox"></span> <progress id="progressBox" value="0" style="display:none"></progress></div>
<div style="padding-top:10px; padding-bottom:10px">
<table id="resultTable" border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4">
<td>Iterations per Run</td>
<td>Avg (ms)</td>
<td>Min (ms)</td>
<td>Max (ms)</td>
<td>StdDev (ms)</td>
<td>Runs (ms)</td>
<!-- result rows here -->
<hr width="80%">
Result 1: <input type="text" size="100" id="result1"/>
<br/>Result 2: <input type="text" size="100" id="result2"/>
<br/><input type="button" value="Compare" onClick="compare();" id="compare"/>
<div style="padding-top:10px; padding-bottom:10px">
<table id="compareTable" border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4">
<td>Result 1 Avg (ms)</td>
<td>Result 2 Avg (ms)</td>
<td>% Diff</td>
<!-- result rows here -->
<script type="text/javascript">
function run() {
var runElement = document.getElementById("run");
var filtersElement = document.getElementById("filters");
var compareElement = document.getElementById("compare");
var result1Element = document.getElementById("result1");
var result2Element = document.getElementById("result2");
// Number of runs for each test.
var testRuns = 10;
// Delay between test runs.
var runDelay = 0;
// Retrieve the list of all tests.
var allTests = window.GetPerfTests();
// Populated with the list of tests that will be run.
var tests = [];
var currentTest = 0;
var testList = filtersElement.value.trim();
if (testList.length > 0) {
// Include or exclude specific tests.
var included = [];
var excluded = [];
var testNames = testList.split(",");
// Identify included and excluded tests.
for (i = 0; i < testNames.length; ++i) {
var testName = testNames[i].trim();
if (testName[0] == '-') {
// Exclude the test.
} else {
// Include the test.
if (included.length > 0) {
// Only use the included tests.
for (i = 0; i < allTests.length; ++i) {
var test = allTests[i];
var testName = test[0];
if (included.indexOf(testName) >= 0)
} else if (excluded.length > 0) {
// Use all tests except the excluded tests.
for (i = 0; i < allTests.length; ++i) {
var test = allTests[i];
var testName = test[0];
if (excluded.indexOf(testName) < 0)
} else {
// Run all tests.
tests = allTests;
function updateStatusComplete() {
var statusBox = document.getElementById("statusBox");
statusBox.innerText = 'All tests completed.';
runElement.disabled = false;
filtersElement.disabled = false;
result1Element.disabled = false;
result2Element.disabled = false;
compareElement.disabled = false;
function updateStatus(test) {
var statusBox = document.getElementById("statusBox");
var progressBox = document.getElementById("progressBox");
if (test.run >= test.totalRuns) {
statusBox.innerText = test.name + " completed.";
progressBox.style.display = 'none';
} else {
statusBox.innerText = test.name + " (" + test.run + "/" + test.totalRuns + ")";
progressBox.value = (test.run / test.totalRuns);
progressBox.style.display = 'inline';
function appendResult(test) {
var e = document.getElementById("resultTable");
// Calculate the average.
var avg = test.total / test.totalRuns;
// Calculate the standard deviation.
var sqsum = 0;
for (i = 0; i < test.results.length; ++i) {
var diff = test.results[i] - avg;
sqsum += diff * diff;
var stddev = Math.round(Math.sqrt(sqsum / test.totalRuns) * 100.0) / 100.0;
e.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd", [
"<td>", test.name, "</td>",
"<td>", test.iterations, "</td>",
"<td>", avg, "</td>",
"<td>", test.min, "</td>",
"<td>", test.max, "</td>",
"<td>", stddev, "</td>",
"<td>", test.results.join(", "), "</td>",
if (result1Element.value.length > 0)
result1Element.value += ",";
result1Element.value += test.name + "=" + avg;
// Execute the test function.
function execTestFunc(name) {
return window.RunPerfTest(name);
// Schedule the next test.
function nextTest(test) {
// Schedule the next step for the current test.
function nextTestStep(test) {
setTimeout(function () { execTest(test); }, runDelay);
// Perform the next step for the current test.
function execTest(test) {
if (!test.warmedUp) {
test.warmedUp = true;
return nextTestStep(test);
if (test.run >= test.totalRuns)
return nextTest(test);
var elapsed = execTestFunc(test.name);
test.total += elapsed;
if (!test.min) test.min = elapsed;
else if (test.min > elapsed) test.min = elapsed;
if (!test.max) test.max = elapsed;
else if (test.max < elapsed) test.max = elapsed;
return nextTestStep(test);
function runTest() {
if (currentTest == tests.length) {
var test = {
name: tests[currentTest][0],
iterations: tests[currentTest][1],
warmedUp: false,
total: 0,
totalRuns: testRuns,
run: 0,
results: []
setTimeout(function () { execTest(test); }, runDelay);
// Schedule the first test.
if (tests.length > 0) {
runElement.disabled = true;
filtersElement.disabled = true;
result1Element.value = "";
result1Element.disabled = true;
result2Element.disabled = true;
compareElement.disabled = true;
function compare() {
var result1 = document.getElementById("result1").value.trim();
var result2 = document.getElementById("result2").value.trim();
if (result1.length == 0 || result2.length == 0)
var r1values = result1.split(",");
var r2values = result2.split(",");
for (i = 0; i < r1values.length; ++i) {
var r1parts = r1values[i].split("=");
var r1name = r1parts[0].trim();
var r1val = r1parts[1].trim();
for (x = 0; x < r2values.length; ++x) {
var r2parts = r2values[x].split("=");
var r2name = r2parts[0].trim();
var r2val = r2parts[1].trim();
if (r2name == r1name) {
appendResult(r1name, r1val, r2val);
// Remove the matching index.
r2values.splice(x, 1);
function appendResult(name, r1val, r2val) {
var e = document.getElementById("compareTable");
// Calculate the percent difference.
var diff = Math.round(((r2val - r1val) / r1val) * 10000.0) / 100.0;
e.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd", [
"<td>", name, "</td>",
"<td>", r1val, "</td>",
"<td>", r2val, "</td>",
"<td>", diff, "</td>",