
409 lines
14 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Embedded Framework Authors. All rights
// reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that
// can be found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <atomic>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "include/base/cef_callback.h"
#include "include/cef_browser.h"
#include "include/cef_client.h"
#include "include/cef_frame.h"
#include "include/cef_task.h"
#include "include/cef_waitable_event.h"
#include "tests/ceftests/thread_helper.h"
#include "tests/ceftests/track_callback.h"
#include "tests/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
class ResourceContent {
typedef std::multimap<std::string, std::string> HeaderMap;
ResourceContent(const std::string& content,
const std::string& mime_type,
const HeaderMap& header_map)
: content_(content), mime_type_(mime_type), header_map_(header_map) {}
const std::string& content() const { return content_; }
const std::string& mimeType() const { return mime_type_; }
const HeaderMap& headerMap() const { return header_map_; }
std::string content_;
std::string mime_type_;
HeaderMap header_map_;
// Base implementation of CefClient for unit tests. Add new interfaces as needed
// by test cases.
class TestHandler : public CefClient,
public CefDialogHandler,
public CefDisplayHandler,
public CefDownloadHandler,
public CefJSDialogHandler,
public CefLifeSpanHandler,
public CefLoadHandler,
public CefRequestHandler,
public CefResourceRequestHandler {
// Tracks the completion state of related test runs.
class CompletionState {
// |total| is the number of times that TestComplete() must be called before
// WaitForTests() will return.
explicit CompletionState(int total);
// Call this method to indicate that a test has completed.
void TestComplete();
// This method blocks until TestComplete() has been called the required
// number of times.
void WaitForTests();
int total() const { return total_; }
int count() const { return count_; }
int total_;
int count_;
// Handle used to notify when the test is complete
CefRefPtr<CefWaitableEvent> event_;
// Represents a collection of related tests that need to be run
// simultaniously.
class Collection {
// The |completion_state| object must outlive this class.
explicit Collection(CompletionState* completion_state);
// The |test_handler| object must outlive this class and it must share the
// same CompletionState object passed to the constructor.
void AddTestHandler(TestHandler* test_handler);
// Manages the test run.
// 1. Calls TestHandler::SetupTest() for all of the test objects.
// 2. Waits for all TestHandler objects to report that initial setup is
// complete by calling TestHandler::SetupComplete().
// 3. Calls TestHandler::RunTest() for all of the test objects.
// 4. Waits for all TestHandler objects to report that the test is
// complete by calling TestHandler::DestroyTest().
void ExecuteTests();
CompletionState* completion_state_;
typedef std::list<TestHandler*> TestHandlerList;
TestHandlerList handler_list_;
typedef std::map<int, CefRefPtr<CefBrowser>> BrowserMap;
// Helper for executing methods using WeakPtr references to TestHandler.
class UIThreadHelper {
// Pass in a |task| with an unretained reference to TestHandler. |task| will
// be executed only if TestHandler::DestroyTest has not yet been called.
// For example:
// GetUIThreadHelper()->PostTask(
// base::BindOnce(&TestHandler::DoSomething,
// base::Unretained(this)));
void PostTask(base::OnceClosure task);
void PostDelayedTask(base::OnceClosure task, int delay_ms);
void TaskHelper(base::OnceClosure task);
// Must be the last member.
base::WeakPtrFactory<UIThreadHelper> weak_ptr_factory_;
// The |completion_state| object if specified must outlive this class.
explicit TestHandler(CompletionState* completion_state = nullptr);
~TestHandler() override;
// Implement this method to set up the test. Only used in combination with a
// Collection. Call SetupComplete() once the setup is complete.
virtual void SetupTest() {}
// Implement this method to run the test. Call DestroyTest() once the test is
// complete.
virtual void RunTest() = 0;
// CefClient methods. Add new methods as needed by test cases.
CefRefPtr<CefDialogHandler> GetDialogHandler() override { return this; }
CefRefPtr<CefDisplayHandler> GetDisplayHandler() override { return this; }
CefRefPtr<CefDownloadHandler> GetDownloadHandler() override { return this; }
CefRefPtr<CefJSDialogHandler> GetJSDialogHandler() override { return this; }
CefRefPtr<CefLifeSpanHandler> GetLifeSpanHandler() override { return this; }
CefRefPtr<CefLoadHandler> GetLoadHandler() override { return this; }
CefRefPtr<CefRequestHandler> GetRequestHandler() override { return this; }
// CefDownloadHandler methods
void OnBeforeDownload(
CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,
CefRefPtr<CefDownloadItem> download_item,
const CefString& suggested_name,
CefRefPtr<CefBeforeDownloadCallback> callback) override {}
// CefLifeSpanHandler methods
void OnAfterCreated(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser) override;
void OnBeforeClose(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser) override;
// CefRequestHandler methods
CefRefPtr<CefResourceRequestHandler> GetResourceRequestHandler(
CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,
CefRefPtr<CefFrame> frame,
CefRefPtr<CefRequest> request,
bool is_navigation,
bool is_download,
const CefString& request_initiator,
bool& disable_default_handling) override {
return this;
// CefResourceRequestHandler methods
CefRefPtr<CefResourceHandler> GetResourceHandler(
CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,
CefRefPtr<CefFrame> frame,
CefRefPtr<CefRequest> request) override;
void OnRenderProcessTerminated(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,
TerminationStatus status) override;
// These methods should only be used if at most one non-popup browser exists.
CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> GetBrowser() const;
int GetBrowserId() const;
// Copies the map of all the currently existing browsers into |map|. Must be
// called on the UI thread.
void GetAllBrowsers(BrowserMap* map);
// Called by the test function to execute the test. This method blocks until
// the test is complete. Do not reference the object after this method
// returns. Do not use this method if the CompletionState object is shared by
// multiple handlers or when using a Collection object.
void ExecuteTest();
// Event that will be signaled from the TestHandler destructor.
// Used by ReleaseAndWaitForDestructor.
void SetDestroyEvent(CefRefPtr<CefWaitableEvent> event) {
destroy_event_ = event;
// If a test will not call DestroyTest() indicate so using this method.
void SetDestroyTestExpected(bool expected) {
destroy_test_expected_ = expected;
// Called from TestWindowDelegate when Views is enabled.
void OnWindowCreated(int browser_id);
void OnWindowDestroyed(int browser_id);
// Returns true if a TestHandler currently exists.
static bool HasTestHandler() {
return test_handler_count_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) > 0U;
std::string debug_string_prefix() const { return debug_string_prefix_; }
// Indicate that test setup is complete. Only used in combination with a
// Collection.
virtual void SetupComplete();
// Close any remaining browsers. This may result in a call to TestComplete(),
// depending on the configuration of SetSignalCompletionCount().
virtual void DestroyTest();
// Called on the UI thread if the test times out as a result of calling
// SetTestTimeout(). Calls DestroyTest() by default.
virtual void OnTestTimeout(int timeout_ms, bool treat_as_error);
void CreateBrowser(const CefString& url,
CefRefPtr<CefRequestContext> request_context = nullptr,
CefRefPtr<CefDictionaryValue> extra_info = nullptr);
static void CloseBrowser(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser, bool force_close);
void AddResource(const std::string& url,
const std::string& content,
const std::string& mime_type,
const ResourceContent::HeaderMap& header_map = {});
void AddResourceEx(const std::string& url, const ResourceContent& content);
void ClearResources();
// Specify the number of times that SignalTestCompletion() needs to be
// explicitly called for test completion. Must be configured during test
// initialization before any browsers are created.
// - If the test creates browsers and does not explicitly call
// SignalTestCompletion() then the default value (0) can be used.
// - If the test creates browsers and explicitly calls SignalTestCompletion()
// then set a value >= 1.
// - If the test does not create browsers then it must explicitly call
// SignalTestCompletion() and set a value >= 1.
void SetSignalTestCompletionCount(size_t count);
// Explicitly signal test completion a single time. Used in combination with
// SetSignalTestCompletionCount(). Results in a call to TestComplete() if
// all browsers have closed and this method has been called the expected
// number of times.
void SignalTestCompletion();
// Returns true if SignalTestCompletion() has been called the necessary
// number of times (may be 0), in which case TestComplete() will be called
// automatically when all browsers have closed. Must be called on the
// UI thread.
bool AllowTestCompletionWhenAllBrowsersClose() const;
// Returns true if all browsers have closed. Must be called on the UI
// thread.
bool AllBrowsersClosed() const;
// Call OnTestTimeout() after the specified amount of time.
void SetTestTimeout(int timeout_ms = 5000, bool treat_as_error = true);
// Call prior to CreateBrowser() to configure whether browsers will be created
// as Views-hosted. Defaults to false unless the `--use-views` command-line
// flag is specified.
void SetUseViews(bool use_views);
// Returns the single UIThreadHelper instance, creating it if necessary. Must
// be called on the UI thread.
UIThreadHelper* GetUIThreadHelper();
void MaybeTestComplete();
// Complete the test. It is an error to call this method before all browsers
// have closed.
void TestComplete();
enum NotifyType {
void OnCreated(int browser_id, NotifyType type, bool views_hosted);
void OnClosed(int browser_id, NotifyType type);
std::string MakeDebugStringPrefix() const;
const std::string debug_string_prefix_;
// Used to notify when the test is complete. Can be accessed on any thread.
CompletionState* completion_state_;
bool completion_state_owned_;
bool use_views_;
// Map of browser ID to browser object. Only accessed on the UI thread.
BrowserMap browser_map_;
struct NotifyStatus {
// True if this particular browser window is Views-hosted (see SetUseViews).
// Some tests create popup or DevTools windows with default handling (e.g.
// not Views-hosted).
bool views_hosted;
// Keyed by NotifyType.
TrackCallback got_created[2];
TrackCallback got_closed[2];
// Map of browser ID to current status. Only accessed on the UI thread.
std::map<int, NotifyStatus> browser_status_map_;
// Values for the first created browser. Modified on the UI thread but can be
// accessed on any thread.
int first_browser_id_ = 0;
CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> first_browser_;
// Map of resources that can be automatically loaded. Only accessed on the
// IO thread.
typedef std::map<std::string, ResourceContent> ResourceMap;
ResourceMap resource_map_;
// Number of times that SignalTestCompletion() must be called.
size_t signal_completion_count_ = 0U;
CefRefPtr<CefWaitableEvent> destroy_event_;
// Tracks whether OnTestTimeout() has been called.
bool test_timeout_called_ = false;
// Tracks whether DestroyTest() is expected or has been called.
bool destroy_test_expected_ = true;
bool destroy_test_called_ = false;
std::unique_ptr<UIThreadHelper> ui_thread_helper_;
// Used to track the number of currently existing TestHandlers.
static std::atomic<size_t> test_handler_count_;
// Release |handler| and wait for the destructor to be called.
// This function is used to avoid test state leakage and to verify that
// all Handler references have been released on test completion.
template <typename T>
void ReleaseAndWaitForDestructor(CefRefPtr<T>& handler, int delay_ms = 2000) {
CefRefPtr<CefWaitableEvent> event =
CefWaitableEvent::CreateWaitableEvent(true, false);
T* _handler_ptr = handler.get();
handler = nullptr;
bool handler_destructed = event->TimedWait(delay_ms);
if (!handler_destructed) {
// |event| is a stack variable so clear the reference before returning.
// Returns true if the currently running test has failed.
bool TestFailed();
// Helper macros for executing checks in a method with a boolean return value.
// For example:
// bool VerifyVals(bool a, bool b) {
// V_RETURN();
// }
// EXPECT_TRUE(VerifyVals(true, false));
#define V_DECLARE() \
bool __verify = true; \
bool __result
#define V_RETURN() return __verify
#define V_EXPECT_TRUE(condition) \
__result = !!(condition); \
__verify &= __result; \
GTEST_TEST_BOOLEAN_(__result, #condition, false, true, \
#define V_EXPECT_FALSE(condition) \
__result = !!(condition); \
__verify &= !__result; \
GTEST_TEST_BOOLEAN_(!(__result), #condition, true, false, \